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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • tenacious_doug
    Free Member

    If I’m right in assuming this also means no water ingress into your house, them I’d be pushing for a 0/8 cost split in your favour. 😁

    Lol, well that’s one way of looking at it, but as I also said in the first post, I have no desire to be a ****, just want to make sure everyone pays the share they are liable for.

    Free Member

    We’ve just been through this with a tenement flat in Edinburgh. There’s been no talk of number of flues, only the number of flats in the block.

    Maybe a done deal in your case, but FYI it is very clear in the tenement act that it is split by number of flue and not per property, section 3 here. It’s possible the titles may say something different though.

    As the water ingress is into their property then that would suggest fixing is more of a pressing issue for them. Why not suggest they pay for the legal opinion if they are so convinced they are right.

    Yup, I think this is where it will get to unless I can get more evidence, my hope from posting here was perhaps someone might have some sort of guidance or precedent they were aware of that I could send their way. I’d rather neither of us had to incur cost if we don’t have to.

    what are the costs?

    All in it’s about £6k or so, so the difference in share is quite significant for me.

    Free Member

    That’s the pattern on the terrace, you’ll be the screwed rather than the lucky one when the other side needs to be done. Your neighbour should understand that.

    That’s my perspective but they don’t quite seem to share that and are currently suggesting it should be 50/50.

    Can you not talk to each set of neighbours and agree 50:50?

    I think that’s a very lengthy task, and probably legally then requires it written into the title deeds for each property. Plus it increases my liability threefold for this work! Also end terrace would then be less keen, why would they agree to a greater share of a stack where they only have 1 flue when they have full responsibility for the stack on the gable end.

    Free Member

    The render is failing and causing water ingress into their property, best case it can be re-rendered, worst case rebuilt. The repair itself I am happy with, and have had our preferred contractors look at as well as theirs, all 4 agree on the problem and fix.

    7/1 is indeed the split (and 1/7 on the other side), we had all chimneys on both sides inspected when we moved in by the sweep so we understood which belonged to whom, we can also identify all fireplaces in each property, in our house all but one are on the East party wall, only one fireplace on the west.

    Free Member

    Company selling trips to see the Northern Lights sends mail shots to people who fit a profile of folk who like to go see the Northern Lights. You clearly fit said profile, as you’ve admitted yourself your planning to see the lights. So their targeting was spot on. The fact you started looking 3 days beforehand is coincidental, but just shows that now is the time of year that people start to look, so is a good time to advertise.

    For sure ad tracking can be intrusive, but this is some cruise company, not Cambridge analytica.

    Free Member

    Couple of comments on Facebook posts seem to suggest it is indeed Nevis Range taking it on. Accurate? No idea.

    Free Member

    Well I think they marketed the V2 Horizons as being more comfy?

    It’s V2 I have.

    Free Member

    What Ben said.

    Just had the same controls fitted with our new Vaillant boiler, along with en external temperature sensor for weather compensation. We previously had a Nest in our old place. While the Nest was a slicker interface, the level of control the Vaillant controller gives is huge, plus of course the modulation.

    Free Member

    Also to add, it was our Duralex glasses that look exactly like yours that suffered, and them only (the front 3 at least, don’t have one like the one in the back). Other glasses seemed completely unaffected. May be coincidence or something specific to them?

    Free Member

    What setting do you use? Ours used to go like that in our old Bosch if we used eco setting all the time, the occasional wash in the standard setting was enough to keep them good.

    Free Member

    Legacy update here

    These two are particularly welcome, and to me are probably the best options that could have happened from the start, since (as I said earlier), I’m not really sure a permanent elite XC course actually adds anything to the wider GT trail network.

    FLS will be applying for retrospective planning permission for the start/finish area to remain. This will be key for future ambitions to bring back world level XC racing to the Tweed Valley and Scotland. It is, by some distance, the most expensive piece of infrastructure to be installed for the XC world championships.

    FLS are proposing to identify areas of land ‘sandbox areas’ that will have flexible planning permission to easily allow future large-scale events to create their own unique and event specific trail features. This will allow the event organiser to create features with their own unique character.

    Free Member

    £10k single limit on the standard policy, £15k on the premium policy.
    £25k/£50k total bike value.

    Free Member

    I haven’t signed up yet but got a quote through Pedal Cover the other day for buildings, contents and bike. You get a discount if you’re a cycling uk member. They’re happy to insure electric bikes and I didn’t hit up against any max value problems.

    Oooh, I’d spent ages shopping around and just written off Pedal Cover on the basis that anyone bike specialist is ALWAYS more expensive. But Pedal Cover is actually best quote I’ve had, even more so after discount.

    Anyone had any experiences of them. Who underwrites it?

    Free Member

    I’ve been bumped to A and actually find the racing to generally be more consistent there. In B I found that 95% of the race people are sandbagging, and then smashing the last couple of km.

    Cat A seems to be a more consistent pace throughout the race.

    I think if you’re bumped to A legitimately this is what most find (ie. not some lightweight with high WKG who ends up in A due to the quirk of Zwift categorisation)

    Free Member

    i was at the top end of my zwift category and still got absolutely battered😂

    Should actually re-phrase….. everyone should give results based category races a shot, because they are just better!

    Free Member

    Those struggling with being lower end of a Zwift category should have a look at events running with results based categorisation from a 3rd party like Zwift Racing app. Not really any that are just turn up and ride, but DRS is the biggest series running it, and a not so subtle plug for my own Club Ladder league. Both of them are team based series so you’ll need to get some friends together, or join an existing team.

    Free Member

    I went nearly 10 years with no ACL, was ruptured while still growing so surgery wasn’t an option, then when it was an option I couldn’t be bothered with the hassle of rehab again, having just done rehab to get me fit again without one.

    General riding day to day was fine, but I regularly hurt it during crashes, and 3 times ended up in A&E and on crutches as a result. Things were noticeably better when I was fit and on top of regular work on leg strength, when I didn’t it was more prone to damage.

    Over that time professional opinions varied but generally got the impression that most advice on whether “cycling” was ok assumed a bit of bimbling along a canal path and didn’t really take into account the stress and strains of MTB.

    In the end I got it fixed, because I couldn’t be bothered with any of the above on an ongoing basis. Obviously individual circumstances will vary significantly.

    Free Member

    – I think for the same reasons as above, there might be more left than people expect, and if so I reckon we’ll see it quietly come back into usefulness while nobody’s looking

    Can’t help but think the same.

    Also, with all the other trails on offer at GT is a permanently waymarked short XC loop really what people want? Suspect after a short period of novelty it would get little day to day riding.

    A better legacy is whether it’s usable as a world class event venue again. That certainly doesn’t need a permanent waymarked trail, I think almost every event I’ve ever raced at GT has used some course configurations that are impossible to ride on a day to day basis, but it doesn’t stop them being used for an event. Space for start/finish is likely biggest issue, but does a WC event require the same wide, straight start/finish as a champs? There must be other spaces that can happen in.

    Free Member

    And some if the comments I’ve seen are wondering if the UCI hadn’t brought tom forward

    Tom was not brought forward, he started 5th row on merit. The only riders brought forward were MVDP & Sagan.

    Free Member

    Does seem like an obvious flaw

    Considering a credit or debit card requires no lock, it doesn’t seem like much of a problem the way Android does it. Using face unlock every time on Apple seems like a faff to me

    Free Member

    So, Octopus are offering a fixed deal for a year (with exit penalties) with prices of about 6% lower than cap. Anyone jumped on it?

    Yup, I did yesterday. 6% less than current, cap forecast to drop 5% but that still means the fix is cheaper than the cap.

    The advice above only seems relevant to the other fixes on the market which are more in the region of 1% below. 6 below is pretty attractive for certainty if nothing else.

    Free Member

    After reading about the “no legacy” then watching the videos, while this exact configuration will be hard to ride, most of the trails will surely still exist in some form, minus a small handful of “features”. So creating this course again may not be so impossible. Though depending on what rumours you believe, ESO wanted the XC in Innerleithen originally so perhaps we might see them make that happen for a WC in future?

    Free Member

    Bike parking at Fort William was grand, I had no qualms leaving our bikes in it and intend to use again at Glentress.

    And as above you’ve no option anyway, no bikes in venue.

    Free Member

    Just done a similar sized bathroom, Edinburgh, mid range stuff. Just over £7k, that was among the cheapest of our quotes, some over double that

    Free Member

    Bear in mind the spectator guide almost implies this will be pay and display, so hopefully it’s not a scalping for the full day…

    Though….. you sure it’s actually open? Not mentioned specifically in the spectator guide and searching online it looks like it has been a park and ride venue in previous years but not this year? Are you just assuming it’s open for any old parking?

    Free Member

    At Ceept’s suggestion we’re parking at the high school but then riding up. 6km but we have the tow rope, hoping it feels reasonably flat/downhill on the way home 😬

    Perfect , exactly the sort of insight i was hoping for, was trying to work out how to shave some distance off by parking out of town, high school is great shout.

    Free Member

    Heading up to Nevis Range for first time in donkeys years! Taking the boy up for his first trip, Friday only so we can be back for BMX and Road Race.

    What’s the best plan for travel to venue? We used to blag parking passes for the auction mart and laugh at the bus shuttle queues but those days are long gone….

    Are shuttle buses reasonably good these days? Or is it worth considering taking bikes to ride from town, if so what’s the nearest car park to minimise ride distance up and back with a tired 10 year old?

    Free Member

    FFS, delayed sorting our solar as been getting a load of other work on the house, went back to it today only to realise the Scottish Government pulled funding for solar & battery a couple of weeks ago!

    Free Member

    I don’t believe any spectating is possible without tickets for XCO. XCM is a good option for free spectating.

    Free Member

    That Abus looks cracking! Though on measuring him up now not sure if he’ll get much use at all from a youth helmet so may go with one of the adult options mentioned on the thread

    Free Member

    If he’s nine detachable is bad as it’ll be off when it needs to be on.

    Nah, maybe at 14 or 15, but at 9 this….

    he’s riding with his dad

    Free Member

    Been a couple of times, once for our honeymoon and once with work, both around 10 years ago. Would highly recommend and would love to go back. Have done Buenos Aires, Patagonia (El Calafate), Mendoza (and up in the hills towards thr border), Colonia. All were great and still feels we only scratched the surface but it’s such a big country and didn’t want to cram too much in. +1 for buses to get around, we also used plane for Patagonia and some hire cars in the Andes.

    Free Member

    My best mate worked there. Hated it. Too hot, too boring, big salary. Wasn’t helped that he had 4 hours of daily commute through the desert but he had nothing positive to say about it in any way, other than being paid well and not having anything to spend it on so saved loads.

    Free Member

    What does your contract state?

    Free Member

    Big fan, but never made the idea stick at my old place, who let me do it at my own cost, which wasn’t viable long term. Been on 4.5 day week for 18+ months now and love it, in terms of work/life balance just half a day feels like a huge difference. Still has to be out my pocket mind but think the loss of half a day a week of wages is worth it for the benefit it brings me.

    Free Member

    quite sure Doug will want an mcs certificate which a home brew mounting system won’t get

    Yup and got to be supplied and installed by them to get the Home Energy Scotland grant and loan. Plus I hate heights so no chance I’m going up on the roof.

    Free Member

    We’ve always used ballast when installing antennas on flat roofs, but they have blown over in exceptionally windy conditions. Not sure how happy I’d be with a load of sails (solar panels) waiting to be lifted off the roof in the next gale….

    Yeah, we are quite exposed, basically it’s downhill for miles until it hits the Forth, and a single story property next door which means we have lovely clear views for miles from 2nd floor, but also really bloody exposed to the elements. I’m not sure I would be 100% on the use of ballast, but again I’d put trust in them. They did say that the ballast option is likely to be more expensive due to the amount that would be needed, it would be harder to get up and weight on the roof may be too much.

    Free Member

    What do you think the chances are of all those holes remaining watertight over a period of 10 years?

    Not an architect or engineer so to be honest, I’ve no idea.

    Thus far just putting my trust in…
    1. Both methods seemingly being established methods for fitting to flat roof.

    2. Putting trust in a reputable company to guide me. Many cowboys out there but this one come well reviewed and personal recommendation from people I know.

    But still not committed to anything so open to other opinions.

    Free Member

    Just out of interest how are the installers going to hold the frames down?

    Preferred (and likely) method is to drill through the roof to attach them, but they can use a ballast system if that is deemed not possible.

    Free Member

    Planning? A flat roof would require a ground mount style frame to mount the panels – that’s going to stand out somewhat!

    Dug around on the Edinburgh planning portal last night. Neighbours with panels who did apply were told it did not need consent as it was not visible from ground level. So seems ok to crack on from that perspective.

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