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  • teasel
    Free Member

    They sometimes creak where the rails enter the plastic body. Worth a squirt of something in the gaps you can’t cover with copper slip.

    Free Member

    I had a hard to sort creak but with a carbon post in a aluminium frame. Assuming you’ve greased (copper slipped) under the clamp bolt head, I ended up putting a small chamfer on the inside edge of the seat tube as well as a single run of electrical tape around the post where it gets clamped.

    It hasn’t creaked in years.

    Free Member

    Here ya go. They’re in order of the above descriptions:

    The first image is a little misleading because the text suggests the movement with palms on thighs not behind the head as pictured but I thought I’d post it anyway to give a general idea.


    Free Member

    Sorry, forgot to check back.

    LOL @ pics of my groin, you saucy sod.

    But seriously, I’ve just tried taking some shots and the images aren’t coming out clear enough to be useful.

    I’ll attempt to describe them instead.

    All start from the same position – laying on your back with hands by your side, knees up, feet on the ground. All movements slow and controlled

    1. Hands onto thighs. Slide hands up thigh to knee and hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

    2. Lower one knee to the ground and back up to middle. Repeat 5-8 times per leg.

    3. Pillow squeezed between the knees, buttocks clenched. Lift bottom off the floor and down again. 8-12 times. 3 sets.

    4. Lift both feet off the ground so thighs are perpendicular to the ground, shins horizontal. Dip toes as if dipping in water and return, slow and controlled. 5-8 times each leg.

    Remember, these are all very light and designed to strengthen the areas commonly associated with hernias* – femoral area/upper groin/lower abdomen as well as upper inner thigh.

    I moved back to light weights after about 3 weeks of the above.

    If this isn’t clear enough just post again and I’ll painstakingly draw around the outlines of the images so they’re able to be picked up by the camera.

    *According to the physio. Before anyone starts abusing me for the accuracy (or not) of that statement.

    Free Member

    the first time i heard it i assumed it was lots of recordings.

    ‘s great, isn’t it – like a little sampling machine. Sometimes I think I recognise some of the sounds as car and house alarms from the local area, possibly even old mobile ringtones and game sound effects from way back. Who knows, maybe they have a kind of oral tradition whereby old ‘samples’ are passed on to successive generations.

    In my mind, anyways… 🙂

    Lovely sounds on a summer’s evening albeit to the detriment of just about any other sound.

    Free Member

    Shit news, Ahsat. Stay strong.

    Postman ‘delivered’ a FedEx driver who finally managed to deliver this…

    Free Member

    Yeah, I overheard a conversation the other day and it would seem that getting yourself an anal leech is all the rage…

    Free Member

    theyre diddly

    Clearly, they’re diddly squatters.

    Free Member

    Snoop dude looks baked…

    Free Member

    Personally I think this statement is wrong.

    I have to assume you didn’t follow that link I posted on the other page. If you did, can you elaborate as to why you think they’re necessary. I’ve got by for over 20 years without one and had no issues whatsoever. Keen to hear of what issues you had before opting to buy one.

    kormoran »

    Damp rag?

    Spit on a screwed up sheet of newspaper

    But…what if I ain’t got no spit…?

    Free Member

    I’m on the mend from a recent(ish) op and have been given some exercises to help strengthen the femoral/groin area (NHS physio). I could take a photo and put it here if you’re interested. They have definitely helped to give back some solidity in that area cos I started lifting again this week.

    By the gods, the worlds lightest squat almost killed me. Never again will I wait so long before getting back to it…

    Free Member

    Yeah, man. He’s pointing out your ability to end a thread with style.


    Free Member

    It was from one of the drivers interviewed in the BBC article which is why I used quotation marks rather than the forum quote option.


    Had a quick discussion with my partner on this subject (the 62 points person not this thread) and her idea was to stick them in those Google cars (or similar) as test dummies, taking the control from their hands completely. And if they go wrong and implode killing the occupant, no great loss… 😉

    Free Member

    crazy-legs » We’ve all seen them, those ones who stand the car on its nose as they enter a 30 zone, who sit there at 38 in a 40.

    The first example is a bit annoying but shouldn’t be an issue if you leave plenty of space and ease off your speed so you roll through the limit sign at the designated speed. The second – I see no problem. In fact, that’s probably me. I do about 38 in a 40 because it’s within the limit. My dash is telling me 39. My dashcam will tell me it’s 40 and that stupid central speedo (MINI) tells me it’s quicker still.

    Free Member

    Sugru adheres to things bloody well for something that isn’t an adhesive.

    So does phlegm.

    But seriously, I’ve used it in place of adhesive and it’s still holding after 3 years. So, technically not an adhesive but a good enough to use as such. Practically speaking (writing?).

    Free Member

    Not convinced about not needing a thermometer as knowing me I’ll burn it too hot or cold and knacker it.

    Doubt you’d knacker it but here’s that site I mentioned…

    ‘s easy. Honest. 🙂

    Free Member

    3 seconds too late


    Free Member

    Ash and a wet rag for dirty glass. Pointless using chemicals if you have no need for them.

    No need for a thermometer, either. Someone linked to a well written* guide on the proper way to use a stove so as not to over or under work it. Can’t remember the site but perhaps they’ll be along any minute now…

    * Better than I could explain or be bothered to explain at this time of night.

    Free Member

    No P here and all buttons present.

    You’re just special, Bikebouy.

    Free Member

    a driving saint

    Just in case that’s aimed at my comment above, it wasn’t that I didn’t speed, it’s simply that I wasn’t clocked for doing so. Which is pretty good going all considered. All these years later I do drive within the limits because I generally don’t need to be anywhere within a set time window.

    If the remark wasn’t aimed at me, just move along.

    Edit : I’m not Moore or Ogilvy

    Free Member

    I’ll add that as a form of penance or perhaps to assuage a modicum of guilt I didn’t drive for about a decade once I’d quit that job.

    Free Member

    “There are so many cameras that if you have to drive 50,000+ miles a year you are almost bound to get more than 12 points in three years.”

    Yet another in disagreement of that statement (though I can’t seem to find who wrote the original). I used to do about 75,000 to 100,000 miles a year for 13 years and in that time I managed to get 3 points for an anger induced heavy-footed blast over in EC2.

    Don’t drive angry, kids…!

    Free Member

    Another Eclipse user here; lovely stainless steelness. There’s an online guide somewhere to help get the right type for your door weight.

    Free Member

    Promise, eh? And yet you post…


    A very kinky pastime, I’m sure.

    Free Member

    bonus points for getting yoghut knitting on the fist page

    Here ya go, just to help facilitate that bonus point for some lucky git…

    Free Member

    edit: ^^^^^ what the hell is that!?


    Free Member

    Fixed your link.


    A lot of people killed FX-451’s by folding them backwards, you weren’t supposed to bend it past 180′ flat.

    I had a hand-me-down from my older brother after he replaced a “lost’ one. Folding back the case was definitely his modus operandi, the tosser.

    Teasel – I still have this [Casio SK-5]

    Awesome! I wanted that and a few of its forerunners but my dad surprised me by instead getting some giant full size monstrosity (can’t recall the model) and all desires were quashed. I even took that big bastard to gigs when I was 17, albeit hidden from view so the audience could only see the ESQ-1 and JX3P and not the “fake” synth.

    Superb little machines!

    Free Member

    Still got it. Perfect nick, too.

    Got loads of weird shit from the same era – probably worth a few bob to the right person but the above will always have good memories attached as it was my first composing machine.

    Da Da Da… 🙂

    Edit : Still have that sci-calculator that Cougar posted, too. Bit torn on the case hinge now.

    Free Member

    Zooming in and reading with my forty nine year old eyes the second sign clearly states:

    Suck on my Korma

    Whatever the **** that means.

    Free Member

    I think your barn’s haunted, mate – middle pic, bottom left.

    Free Member

    you can never over engineer!

    Remind me to start a “Check Out My Shed” thread sometime this year.

    You’ll probably love the “engineering”…

    Free Member

    This thread is bananas.

    Very Dali-esque…

    Free Member

    It’s White Spot that some types of fish get. Probably from all that fancy Atlantic sea salt.

    Make a Will today.

    Free Member

    my neck is the wrong size for my body

    No shit, Three Chins. This site has photographic evidence of your…uh…girth in that area.

    Edit : 😉

    Free Member

    That was obvious.

    Is that aimed at me, then? It’s not obvious, y’see…


    Free Member

    I’ve always been lucky in the clothing/footwear stakes. There are a few lasts that seem custom for my feet and most garments that attract my attention sit as if fitted but I really couldn’t give two shits about suits, classic or otherwise.

    Always had a penchant for a good pair of boots, though…

    Free Member

    You need very little information, and such details as account numbers are not required.

    Of course you don’t, but I had them to hand. Some banks can charge for the service of sorting out the fine details, too, so you’re better off trying to dig out the paperwork if you suspect you have it stashed somewhere.

    Free Member

    Just a pointer in case no one follows the advice to visit the MSE site – I claimed for a loan from the late 90s and within six weeks it was all done and dusted, no claims company involved. I did have the original paperwork so that made finding the correct account numbers easier.

    Easy money (which is probably what the bankers thought when flogging it to all those unsuspecting punters).

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart » Yep. Suits and shoes (if we’re counting bespoke cobbling as well!)


    I’m still looking for some super-strength bleach so’s I can erase that pic from my mind.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch » Oh here we go, the classic Cougar stroke…..”If you don’t agree with me it’s because you’re looking for an argument”.

    It’s weird you spot that, Ernie. The first time I engaged you in debate on this forum you accused me of the same despite any evidence to support your claim.

    What’s that little saying…we teach best that which we most need to learn.

    Being among the least corrupt doesn’t make them not corrupt does it?


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