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  • teasel
    Free Member

    Going back a few years I managed to kill a Ryobi in less than 8 months of felling and chopping. Upgraded to a Stihl and haven’t looked back. There are some bargains to be had if you take a trek around a few places.

    I bought a Stihl MS 361 for £500, for example. I wanted a brand whereby I could get spares for it locally and that’s what influenced my decision but after using both a Husky and my Stihl I’d say there was very little in the quality if comparing models of similar spec.

    Free Member

    Some sad examples of laziness on here. I couldn’t live with someone so bloody selfish to be honest…

    Free Member

    franksinatra – Member

    What a load of bilge. Sounds like a few people on here could do with getting out on their bikes a bit more.

    Given that everybody on here is (probably) a mountain biker, can I recommend going out for ride rather than engaging in pointless arguments with strangers on the internet?

    Posts like that always give rise to a little chuckle. I guess the irony of your words was lost on you, Frankie Boy, else you probably wouldn’t have hit the ‘send post’ button, eh…

    Free Member

    My Mavic Aksiums were quiet from the off but I’ve made them almost inaudible by using a combination of some white lithium grease I had lying about and a few blobs of chainsaw oil. I find the blend stops the possiblity of the grease causing the pawls to stick. The LBS mechanic suggested the use of gearbox oil but I haven’t tried that yet.

    Free Member

    rightplacerighttime – Member

    The difficult truth is that OUR way of living is unsustainable – it’s too resource intensive and too polluting to continue – if you are relying on having everything you have now in the future then you are deluded. If you really want to do something for yourself then you should follow the likes of Edukator and ween yourself off stuff you don’t need now while you can do it painlessly instead of waiting for it to be taken away. Living with less isn’t about being virtuous, it’s about being resilient and protecting yourself from inevitable future shock.

    100% agree and couldn’t have put it better myself. Complacency is quite rife due to the levels of comfort we’ve become accustomed to because everything we need and most of what we want is easy to obtain.

    Free Member

    fervouredimage – Member

    A night out with you must be a barrel of laughs.

    I believe the correct response is to post-up a piccie of a handbag but I don’t think that’ll be very constructive.

    I must say that your reaction has given rise to a few chuckles this end and if I were you I’d take a stand back and have a think about why you really repsonded to that post at all. But let’s take a look at it for a second – you’re attempting to take the piss out of me for having a real-world version of the discussion we’re having right here on this thread. You’ve also expressed opinions on this topic and I’m assuming you formulated them before today, which means there’s a good chance you’ve gone over them with another person at some point, although that’s obviously a guess and not a given. Surely, taking both points into account, you can see the absurdity of your somewhat flippant comment ?

    And the first response was also rather childish…

    No, not really, because you’ve picked on an utterly moot point and ignored the over arching theme of my post.

    I’ve re-read your post and still can’t see anything in my response that makes you think I don’t understand you. You used words like “absolutely” and “unequivocally” in relation to how folk percieve themselves.

    As others are quoting Fight Club I’ll follow…

    I would flip through catalogs and wonder, “What kind of dining set defines me as a person?” We used to read pornography. Now it was the Horchow Collection.

    Kind of captures your point, yes? Now whilst I agree with it to some extent I wouldn’t be so gullible as to propose that everyone fell into that catagory. How could I possibly know for sure. I doubt I’d be able to give even a close approximation to the percentages to be honest.

    Your statement was, as I wrote, a sweeping generalisation. If I’ve missed the point then maybe you’d like to elaborate instead of sulk. I know I’d feel the need to express further if I felt I’d been misunderstood, maybe you do too, considering the gravity of the subject, eh…

    Free Member

    So is teasel your real name?

    Of course not. What I meant (and rather tongue-in-cheek I might add) by not-name is that your moniker is not a noun. Not that there are any rules obviously.

    Like I wrote – a mistake on my part in as much as I failed to read the name of the author of the post.

    Free Member

    Ha, sorry. You lot with weird not-names all read the same. 🙂

    On a re-read I see it was Fervouredimage that made the comment. My apologies again.

    Care to reply, FI…?

    Free Member

    Her attempt to change you is childish. Your love of mountainbiking is childlike. Big difference…

    Free Member

    Thanks for that, RPRT – interesting stuff.

    But let’s take that “absolutely” bit that you wrote and went on to imply that everyone falls into that catagory. I don’t believe I do because of my lifestyle and I believe there are others of a similar ilk (take the bike geezer a few are talking of). How do we fit into the absolute bit of your statement…?

    Free Member

    I wear 10 year old pants…


    Free Member

    Global birth rates have been falling for at least the last 50 years.

    Don’t take this with the wrong attitude but can you produce any evidence of that…? I’m genuinely interested because, as written, I believe this to be a problem and it seems foolish for me to talk shit in debates with my friends if I don’t have a leg to stand on.

    Free Member

    Personally, I absolutely unequivocally believe that you know little of people’s lives as a whole and are making a very rash and sweeping generalisation. This thread will be full of them if we keep trying to blame global warming/climate change/armageddon/world’s end/fall of western society/fall of humanity on one single issue. I personally believe overpopulation is a major part but I doubt folk will stop breeding anytime soon…

    Free Member

    Are you applying that “we” word to everyone eveywhere or just those in, say, this country…?

    Free Member

    angle grinder would have been worthy of respect.

    Indeed, but I doubt he’d be able to give it the thumbs-up afterwards…

    Free Member

    …although you might wanna change the word see to sense for effect and clarity.

    Free Member

    This is hilarious.

    Please tell me you lot are secretly smiling when you type this stuff and actually all get together for group rides and shit from time to time…

    Free Member

    Again, better if read in a Yoda voice. Amazingingly wise stuff…

    Free Member

    I’m truly offended – my first car was an Austin Allegro.

    But this…

    kaesae – Member

    Still we are not all of us, like most of you lot, so there is yet hope!

    For some of us!

    …that took a few reads and I still didn’t quite get it. Very Yoda-esque. Infact I’m sure it helped when I read it in such a fashion…

    Free Member

    kaesae – Member

    Out of WHACK with what is best for our race and subsequently each of us as individuals.

    Bit of a sweeping generalisation. As far as I understand there are many folk committed to solving ways of improving our comfortable inhabitation of this planet without necessarily abusing it for selfish gain. It doesn’t take a lot to find some info if you’re really concerned or genuinely interested, just takes a bit of time and effort. A lot of the time, it’s easier just to have a little moan though – you’re not alone…

    Free Member

    Out of whack with what exactly…?

    Free Member

    What’s happened to the smart-arse comments and little kisses…?

    Free Member

    Again, a distinct lack of flippancy from you, Elfin. Strange that. [Edit : my mistake, you edited-in some of your usual BS at the end]

    The remainder of that post where you brag about your target-shooting prowess includes the claim that you were a better ‘shot’ than someone else on this thread. If you were that good you would be able to translate that to killing vermin in a humane fashion, especially at 40 yards – they don’t always run around and can easily be found in a reasonably stationary position.

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member

    I’d still not want to use something that low-powered to try to make a clean kill from that sort of distance tbh.(30-40 yards)

    But you claimed that…

    I can repeatedly hit the centre of the bullseye from 100M, with a 6.5mm rifle. Repeatedly.

    How did you put it again. Oh yeah…oof, always a pleasure to watch.

    Free Member

    What, no flippant comment or the totally unnecessary inclusion of an X at the end of your post…?

    20-30 yards is not considered long-distance, even for air-powered guns.

    Free Member

    I’ve used a fair few sealants over the last few years and the best stuff I’ve found recently is THIS stuff. It’s an MS polymer (whatever that means) and it seems to be holding its own where others have failed. If you opt for the clear stuff it hides quite nicely, leaving only a wet look after application.

    It’s expensive but worth it IMO. It may be available cheaper elsewhere but my searches have been fruitless…

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member

    Anything that is capable of killing a squirrel from 20-30 yards will have a tad more power than 12ftlb.

    And then you pipe-up about how we can learn from your posts. I’m guessing you know what irony means…?

    Free Member

    Peanut butter and marmite are okay in a sandwich so why should this be any different. An adult version, no less…

    Free Member

    *puts hand up*

    Killing folk.


    And so on…

    Free Member

    Your arrogance knows no bounds does it, Elfin. Toys 19 posted that on the first page.

    Comefollowme indeed…

    (Rolls eyes. Again…!)

    Free Member

    TJ actually used the term “fatasists” in one post. I’m still trying to decidce whether that’s an insult or a thumbs-up stance. Maybe a mis-spell and what he really meant was “fetasists”, but again couldn’t decide whether it for or against the squeedgy cheese…

    Edited for missing s

    Free Member

    Again with stuff only you find funny, Elfin. Tedium, geez, utter tedium.

    What about cars, TJ. I hate the things – do I have a choice with that one ? Bloody endless argument isn’t it…

    Free Member

    I’m not pro-gun, just pro-choice. Massive difference.

    And very easy to take the moralistic stance where insults are concerned – I’ll bet you use similar terms when it suits you. Anyone that argues for the sake of it or turns a reasonable debate into a question of semantics is, for all intents and purposes, a prick. I was unaware that writing the bleeding obvious was an example of vitriolic behaviour but hey, you learn something new every day…

    Free Member

    I expect I did, when faced with someone incapable of displaying any manners and instead resorting to unnecessary insults.

    Nope, it’s just your default setting. You think it’s amusing, others not so much…

    Free Member

    a proper mental health assessment and a good reason for owning the gun

    I agree with the first bit and the second is already in place. Infact, after this recent event I would imagine the powers-that-be will implement some form of intensive psychological testing in the very near future.

    Flange – my tongue was firmly in cheek with that post. FFS…

    (again with the eye-rolling)

    Free Member

    Which, using such scientific logic as is accepted throughout the World, means that it is in fact you who are wrong.

    Didn’t you have the same, boringly repetative response the other day when someone else accused you of being wrong, Elfin ?

    Do you know what tedium means…?

    Free Member

    Not you, Edukator. It was meant for Elfinnotsafe…

    Free Member

    You’re wrong. Prick…


    Free Member

    TJ, answer the question, geez. How would you assess who is capable of ownership of a firearm…?

    “Are you are farmer ?”


    “**** off then…”

    Free Member

    Almost missed your little comment, Elfinsaftey. The use of the word ‘prick’ makes you think I’m angry…? Live a sheltered life do you…?

    If I didn’t dislike the emoticon so much I’d roll my eyes…

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