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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • teaandbiscuit
    Free Member

    I’m terrible at this. I get too many emails to deal with so sometimes lose control of it. I’m going to try moving anything over 2 weeks old out of my inbox.

    I do a rough filing system that seems to work – it’s basically 5 folders:
    – Projects
    – Responsibilities
    – Team
    – Personal
    – Reference

    And means that most things are pretty easily findable

    Free Member

    NHS guidance

    Call 111?

    Free Member

    My wife and I chucked a tent in the car boot and did similar but not as far as Tuscany a few years ago. We went roughly Amsterdam > Mosel > Neuschwanstein > Dolomites > Como > Kandersteg > Epernay > Calais

    Was utterly brilliant but an awful lot of driving in a very small suzuki swift!

    Free Member

    I’m on an involuntary weight loss plan at the moment. Covid recovery means that anything with alcohol in it smells and tastes rancid.

    3 weeks dry and my trousers are hanging off…

    Free Member

    From that graph it looks like you’ve lost a quarter of your bodyweight in 6 months? That’s really impressive

    I’d say keep doing what you’re doing and just tweak one or two things to keep your body adapting to new stresses.

    As you lose more weight you’re bound to get a slower rate of return so don’t overthink it!

    Free Member

    We have a multigym a bit like this and a cross trainer in the garage.

    Both are fine but tbh I don’t use them much and spend a lot more time using Kettlebells and a Decathlon TRX copy.

    Edit: yes to white walls, good lighting, bigdug flooring and decent wifi (that’s my biggest headache with it)

    Free Member

    Fabio Aru changed his image a bit since he retired

    Free Member

    De La Soul in Chalk Farm in about 2004. Just going through the motions

    Free Member

    @teaandbiscuit there’s something really rewarding about that sort of trip. Where you either set off from home for a far away place, or aim to get back home under your own steam 🙂

    Totally. I did Dent to home (Ilkleyish) over a couple of days last summer and loved it. Long days though! The feeling of getting home and lying in the garden with a beer was magic :-)

    Free Member

    If you live in Leeds and want something accessible, get the train to Ribblehead and walk home? Could use a mix of Pennine Way, Dales Way and Dales Highway and get him to navigate.

    Free Member

    I think you should look at it a different way.

    What level of income do you need for this job to be worthwhile? Can you sustain that income with repeat customers and word of mouth or do you need additional marketing to find new customers?

    If you need additional marketing, are those potential customers on here, reading print publications or faffing on their phones looking for idealised insta-lifestyles?!

    Free Member

    Full Member
    how you drinking it?

    Depends on the bourbon for me. Evan is neat, Woodford is neat or one ice cube, Wild Turkey with an ice cube or two, Aldi’s surprisingly good one is in an Old Fashioned

    Free Member

    I just finished a Christmas bottle of Woodford’s Reserve – it was nice but didn’t knock my socks off – there was a bit of a chemically aftertaste.

    Evan Williams is the benchmark for me – usually on offer at about £25 and it’s a complete bargain.

    Free Member

    This is great! Can you filter it further down or over a longer time? Would be interesting to see sentiment change as a result of covid, or if threads of the week have an impact. Are Fridays happier than other days, or Mondays if we’re sharing pics of weekend rides? Do your upbeat articles get more hits if launched on happier days or if people are miserable is that the time for an upbeat article?


    Free Member

    Now big money savers are …lego…obvs its not real lego….but £80 for the bugatti..I brought one for my kid and every part was there and all bits worked , I even got a led kit for it….In fact today I just received my Ali lego adidas superstar trainer…£20…..oh and I didn’t have to pay tax

    I don’t mind the MOCs or the Chinese kits and the lighting stuff is great but brazen intellectual property theft is a step too far for me

    Free Member

    Cutting in while decorating. Surely we can invent a better way to paint straight lines?

    Free Member

    Masonry roller for £6, watered down cheap paint, 2 coats (or 3 if you want it perfect!)

    Free Member

    We had similar questions a few years ago and went with a simple approach:
    0) Regularly review and reduce voluntary spend on crap we don’t need
    1) Pay off debts other than mortgage
    2) Save emergency fund and store somewhere it’s easy to access and no risk to capital (mostly Premium Bonds)
    3) Consolidate and increase payments into pensions
    4) Start to build investment pots – 1) Low risk (ISAs etc) 2) Med risk (Vanguard) 3) high risk (crypto)

    The aims are to build enough in the investment pots to fund earlyish retirement and keep us ticking over til pensions kick in and to make sure the kids have a growing pot to give them a good start when they need it.

    All advice welcome, but it seems to be working for us so far

    Edit: haven’t really thought about inheritance tax and not sure if we’ll get much inheritance but will need advice on that!

    Free Member

    “How do we solve this crisis ?.”

    We don’t. Not everything is solvable or fixable. Providing Ukrainians with weaponry to try and hold on to as much of their territory for as long as they can is as much as we can do.

    Partly this but also I wonder if we can turn his own tricks on him – instead of installing a Trump president, can we look at destabilising his stranglehold of the media (like the Anonymous takeover of TV) or disrupting electricity networks? I haven’t heard anyone talk about red lines on cyber warfare yet…

    Edit: back to the point of the question – we need Russians to stop him. And to do that they need to see, hear and feel that he’s lying to them. Breaking his stranglehold on the media would be a way of helping that.

    Free Member

    Reasonable suspicion that it wasn’t a family heirloom?

    I have a nazi sword in my wardrobe :-D My grandad ‘liberated’ it from the remains of a concentration camp in Poland shortly after it had been emptied and shortly before it was burned down.

    Free Member

    It can take a couple of weeks of blisters before they’re worn in, but when they are, they’re really comfy. Don’t make a quick decision!

    Also, if they’re the smooth leather soles, they’re lethally slippy in the wet, and you’ll get damp feet when the water soaks through. Rubber soles/ half soles help massively

    Free Member

    Somewhere, somewhen, someone is reading this with a big smile on their face, relieved to finally have confirmation that their experiment worked.

    They’re off to Stephen Hawking’s party next

    Free Member

    On the sixth sense/ bomb disposal/ baby whisperer, Matthew Syed talks about it in his book Bounce.

    His example:
    There is a simple house fire in a one-story house in a residential neighborhood. The fire is in the back, in the kitchen area. The lieutenant leads his hose crew into the building, to the back, to spray water on the fire, but the fire just roars back at them.

    “Odd,” he thinks. The water should have more of an impact. They try dousing it again, and get the same results. They retreat a few steps to regroup.

    Then the lieutenant starts to feel as if something is not right. He doesn’t have any clues; he just doesn’t feel right about being in that house, so he orders his men out of the building — a perfectly standard building with nothing out of the ordinary.

    As soon as his men leave the building, the floor where they had been standing collapses. Had they still been inside, they would have plunged into the fire below.

    Later, when Klein asked the commander how he knew something was about to go terribly wrong, the commander put it down to “extrasensory perception.” That was the only thing he could come up with to explain a lifesaving decision, and others like it, that seemed to emerge from nowhere. Klein was too much of a rationalist to accept the idea of ESP, but by now he had begun to notice equally perplexing abilities among other expert decision makers. They seemed to know what to do, often without knowing why.

    Free Member

    This shows that what’s right for one person is totally wrong for another :-D

    It can be hard to find what you like.

    I recommend something like this – 20cl bottles to try a few different ones, rather than buying big bottles of each. I bought this and was really surprised that the Clynelish was my favourite:

    Otherwise a whisky-me subscription is a good thing to try – 50ml of a different whisky every month.

    Enjoy the process – don’t just look for drinks you know you’ll like!

    Free Member

    Free Member
    I think the friends thing would vary politician to politician. Years ago when I lived in London I went running with people who were MP’s, mostly conservative, and they were pretty normal people generally. I’ve also met junior ministers, and usually ditto but some were not. I can imagine Gove having friends, Boris… hmmm…. people he’s known a long time , but acquaintances rather than friends. I have a friend of a friend who was at school with Boris, but I haven’t spoken to him for the best part of 20 years, and he was pretty similar to Boris – nice to go drinking with, but interested in selling you shares in his tech startup at the time…

    This – it varies. I’ve met Boris and have friends who worked for him while he was Mayor. None of them have anything good to say about him (and all know of a lot of stories that he has managed to keep out of the press).
    Other MPs and even ministers are genuinely good people, doing it for the right reasons. My MP is Ben Wallace and, even though I didn’t vote for him, I’m impressed. I’ve never seen him playing politics, he’s a decent local MP, he seems to be doing a decent job of defence and, having met him a few times, he’s a nice guy.

    Free Member

    Slice it, then freeze it.

    Keeps it fresh, saves worktop space, eliminates need for fishing mouldy crumbs out of the bread bin every few days.

    Free Member

    It sounds like you’re jumping at a solution without really getting to the bottom of the problem.

    Could be a lower back or pelvis issue, a leg muscle or length thing, a bike fit problem, an imbalance somewhere… I think you need to rule some things in or out first. Physio?

    Free Member

    Business case nightmare!


    Weekend soon please

    Free Member

    The Coniston is nice near Skipton – Lake, spa and land rovers

    Free Member

    I was watching something recently where, with a couple of episodes left, I couldn’t imagine how they were going to tie up all the remaining loose ends.

    In the end, they didn’t even try – they just left it as a massive set-up to a future, unmade season. So frustrating!

    Free Member

    That’s brilliant P7eaven – I had no idea the humble pickled onion could generate so much passion! Definitely on the list :-)

    Free Member

    Ilkley is a brilliant fell race – the narrow path at the start encourages you to take a flyer but the race doesn’t really start until after the climb back up Backstone beck (after the v slippy footbridge). Start steady and you’ll pick up places later!

    I’ll either be at Ilkley or maybe Black Combe. Keeping an eye on pre-entry numbers!

    Free Member

    Run the second half faster 😂😂

    Good plan!

    I find this really useful:

    If you type in your 5k pace (or whichever distance) it’ll show you the times you should be able to hit if you’re equivalently trained.

    My 10k pace is actually slightly faster than my 5k pace, my half marathon is 2 mins behind and my marathon is about 15mins slower :-D I’m lacking the aerobic endurance from mileage and clearly need to be like a few others on this thread and log an extra thousand (or two) miles per year!

    Free Member

    Full Member
    Can we start posting links to gpx routes with these cafes included?

    Or link them together in a grand tour :-D

    Free Member

    A race of two halves! Well done. Having done that, what pace strategy would you use next time?

    – I’ve never had the problem quite that bad (though on occasion have had to get creative!) I found that running on a nearly empty stomach is bad for me and a glass of water or a snack before a run helped. Not likely to be a magic solution but easy to try!

    Free Member

    @stox how did you get on at Brass Monkey? I did it as a marathon pace run before London a couple of years ago and felt great, then injured myself before the marathon so it was a bit a waste :-D Great race though.

    Free Member

    I used the remains from a leftover tin of Dulux emulsion, watered down. 2 coats and it has made a world of difference. I also found the dregs of a tin of some danish oil (or similar) and slopped a couple of coats on the floor. Definitely worth doing, and the old creaky shed looks like new!

    Free Member

    Sounds like Newcastle has changes since the days of choosing between the cheap or expensive options (Skol or Stella) in the Jazz cafe :-D

    This is great – it’s basically a foodie’s guide to the UK (well, England so far!) Any recommendations in Scotland? I’ve heard there’s a great veggie haggis place in Edinburgh.

    Free Member

    Love Watsons in Hope!

    Continuing the Leeds theme, this guy’s Earl Grey is lovely:

    Free Member

    @teaandbiscuit isn’t it a mirror so the concours guys can see the state of the underside?

    You’re letting knowledge and facts get in the way of my lazy jokes :-D

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