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  • teasel
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    Teasel » I don’t feel insulted by the first bit TBH, it’s just your opinion.

    And just for you Junkyard and to elaborate on the above statement, I know that was an imaginary scenario and you weren’t really referring to me as a tit. What I meant was I’d not be offended either way.

    Free Member

    You know when you hear those boorish UKIP voting nobheads, sat at the bar in your local start a sentence with “I’m Not a racist, but……”

    Well replace the word ‘racist’ with ‘misogynistic and sexist’ ( as well as many others I can think of) and that’s where we are.

    So there you go. Defend him if you like. Seems quite the fashion nowadays to flirt with opinions Jim Davidson would be proud of. Welcome back to 1978

    If you’ve got an issue with me having an issue with that issue…

    You’re not the victim, Binners. No need for more theatrics.

    Free Member

    ***WARNING – really boring post***

    Junkyard » PS you are coming across as a total tit* – thank god I did not insult you one bit with that

    * Its not what i think i still think you have a point re Binners but that argument is poor in the extreme as hopefully me doing what you did demonstrated. Dont insult folk whilst moaning about folk insulting folk it just makes you look daft

    Don’t know how but I missed that.

    I don’t feel insulted by the first bit TBH, it’s just your opinion.

    If i’d have written…

    Binners – You’re a complete **** and a nasty arsehole etc.

    …then I’d have made myself look daft, as you put it. But I didn’t. I wrote…

    Binners – You come across as a complete **** and a particularly nasty arsehole.

    Very different, as I attempted to explain earlier. I guess if I address you in the same manner as the second example then you’d probably feel insulted. I don’t and probably wouldn’t unless it came from more than one person (that isn’t of the same clique as the original critic, obviously :wink:) but then I’m confident in what I’m trying to express and feel capable of getting across my point without misunderstanding, though I’d be inclined to re-read my post if I thought a lot of folk thought I was being or coming across as a dick or something. If you feel I was trying to insult Binners then that’s probably more to do with you than it is me.

    No need to labour this point any more than this, just missed the above quoted post and trying to make myself clear and avoid the accusation that I’m a hypocrite. I’m sure I’m quite capable of being that but not in this instance.

    Free Member


    I’ll just leave the last post as unedited so as not to confuse other folk.

    You’re cool, Junkyard. I’m not looking for a scrap with anyone…


    Free Member

    Will anyone who challenges you be part of a clique and did you not notice the bit where i accepted that your argument had a point to it?

    No, that’s just absurd. I frequently disagree with folk on this forum and don’t view them as part of a clique or in-crowd.

    Anyway, I just edited the clique bit but you already posted.

    I was wrong but there is some substance to the whole clique thing that a few folk keep referring to.

    Free Member

    I wrote it’s how he’s coming across not what he actually is. A small but significant difference.

    Free Member

    I’ll take it the benchmark for respecting other posters is calling them a *****?

    Duly noted

    See, there you go trying to twist things to suit yourself. Kerley was being deliberately obtuse and trying to twist a point to suit an agenda, it’s little wonder Geetee took the bait.

    Liking the continual and unchecked use of that word BTW.

    Free Member

    It’s unnecessary which you probably already know. If I was in the habit of using the report button I would but it’s not my style.

    For the record I’m not defending the guy, just noting that you seem to make a beeline for him these days and you don’t come off well in those interactions.

    Just to be clear…

    Free Member

    Definitely follow advice to keep the head in a neutral position. Do be looking forward when the rest of you is pointing at an angle – keep it all straight.

    Free Member

    ^ 🙂

    Good job Drac hasn’t seen the thread yet. Quite a few breaches of Da Rules so far.

    Binners – do yourself a favour and stay away from threads in which Geetee is the OP or at least write something other than you do. You come across as a complete **** and a particularly nasty arsehole. It’s not funny to anyone with a modicum of respect for other folk.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Indeed. Farts, bins, cowshit – none of those are presented as food to the average human.

    Free Member

    You’re just getting weird now, Tom – casting folk in a light that suits your image of a neurotic weirdo or something. Why not just accept that some folk don’t like the same shit you do and really can’t stand the smell?

    You’re just spoiling for a rumble, right… 🙂

    *snaps fingers*

    Free Member

    My wife thinks there is a different reason


    As long as you can still hear the stereo it’s all good…

    Free Member

    Really? EVERYTHING?

    I guess a glass of water would be okay…

    Free Member

    They don’t sell shit tasting food.

    They sell shit food loaded with chemicals, grease and sugar, to hide the fact that it’s shit.

    There’s a reason your nose is above your mouth. Personally (and there’s no moral shit going down here or any of that weirdly named virtue posturing) I can’t stand the smell of, say, a packet of biscuits due to the fat they use. Not an appetising aroma to say the least. Same for most takeaway stuff, too.

    Free Member

    What I object to is folk automatically dismissing it because it’s a chain, how many outlets does somewhere have to have to make it terrible? More outlets = worse tasting food? Please…

    I don’t read anyone automatically dismissing anywhere because it’s a chain. I read folk dismissing chains because they don’t like the taste of the food.

    I really don’t see what your issue is, fella. I don’t think the number of outlets is the issue, though you could argue that the larger chains are going to use the same ingredients so will invariably taste the same – i.e. shit.

    Free Member

    To the ‘it’s all terrible’ folk. GTFOver yourselves. Do you really think these places get so successful, and stay that way by selling shit tasting (if not necessarily healthy) food?


    Doubt me? Take a break for a while and then try it again after a bout of eating decent food.

    And wtf is that GTFover yourselves shit about – having a hard day or something…

    Free Member

    About 10-15%. If it feels as ‘easy’ as it did before your rest then just carry on. It probably won’t.

    I find my upper is fine with a break but my lower suffers, particularly the squat.

    Free Member

    Nothing for me. As per the second post – it’s all shit, really. Foul smelling and tasting. Pizza was the last thing it ate and it was so long ago I can’t recall when. McD’s hasn’t passed my lips since I was at college at 16-17, so about 33 years.

    Makes me wanna puke just thinking about the shit I ate back then…

    Free Member

    I’ll keep plugging away

    Don’t forget to rest, too. I’m about 15 years older than you and take a week off every 8-10 weeks – always come back with new found vigor.

    Free Member

    You’re just jealous…


    Superb craftsman – some really nice touches and finishing detail. I even dreamed about him and his house last night (nothing weird).

    That’ll teach me to drink on a week night.

    Free Member

    any tips for getting all the gunge off the door seal inners

    They’re generally removable. If yours is, remove and soak in detergent, scrub and refit.

    Should’ve mentioned – the stinky machine I had never got any better despite washes with just about everything you can think of. Binned.

    Also, I was incorrect above – my machine is almost 7 years old now; like new!

    Free Member

    Don’t use conditioner or similar products.

    I have a 4 year old machine – wash between 40 – 80, liquid detergent and cleaned about once every two months with some of that Dr Beckmans antibacterial stuff. Never have I used softener or conditioner.

    Smells as fresh as the day I got it. The last one was used with conditioner/softener and it stank to high heaven before I binned it.

    Free Member

    Googling found this…

    …but I have no experience of either as I don’t have a smartphone etc.

    There’s a comprehensive (and somewhat exhaustive) thread on the forum where various questions are asked of the guy that apparently developed the workout. If you have issues with any of the exercises due to physical issues or equipment limitations it might be worth a read. I warn you – I remember it being a lengthy read and it probably hasn’t got any shorter. 🙂

    Edit : Thread…

    Edit 2 : Reviews of that app sound like it’s not too hot. Easy enough to do without any of that stuff, tho.

    Free Member

    Give Fierce Five a go, Molgrips. I remember you complaining of boredom with Stronglifts so perhaps it’ll keep your attention for a little longer.

    Google it – you should easily be able to get you head around the programme.

    Free Member

    Food of the god (Mercury) IME – fast to assemble and fast to eat – I mean, who needs cutlery; you can just drink the bloody thing*.

    I can knock up some fried chicken (pre-cooked, frozen and defrosted) and egg noodles with an additional 2 mins cooking and prep for a quick meal so don’t eat them these days.

    *Edit : Okay, a tad misleading. A fork can be useful for guiding the slop away from the edges of your mouth as it slips in.

    Free Member

    Fierce Five is a good alternative to Stronglifts if you consider yourself a beginner. Just a little bit more interesting and a little bit more back work.

    Free Member

    it can be next to impossible to eat that amount of protein required in meals unless you’re a culinary genius or able to consume 4/5 full meals a day.

    I’m not a culinary genius by any stretch but I get enough protein (150g) without really trying by eating the right food stuff. Up until recently I used protein shakes after I worked out and quite religiously, but although they’re probably the cheapest source of protein as well as whey in particular apparently having certain benefits, things like Greek yogurt, meat, eggs and nuts are the easiest and healthiest way to hit your protein (and fat) requirements.

    Have a wander over to – there’s a sticky by Emma Leigh. Some of the diet stuff is interesting to say the least. You don’t have to be a bodybuilder to benefit from some of her advice and knowledge – most has scientific back up links, too.

    Free Member

    push the trolley fast, lean on it and fly down the aisles with my feet off the floor

    A seemingly riskier activity with the advent of the half-trolley; something about the lack of tubular connection to the front and a small amount of backward leverage or something.

    Free Member

    mostly eat cake


    He wants to lose weight, dammit!

    Free Member

    He puts a whole block of butter in everything


    Though being serious, he’s a bad advert for butter consumption. Or rather just consumption in general…

    Free Member

    ‘s true, tho…

    Edit : Not that she’s James Martin, obviously.

    Free Member

    This thread is nice


    Free Member

    YoKaiser » Have you done anything to bring it back together?

    Have you done a proper deload – rest and 15% reduction? Focus on form when the weight is lighter and slowly get back up. Depending on the weight you’re using it might be worth looking at a different programme if you’ve been doing 5×5.

    Edit : I’m assuming you’re claiming to have massive difference between the OH and DL, in which case that’s totally normal. So ignore the above if so.

    Free Member

    controlled going down, no bouncing,

    Yemen – don’t be dropping at speed, no point in doing that.

    More controlled I think.

    I’d try and go lower if you’re able, it’s a much better exercise for doing so.

    Free Member

    Jimjam » It’s a joke, in reference to the op’s comments that had his son not been in the car, he would have been out of the car reacting very differently. IE if things were different there would have been fisticuffs, ie give me one good reason…..

    But the truth is most people can’t fight,or rather they’re just terrible at it, but that doesn’t stop people thinking they can “handle themselves” in the same way many believe they are an excellent drivers.

    The fact that the OP was still seething about it 24hrs later shows that he’s probably not used to conflict, never mind fighting three strangers by the roadside.

    Gotcha. The joke was lost on me but that’s nothing new.

    You’re right in the last paragraph, though. My view is if it isn’t directly life threatening then it’s not worth stepping in. I can easily absorb the odd physical shove from an ignorant nob these days and just walk away without even getting that adrenal rush.

    Happy days!


    Free Member

    [uber pedant] wind down the window[/uber pedant]


    Free Member

    like the van driver who yelled at me for holding him up but then had a few minutes to turn around and argue with the cyclist by the side of the road.

    For some weird reason I used to find myself in quite a few road rage type scenarios. Most were easily diffused by pointing out the obvious – they can’t be in that much of a hurry if they’ve pulled over to ‘ave a word. There’s the initial look of confusion quickly followed by either an embarrassed eff off or a wordless walk back to their car. Only once did one bloke go further and grab me.

    I wasn’t reading Guns ‘n’ Roses or anything so it was a bit weird…

    Free Member

    lol @ Jamie’s efforts.

    The rest is just shit, though I’m curious as to why Jimjam thinks no one’s capable of fighting.

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