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  • Issue153 Interview: Flying Under The Radar
  • teasel
    Free Member

    I am frustrated by it to be honest

    Man, it’s all cool. Don’t let it get under your skin. Who the **** are they anyway – faceless, spineless internet nobs, that’s who.

    Let it slide – it’s cool…


    Free Member
    Free Member

    Mod isn’t my job you teasel it’s a something I volunteer

    For some reason I envisage you writing that with a Texan accent.

    Free Member

    We don’t read every single post on the forum.

    Yeah, so you keep claiming.

    If Paul (Project) objected to the insult then fair enough. If someone other than him felt it was wrong then that someone has something against me personally.

    Marcus – you waste your time trying to demonstrate to Drac that he’s at fault. In fact, I’ve heard on night rides he actually sits on the handlebar backwards, illuminating the trail with bright sunlight beaming from his anus…

    Free Member

    The lack of nearby houses would make little difference, I suspect. My partner’s dad has a cat that’s had it good for years out in the middle of nowhere – you can’t even see the nearest neighbour yet not so long ago in he wandered with two cat fangs embedded in his cheek and jaw and a week later lost one of his own.

    Free Member

    Just imagine if you took all that time in which you forced yourself to sleep when at Uni and applied it to, well, pick a bloomin’ sport, man!

    You coulda been a contender…

    Free Member

    Look at that – two at once.

    Let’s be clear – I’ve read the very same insult on this forum without removal. What does that say – preferential treatment for some or just unlucky for me that it was spotted by a mod…

    Rhetorical – I don’t need an answer. Just keep it consistent, eh.

    Free Member

    whereas hard riding does.

    I reckon it makes you feel more hungry than you really are. Probably why so many cyclist are fat gits. Or, probably more accurately, pot-bellied with reasonably good legs.

    Not a good look…

    Free Member

    Call everyone a dickhead and the insult is spread so thin, nobody cares


    Gah! It was an otherwise useful post, too.

    Mod powers getting abused if you ask me but that’s nothing new either, is it.

    Free Member

    I would also say that a few years back i think i fell into the baiting trap myself and felt like a bit of a shit afterward and decided it wasn’t a good thing to do as you dont know who the poster is and how it could affect them (having seen what happend to Kaesae). I’m not it that situation but it does make me think a bit more these days.

    I don’t think anyone knows for sure what really happened to Kaesae and whether it was anything to do with his rough treatment on some threads but it should go without saying that it was unnecessary bullying. But that’s okay because it was done by the Good Guys and he was merely one of the ordinary folk just passing through…

    Free Member

    It’s mainly just a bunch of dickheads with limited social skills

    I had a post on this thread pulled last night because I called someone a dickhead. Negative use of the forum apparently.

    Can’t for the life of me decide which mod would’ve felt so inclined…

    Free Member

    Indeed. Wordnumb’s post on the other page suggesting the same was obviously lost in the abundance of well considered and helpful replies.


    Free Member

    Construction is construction, surely. A house being built is construction with accompanying noise. An extension is construction and can potentially include a lot of noisy tasks some of which might bother folk.

    Edit : People have to get along, sometimes in quite a confined space. Invoking something official is the last step but sometimes it’s necessary to involve something more than a kind request. Consideration and empathy is essential for a community to work for all those involved and tolerance is just one side of that exchange.

    Free Member

    Well yes and no. Time in the gym might help my cycling but there’ll come a point where the effort and dedication required to increase my deadlift say will take enough time away from my cycling to reduce my overall performance.

    Really? You could easily slot in a session of 30 minutes or less even going as far as just doing DL. Adding just a few kilos a session is easy as you know and before you know it you’re lifting twice as much as you found a struggle a month or so ago. Strength is strength.

    the time for that has long passed

    What are you – thirty something…? I was fitter at 37 than I was at 25 and I’m stronger now at 49 than I was at 37. When I stop sodding about with weights and complete a few major chores I’ll start the hill sprints again. When I was doing that last year alongside the lifting I was the fittest I’ve ever been – at 48. Two years before that all my joints were aching, cycling was a struggle, general labour tasks were harsh on my body and I was generally knackered. I don’t recognise that person nowadays – a weak shadow of my better self.

    But hey, I’m rambling. It’s your choice. I’m just adding my two pence of bollox.

    Free Member

    Have you got a source for that?


    Morally certainly, legally I’m not so sure.

    Good job I didn’t claim any legality, then. 😉

    But like you I thought it was a 7-11 thing until yesterday when I had the displeasure of informing an ignorant git that it wasn’t going to fly and the local bods would probably be interested, though I very much doubt anyone from Wycombe council would’ve been available on a Saturday.

    I’m in slightly different circumstances to the OPs situation but it can become a real pisser when it’s everyday without break.

    Free Member

    At least an alien didn’t eat your Buick. That really would be quite costly.

    Free Member

    Our local council stipulate construction noise being limited to certain hours – 7am -7pm weekdays, 9am – 1pm Saturdays and nothing on Bank Holidays or Sundays. Yours will more than likely have similar rules.

    Ignore comments from those suggesting you’re being grumpy or unreasonable – everyone has the right to at least one day of peace and quiet a week if construction is taking place nearby.

    Free Member

    ‘s cool, Molgrips. No one is gonna force you if you don’t want to. 🙂

    But, getting all Socrates with a Yoda-esque voice – contemplate this, you must…

    “No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a [person] to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which [their] body is capable.”

    But I honestly don’t see why the two things have to be mutually exclusive. Strength is strength regardless of application. That’s why I lift at present – I like the strength available to me when lifting, say, a large chunk of tree. Or perhaps moving multiple stone slabs or blocks, digging a bloody great hole without feeling weakened or simply getting up from the floor without the aches and pains of age. If you lower your body fat to single digits (like Twinwall) you can even look good. What’s not to like…

    Free Member

    Weight gaining with good fit outlook is slow process. you should have enough patience, good diet and workout schedules…

    Yep. And a good dose of what this guy used to peddle…

    Free Member

    Yeah, I think I’m going through a mad phase at the moment because I feared not getting back what I’d lost through the hernia op recovery. I feel good – no noticeable fatigue or excess ache. I’m eating lots, too, and the strength seems to be returning very quickly.

    As for deadlifting – in the grand scheme 145kg isn’t that heavy, is it? I mean, I like to think I’m still right at the beginning of my lifting time as opposed to the end or reaching limitations but I’m almost as old as you so maybe I’m kidding myself.

    Ebb and flow – I’ll probably feel it’s time to make a will in a week or two…

    Free Member

    bench grinder in his shed with the door wide open at gone 1 o’clock in the morning.

    If there’s a next time, grab your machete, don a boiler suit and go and stand in the doorway. Don’t say a word, just stand there for a minute and then walk away.

    But seriously, just talk. If this doesn’t get results express your displeasure in a firmer fashion. Most folk can be reasoned with even if you have to use slightly more aggressive terminology.

    Those that can’t – machete…!

    Free Member


    If you two are or have been part of the Wycombe music scene then I probably know you or someone you know.

    Tiny world – once bumped into someone from Wycombe whilst working in Vienna.

    Free Member

    Breaking my code of not taking part in political threads…

    Her eyes give away her fear and doubt. It wasn’t there before the result.


    Free Member

    Thanks for that CNS test, Footflaps. That’ll probably be useful in the coming weeks. Got 5 x 145kg deadlift today so a personal best there but I suspect I’m going to need a bit of a rest soon.

    No matter how strong or good you are there is always something new to learn and while you’re busy plugging away an air of henchness will engulf you.

    One day, when you’re just a memory, your gym will have that plastered all over the wall as some sort of homage to your veiny form. 8)

    So many exercises for sculpting this or that in a slightly different way or allowing me to lift a few more kg.

    Yeah, I think that’s for the bodybuilders and their vanity. Doesn’t interest me either, though I understand that some folk want to get slightly bigger shoulders or biceps to complete the image they wish to achieve and isolation can be useful for that extra few (barely noticeable) mill of width or “peak”. Definitely a long term project that takes high levels of dedication, as far as I can see.

    Free Member

    I don’t particularly enjoy it.


    I must get an endorphin rush off it or something because I do enjoy it.


    Free Member

    Great advice!

    I’m currently training the one arm pull up

    I noticed the pics on Instagram. That lever with weight, too!!

    **** nutter, you…

    Free Member

    How do I know if I have a Time Machine backup?

    You disappoint me.

    As above – get on the blower and get them to sort it. I’ve always had excellent customer service from Apple despite buying all my stuff from the Square Group just before they shut down.

    Free Member


    To correct what I wrote above – obviously the weights are ‘stressing’ my CNS but not enough to over cook it, so to write.

    No doubt in a few weeks time I’ll be on a different forum asking why I can’t even lift a cuppa, brah…

    Free Member

    Last year before the op and massive calorie deficit experiment I’d ridden my bike about twice before hooking up with mate for a local blast that starts with a hill climb. I flew up without much effort – even tempted to say it was easier than before I started lifting but, tbh, by comparison I was weak as piss before the weights though I was no slouch when it came to moving heavy objects. I was 71kg then and deadlifting 140kg (160 1RM) so not quite 2xBW but close enough.

    Contrary to this…

    I would only do deadlifts once a week though, too much load on CNS to do more often.

    …I was doing it twice a week on alternate weeks for sometime and am doing the same now. Perhaps 140kg just isn’t heavy enough to stress the CNS but I reached that weight again this week and it doesn’t look like slowing any time soon so I guess I’ll see.

    As for the squat – have a look at Candito’s 9 week squat programme. Some of the accessory stuff is quite helpful for a more balanced development. Sumo deadlifts, for example – good for me after the hernia op as they’re working my weaker areas. Check it out, it’s all grist to the mill and something to try when you get bored. His bench programme is worth a look, too.

    Free Member

    You’re definitely ‘hench’, Twinwall. Those veins are awesome superhero stuff, too.

    Like this pic and accompanying text…

    Here was going to be an AWeSoMe picture of me deadlifting two and a half times bodyweight, unfortunately the person, (not to be named) even though they insisted they had the shot, did not have the shot, so here’s me getting creative.

    Careful… you might get accused of virtue signalling or somesuch… 🙂

    Free Member

    I liked it but I grew up reading comics. Particularly liked the stand-off between Sandman and Lucifer, though it reminded me of that fight between Merlin and the witch in The Sword And The Stone.

    If you’ve attempted reading comics and found it wasn’t your cuppachar then you probably won’t enjoy it.

    Free Member

    eat what you want til… go to sleep.

    Excellent – eat until you pass out. Totally hardcore approach…! 🙂

    OP – did you eat the beans on toast once home or did you demolish something else? If no then I reckon that’s why you craved the toast. If not, **** knows. Perhaps you’re a conduit for the desires of those suffering the Atkins diet…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    STW is the real world.

    Yep, that’s right – I really did type that with my actual fingers and you really did read it with your real eyes.


    Free Member

    I got into psychotherapy with a view to trying to help paedophiles. When I was questioned about it by fellow students and friends the general view was why help those sick bastards.

    I dropped out of the whole thing in the end after realising I was too much of a **** up to help others. Later I was told by the tutor that’s just the kind of self honesty they look for in counsellers… 🙂

    Can you feel the damage my can’t-believe-you-said-that-rays are doing to you right now?

    Made me chortle…

    Free Member

    Muchos lolz at Maccruiskeen work.

    Free Member

    I watched something last night – can’t remember what – but Purves was saying about how Noakes on-screen persona was not the real man but something he created for the audience. In real life he was much more intense and serious, seeking out solitude rather than any glam.


    Free Member

    a decent height sidewall doesn’t affect the handling noticeably and the grip probably increases with the more supple tyre.

    Indeed. Run little 15″ wheels and it’s even acceptable on the potholed roads of the south just about everywhere.

    I’ve also done a 2.5 hour stint across the M4 without stopping and had no issues with comfort.

    Like I wrote earlier – it’s a reasonably practical car with a versatile engine. 150,000 on mine and I can get to Wales from Wycombe area on just under £20 of petrol.

    Free Member

    I can’t claim to have experience of the 18v stuff but I have a Bosch blue drill and impact driver set. I’ve happily and effortlessly built a few sheds with them. The most impressive use was driving in 10x150mm coach bolts into some beams. Eight of them, no less. Took two batteries worth of grunt and the thing got quite hot.

    Very nice size and weight for general use IME.

    Free Member

    Thinking of you, man. How you doing…?

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