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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • TerryWrist
    Free Member

    Mixed feelings as a Wales supporter not surprised by “winning” the wooden spoon, but can’t say the team were robbed, they’re just not good enough rather than choking or underperforming.

    Obviously jealous of Ireland success but feels a bit like the old English stereotype, team of public school boys, media going on about how opposition players wouldn’t get in the team, and arrogant fans assuming they have to just turn up to get WC and slams.

    Me, an actual Dragons fan, bitter about success? (or just winning a single game?). Surely not 😉

    Free Member

    You just seem to think I am “anti trans” or even a “transphobe” just because I am interested in understanding it.

    I’m calling you a transphobe. I don’t care if you identify as an impartial scientific observer who’s trying to understand it, you can do what you like in your home.

    Sorry, I don’t make the rules, I think we just have to judge people on what we reckon we can see, and ignore how the individual thinks of themsleves. Have I got that right? It’s just a label isn’t it, so doesn’t have any impact on how you feel so what’s the problem?

    (maybe you’re not a transphobe. I don’t know.Who do I check with? Russel Brand or Russel Howard was it?)

    Free Member

    This is peak boomer chat

    I was thinking about this the other day. When they were growing up some people wanted to be called Mr Smith, some were happy with you calling them by their first name, and quite often the name they used wasn’t their actual name, but something else , middle name ot whatever. They seemed to be able to cope with that so what’s the problem now with people choosing how you address them?

    Free Member

    Imagine, for the sake of an example, the Board of Directors are looking to hire a new Sales Director. You ask your colleague if they know if there has been any progress in filling the position, to which they reply

    “Yeah, they’ve hired a lady.”

    I’ve heard that in the olden days it would’ve been OK to say “yeah, they’ve hired a black fella”. Or worse. Now you can’t. well, you can, but it’s not acceptable. Except it is if the ethnicity of the person was part of the conversation. I don’t know, it’s so confusing.

    I’d just say they’ve hired someone, like a normal person would

    Free Member

    Thanks all, sounds like a good option and there’s nothing really similar for about that price?

    Free Member

    Sounds good so far, it’s difficult to see anything similar around that price

    Free Member

    I imagine that’s a similar image to my guts an hour after a phaal, rapidly cooling one end and red hot ring at the other

    Free Member

    Anyway, moving away from the point of the thread really

    Free Member

    Vit D. There’s *massive* correlation:

    University of Oxford review of the evidence says there isn’t. Bloke on the internet citing YouTube says there is.

    Who to believe?

    Free Member

    Does everyone reckon that their 20s was the best time for music?!

    No way, the best time is ALWAYS now. There’s all the good stuff from the old days you can listen to, and there’s still tons of good music. Don’t you still get that thrill when you hear something new?

    Free Member

    Can you not just leave a topic that applies to women, up to women to discuss and decide about?!


    Slightly fuller answer, I’m a straight white bloke, and I’ve changed my mind about racism, gender identity, sexuality and loads of stuff since the 80’s, mostly due to talking about it, discussing it and thinking how I’ve (usually) got things wrong. And how the ideas I was bought up with don’t fit with the way society is and should be.


    Free Member

    Oh, and faerie – I think what you’re doing is trying to make things better for people so please do keep doing it, I’ll try and be a big boy and not take it personally.

    Free Member

    This whole housework thing, the reason its winding people up (using the highly accurate “I reckon” method) is that men don’t do enough/do more than enough/just get on with it all at the same time and feel defensive about it – but how do you say that without being accused of or using privilege etc?

    Individual anecdote is not evidence, I know that, but in our house my wife does more. domestic stuff, keeps track of what the kids (both under 9) are doing in school and sorts out their appointments. She works part-time and is home just after 2.00. I leave the house at 7am and get home at 6.30. So it’s not practical for me to do the school shuttling/appointments unless its the weekend. And even then, loads of the kids things (parties/clubs) are also a social catch up for parents, mostly mums.

    Loads of times I offer to sort something out but get told I’ll do it wrong, or it’s not how it should be done. Stupid stuff like letting the kids choose their own outfits – I don’t care what they wear and find it funny if they go out with me looking daft but she worries about what other people think. That’s our personalities, not me pressing her as I’m a bloke. I’m northern, she’s from the home counties.

    I let her know I’ve done stuff in the house etc but worry that it looks like I’m expecting praise – I’m not, I’m being practical and communicating that one task is taken care of, don’t go and do it yourself anyway. Also there’s an expectation that I WANT to do something, rather than need to. I don’t care if the house is untidy (but clean) but she wants me to care – I put stuff away etc as I know it winds her up but I probably wouldn’t if I was on my own.

    I don’t do as much domestic stuff as I’m out more (at work). Before kids it was much more evenly spread as we’d get home similar time, I did more cooking, went to the supermarket together, and so on. Our situation changed.

    I feel guilty about it but its the practical solution. So when I see stuff about women shouldering the burden it annoys me as I’m constantly thinking I should do more, but can’t. I don’t expect my partner to do anything, but we have to make it work. I don’t think I’m unique here.

    It’s not fair that women get the burden (or take it on) but I’m pretty sure loads of blokes aren’t sitting there thinking women should, so men get defensive when challenged about it; as an individual they’re not making or expecting women to do anything. You shouldn’t shut up faerie, but

    how does personal experience debunk research into thousands of people?

    well, that’s sort of what I’m trying to express. I dunno, it’s all communication and nuance, and contradictions. Is MTB misogynistic, probably; is it full of misogynists, probably not. Is it a reflection of wider society, I guess, but as a middle-class middle-aged bloke I’m not misogynistic and get all hurt when it’s suggested I (as in men in general) am. But blokes are.

    Well, that really clears it up, doesn’t it.

    Free Member

    Report and delete my post quoting the ad if it’s contributing negatively (genuinely, don’t want to cause tdog any grief)

    Free Member

    Doesn’t seem too bad or bullying to me but hope tdog’s OK

    Free Member

    biggus dickus 18th May 2020 at 9:41 pm
    are you suggesting your xbox has a value of £750??

    Leave Reply

    tdog 18th May 2020 at 9:54 pm
    No new yes

    This is as new but had to put price

    Leave Reply

    tdog 18th May 2020 at 10:00 pm
    Have you an iphone for swap @ biggus dickus ?

    Leave Reply

    biggus dickus 18th May 2020 at 10:06 pm
    Yes, but I’m not sure I follow what
    “No new yes
    This is as new but had to put price” means?
    Whats sort of trade value do you suggest the xbox has?

    Leave Reply

    tdog 18th May 2020 at 10:54 pm
    Details of your iphone then we’ll discuss from there

    Leave Reply

    biggus dickus 19th May 2020 at 12:11 am
    64Gb iphone x mint condition

    Leave Reply

    biggus dickus 19th May 2020 at 12:11 am
    xbox x is worth £250 max, not sure about 750

    Leave Reply

    tdog 19th May 2020 at 12:33 am
    Yeah sure…

    Walk on then…

    Leave Reply

    biggus dickus 19th May 2020 at 1:26 am
    What makes you think anyone will pay more than 250 for an open xbox one x?
    look at prices on gumtree. console with games going for 250-300
    You think just because its ‘as new’? its second hand.

    You’re dreaming

    Leave Reply

    tdog 19th May 2020 at 1:35 am
    🤣 It was £750 new purchased by me direct from Microsoft UK only 4 1/2 months ago with a maximum of 2hrs use

    Comes with 5 decent games, a charge kit & 1 month Gold online code

    It’s not my fault you clearly cannot read
    Like I said, walk on by

    £455 couriered is what I am selling for
    Don’t like DO NOT COMMENT

    Was putting it out there in case anyone actually has an iphone wanting a swap

    Is that ok with you dear 👵🏼

    Leave Reply

    biggus dickus 19th May 2020 at 1:41 am
    I clearly cannot read? where in the description say what it comes with?

    455? you must be thick if you think that anyone will choose to pay that kind of money when there are plenty on gumtree with 5 games going for a lot less.

    Leave Reply

    tdog 19th May 2020 at 1:44 am
    Check ebay

    Or drop me your telephone number to discuss a deal

    Leave Reply

    biggus dickus 19th May 2020 at 2:02 am
    yeah have you not looked at ebay?

    I have. one sold yesterday with 16 games for 350

    I’m sure you’ll get 455

    Leave Reply

    tdog 19th May 2020 at 2:16 am
    Maybe though it’s not the exclusive HYPERSPACE version which mine is

    I’ll let the moderators deal with you

    Free Member

    can’t be bothered to support it.

    If someone wants to ride, they’ll ride. Gender or sexuality has got nothing to do with it.

    That sort of attitude won’t help widen participation, to increase diversity you need to take positive action.

    Problem is though, the majority of people just don’t care. About most issues with the “sport” as it’s so broad really. I don’t ride downhill, enduro or competitively so couldn’t care less about funding for racing. I’m never going to Scotland so don’t pay any attention to their access and how it’s better. Less people in the sport? Less people in trail centre car parks. No trail centres, I’ll ride cheeky trails.

    Doesn’t mean I want people to be put off, no way should gender, sexuality or ethnicity stop you from taking part. But equally, I’m not going to go out and do anything about it either. Which should make me feel bad, but doesn’t.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Sector 9 longboard but my internal monologue still thinks I’m about 25 and judges me. I’m nearly old enough to not care, but not quite.

    Free Member

    I’ve got tickets to the rugby on Saturday in Cardiff. I have to admit I’m a bit twitchy about it – had a cold for a week and a half and I’m diabetic so could do with delaying getting the virus. Legitimate concern or carry on as normal?

    Free Member

    Anyone thinking about 6N yet? Any predictions?

    Ireland have got their WC-choke out of the way so could be a good bet. Scotland too, tier 1 teams are in that post-WC rebuild so they could sneak past them?

    Free Member

    Can’t offer much advice I’m afraid but best not mention drums, of any sort.

    Free Member

    With such obvious hypocrisy like that, I’m definitely not voting for Frankie Boyle. Not sure of his constituency but clearly he’s a right joker.

    Free Member

    Another Lost Prophets/Watkins tale here. They appeared to support every band in TJs from 1999 to about 2001, so it was fairly impossible to not bump in to them. Watkins always seemed alright, one of the other band members was a right knob. Fairly worried that it shows I’m the worst judge of character ever in retrospect.

    Oh, and no danger of going back to listen to them because Debz is right, they were shit.

    Free Member

    Is he related to that famous Eddie? The one with all the lorries?

    Free Member

    Neighbourhood “watch”?

    Free Member

    kayla1, agree with you and think we should add people buying vans for leisure purposes (just ride your bike or use public transport) and shopping at Wiggle/online to the list too. Dicks.

    Free Member

    Cheap tarp isn’t a bad idea actually.

    Free Member

    Good point, but there are some on Amazon

    Free Member

    Just had a look at that Whisky hammer site, I’ve got a bottle of this—10-Year-Old-Speaker-Martin-Edition.html

    I think I might have to keep an eye on how much it goes for….

    Free Member

    Sorry – deliberate non-use of smiley – I thought it would be obvious that a 6yo would have no idea about being called out, and no idea that would be offensive (hence no ready made deflection story). Was taking the piss out of Terry Wrist’s post

    I’m not saying they’ve got a racist kid with a ready made excuse :roll:

    I’m just not sure a teacher would be teaching an obviously racist song in class. I don’t know how to break it to you but children aren’t always totally reliable when they’re telling you stuff. I had to let my Dad know that he was dead once, oldest kid (7)had been telling people his Grandad had died.

    Free Member

    Imagine singing the words “Hankey Pankey, Shanghai, Hankey panky, Shanghai” sang to the tune of happy birthday, whilst narrowing your eyes in a parody of a Chinaman, and then imagine that your kids teacher is teaching the kids that.

    Hang on – are we imagining this, or did it actually happen? As in, really happen, not just a 6 year old saying they’d learnt it from a teacher?

    Free Member

    Garry Glitter’s from the town I live in. Not sure that qualifies as good though.

    Free Member

    She is ill – and as a result has to inject herself with insulin five times a day

    You what? I’m diabetic and I’m not ill thank you. Although I only inject myself four times a day so maybe that’s the difference.

    Mind you I’d be a rubbish prime minister too, so it might be down to her knackered pancreas after all.

    Free Member

    I’m surprised you’re commenting about offence and being offended in a humorous way Solo, didn’t you have a little incident where other users got banned because you were upset by what they’d said about you?

    Seriously I thought you’d understand how things get taken out of context and would have more sympathy for the potential to upset people?

    Free Member

    a tribute troll account
    to a singular poster
    perhaps the troll is one of the previously banished?

    (was it TSY?)

    Free Member

    I dunno, it’s not that bad. Would set some tool’s oh so hip Specialized gnarmac thing off nicely :wink:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    right then CFH, we have a Specialized fan-boi who’s bought into the gnarmac trend = bought a bike for people who don’t know tourers exist. Almost like people who didn’t know cycling existed before Wiggins won.

    Oh, and Specialized seem to have a lovely marketing dept, no aggressive trademark antics about Roubaix there is there.

    Whinging about one bike company’s marketing whilst lapping up anothers, is there an “oh the ironing” emoticon on here?

    Free Member

    This country’s going to hell in a handcart, bloody EU letting anyone in, they’ll all be coming over here out-scamming our hardworking scousers when they find out they can make, literally, a penny at a time.

    Free Member

    Thanks kimbers. from thm’s posts it doesn’t look like working as a top-level economist requires communication skills.

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