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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • tealeith
    Free Member

    I’ve always stayed clear of Carbon in the past ehrob, but I could be tempted this time around. Nearly 1 1/2 pounds lighter and it just looks so damned nice. Agreed, I could save some money, lighten it up in other ways (wheels?) but ultimately have the same ride anyway, albeit heavier on the climbs.

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone, some good options there. Will make some phone calls later today to the various options.

    The carbon in the reddish-orange does indeed look lovely. The playfulness of it from the various reviews is what I’m interested in finding out.

    Free Member

    Thanks drovercycles. A trip to Wales might be in order then. A large sized carbon would be perfect.

    Free Member

    I can see this place near the Forest of Dean does them – I may have to take a trip over there :

    Free Member

    Distance: 3,003 miles
    Elevation Gain : 263,061 feet
    Rides: 186
    Time : 290 hours

    Did my last 2016 ride yesterday. All of the above proper rides with a mix of mountain biking and road (on a CX bike). Not sure if I’ll ever match this again, lots of early morning starts made this happen.

    Well done everybody. It’s not always easy to get out with “life” to contend with as well.

    Free Member

    Coming at this from a different perspective – do people realise that this is going to destroy the jumps area that Nirvana cycles (and others) use?

    There’s some fantastic drops and jumps lines in there, will be such a shame 🙁

    ( ^ Just trying to lighten the mood )

    Free Member

    I must admit that some of the headlines, and even the content of the various publications around this have been completely sensationalised so far, but then that’s the way media works these days isn’t it? This doesn’t make it right of course and some of the storm being whipped up is dragging the argument completely away from what LHAG’s original opposition was all about.

    The protestors, or “protectors” as they prefer to be known as are waving “NO FRACKING” signs even though the geology of the hill is not compatible with this type of extraction and is not what Europa are proposing anyway. I think it’s fair to see that many of the facts and points that have been been stated in recent weeks are not entirely accurate. The tens of thousand of pounds that LHAG raised and that went on barrister fees through the courts were to oppose this entirely based on fact and around the planning application itself. The points raised and argued were around things like impact to the road, people, and environment. Europa had plans to put in traffic lights at the top and bottom of the hill during the lorry visits, aware of the fact that they would completely block the road in transit up and down. This would encompass a stretch of road covering MILES instead of yards. Insane!

    I speak to friends and neighbours in the village of Coldharbour and there’s a mixed reaction to the protectors who have moved in but even the ones who are not entirely happy with their residence can understand the hardship they are going through at the moment. People are sending food parcels, blankets and other comforts and I think that people are at the very least grateful for the sacrifice they are making for Leith Hill.

    So, to bring this full circle and back to the LHAG group’s aims. The precise drilling site that has been chosen is completely ridiculous, with access to the site down an ancient sunken lane which is tricky for even regular sized cars to pass in places. Yes, HGVs do travel up there currently: forestry vehicles, builders vans, shopping lorries and so on. The forestry vehicles are by far and away the largest of those types but are extremely far and few between in their visits. Logging of the surrounding forest doesn’t occur every day.

    Finally, to return to my original point about the term NIMBY. I know what this means and was just trying to say that maybe it can be used in a non-emotive way as a statement of intent rather than in the pejorative sense. As I’ve already stated, what is wrong with defending what is local to you? If an opposition was to be successful then somewhere/somebody else possibly would suffer the consequences instead, agreed. That’s human nature though surely, to protect what’s closest and most dear to you. I’m proud to live in an area that people care about and that don’t want to see damaged – would it better if people didn’t and holed themselves up in their homes with no care of what is around them?

    Free Member

    I’ve never understood the term NIMBY being used as a negative. Is it wrong to care about where you live? I’d assume that other people would want to protect their own areas and do similar and if they don’t then can’t complain when something happens to it.

    Basically, being NIMBY is a good thing and shows you care. Surely it’s worse to not give a monkeys? This is sort of a caring survival of the fittest.

    Free Member

    Binners – am liking your artwork and especially the fact that there are no dog walkers in it. Could you remove the horse too and just leave the mountain biker at the base of the tower there? 😉

    In all seriousness, is anyone heading up there for midday this coming Saturday? I live on the road just beneath the tower so it’s a 5 min climb up for me. Maybe we should pin STW badges with our login names on to our jerseys for recognition.

    This protection group is really making noises suddenly. They only moved in a few short weeks ago and have already attracted quite a lot of attention. I’ve been living here for 10 years now and along with many from Coldharbour have donated money to the LHAG group. LHAG’s position was to fight the drilling from a planning perspective, not to oppose the extraction of gas/oil outright. We suggested a movement of the drill site to a better location where the lorries could get access without destroying the sunken lane that leads to the current site.

    I drive down Coldharbour lane all of the time and in places it is virtually singletrack (as in road). It is going to be absolute chaos with the levels of HGV that will need to trundle up and down the road just to build the site. Goodness knows what it will be like if they find something and extract from there too.

    BTW – I don’t drive a 4WD before anyone asks, but I do have an Audi, work in I.T. and have a wood-burning stove.

    Free Member

    OMG – there’s a Mum on there called “QuimReaper”.

    When people say that women are actually quite like men in that they talk dirty and about stuff like this, I never believe them.

    READ THE LINK – it is true!

    Free Member

    tuskaloosa – there’s been a 7 year legal battle against Europa Oil and Gas who want to do exploratory drilling on the hill. I don’t want to get into the politics as I know people will cry NIMBY and so on but essentially the objection from locals was not about taking the gas/oil but on the how and where. Europa want to drill from just outside the village with trucks having to operate along Coldharbour Lane which is narrow with ancient rooty banks and barely able to allow two cars passing in places. It was thought that drilling directionally from somewhere just off the nearby A24 dual carriage would have been better.

    Anyway, after appeals and counter-appeals they unfortunately won and it appears they will be starting in 2017 now, thus the protestors who have suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Incidentally, this group have absolutely nothing to do with the legal challenges raised and funded by the locals. There was an interview with them on BBC South Today last night and they appear to have created tree-houses and all sorts. Maybe they’re trying to create an Ewok village in their battle against the Empire.

    The news piece was about 5 mins in on here :

    If you’re interested in knowing more from the (official) action group then they have a web site here:

    Free Member

    tuskaloosa – I vaguely remember hearing something about that but I can’t remember from what source. I certainly never saw anything or knew of anyone being clobbered. Maybe a hoax?

    What we do have at the moment are the protestors of the proposed oil-drilling to take place on the hill. They’ve moved in at the site opposite Redlands, just outside of Coldharbour. Lots of vans, tents, banners, and hippies.

    I might buzz them tonight on my solo ride.

    Free Member

    It’s funny how Peaslake became the scene / hub of riding around here. I’ve been riding here since 2004 and back then Leith Hill was where it was at. All the best trails were on Leith with just some very natural deer-track type stuff over in Winterfold on Pitch.

    Pedal and Spoke seems to have swapped all of that around, along with the shop and bus stop in Peaslake. I’m not sure if Leith Hill will ever win back the crown so to speak, but atleast there’s an alternative now for refreshments. The new Plough shop is open from 0730 on weekdays so that’s early enough for a pre-work coffee at the end of my rides in the future.

    Peronally, I think that Leith actually has by far the best trails anwyay, if you know where to look of course. There’s some very tasty new stuff which (when dry) is a little more natural feeling than the trail-centre like stuff on Pitch.

    Free Member

    I’m 12th on that on STRAVA, and 2nd on “Pump it, prod it” which includes the extended part after the main bombholes.

    Great trail, you definitely need to pump the transitions. Won’t be so great once the rain finally arrives though.

    Free Member

    Drink-riding mattjg? :O

    Free Member

    Akira – you’ve heard about the chair lift up from Dorking too right?


    Free Member

    Yes, the cider is Biddenden. Crazy strength stuff!

    Free Member

    I use Bontrager CX0 33C TLR CX tyres, here for example st :

    Reasonably expensive at £36.99, especially compared with those Halfords ones suggested above at only £8 but possible comparing apples and oranges, I don’t know.

    I run these Bontragers on ordinary rims converted to tubeless with Stans tape and they hook up perfectly with no faff and no leakage. I pump them up hard (50-60 psi) for pure road rides and they don’t buzz or hum at all, and don’t “feel” draggy despite their width compared to a proper, skinny and bald road tyre. STRAVA runs around a well-worn loop suggest they are barely any slower than roadie tyres I’ve done on a proper road bike for comparison. To be honest, they seem like magic! They surely MUST be a little slower than a road tyre and maybe I’m just sub-consciously putting in the extra effort to compensate?

    Off-road I let a load of air out and my Cube Cross Race Pro deals with roots and the odd stone with a lot more forgiveness. The Bontragers are certainly not ploughed muddy field type tyres as they have no knobblies on the centre part of the tyre thus their road prowess I guess? The edges are knobby and they deal brilliantly with the Surrey Hills where I live. I’ve not had a single puncture or leakage and for that reason this has almost become my go-to bike.

    Only time they’ve puncture was when I slit a 2-3cm gash in them on the North Downs side where it’s flinty. Those razor blade like stones didn’t give them a chance though I’m not sure any CX tyre would deal well with that?

    Loamy, forestry trails and certainly gravelly tracks are what these tyres excel at. I can recommend!

    Free Member

    Cheers again, all. Everyone seems to love their own pedals – looks like I can’t massively go wrong. I like the idea of fit and forget with something as utility as a pedal. Those Raceface do look very nice, just need to decide whether I spend the extra tenner or not.

    Free Member

    I like the drill a hole idea ahwiles, I may give that a go with the current set to eek out some more life and look to buy some of the others suggested above for next time.

    I’m liking the look of the Electrons, especially since they do a bright green colour which will match my Whyte T-129 SCR perfectly.

    Free Member

    I’m still at work, I’ll know more tonight when I get back. I can only assume the seriousness of the injury was down to the speed. There’s a fairly steep hill along that stretch that the roadies get up to 30mph+ on.

    That speed an lycra ‘aint gonna be good.

    Free Member

    Gonna check it out tomorrow night.

    Free Member

    Evian is open again!? Can you confirm that? Great news if so, I’ve been avoiding it for months. Is it be same as before or modified after all of the felling?

    Free Member

    If they don’t frey at the ends then no need to seal with a flame?

    Free Member

    Ha ha. Will do. Cheers.

    Free Member

    Yep, just seems a bit of a bodge for such a nice (and expensive) helmet.

    The long straps just don’t make sense. The length can’t be for someone with a enormous face/head as the lid itself wouldn’t fit up top. Is a very odd mismatch but will make the cut, cheers all again – atleast I know they’re all like this now.

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone I had thought about cutting the straps and then burning the ends. Will buy it now and do the same! It was Evans bike shop by the way

    Free Member

    Thanks 40mpg.

    Many years ago I took part in one of those Wight Diamond two day events, long gone now I believe?

    Free Member

    DaveBoyWonder – thanks for all of that information, will take a look.


    Free Member

    I’ve always coveted the Ripley having demoed one a couple of years back and loved it. The new LS versions sounds even better. I currently ride a Whyte T-129 as a sort of cheaper (non carbon) equivalent. I could never quite afford the £4-5K price tag.

    From reading the various reviews of this new Mojo 3 with the full 2.8″ sized tyres on board it seems to be a case of having your cake and eating it!

    Am I missing something here or is this bike lightweight (27lbs), fast, nimble and sprightly, fun, and grippy as hell!?

    Mentions of STAVA times being blown away on down and UP hills are made. Surely a massive fat tyre with huge contact patch is slow on flat level, firetracky stuff right? Full fatty bikes certainly are from what I’ve read and been told by friends who ride them so one that is half-way towards that must be slower on that terrain than my 2.2 / 2.3 tyres?

    There’s no mentions in any of the reviews (inc. Pinkbike) of this as a downside.

    What gives, because otherwise I want one!

    Free Member

    I’m a medium, thanks anyway hairyscary.

    Free Member

    Alternatively, are the D30 fillets available to buy seperately? I’ve only just realised that these slot in and out of the pad itself and that I should probably have been doing this before chucking them in the washing machine?

    Free Member

    Thanks Warpcow, I obviously need a sharper edged screwdriver to get underneath that rubbery end cap but I won’t bother if you reckon there’s nothing to be done inside.

    Free Member

    Will do mattjg.

    Incidentally, anyone know who’s been working on the first section of the original Summer Lightning recently, ie. the trail that’s been there for the last 10 years? The beginning section had some tasty rocky/rooty drops that had got bigger and bigger over the last year or so, I imagine due to wear and possibly weather.

    I rode down there the other night to discover the first few sections have been worked on and graded down, with some easy to roll sandstone transitions instead now. It probably makes sense since it is meant to be an official trail with potential newbies on it.

    Free Member

    Thanks all, will have a look at those various suggestions.

    I like the Logan’s Run inspired Kona top as recommended by bonesetter.My crystal expired long ago, I’d be surplus to society’s requirements by now, LOL.

    Free Member

    Thanks thisisnotaspoon. Something to think about.

    Free Member

    I thought the Surrey Hills was immune to this sorts of tactics but I think something similar was discovered over on Pitch Hill / Winterfold a month or so ago too.


    Free Member

    Did anyone hear about some mentalist from the Prudential Ride 100 yesterday? There was an individual(on a bike) trying to hit people with a hammer. This was a real hammer by the way, not a toy one.

    This was around Forest Green I believe. One of the marshalls told me. Luckily, the police caught him. Incredible that this doesn’t appear to have made the news anywhere.

    The person involved obviously didn’t like “cyclists” either.

    Free Member

    It’s Forestry Commission land, leased to somebody. A lot of movies battle scenes have been filmed in there the last few years. There are a number of footpaths and bridleways that criss-cross through it so it is not a complete exclusion zone but obviously you’re not meant to be riding off of those.

    There’s a pheasant shoot just off of the forest but with loads of feeders throughout, it is mainly used for the birds I think.

    Yep, I didn’t want to post about the rights and wrongs of cheeky trails, or another rant about how stupid the people that lay these wires can be – just to issue a warning to anyone that rides there to be careful.

    Free Member

    Thanks both, will take a look at those.

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