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  • Behind The Scenes – Danny MacAskill’s The Slabs
  • teasel
    Free Member

    Sounds corny but she’s my best friend.

    Five things ? All of the above and anything else you can think of…

    Free Member

    Elzorillo – your local dealer/supplier will probably offer a sharpening service for about a fiver. If you begrudge paying that much then get the cheap version of the Stihl sharpening aid and it’ll ensure an all-round good and even job. I’ve got one but don’t use it anymore because I’ve got better at shaprening manually over the years but I can vouch for their effectiveness.

    Edit : Ideally a chain should be sharpened everytime you fill the fuel tank. A sharp tool and all that…

    Free Member

    he wasn’t allowed to lie as he was a policeman

    Made my day…

    Free Member

    In the end it would come down to an all-out battle between the vamps and zombie priests/vicars/popes/cross-wearing types…

    Free Member

    I use Ritchey WCS on a rigid and they’re fine even when wet. Before I changed the last pair they were getting a bit smooth but even then I had no issues with slippage.

    Free Member

    Your first photo is superb, Shortcut. Shame there’s a biker smack-bang in the middle…


    Free Member

    Look ahead and anticipate. Thats the key

    Hey its not a race its a commute. I’m driving the speed limit.

    I don’t get your response in relation to TJs point TBH, it doesn’t make any sense.

    Example : I have a friend who, when driving in a 50/60mph zone, looks ahead, spots the 30mph sign and decelerates so that he’s doing the correct speed limit upon passing the sign. A rare driver for sure but everyone should be looking ahead at all times when driving a car on any road, surely…?

    Free Member

    Highlight – The journey into town to get supplies; a short, fast and chilly road blast at 9am. Encountered about, say, thirty cars and only one got so close I could feel it. That’s a joy in anyone’s book.

    Downside – Arriving at the shop front about thirty minutes later and finding the store didn’t open until 11am. The return journey was a bit of struggle as my backpack was stuffed full forcing me to use the rain cover to hold yet even more supplies, giving an all-in weight of about 20kg. Tough.

    Upside – a nice fire crackling away when I returned. Lovely…

    Free Member

    Re : first vid. No-one metioned that there were lots of tail whips.


    What was that ? No, mine was cashmere with a black collar…

    Free Member

    Definitely Murray…

    Free Member

    Correct me if I’m wrong but if it’s QR it’ll be 135 and 142 if it’s a thru-axle, surely…

    Free Member

    Sorry, didn’t read the post properly. Yes it’s in millimeters but I have no idea what size it is.

    Sorry again…

    Free Member

    Yep, unexpectedly experienced this myself a few years back and as you say, it’s incredibly tiring. I tried just about everything to ease the eight miles I had left but there’s not much you can do to support yourself without one.

    Never again will I take for granted the humble saddle…

    Free Member

    I guess it’s like a modern version of that lump Ray Mears dragged around on his sled…

    Free Member

    Takes the racing line with great lean-in. Good stuff…

    Free Member

    Nice one, Woody. And yes, UK – caught sauntering about on my shed.


    Free Member

    Nice pair of boots in that freeze-frame. Anyone recognise them…?

    Free Member

    I thought it was just the black guy in the first row that was baked but if you take a close look, they’re all seriously roasted.

    Well, maybe with the exception of the guy in the stripy rugby shirt…

    Edit :ah, the piccie on the previous page.

    Free Member

    a) Use the feeling-hard-to-ride-knackered-not-everything-is-working-properly hardtail


    b) Using the shiny FS and not having time to clean it

    Why not get your wrench-head on (Kryton, geddit) and sort out the HT…?

    As for mollycoddling a bike, especially one you intend to race and use to take part in events, I’d be inclined to get as much riding time on the machine as possible so as to allow you to become at one with the beast, young padowan…

    Free Member

    The last part is wonderfully ambiguous and as you point out, would bring out some folks true nature…as long as they weren’t trolling of course.

    I think we can at least agree that the term internet troll is as ambiguous as your example, the reasons for their actions being incredibly varied.

    Free Member

    There’s a short stretch of footpath I use for the simple reason that it’s almost always deserted. In almost a decade of using it I’ve encountered less than fifty people in total, only two of which were in the mood for a confrontation regardless of space available. I’ve used the road alongside at various times but not in the rush hour. I personally think that I’m doing the motorist and myself a big favour by doing so; allowing them to move unimpeded along which is usually a very busy and fast-moving couple of miles.

    I always yield to pedestrians and correct them when they thank me by reminding them it’s their right of way.

    All’s good…

    Free Member

    I thought he was pointing where his face was about to ‘plant’.

    But seriously – it’s his braking position, surely. He just hasn’t realised he’s let go of the bars yet…

    Free Member

    a few mm out from my ponce

    Rolling with laughter at that one. Obviously meant to be bonce. 🙂

    Sorry, not very helpful…

    Free Member

    trolls.. even by our concensus description.. are still nerdy little sociopathic bellends with personality defects.. seeking validation in their own skewed view of normality because they are so terrified of their inferiority complexes

    Very nicely put, particularly the highlighted bit.

    Bit sad really…

    Free Member

    Top bollock, Woody. Thanks very much…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Sorry, my mistake – you didn’t mention Dukes.

    Got a link to the Fishers pack of wipers or are you suggesting they’re only available through my LBS…?

    Free Member

    You’re correct – Dukes are 30mm.


    Free Member

    I had the foresight to grab a couple of Revive Kits when I first purchased the forks so they’ve been regularly serviced since then. It’s just that I’m down to my last kit so was looking at alternatives. I thought the other forks had gone up to 32mm but I’ll go have a quick Google…

    Free Member

    Sorry, i need to know. Please, how?

    pu???? ?no? s? ???oo?

    Free Member

    The downside, of course, is that it is not really economical to trade down, unless you take a very long term view and that is not my nature.

    Sounds like they’ve got you over a barrel.

    Free Member

    there’s loads and loads and loads of oil

    Statistically speaking, approximately forty-odd years according to THIS[/url] site.

    Bio-fuels don’t help replace some of the products we create from oil, including an awful lot used in the manufacturing process of just about anything you’d care to mention…

    Free Member

    FWIW I used to feel the same until I met my other half – I was swiftly adjusted…!

    Free Member

    Indeed. Like I say, you’re not alone, it’s a fundamental flaw at the present time; women should be treated with more care than men. Maybe it’s a follow-on from misunderstood chivalry or something, I don’t know.

    Free Member

    I guess if you asked most people which was worse, a man spitting at another man or a man spitting at a women, most poeple would say the latter was worse.

    I wouldn’t. To do so would display sexism whether or not it’s consciously done or not.

    Anyway the point being its disgusting regardless

    But you already know that by stating the above and I agree, it’s disgusting and totally unacceptable in any instance.

    Day improved

    I hope my post doesn’t ruin that for you, merely pointing out a very prevelent attitude.

    Free Member

    no pratronism is meant


    Free Member

    “Sometimes, such as when in fear of your safety or you just don’t want the hassle, you can avoid that…

    Indeed. But whether holding hands should be considered risky is really the point this thread is now attempting to establish, isn’t it? Personlly I believe not but it would seem from the viewpoint of Emsz it was quite frightening, in which case Eddy’s viewpoint stands-up in order to protect herself and her partner. He’s simply suggesting a pragmatic stance in these kind of matters as opposed to the knee-jerk ‘it’s my right’ reaction when it’s not always safe do to so.

    Free Member

    …am I paranoid ?

    No. Many folk ignorantly leave a torrent of info on forums and the like that creates a trail right to their front door/shed/garage.

    Doesn’t take a genius to piece it all together if you’ve been careless with the personal stuff…

    Free Member

    Fork service. Generally clamped in the stand and the oil, no matter how hard I try to persuade it otherwise, goes absolutely everywhere…

    Free Member

    Main bike is twelve years old. Play bike is eleven in two months…

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