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  • Interview: Lou Ferguson on ‘being alive and being happy’
  • teasel
    Free Member

    The forum should be a laugh at the end of the day….

    There we go – you and I are in agreement, too.

    Free Member

    What I mean is I’ve written very similar recently and no one even bothered to acknowledge me aside from the person with whom I was debating, let alone nominate me for some imaginary award. I was accused of hitting below the belt, in fact.

    (Edited for removal of unnecessary insult)

    Free Member

    Junkyard for most civilised poster on STW, of the year. That post speaks volumes about your character.

    I hate to use it but…


    Free Member

    It was meant in a compassionate manner

    I got that.

    I am not attacking Binners either I am suggesting why we may be more understanding of the possible reasons before posting and act accordingly.

    I got that, too. I wrote that Binners was attacking Geetee.

    Free Member

    I should clarify. I think this…

    Kasae clause here which is those amongst us, with the most extreme/oddest of views, may be suffering with a genuine mental health issue that we should not just mock

    I do not think STW mockery of him is going to do any help and these threads genuinely cause me to worry for him.

    …is right, though it’s definitely not fair to assume it IS mental health just because someone doesn’t have what you later referred to as a “normal” viewpoint, as you put. I don’t agree with the rest of your post.

    In my opinion Geetee has proved himself to be very articulate and reasonably self-aware and unless I missed it, hasn’t given any real indication in his writings that he’s suffering from any psychological disorder.

    Other than that, it’s good that you object to the way in which Binners is attacking Geetee.

    Just to be clear…

    Free Member

    Nicely put, Junkyard.

    Free Member

    Scotscrote » Grab this with a pair of molgrips

    There’s two of the buggers…?!

    Saints preserve us.

    Free Member

    zokes »

    Watch out! Mikewsmith will be along any minute to start shouting shit about MEN being MEN with MEN or somesuch.

    Wut? [/quote]

    It was a somewut lighthearted spin on something Smith wrote on a different thread…

    mikewsmith » It’s called Banter Edukator, or locker room talk, it’s what proper MEN do when they hang out being proper MEN….

    Y’know, coz he loves to cast that kind of judgement on other guys for not seeing things exactly like he does. I was pre-empting his usual cries of injustice or wutever it is he likes to froth about.

    He’ll probably claim never to have looked at pictures of naked women in mags instead claiming to have merely read the stories…

    Free Member

    Ah, hadn’t thought of that.


    Free Member

    Watch out! Mikewsmith will be along any minute to start shouting shit about MEN being MEN with MEN or somesuch.

    Age is irrelevant, I think – I’m 50 and remember copious quantities of the stuff hanging in the local hedgerows. I, too, was having a similar discussion about it the other day with a 65yr old so almost a timeless classic, it would seem.

    A weird kink to the whole scene – I once hired a car and when cleaning it before returning found a handful of glossy offerings under the driver’s seat.

    Hire car porn.

    Free Member

    wwaswas » Snowflake very much used by the alt-right/nazi community onine to try and wind up/demean/dismiss anyone who objects to their racists/misogynist schtick.

    But… Scotscrote used it the other day on Bear’s sausage thread. Are you accusing him of being a… whatever the **** it is you wrote up there…?

    Free Member

    This thread is filled with arse about face quoting.

    Fuxsupwitchoo weirdos…?!

    Free Member

    Wasps love to prey on those fat-bodied buggers. Every year one or sometimes two larger wasps will hover around the window searching for them.

    It’s a bit of a standoff and I can see why the wasps hunt in pairs – one goes in while the other comes in from behind. One sting and that’s it – a few seconds later the spider falls to the floor and with barely any resistance gets eaten alive from behind by the wasps. When they’ve had their fill the remains of the still moving carcass is not too dissimilar to the way in which a whale has its flesh removed in squares.

    Harsh nature…

    Free Member

    Do you reckon the fiskars sharpener will be fine for ALL my axes?

    It’s just a simple ceramic wheel sharpener with a plastic guide for either axe or knife. As long as your other axes have an angle that fits within the guide you should be fine. Too large and you’ll chew up the plastic but hopefully you won’t get that far along before realising.

    Free Member

    Capt. Kronos » I don’t really do that kind of thing and don’t see how a stranger would make it any easier. So long as I keep of suicide watch I think I am doing pretty well!

    I used to feel that way many years ago and it cost me. With the right counsellor it’s easier than you think, not to mention our ability to evade certain aspects of self that can remain hidden through familiarity, denial etc.

    As for the suicide thing – sometimes the first sign is an attempt. Depending on how determined you are that could be that.

    Try to talk with someone.

    Free Member

    I notice in my last post that the y from ‘handy’ is missing. i.e I had lost part of my hand(y)

    an ominous omen.

    🙂 Fear is the mind killer…!

    I’ve spent plenty of time using it in shorts, t-shirt and trainers. Safety specs, though, I’m not mental.

    Heh. Actually seeing the carnage to your leg is the important bit, right.

    Free Member

    15cm block/stump.

    oops – that was supposed to be 15 inches not cm.

    Free Member

    You won’t regret it, man – it’s a nice tool to use.

    Don’t forget to register the product on their website in case you need to take advantage of their warranty.

    Free Member

    How do you keep them sharp?

    If you go for the Fiskars they have their own brand sharpener that makes it very convenient and easy to retain the same angle. Not being one for that sort of in house thing I was undecided at first but thought £12 was naff all so bought one. A few swipes through the groove after a session and the edge is kept impressively sharp.

    There are probably cheaper versions of that particular sharpener but it’s a nice addition to the tool. Whether or not you need it that sharp is a whole other debate…

    Free Member

    Shaft length is important, too. Too short coupled with a low chopping block and you’ll find you bend on every stroke. The X27 is 960mm iirc and is easy to use fully upright with something like a 15cm block/stump.

    Something to bear in mind.

    Free Member

    Not really pedantry, rather something genuinely interesting; but even a healthy tree is around 99% dead.

    I was unaware of that. Nice factoid.

    In Africa the guides called some old specimens Dead Dog trees – no bark.

    Free Member

    I don’t recall the lady (and her boyfriend) from Birmingham who were on the receiving end of the worst of the off-forum abuse giving as good as they got.

    No, you’re right. I wasn’t thinking of that but nasty stuff all the same.

    Free Member

    op: Troll, or just a dick?

    I can’t decide

    This isn’t a troll by the way.


    Free Member

    Which makes great tinder.

    Free Member

    poorly balanced

    I’m quite fussy and have no issue with mine.

    Free Member

    On BikeMagic new female contributors were assumed to be trolls and abused.

    And they gave as good as they got.


    Free Member

    Is there some kind of actual research to back up this idea of letting kids drink is good as it’s not the forbidden fruit, or is it old wives ‘carrots for night vision’ type bullshit?.

    My parents were a little bit lax with booze. Weirdly, they were JWs, too and also rather weirdly didn’t like the idea of depriving us kids of Xmas. So, every February or thereabouts we would have what was eventually termed The Celebration (doubt the JWs would’ve approved) and we would…uh…celebrate for a solid two weeks. Within that time my brothers and I were each given a bottle of homemade wine to consume over the course of those two weeks. Nice stuff, too. But I must’ve been about 8 or 9 which meant that my younger brother would’ve been about 5 or 6. Not on, really but there you go.

    Anyway, I started drinking heavily at 12 and over the course of the next few decades went on to try just about all the drugs that were available to me. Aside – you know you’re getting a bit old when you read a list of drugs in some news report on societal harms and realise not only are there drugs on there you haven’t yet tried, but there’s some you haven’t even heard of.

    LSS – My mum smoked and drank when pregnant and continued to ply us with the booze once out of the womb and I haven’t turned out too bad. It’s a miracle I haven’t overdosed yet TBH but I guess the earlier years set up a kind of high tolerance for just about anything, so no – stuffing the cat with cream doesn’t work with all people, albeit an extreme example in my case.

    Free Member

    Yeah, but it was a book about Guns n Roses and he was just reading aloud…


    Free Member

    My partner works for Focusrite so I get to play with a few of these kind of toys and yeah, your kid would probably love the Novation thing.

    staring at a computer screen is not much fun, knob twiddling is far better

    Having started with knobs and sliders and all the accompanying trouble (especially when equipment is gigged) I’d much rather use the DAW – nothing to wear out or get clogged with shit. But knobs are fashionable and the pots are probably better quality than they were in the 70s and 80s. Not really a fan of those soft pads, either – remind me of an early Roland drum machine I had, the number of which eludes me…

    Free Member

    I’m undecided about the interior but my partner was all for it claiming it’d make it easier to repair, spot issue arising etc.

    She’s right, of course, but it had that weird warehouse conversion feel about it that Americans seem to favour. Not a fan, personally.

    Free Member

    Another shout for the X27 – very lightweight, good head design and a joy to swing.

    Only a recent purchase for me after many years with a heavy maul. Every time I read reviews of decent mauls the Fiskars would pop up with lots of folk claiming it’s the mutts.

    It is. And a snip from FFX…

    Free Member

    Bastardised bump…!

    Cougar »

    Dannyh » I believe one of the mods once said on here that he kept a paperback in the glove compartment for moments like this….. until someone got out and lamped him(?)

    The former is me, but not the latter.[/quote]

    I had to bump this coz I remembered the same as Danny and was a little bemused as to why we had the same recollection of that particular tale. So, I went and found this…

    Cougar » I used to carry a book in the glove box for this sort of Mr Entitled eventuality. (I gave up after one bloke jumped out of his van, pulled open my door and punched me in the face, so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it.)

    Sorry, Cougar, had to be done – can’t stand irregularities in the Truth Continuum and dislike my own memory being challenged whether directly or not.


    Also, the thread is about colossal arseholes, so…

    Free Member

    Rorschach » I underestimated how fragile the inhabitants of our capital are during these testing times.

    Erm…does Rorschach think he’s Katniss Everdeen?!? [/quote]


    Good work

    Free Member

    CP talked about what went through his mind as he spoke and it was rarely the subject in hand.

    Ah, I was way off mark, then.

    I have the repeat set to record so I’ll give it a watch.

    Free Member

    What struck me was for someone who self admits having issues with social interaction, his conversation was so eloquent and unfaltering. There was never a pause to think of the right phrase or an ‘err, ummm’ which I found admirable.

    Simply conjecture but perhaps it’s because he’s less distracted by the social cues by which ‘normal’ folk can sometimes find take their mind off the topic in hand and cause them to falter in their train of thought.

    Almost a selfish act brought about by the condition, for want of a better term.

    *I didn’t watch the programme.

    Free Member

    I’m imagining you have short T-Rex arms to go with those three weird fingers.

    ‘s probably the only way you can touch your knee…

    Free Member

    ‘s a good post, Edukator.

    Don’t take that to mean that I like you or anything, tho…

    Free Member

    Clear it up Man

    Sounds like a really shitty superhero. Y’know – a bit like Juanshit of paper roll fame.

    Free Member

    Just had a listen to ol’ Cav. Sounds like he’s gone back to doing his thing from BITD.

    Not bad production, though probably not much use to your nipper.

    Free Member

    Bitlate, innit?


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