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  • Review: Polaris Aquanought Waterproof Hip Pack
  • tdog
    Free Member

    @gregb- yes cause they’re light and sharpen over a few good rides to provide extra grip.
    Plus they’re fairly tough and meant to according to marketing bumph “not get caught up on obstacles”.

    Free Member

    Canfield iirc have an offering which may meet those requirements.
    Yelli Screamy .

    Free Member

    I learnt the tough way when I was a teenager trying to reduce reb dampening by putting in 15wt thicker oil on old bombers.
    Result being a 8ft to flat chest rib situation.

    To say I was a little peeved was understatement.
    If I could do it again, I would have bought a firmer spring and topped up with the thinner oil.

    As thicker oil will take longer to go through the shims/holes in metal washers type thing so yeah use what is advised to use from your brand of fork.

    Free Member

    Yeah no doubt it’s a killer ride and light to make the colour of frame etc pop! Haha there’s that word again in bike talk, POPPITY POP!

    Free Member

    BRING HER TO THE UK ! Just zip her mouth tight shut with ermm something.


    Free Member

    Looks uglified frame design but whatever works suppose.

    Don’t you work for stif or something so like a major perk of the job would be seeing/riding new gear.
    I doubt many on here have or could get one yet.dunno

    Free Member

    We all start somewhere on the new bike standard timeline ay! :P

    Serious answer is you cannot go boost without new frame etc.

    Free Member

    Shame but no surprise that this has happened tbf.

    When I visited their small unit, they felt unorganised to a degree and the place ok in the setup if a little tight, not to mention they were on a tight schedule to put bikes together and get them out the door.
    The rack of frames in day glo colours were well nasty in all honesty and the quality of welding absolutely shocking on batch I saw.

    I’m reckoning it’s a trial and error process in bike industry especially if limiting yourself to a tiny segment of it to customer niches.

    At least they tried, felt completely underwhelmed having left their site mind.

    Free Member

    Fair play to op for creating this thread here, a good read for sure.

    Oh and try cheer up scienceofficer, life’s too short to be tetchy as I’ve noticed from your posts.

    Free Member

    Nice1 !

    Free Member

    Thanks for the info, I would also be possibly looking into WTBs offerings in future but will check out weights on those before committing as going from 800 gram odd NNs will be non sensical but makes sense if I find NNs to slide out unpredictably as written all over online.

    Gotta say it’s early days for me on the 2.8” NNs and well they seem alright apart from thin sidewall feel so extra psi was added.

    Free Member

    Everyone seems to be raving on about these Maxxis HR2s or DHRs and the like, is it that they’re tread pattern causes more drag but good bite to grip in winter slop?

    This kinda gets me wondering how heavy they are also and I’m counting on the sidewalls on them to be tougher than Schwalbe NNs.
    If so what’s the weight on the Maxxis equivalent 2.8”?

    Free Member

    Not that I have ever used Putoline in mtb forks but for my motorcycle nothing but Putoline, it’s really high quality stuff ime.

    Free Member

    Ooooo a coil conversion for Pike, D’oh forgot to think of that!

    Could be on the cards, me now wonders if anyone on this thread has done just that can tell me how much was conversion to coil?

    Free Member

    Just checked. Q answered.

    Free Member

    Do Paisley offer insurance for highly valuable bikes I wonder.

    Free Member

    +1 bring back coil forks.

    My pikes I believe show 5 mm more travel than stated and seem to sag unloaded approx that so any tips?

    Free Member

    Likewise, bring on deathslides :lol:

    Free Member

    If your mrs can stomach going without a 10” er then I can recommend ipad mini version.
    I have the mini 4 and finally gave in to downloading ios11 to find it’s a bit different in that it’s going to take time to adjust to certain features.

    @Kryton – do you find when listening to music in downloaded off itunes music that it goes quiet as if you’ve closed the music app down by swiping it when browsing on safari?

    It seems really weird that this should occur but it happened on ios10 too if that makes any difference.

    Oh and to stay on topic. The alternative offerings look tempting but ipad/apple has great useful apps that make things simpler and more efficient to complete.
    Iirc mini 4 was £400 new + fancy apple £45 silicone rubberised cover, but mine is 64GB version so look around.
    Cannot say that John Lewis were helpful one bit when shirtly after purchase it stopped charging and went through great difficulty to get a replacement and a new charger which bith must must have been faulty.

    So choose is a £100 jobby or a £300 or so apple jobby.
    I wouldn’t necessarily buy an apple priduct again due to various reasons tbh but they are fairly neat and simple in working.

    Free Member

    Hold up for a mo Chris, I share your sentiments on bike thieves but please remember for yourself it is day of rest.

    Breathe bud and repeat after me

    Free Member

    Please no! Sheep, friendly and arseholes.

    Your future looks bright op, your future looks brown

    Free Member

    You’ll find that there are so called homeless gang masters that take monies off more vunerable of the group.

    It’s a sorry state of affairs and I cannot see why you’d say that they are a drain on the system, that’s if they genuinely happen to be homeless people – the ones yu saw and all across the UK.

    Free Member

    Sure he was n’t actually Spanish heehee!

    Free Member

    Alpin, there’s something I wanna say but it’s a bit risque and wouldn’t be pc of me to do so so won’t but it’s a classic saying that’s all I shall say.


    Oooooo get wrighty and her feminist stand. :P

    Free Member

    Yes stealer dealers they’re and if there are faults, manufacturer doesn’t want to know and guess what neither do the dealer of course.

    Waste of time and stressful dealing with deceitful dealerships, as for motorcycles this x1000%

    Free Member

    To be fair, mind, some of the totty is top drawer

    Top drawer STDs more like. :P especially if they’ve been sharing markers.

    Seriously though why are you posting on here, GO get em TIGER.

    Free Member

    I mean imagine calling out to your baby called Dave.

    Free Member

    @Alex – looking smart!

    I’ve recently got one and in best colour blood!

    My sentiment so far is wow what a playful ride in that it handles and feels in general, match that with 2.8” NNs and well in certain conditions just rocks with amount of grip and believe roll over to be easier due tohigh volume of the tyres.

    Ok ok, so I rush bought my Ibis and have yet to get any real ride time in on it plus what with time of year the purchase might prove to be crazy but not as crazy good fun riding in the mud :lol:
    I literally fell in love with it the moment I saw it and had to seriously divert from silly hd3 mode which was over a grand cheaper than the mojo 3 but wow tbh I would have been overbiked like most on hd3 and this thing does seem to be poppy even with chubby rubber.

    This topic has just reminded me and the info within to clean down bike after next ride
    I reckon as caked in sheep doodarr etc.

    The M3 will be my go to bike from now on no matter what the weather may bring.

    Free Member

    Sensors to auto turn on nitro for the ups

    Free Member

    Oh! Checks original thread title.

    Errrrmm yrs now I see why you feel the need for a kick ass shed.

    Free Member

    Oh fair enough. Wouldn’t catch me spending £600 on a shed though.

    Is there any way you couldn’t save money on shed and put towards bike and then get a cheaper option of storage.
    I understand that you’ll have your priorities sorted no doubt.

    Yes carbon wheels definitely pick up speed quick as more direct with rotation and bit lighter sure but finding right kinda pressure without tyre squirm means squirming I found.

    How much is the Giant with carbon wheels as that sounds like a doable if you’re happy bout carbon hoops.
    Gotta admit I was on a 2nd hand set of DT ones just wouldn’t choose them again cause of tyre squirm.

    Free Member

    Yes that what Pjay mentions re: working on fork, my lbs certainly recommends them over say Bos for good reason.

    Free Member

    I use below the belt sports protection groin protection stuff and seems to be a real decent brand to use.
    Keeps everything fresh too.

    Free Member

    Deffo Pike out of those two.

    Fox look fancy but are not durable or last long as in performance from internet and fair bit of real time experience, like kashima gets gouged to $$$$ seeing other rider’s rides.

    Plus Pikes are stiffer and seem great addition on my new modern bike that all concerns of RS new breed of forks having had nightmares/losing sleep on many older sets leaves me impressed.
    I was even thinkng of swapping out to some other more specialist boosted forks like Ohlins or MRP on a brand new bike, but thought no, ya know what, I’ll give them a go and thouroughly good so far even if early days.

    I honestly reckon you’ll get on like a house on fire with them, tracking is decent as ever could be having owned a fair share of decent forks over the years.

    I suppose the Fox might be more sensitive over small chattery stuff.

    Have you considered a set of Bos Devilles as they are the best feeling & performing & built fork I’ve ecer ridden

    Free Member

    Ibis mojo hd3s on clearout at the mo which come with a killer spec, I was so close so close but got a different kind of Ibis that suits my riding better.

    Iirc mojo hd3 with fox 36 and their excellent 738 wheels etc all in at £3k makes them look bargaintatious

    Happy trails :)

    Free Member

    Alex-any pics of your mojo 3?

    Interested to know your thoughts if you’ve had it a while.

    Free Member

    Surely everyone in everyday life needs to just pop a chill pill (not literally, some cases yes) and just “BE”

    Steps away from drippy hippy soapbox

    Free Member

    Out of interest, what’s your age OP as I feel and am at the stage you were at I believe.

    But I also believe in a way forward and dream about riding for full days then repeating next day without it feeling the effects if fatigue.
    I if anything know what I need to do and as it’s a want to too, shouldn’t be too much of an ask.

    Bikes/birds and the want to ride more :P and become healthy both mentally and physically are only thing that’s kept me alive for years now.

    Free Member

    Cats as in Caterpillar boots are damn good quality for the money and are more comfy than stiff Timberlands but apparently that’s mainly down to bedding in reasons.

    Wouldn’t ever touch DMs personally unless I wanna scream skin head or I’m a tranny …

    Loaodsa fakes or just rubbish quality ones made from elsewhere so has been posted up on some shoe site somewhere.

    Free Member

    One might believe they’re using warranty returns turned into a fancy gimick for a sideline range.

    Oh the cynic in me…

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