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  • teasel
    Free Member

    Ace. Let’s hope they get a result.

    Free Member

    ‘s weird feeling, for sure.

    Worse is our local setting the direction the wrong way. When you’re used to just absent mindedly walking onto the thing whilst shuffling through your bits and bobs it can seriously catch you out.

    I reckon they do it deliberately and only first thing in the morning, record it on the CCTV and send it off to make a few quid or something…

    Free Member

    I suppose I could be one of the blokes you’re referring to, IHN. I wear ill-fitting jeans not because I can’t find clothes to fit but because I can’t be bothered to go shopping so continue to wear the jeans I wore when I was a few sizes larger. I can actually get into them without undoing the fly or top button – they just slip right over my hips.

    Look awful but are seriously comfortable.

    Free Member

    Typical schoolyard bully, continually poking and provoking others then when they respond starts whining about their provocations and he’s only defending himself against them.

    For a sec I thought I was back in the Bangers thread…

    Free Member

    “Why have you forsaken me…?”

    Free Member

    Pin head, here.

    Aero, innit. Smaller target, too…

    Free Member

    (Gentlemen may wish to be sitting comfortably)

    That little warning was enough to jog my memory so although I’d opened the page in a new tab, I had the good sense to not read it.

    The knowledge of what happened to him is still enough to make my left nut ache slightly for some reason…

    Free Member

    With all due respect, I think I’m in a far better position to gauge my own experiences than you are.

    Quite right. What I meant is I’ve never read anything that could be construed as a kicking. Perhaps you’re one of those snowflakes which Druid referred to earlier… 😛

    Free Member


    Free Member

    That sounds like something a religious extremist would enjoy.

    Free Member

    It’s been like that for Cardiff for a while.

    Uh oh…

    Free Member

    Which is best – bacon or sausages?

    You don’t have to choose; those little wrapped sausages that resemble a small penis are available for the undecided…

    Free Member

    was referring to Teasel and Drac’s tiff.

    Ain’t no tiff. Just don’t appreciate being told to shut up, especially when I was being so nice…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Has there been mention of veggie sausages yet…?



    Where’s Junkyard at…?!

    Free Member

    The OP emailed last night shocked and apologetic of the way his thread turned out asking if we’d close it. He didn’t want to end up with a few people taking the opportunity to have a bash at individual. He apologised for him ‘flipping’ too.

    He isn’t alone in having issues with you, Drac. Perhaps take the opportunity to pause for a sec and work out why folk are seeing the same negative posts.

    I can only speak for me but I have no standing issues with you other than you come across as a bit of a **** at times. More often than not, if I’m being honest. I have no beef… 🙂

    Free Member

    I don’t live in a house as it were but it can get **** messy at times. Especially when my head goes.

    In 2003 I lost the plot completely and throughout the winter months I run my stove 24/7 – a bloody massive glowing hell of burning mass in which I would just open the door and squeeze in another block of kiln dried slab from the local furniture/wood place. Friends were instructed they would not gain entry unless they turned up with a bag if this hot burning stuff so I had massive stock.

    I didn’t really clean the stove in any way and eventually a pile of ash developed in front of the thing. It was nicknamed Vesuvius for obvious reasons.

    I’m not as bad as that these days but it ain’t tidy by any stretch.

    Free Member

    Let it go.


    Free Member

    I do reckon the snowflake quotient has increased though


    Although this tickles me I think it’s a rather derogatory way of describing folk that perceive things differently to you.

    I’m sure some see me as a snowflake because I complain about certain attitudes and behaviour – you might well be right to some degree – but I try to wear kid gloves when dealing with folk on social media because you never know what issues are behind the words.

    Besides, a snowflake is icy cold and individual, so it’s more of a compliment, surely.

    Free Member

    OP – You’re really happy you’ve discovered pre-cooked sausages, why has that changed because someone points out that they’ve been around for ages? You’ve still got pre-cooked sausages (and at a rollback price), surely that’s the most important part.

    I think it’s more of a build up rather than just this one-off incident. Could be wrong but it’s not the first time I’ve read posts from Bear hinting at his displeasure at the way in which Drac responds to his and other’s posts.

    Free Member

    If that ad is your handiwork, Binners, then you missed out the bottle.

    Still time to edit, tho…

    Edit : Or perhaps just replace it with a sauce of your choice…!

    Free Member

    a Moderator getting a random out-of-context kicking who isn’t me

    In the years I’ve been here that’s never happened to you. If you wanna read a thread with a kicking taking place then… well, I reckon you can guess what I’d link to.

    That’s a flaw of my dyslexia at times, I read things to literal and miss what people or saying, even read them as the opposite of the point they are making.

    If you’re aware of your ability to misconstrue then why respond in a negative fashion. Why not just question what the motive is/was before going in with guns blazing?

    Free Member

    The fact is though that no matter what the topic, you seem to try to put the poster down, belittle them or on the rare occasion you’re not doing that, promote your own car/job/sodding Northumberland.

    Have to agree and it actually pisses me off, but he’s a mod so you can’t really do owt about it, can you. Besides, I think his intention is to be amusing or come across as intelligent or something – I really shouldn’t guess TBH, but unless he gets kicks from getting to folk then he probably isn’t aware he’s coming across like that.

    It kinda makes sense that he responded so badly when he thought I was attempting to belittle him when you think about projection and all that.

    The mind, oh the mind…

    Free Member

    You do realise that the dealers cant fart without the franchise threatening to take it off them.

    Makes you wonder what the franchiser is actually doing with all those farts…

    Free Member

    I’ve been meaning to do it for about 20 years but still haven’t got around to it.

    I was once was given a tip of putting in a large tablespoon of crab apple jelly and then pour in the juice before fermenting. Apparently it makes for a cider with some bite. Can’t vouch for the accuracy or results, tho…

    Free Member

    Hardware store, supermarket, motor supplies place, lot’s of places.

    All within easy sauntering distance, too, I’d imagine.

    Free Member

    sauntered off to replenish his bottle

    This guy’s sounding very casual and laid back for an acid attacker. From what I’ve read they usually leg it afterwards, none of this sauntering shit.

    Also, where would someone replenish their supply…?

    Free Member

    I guess it’s a valid tactic. For me it’s quite interesting seeing what works and what doesn’t, as skater boy Gav wrote on the other page, it can take a bit of time. And for me, it’s easier to see the effect if I take a weight reading daily. You obviously vary and that’s cool but I reckon it’d be harder to figure what’s doing what because you have seven different day’s food to take into account.

    I also have a spare tyre that i hate….. it might be around a waist that’s 4-6″ smaller but it still hangs over my belt and wobbles when i walk. Hence i need to lose more, but it’s getting harder.

    It does get harder as you get older, for sure. The belly fat you mention is much harder to shift than fat that sits on your shoulders and ribs. Same goes for the legs and arse – it’s a different fat cell. I’ll see if I can find a link of something that makes for interesting reading on that particular subject. I get that it can be difficult to get rid of that last bit and can be crushing when all your best efforts seem to be in vain but it will go in time – just gotta be patient and dedicated.

    don’t weigh yourself after a binge. It’ll be bad, you don’t need to know it, and knowing it will **** with your head.

    I know you’re suffering from negative thought processes at he moment but if you approached it from a curiosity standpoint it’d make the whole thing easier. Even going so far as to experiment on yourself. Y’know – the hardship of necking a few beers and bags of crisps just to see what happens to your body. 🙂

    Free Member

    whether or not you have any idea how to actually fight or realistically defend yourself.

    In this instance it wouldn’t matter as you’d have Acid Face! Not quite as good as Iron Fist but still pretty useful. That’s if you had the presence of mind to actually do anything but scream…

    Aside – ‘s gotta be a contender for weird thread topic of the year or something.

    Free Member

    I’ve been lucky in not having any serious incidents for beards.



    Free Member

    it’s about knowing why MY HEAD behaves in the manner it does and using that knowledge to stop yourself going off the rails.

    Let’s continue with the crisps and beers scenario – it’s not your head that’s increased your glycogen stores and added more water weight, it’s your body. Too much too often and it gets stored as fat and the weight gain will no longer be water, it’ll be fat.

    While I’m not sure if it’s worth it if you’re doing something like the 5-2 diet, daily weighing and a good food diary (or just remembering what you’ve eaten if you can’t be arsed with a diary) will help you understand which foods raise your weight and why.

    As Jimjam wrote…

    Furthermore if you understand that binging on beer and crisps is going to balloon your weight for a day or two you can decide to do it and not be horrified by the results and retreat into comfort mode.

    My post is already repeating what has been suggested. I understand comfort eating – been there – but learning about basic dietary stuff has helped me get over that all is lost reaction when I see a weight increase.

    Is that not a valid tactic, for me?

    I don’t understand what you mean by ‘tactic’, I’m afraid.

    Free Member

    I have the Resqme, too. It has the sprung loaded glass breaker which in my mind, should you end up submerged, is better than a normal hammer. I’m guessing (because I’ve never been in a submerged vehicle) that the normal hammer might be a bit of an effort to swing with the water weight.

    Free Member

    ^ 🙂 Harsh but fair.

    Awesome shine on that Merc, too.

    Free Member

    Because I’m not like the person you are describing.

    I’m not attempting to antagonise and appreciate eating disorders from a firsthand perspective but I find that statement a little weird. Jimjam is claiming that education in this instance can help understand weight fluctuation. Rationalisation through education, for the nation. [/reggae]

    Edit : So it’s not about the kind of person you are, it’s about knowing why your body behaves in the manner it does and using that knowledge to stop yourself going off the rails.

    Free Member

    in case of emergency, abandon logic and eat pies

    That has to be a t-shirt slogan, surely….

    Free Member

    I haven’t seen any of those in Scotland. (or anywhere else in the UK for that matter)

    Over here it’ll be a magpie or similar. I can’t speak for the north but around here (and it could actually be a very local thing, as in local to the orchard in which I live) the mags would settle on the back of muntjac and pick off the ticks. It happened for quite a few generations of birds but was broken one year when they lost a lot of ground to the jays. The following year the muntjac would assume the position* but the mags would just stare and wonder WTF was going on. Shame, seeing that kind of symbiosis come to an abrupt end.

    I have it on vid, of course… 🙂

    Edit : * The Position was the deer standing still and dropping its rear slightly. The mags would just descend and crack on until the deer had enough and straightened its back.

    Free Member

    Here’s a vid I took a few years ago. Apologies for giving it a bit of grief, just wanted to make it do its snake impression…

    Free Member

    I thought it became this…

    Free Member

    Eyes Wide Shut

    Or shat, whichever you prefer…

    Free Member

    Looks like Glenn and Klunk share the same cuisine…

    Even when away from the thread I’m still chortling at There Will Be Blood.


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