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  • Fresh Goods Friday 682 – The Gripping Tape Edition
  • teasel
    Free Member

    Maybe you should try working somewhere that this stuff really matters.

    You have no idea of where I work or have worked or what I do. But top marks for missing the point yet again…


    Edit : To clarify. You come across like this guy on MOST threads…

    …not just on this particular subject. That’s regardless of whether or not your opinion is fact.

    Free Member

    Standards are slipping, guys.

    That drain is a shit mess and needs clearing…

    Free Member


    On just about every thread I envisage him something like this guy…


    Just that I have worked in some well regulated industries that don’t tolerate a cheeky breaking of the rules (for very good reasons)


    Free Member

    I’m not interested in taking credit for it because it wasn’t my tip originally but in the interests of clarity perhaps Sadexpunk can tell us which method he actually used as his example technique on the other page reads remarkably similar to the one I posted…

    Sad’s : hot water out the tap into a pan, eggs in pan whilst kettle boils, fill a frying pan with kettle water, keep pan on lowest setting so no bubbles, crack eggs into pan.

    Mine : Warm eggs in a bowl of warm water.
    Frying pan of water with just enough water to cover the egg.

    Boil water & turn off heat. Just as water stops bubbling, drop in egg. Let it sit there for a couple of mins, spoon a bit of water over the top of the egg for a minute.

    Additional – I use hot tap water so probably around 60 degrees for as long as it takes to boil enough water (in a kettle) for your pan. I heat the frying pan as the kettle is boiling and then go on with the bubble tip above.

    OPs : Get the water to almost boiling, then put the eggs into the water in their shells and roll them around gently for 10 seconds – then crack them into the pan.



    .If only there was a more natural way to cook your eggs. If only they sold them in some sort of holder or casing that you could put in the boiling water and remove them from later.


    Free Member

    whishing i had not bothered now

    I can relate to that, man. 🙁

    Free Member

    how warms the water and how longs the warm-up?

    I use hot tap water so probably around 60 degrees for as long as it takes to boil enough water (in a kettle) for your pan. I heat the frying pan as the kettle is boiling and then go on with the bubble tip above.

    Edit : I don’t spend a minute splashing the top with water; a few splashes should be sufficient. Lift out, let it drain for a sec and dump it on the toast or whatever base you’re using. Or straight down if you’re part of the Hairbear Bunch…

    Free Member

    Didn’t you have an op recently?

    I had an op back in November and I can’t get back up to speed without really feeling it at the moment. I can’t lift anywhere near the same weight – lift Monday and don’t recover until Friday. It used to be Tuesday and Thursday week in week out before the op.

    I’m putting it down to complete lack of fitness and try not to be too hard on myself.

    Free Member

    Best tip I had was from this forum.


    Warm eggs in a bowl of warm water.

    Frying pan of water with just enough water to cover the egg.

    Boil water & turn off heat. Just as water stops bubbling, drop in egg. Let it sit there for a couple of mins, spoon a bit of water over the top of the egg for a minute.

    Before that I was a clingfilm guy. Really shit when compared to the above method.

    Free Member

    I always envisage you in a nazi uniform in these threads!

    On just about every thread I envisage him something like this guy…

    …but with a few more chins, obviously.

    Free Member

    I took it again but this time omitted the car (where I would’ve been this time last year) and it gave me a result of 56%. Comparing that to the first result (but not altering the answers) the other sections have increased for some strange reason – Food up 10%, Home up 13% and Stuff up 2%.

    So yeah, total bollocks IMO.

    Free Member

    Bet the old git in the car was kerb crawling looking for prey.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    (you can’t even read a name). Idiot.


    I remember when you took someone calling you DeBz with a pinch of salt and a smiley.

    Oh, how the years take their toll…

    Free Member


    Top marks for not using that bloody awful American version.

    *doffs arse*

    Free Member

    Sort of (if you squint) similar to how everyone “knows” everyone in remote areas.

    I read that and squinted. I think I get your point…

    Free Member

    He voluntarily walked the plank, didn’t he…?

    Free Member

    How about if there were no strangers? – If you could point to anyone anywhere, in the physical or digital world and know their names, where they lived etc? (With “point” having a deliberately vague definition and “etc” being a very loose “etc”)?

    The problem, once again, would be trusting that the ability to “point” wouldn’t be abused. It already is and we have the ability to be relatively anonymous.


    But true…

    Free Member

    Rule 1 – Don’t be a dick.
    Rule 2 – Be excellent to each other.


    If it’s so simple why do you have such a hard time following your own advice…?

    Free Member

    ‘scuse me for interrupting, guys, but…

    Sand in car

    I reckon, based on most of the threads I’ve read, you could’ve got away with…

    Sand in VAG

    …without causing too much offence to anyone. You do own one, right…?

    Free Member

    scuffs on the rims, I can’t see how it can really be avoided.



    Free Member

    Good news that it’s treatable, man. Reading that yesterday made my evening.

    Free Member

    So long ago
    can’t remember what
    a bike is

    Free Member

    Oh I dunno, there’s a few good posts among the usual shit. It’s always hard to tell if folk are being true to their viewpoints or just writing what they think they should.

    Or trolling…

    Edit : Page 3 got a bit lengthy and difficult for me cos of the ADHD. It’s almost like Cougar got possessed by the spirit of Junkyard.

    Free Member

    I have one of these…

    Done a year of daily service without any issues and the quality is fine. It doesn’t have a screen so has to be aligned using a tablet or phone and the appropriate connecting lead. No problems with heat or cold.

    Free Member

    Enter your VIN and confirm what they’re telling you…

    Free Member

    I use a chefs blowtorch… to go at the firefighters.

    That’s harsh, man. Just cos they wear fireproof clothing it doesn’t mean they can’t sense your hate.

    They do a fine job – let them be…

    Free Member

    As for thinking the OP was weird for cooking lunch at 10:30 or indeed, bullshitting – I doubt they were as presumptuous as me when I did a very short stint as a postie. When on a walk with the regular guy I spotted a guy sat in his lounge heartily quaffing a can of beer at around 7:30am. As we walked away I asked if the other postie had seen the bloke drinking and what a shame alcoholism was. He smirked and informed me that it was the beginning of they guy’s evening as he’d just finished night shift.

    I know; cool story, right…

    Free Member

    teasel, martymac, I hope you’re both doing okay.

    Yeah, I’m fine these days, thanks. It has to be noted that this was all a very long time ago – started in ’74 when I was 6 years old and I only did a stint of around a decade. I think they’ve changed quite a few views since then so maybe they’re not all bad. I met some genuinely nice people in my time with them, it’s just a shame they get tarred with the same brush as the tossers of their sect.

    Also, I remembered – the ‘elder’ that stuck pins in his son’s leg went by the name of Brother Duck.


    Free Member

    I think Kilo’s take is the most exciting. Go with that and get some pics when plod grab ’em.

    Free Member

    It can be bloody amusing getting them to attempt an explanation for all the times the prediction of Armageddon went unfulfilled. Unreliable prophets are never a good thing for PR. I hope they were disfellowshipped for that.

    We keep forgetting that some people have to live through this not through their own choice.

    Destroyed my family and my school life. I wasn’t allowed to sit in on assembly in the mornings because they recognised the wrong version of god, I guess. Got me kicked to shit on an almost daily basis. That and being ginger, of course. Didn’t stand a chance… 🙂

    Another gutting story was a young girl, probably around 18/19, happened to become attracted to a young guy probably about 5 years older. From what I could work out they had a little night of passion that somehow came to light and the guy was disfellowshipped, and when an elder explained it to the congregation he was accused of raping the girl, probably because she was an elder’s daughter. Her father stepped down as an elder after that and I always felt he was a broken man, such was their wrath and judgment.

    Just typing that has made me slightly angry; using words like elder and disfellowship – the bloody arrogance of these ****. The way they told my mum that only men could wear trousers. The way the son of the elder would look down his **** nose at me. It’s little wonder I thumped that prick and scragged a few others before I too was asked to no longer attend.

    Probably best to step away from the thread, eh…

    Free Member

    How the hell does a person notice something like this?

    [Needs to] get a hobby, read some books ? Join a cycling club ?



    Free Member

    white men with dreads

    We have at least one of those on this forum, don’t we. Kimbers, iirc. The lad that looks a bit like Ewan McGregor or, more accurately, a young Obi Wan.

    But I digress – fire away…

    Free Member

    Like Nach I was brought up in this godforsaken religion in my early years. And, weirdly, I too found myself reading Kurt, though I think the early alcoholism helped me shun their ‘truth’.

    Nowadays I will happily engage them in discussion but like to question the sanity of their beliefs. The 144,000, for example – who decides which of them are chosen for that position. There was at least two in the congregation I was forced to attend, one being a right spiteful git that would stab his son with a pin should his attention falter at anytime during the meeting. Sadistic shitbag makes it into the kingdom of heaven – says it all. They’ve been around for some time – surely all the spaces have been filled by now.

    So many more things to rip to bits about theirs and many other religions but I respect their right to believe whatever they want just as long as it isn’t brought to my door. And that’s how I generally close – I know where to find you should the need arise, stop forcing yourself on folk.

    I always offer a hot beverage, too… 🙂

    My dad and I once met Hank Marvin at a Twickenham assembly. My dad tapped him on the shoulder and before he could say a word Hank says “Not now, brother.” thinking we wanted an autograph. My dad said “Nah, I just want a programme, please. Brother.”

    I laughed. Probably out loud, much to his chagrin.

    Free Member

    Or a Tom suit being worn badly…

    Edit : Possibly by Richard Gere.

    Free Member

    Is that Patrick Swayze?

    That’s what went through my head. Can’t work out what it is, though – back lighting causing Swayze-esque hair highlights. The weird shape of the hair. The strangely bulbous jaw pivot. Crazy eyes. Eyebrows. Tan.

    But yeah; dead. Just like Joe…

    Free Member

    I will be seeing the father on Friday when we collect the lads from BB’s. It should provide a nice public opportunity in front of the other parents to ask about his driving…

    Why not just have a quiet word without the public shaming? What do you feel it will achieve that a one-to-one wouldn’t…?

    Free Member

    Pah! thats nothing, I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.

    Pics or you’re just bullshitting…

    Free Member

    I’d foam roll your back

    But not the lower back, as I understand it. Anything below your lowest rib is off limits for foam rollers. Lower back problems are dealt with by exploring glutes and hams and hips etc. as suggested above by some folk.

    Free Member

    Start stop won’t stop the engine with a door open, so problem solved.

    Ah, I didn’t know that. In which case, ban ’em…!


    Free Member

    The buttons are there because customers think they know best.

    Surely they make it easy for the MOT tester to keep the engine running. Far easier than, say, hooking up a computer/test rig to the car ECU and doing the job that way.

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