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  • teasel
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    The Mirror Crack’d

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    it seems that frizzy perms ala 80s are all the rage for British teenager boys

    A friend’s son asked her to do exactly that a week or so ago. He’s a bit of a git at the moment and getting into all kinds of trouble so I assumed she’d given him that poodle cut as some form of punishment.

    And foolishly said as much…

    Free Member

    Incidentally a day course intro to chainsawing is also money well spent

    Definitely worth considering for those getting into using one.

    I read a thread last year – not sure of the forum – in which a guy had done exactly that but in a stand. No blood but damn close.

    Made my balls shrivel.

    Free Member

    As for small logs that need steadying – I have a sprung toothed saw horse. Not sure where you’d get something similar as it was given to me.

    I have a stand that I’ve attached a length of chain on a hammock spring so I can pull it taught over a group of small diameter logs. An easy mod to a homemade or wooden horse.

    No plunging will take place

    Good call.

    Free Member

    small logs


    I read it as the diameter but obviously it’s not*. Assumption being the mother of all **** ups and all that.

    Whatever. Don’t plunge if you don’t know what you’re doing…


    *Not that a plunge would be useful in that event anyway. For some reason I envisioned 500mm diameter logs that needed cutting to a shorter length. Weird.

    Free Member

    If there were no signs whatsoever then it’s going to be hard to get any form of satisfactory closure.

    Any way you can get to talk to her? A mutual friend, perhaps?

    Free Member

    I cut a large pile of logs slightly thicker than you have by plunge cutting them in half where they sat.

    It takes a bit of practice but it’s a quick way of getting the job done. Maybe get someone to show you how to do it before taking the…plunge.

    Edit : Wear protection!

    Free Member

    A big thumbs up to Wzzzz for taking time to help folk understand shit. Without any ‘tude, too.


    Free Member

    It’s not really a good place for a young walker

    My dad marched us up to the Pike when I was 10 years old, which would’ve made my younger brother about 7. We did it fine – picked a good day and all I seem to remember is eating dates and drinking gallons of water.

    We were quite experienced even at that age so it didn’t really feel a lot of trouble. Helvellyn, on the other hand, was a bit of a struggle. The first time we did it we went up the other way to Striding Edge (don’t know the name of the approach – steep at the bottom) and it was really blowing. We had to huddle close to the cairn at the top, cagoules acting like a parachute. I couldn’t wait to get down and trundled ahead on the descent. I got thirsty and ran low on water so my dad told me to suck a stone to stave off the thirst. Not sure if it worked or not but it took my mind off it until I reached the car park.

    Still got that stone…

    Edit : I appreciate that it has changed since those times so just anecdotal shit, really.

    Free Member

    We’d stopped somewhere in Derbyshire en route to the Lakes to escape the foretold Jubilee street parties – some village green with a parade of shops in which my dad procured some Creme Eggs for the first time, not doing so before because he reckoned my younger brother wouldn’t eat it.

    I remember reading the headline on the paper whilst simultaneously (and rather successfully) convincing my baby bro that he wouldn’t like the Egg because it was, in fact, a real egg encapsulated inside the chocolate coating.

    Gullible sod. More for me and big bro.


    Edit : Actually, I think we were on a second holiday as I seem to remember going south in the Jubilee year, too.

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    Free Member

    parts will be less than £75 and probably £50 to them

    That depends on the car, shirley? For example, my thermostat was £89. A Mini so expected but not cheap even at trade and a time consuming pain to fit.

    Hoses fail often with no obvious prior sign of pending doom often it’s a hose you can’t even see. Some thermostat housings are plastic and go brittle with age removing a stuck on old hose can easily crack or disintegrate the housing.

    Yeah, definitely. The leak on my thermostat housing was so minute that it was missed by a pro mechanic. It took a long time to spot exactly where it was leaking – a seam on the moulding, probably a weak point when it all gets a bit old and brittle. Not a quick job, either. Quite a bit of stuff has to come off before you can get to the thing. Same with the hard plastic tube that joins the thermostat to the pump – that took the removal of the intake manifold as well as all the stuff you have to remove to get to the thermo before easily slotting the piece in place. Small cars can be very time consuming so would definitely crank up the labour costs.

    Leaving trim off and tools in the engine bay of a car being handed back is just slap dash and I wouldn’t take my car back to them.

    And again, I have to agree with that. Find someone that cares enough to at least assemble it as it arrived.

    Free Member

    Smiths ‘Horror Bags – cheese and onion ‘Fangs’ flavour (the zenith of crisps corn snacks which will never be bettered)

    Hmm, Claws were also very tasty and have yet to be bettered, though Roast Beef Monster Munch (original) was a good stand-in if Horror Bags weren’t available.

    I could easily neck a few bags after a swim in the Central in Reading. Obviously followed by a hot Bovril…

    Free Member

    No, but they do kill raccoon’s

    That’s a weird read – things like…

    Borch remembers looking back once to see if the raccoon had started chasing her again.

    “It felt like [Stephen King’s] ‘Pet Sematary,’” she said.


    The dead raccoon was retrieved by Borch’s dad, who packed it into a Taste of the Wild dog food bag


    Free Member

    It looks like a blue-backed fucyoupayus. Quite common at the moment…

    Free Member

    Spandau have the power to know they’re indestructible.

    Well, that’s me come undone.

    Free Member

    Le Bon always engages in conflict with a view to a kill, so definitely one to watch!

    Free Member

    And they’re a bit wild by all accounts…

    Free Member

    Yeah, but Duran Duran have good reflexes.

    Free Member

    Good to read you’re doing okay-ish, fella. I was worried for a bit TBH but the outpouring of attention thing makes sense.

    Don’t fret – you’ll be old news next week and just like that…

    *Keyser Söze finger blow*

    …you’ll be gone!

    Free Member

    I bet they had builders’ bums too

    This bloomin’ font! I genuinely read that as builders’ burns and wondered why it would be a trade injury thing.

    Then it clicked about a second later…

    Free Member

    Good read, JHJ. Well done for giving it go – with anger!

    Free Member

    C’mon, man, be original. You know you can do it if you put your back into it.

    All this regurgitated stuff is, well, just regurgitated and really isn’t all that funny.

    The internet deserves better…

    Free Member

    However, this…

    at one point i had 11 bees drinking Dr Pepper that i poured over the trunk and i imagined them to be my miniature army as whenever i moved my arm near to them they would all raise their front right leg and salute me in a mexican wave as i passed my hand along the trunk, to be perfectly honest this genuinely gave me the shit’s n’ giggles for quite some time and i entertained myself for a full 500ml thermos flask as i sat on the trunk with them to drink my brew and have a joint whilst occasionally proclaiming inane woodland laws as my minions to my left raised their arms in agreement to second the motion.

    …is hilarious. Excellent tale!

    Free Member

    Jeez, CFH. Surely even you’re bored posting the same ol’ shit over and over and over…

    Free Member

    Inspiring; I gotta add Eye Of The Tiger to my workout playlist…


    Free Member

    Guy up there’s gotta be GW, hasn’t it…?

    The moniker’s too obvious so maybe I’m wrong.

    Free Member

    ^^ Miyagi’s face in the background…


    Edit : …and collar – awesome

    Free Member

    Main thing is too loop the strap through the buckle the right way, you’ll quickly work it out!


    Yeah, they’re excellent when set up correctly, lethal when not. I have mine wrapped over a pull-up bar/cage thing I made out of box section steel and an old squat rack.

    Free Member

    Also, an arse and a tit can look like the same appendage from a similar proximity so, in a kind of cat dead/cat alive sort of scenario – it could be either until all is revealed.

    Free Member

    Can you be an ass and a tit at the same time?

    A flying donkey type of beast? – totally!

    Edit : beaten by seconds by a superior post, too

    Free Member

    How far did you get with the rest of Foundation?

    I see how you thought that from what I wrote – but no, I didn’t follow the GB SLS system you mention, just thought I’d have a go at the squats out of idle curiosity because they looked challenging when I googled the exercise. And by fail I mean I either couldn’t drop enough to consider it a squat or dropped and couldn’t get out of the hole, as you put it. The recent attempt was a great success, much to my surprise. I guess the other stuff I’m doing is building more strength than I thought.

    I should probably look at addressing the unbalance in my glutes. I have an old injury in that area so perhaps that’s the issue. Maybe it’s time to find a PT.

    Free Member

    Just got this (SLS/Pistol) the other week after following Gymnastic Bodies SLS program, been on my to do list for years, but never got round to it before…

    Someone suggested them on this forum last year at some point and I had a crack… and failed spectacularly. I don’t know what happened between now and then but I had a go yesterday evening and nailed 4 good reps with the left leg but only two before the knee wanted to buckle inward on the right leg. On rough ground, too!

    I was quite chuffed even if it was only four.

    Free Member

    Sometimes it can build up all at once and can feel like too much.

    You can take more than you think you can – embrace the suffering and remember it when good times get rocked by those little dramas. Don’t be afraid to let it all go and shout out for real not just at the cyber void.

    Free Member

    I think we should all head to Footflap’s place for an STW powerlifting meet. I take it there’s a bench tucked away somewhere…


    Free Member

    A bit of edge, a bit of passion, some unnuanced passive aggression, with variable levels of self awareness makes for a much livelier and more entertaining forum experience than where everyone’s nice all the time.


    But being serious – I noticed on a forum yonder when shit like this kicks off the hit count goes sky high so you’re probably not alone in deriving pleasure from this sort of naval gazing bollox.

    Free Member

    He also makes me do all the stuff I don’t like

    I have my self loathing for that.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I figured it would be read in a whining tone. It wasn’t posted like that, just a point of confusion about selective moderation. Luckily for me Cougar has taken the time to at least look at that without ridicule and put my mind at rest.

    As I wrote up there/on the other page or wherever the **** I wrote it – if you can’t stand back from your own shit far enough to see that it be construed in such a manner – put a guy out in a small way and want to know why – then you probably are a bit of a **** and should address your how you deal with others in general.

    But thanks for your concern and all…

    do either of us really care sufficiently

    No. My main point was about bullying and not my own treatment, it just seemed to deviate into that shit. My apologies to all for dragging this in that direction.

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