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  • Fresh Goods Friday 701 – The Hydrate and/or Die Edition
  • teasel
    Free Member


    Free Member

    Nope, nicely baked actually. Just demonstrating my degree in stating the bleeding obvious…

    Free Member

    I’m getting a soft C from the way you’ve chosen to spell that – sounds like some weird cocktail made with that blue shit.

    Try it with a K

    Free Member

    Is that still a thing?

    Try to remember that sentiment the next time you feel like typing baby robin

    Free Member

    Whilst looking for a suitable t-shirt to use as further ridicule I stumbled across this and was put off my stride…

    Anyway, as you were with the car stuff…

    Free Member

    It’s not really though is it, not what I’ve found when I drove a Q7 but then again I’ve driven larger vehicles since I was 18 on a daily bases.

    You’re so awesome I couldn’t find a You’re Awesome image to fit your awesomeness.

    Free Member

    No wonder I don’t take green lights for granted any more

    I’m sure it’s a quote of someone/something but what runs through my head is

    “Red lights don’t physically stop a vehicle.”

    ‘s too easydangerous to assume it’s safe…

    Free Member

    So, just the wannabees, then…


    Free Member

    Indeed, Ransos. That was the point I was making – popularity!

    Free Member

    is it all in my head

    I reckon it’s this.

    Take another picture in a weeks time after some hard riding and post it up.

    If you’re not all broken and smashed in, of course…

    Free Member

    Not that huge compared to completely average other cars!

    Yeah, perhaps I should’ve justified my post by explaining I was in a Mini when I encountered that Q7 beast.

    Free Member

    That Q7 is scarily big in the metal, as it were. Probably run straight over the top of some small cars without even realising it.

    “I think it was a pothole, daahling…”

    Free Member

    I see the daily hate mail and the scum have followed up their moral outrage at a female character by immediately finding and publishing a picture of her topless.

    That’s a bit of a shitty thing to do.

    I’m not an avid reader of ‘news’ but did anything like that happen to Matt Smith or Capaldi? And I don’t mean topless, just dirt digging or shaming or similar.

    I doubt it…


    Free Member

    I remember his regeneration from… Jon Pertwee


    “Would you like a jelly baby…?”

    Free Member

    Look at that photo. Really look at it.

    Okay, already.

    But yeah, I looked and I kinda see a little bit of David Tennant*. Could be the slightly cocked eyebrow, perhaps the upper lip lift… dunno but something.

    Don’t know why I’m responding to a **** mod, though. One of you guys sucks big time!

    *Go on, Jamie. Do a quick overlay type of thing for me… 8)

    Free Member

    Excellent work, Letmetalktomark.

    Free Member

    My nephew keeps saying Malcolm Oliver is one of his favourite riders…


    Free Member

    Body fat is around 22%. The calculator that I linked to earlier in the thread suggests I have around 60kg of lean mass.

    I’m now 77kg at 173cm

    Main thing is I’m happy and strong and heading towards my goal with relative ease. That’s always a good thing. I would never have thought I’d be like this about 3 years ago at 46 – I was aching and groaning on getting to my feet thinking it was old age kicking in. How wrong I was…

    Edit : And it turns out I can still have the odd pizza and beer or cake or whatever as long as it’s taken into consideration. IIFYM… 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m gonna start thinking that they have something against me

    See, I was only joking when I wrote that. Seems it’s actually true, though **** knows why.

    To the winky mod that deleted my post but not Boblo’s – care to explain why? Happy to do so in private email as long as you reveal your forum user name because I’m seriously starting to think you have an issue with me and I’d like it to stop.

    If you’re going to be a mod then at least do so with impartiality or explain why I’m on your hit list.

    Free Member

    Losing about a kilo a week at the moment. I think most of it is fat from the thighs and belly and a bit off the arse but unsure as to how much muscle mass is disappearing*. I have a feeling that fasted workouts weren’t working for me, particularly as I sometimes don’t lift until 2pm. Was trying the 8 hour feed window before with just a few hundred calories more but fat loss was slow. The change has been with eating when I feel hungry but only consuming enough to get in about 30 – 40 grams of protein – I reckon it’s keeping my metabolism going so burning all the time.

    A kilo a week – a bit too much, isn’t it?

    Sod’s Law’ll say I have something nasty cooking away out of view again only I won’t spot it this time because of the intentional fat losing experiment.

    *Intensity (weight on bar) has been kept as close as possible to the weight when I was bulking/building strength to try to avoid significant loss.

    Free Member

    I wish her luck on her quest to find a mucus-free partner.


    Or at least one who doesn’t yo-yo the stuff in and out of one’s nostril.

    Free Member

    I was really hoping for Chiwetel Ejiofor.

    His fee would’ve left us with plot lines involving only the Cybermen as it’s obvious their suits are actually assembled by the Blue Peter crew to save precious pennies.

    Free Member

    Definitely wasn’t Louise…

    Free Member

    I knew it…!


    Free Member

    Not a sneeze but one of those explosive sniggers that in my case managed to shoot out a rather long greenish length of snot that was immediately sniffed back up, hoping no one saw it. The girl I was sure I was in with that evening did see it and that was that.


    Free Member

    This bit of the thread made me laugh…

    NExt time try pulling it, see what she says…

    But, like, don’t do that, kids!

    Free Member


    No one has got a clue what they are actually doing and everyone is just winging it.

    indeed. i can’t believe I’ve got this far without being found out [/quote]

    Your opening gambit was the first clue TBH.

    But to add to the winging it thing… age does not confer wisdom, merely arrogance. Unless, of course, humble pie is consumed on a regular basis.


    Free Member

    I was thinking more about the psychological aspect i.e. if you like to have a beer or cake or whatever then have it.

    Admittedly it pays to adjust ones taste to foods that are beneficial like good cuts of meat, veg, pulses etc. but I reckon there’s a lot to be said for the feel good factor of eating a little of what you like even if it’s considered junk food or on the ‘bad list’ because it’s alcohol and it’s empty calories or something. I also think the body is quite happy as long as it’s getting its basic minimum of fat and protein and will accept carbs from any source as long as you don’t over do it or break any other target you might be aiming for.

    Free Member

    So the question is, can one lift and gain strength whilst eating a low carb diet? I’ve read that lifting helps reduce muscle loss from a calorie deficient diet, but would I be better off doing something other than 5×5 whilst calorie deficient?

    I am by no means an expert so take this with a pinch… I’m trying to lose a tad of body fat just to see what my body looks like with around 15%. I’ve cut down to less than 100g of carbs but don’t really count them. I focus more on eating around 1.75g of protein and 0.9g of fat per kilo of body weight. I’ve cut back the weight on the bar by 5% and dropped to 3×5 on everything bar DLs which are and always have been 1×5 (after warm up sets, of course) so basically I’m attempting to keep bar intensity the same to avoid muscle loss. To my surprise I sneaked an extra kilo on the presses and row without undue problem so I reckon it’s possible to keep adding. This guy explains it much better than I can…

    Weight Training for Fat Loss Part 1

    My results are a loss of that band of fat around the middle – an inch in 2 weeks. A loss of weight by 2 kilos which is noticeable in the belt hole being one smaller and the trousers fitting looser on the thighs and arse. I haven’t noticed any energy deficit when doing 10 minute hill sprints twice a week so carbs must be just enough. The deficit is only around 300kcal below maintenance but sometimes I like to see how low I can go before I almost pass out. Mind over matter kind of approach – probably foolish.

    These calculators are useful for a general type of figure to aim for…

    Below the calc on the second link is an interesting bit on a woman eating only 1000 calories.

    Don’t ask me about the rest of the site as I haven’t explored but it’s got a rather weird name that kinda puts me off of doing so.

    Just to add – I’ve been eating mostly whole food – chicken, broccoli, cauliflower, cheese, greek yogurt, blueberries etc. but have also consumed a fair bit of pizza (a particular brand and type fits my dietary requirements so is all good now and again) as well as having the odd ice cream and micro bottle or three of Peroni. The fat is still falling away – don’t know why, it just is. I guess moderation is key and not depriving yourself as that’s wholly unsustainable in reality.

    Free Member

    baby robin?

    You utter ****. From a different thread…

    I’m surprised nobody has said “baby robin” yet

    Because sometimes crap memes/tropes need to die.



    Free Member

    fear it may break me on a motorway run

    I’ve done a straight 200 motorway miles without stopping and without any comfort issues, though not a JCW model, merely a N/A Clubman running 15″ wheels and stock shocks. The JCW and S models probably have firmer suspension but whether that will really make much difference on a long motorway journey is a little outside my experience as I’ve only driven the others around A roads.

    Death rattle will depend on the year – it was sorted after it was ‘officially’ recognised – not sure when that was. Same as the water pump setting the car on fire – all sorted before BMW took it all in house and stopped the R55/56/57 in favour of their own car with a ‘MINI’ body.

    Free Member

    I like a world where a hoverfly tastes of air.

    Free Member

    An Italian tune-up…!

    Edit : Thought that didn’t fix my problem.

    Free Member

    Because sometimes crap memes/tropes need to die.

    Bears repeating…

    Free Member

    He knows what it is as he has the exact same link in his own post.


    Free Member

    Here’s the symptoms taken from that MINI service bulletin to give you an idea of what that sort of service will sort. Bear in mind the bulletin is for petrol engines…

    Deposits found in the injection and induction system may cause the vehicle to experience a variety of drivability complaints, eventually leading to the Service Engine Soon lamp to be illuminated. Some of the possibilities are listed below.

    Fuel Injectors

    Deposits at the fuel injector’s tip can impact fuel flow, disturbing the air/fuel mixture ratio.
    Symptoms are the following: Hesitation or stumble during acceleration, or even loss of power; poor fuel efficiency; increased emissions of HC and CO; and “Service Engine Soon” lamp illumination due to misfire faults, or lean mixture adaptations.
    Intake Valves
    Deposits at the valves and on the intake manifold ports can absorb fuel during the warm-up phase, leaning out the air/fuel mixture ratio. Carbon buildup may disturb the mixture flow at low throttle conditions and/or idle speeds.
    Symptoms are the following: Poor drivability; loss of power; unstable and/or rough idle; increased emissions of HC, CO and NOx; and “Service Engine Soon” lamp illumination due to intermittent misfire faults.

    Combustion Chamber

    Combustion Chamber Deposit Interference (CCDI) occurs when there is a contact between carbon deposits on the piston crown and the cylinder head. The noise can be confused or misdiagnosed as a ping, knock, or other noises that could indicate a mechanical failure. CCDI occurs first as a cold start noise that can fade as the engine warms to operating temperature. The noise will reoccur at the next cold start. As deposits build, there is an increase in compression temperature that may cause pre-ignition detonations.

    Symptoms are the following: Knocking; pinging; run-on; poor acceleration; octane requirement increase; increased emissions of NOx; and engine idle speed surges.

    Free Member

    I had it done just to see what difference it made and to see if it could sort out a rough idle. It did but only after it still had a weird lump about 10 minutes from cold that went suddenly one day after stalling completely. Overall the engine ran smoother and quieter – noticeably so.

    Basically the fuel line is removed and replaced with a set up that contains a solvent that will then be blasted over the back of your valves and into the combustion chmaber for about 15 – 20 minutes. If your engine is old or your rings are coked to shit it could cause further problems. BMW Austrailia has a service bulletin highlighting the issue which is basically rough idle, surging or flat spots etc. (I have a copy if you can’t find it through Googling) and excessive coking and build up from the PCV. The coking can be bad on many direct injection engines so I assume it’s a sort of fix, though as I understand it a walnut blast is a better fix for that issue.

    Whether or not a Terraclean is the correct treatment for the issues you’re having is a decision I would entrust to a good mechanic.

    Free Member

    As you’re trying to avoid felt (which is wise IMO) how about a nice sheet of EPDM…?

    Free Member

    The guy was cool as ****. An inspiration to my younger brother who went on to race.


    Free Member

    i stopped drinking coffee and have noticeably less headaches, do miss it though at times.

    That made me wonder whether or not one cup would expose you to the same withdrawal should you decide to cave and neck a sneaky one. Is the constant intake the reason for such painful withdrawal or is just one cup enough to leave you clucking…?

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