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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • Taz
    Full Member

    36's Vans are awesome.

    Yet to meet anyone who value's the RC2 functions. I have them. After some initial fiddling ('cos it was there) I now leave them alone

    I had some issues but fundamentally casued by me (long story). Others I know would definietly say fit and forget.

    BTW – Awesome forks at last years Mega 🙂

    Full Member

    Watching the ITV4 coverage last night was once again fasinating

    Armstong seems pretty adamant that he can beat AC.

    AC seems pretty mad about the whole situation. Reckon neither will follow team orders and I really hope that we get a full blown shoot out in the Alps (ie hope that a deal is not done)

    Oh and hopefully Cavendish in Green 🙂

    Full Member

    Trev – what did Stephen Roache say (he says taking the bait :-))?

    Full Member

    Finishing the qualifier in Oz sounds like a winner. The buses (or cycle back up) were an almighty faff!

    Glad you all enjoyed it. It really is one of the 'must do' bike events

    Full Member

    Nice pics Grumm

    Do you know if the qualifier changed from last year? Looks a bit different

    Full Member

    I'm with you aracer.

    Reckon Armstong did not chase Contador based on etiquette. Pulling other teams leaders back onto Contador's wheel would have been 'bad patter'

    That said of course I am just speculating as we will probably never really know.

    Full Member

    Armstrong has came out publicly and said 'I am here to win'

    That is a change and to me a very telling one. I think and hope (though like others not 100% sure why) that he can win.

    The Annecy TT is not that long and will not be that decisive. I agree the Astana team are milking this, and doing a very good job. I am itching for week 3 in the Alps. It is a pity that 2 of the 3 Pyrenean stages were nullified (effectively) by having such long flat endings. The flip side is what a great last week we have in store with it IMO going to a Mano et Mano (sp?) on Ventoux :-).

    Full Member

    I agree Pig face – he's a grade 1 nob but awesomly talented player

    A spell out of Wales will help him I am sure

    Full Member

    Really wish I was there this year.

    Couple of mates finished 126th and 131st in the avalanche which is pretty darn good.

    Hope to be back next year,

    Agree preparing for that amount of DH is very hard in the UK.

    No doubt luck plays it's role also. Technicals, punctures and being knocked off by someone else are all real possibilities

    Full Member

    I have been surprised at just how confident Lance is being. He even publicly stated he was there to win it.

    I think he will not win but I doubt he would be making such brash claims if he did not think he could do it. Though doubt he is playing mind games with Contador

    I hope he does win. It will be front page news ( ok maybe not 🙁 ) but it certainly would make the news and that must be good for cycling?

    Full Member

    Pretty variable but you should be able to get a space.

    Full Member

    Thanks guys

    Nick – Maybe Friday. Depends on work. I will ping you and if we could meet up great.

    Appreciate the offer!

    Full Member

    After more investigations it seems there are several examples of chairlifts being struck.

    The main issues are exactly what Ian suggested above. People panic and jump or if it is a a winter storm the chairlift can be stuck for a significant time and people suffer exposure.

    So all in stay calm,and warm (if winter) and you should be ok?

    Still would not like to repeat my experience

    Full Member

    That’s bad luck MC. Psss on my well wishes to Mr MC

    Full Member

    M_C – I was on the one over from that, to the left as you look up from the bottom. It takes you to the top of the new Bike park that is still being built. Forget the name of the lift.

    Ther wer several flashes where I did not even get to count to 1 before the thunder started

    Full Member

    Thanks Ian

    At one point (at the peak of panic) I was considering jumping. My reasoning being that I would recover from a broken limb or 2 but not from frying.

    Glad I chose not too

    Full Member

    Currently packed and stuffed.

    Sure I saw someone do what I suggested when I was flying out for Mega last year.

    Ah well. Just need to be smellier by end of week 😆

    Full Member

    Thinking of resting it on top of the head as oppossed to right over it

    Full Member

    I think our backs have huge potential. However Phillips’ service does not look to maximise that.

    I think and hope we will beat them at the w/e. Maybe that is blind optimism though as on Saturday i reckoned it was definietly 3 – 0 to them

    Full Member

    Hugo – you echo my sentiments exactly

    Full Member

    So jealous!

    Enjoy 😀

    Full Member

    I think the bench it wrong on two accounts

    Hook missing – for exactly the same reasona as AA has highlighted.

    Ellis instead of Blair??? Ellis was poor on Tuesday and again offers little to change the game.

    Not sure what to do about the front row cover. Unless you bench 2 props.

    Maybe Ford can tight head? That seems pretty risky!

    Full Member


    Wonder if Hines would have got the nod in front of Shaw? Moot point now but I reckon it would have been a close call

    I am on a flight at the time of the match 🙁

    Hope I get to see a re-run later in the day

    Full Member

    Pity as I think he is just the man to ‘noise the S African’s up’.

    Full Member

    I think all 3 Scots may figure on the bench this w/e.

    Blair is different from Phillips / Ellis and offers a much faster service.

    Ford & Hines would both shore up the scrummage (though Shaw would also)

    On the flip side it is perfectly possible that no Scots will appear

    Not sure anyone strongly stated their case last night. Still would love Hook to feature at some point

    Full Member


    My wife kept going off road until ~ 7.5 months. She took it easy and only stopped as the riding position became way too uncomfortable as the bump grew

    Kept doing spin classes pretty much until full term!

    Full Member

    Vickery was done over well and truly. I don’t think the beast was turning in on him. Vickery was turning under the pressure. As above no-one I knew thought Vickery should have been there. We could see that outcome. Stunned Geech and co could not!

    For test 2

    Jones and Rees in (case for Ford though as he is so powerful)

    Williams starting

    Kearney starting.

    I would also bench Phillips. His service is shocking for test level. Blair and Hook would be a very interesting combo. Cannot see it happening though.

    Alas I think it will be 3-0. We only ran them close at the end as SA thought they had it in the bag.

    Full Member

    Thanks Diawl

    Real pity that. Knew about the Freeride area also 🙁

    Full Member

    Afan for a day.

    W2 route. Then if time / energy permits either the Penhydd or the July route (shortcut off of Skyline).

    All 4 do-able in a day if you are reasonably fit.

    Full Skyline is ok but would not be my first choice.

    Full Member

    Fair selection all in I think.

    The backrow has a a nice balance to it.

    I would have Blair ahead of Ellis. Neither has been great but Blair is a different type of scrum half so allows a change of plan.

    Ford played himself out of contention. Rees probbaly in better form.

    DOC vs Hines vs Shaw (and AWJ for that matter) all very close.

    Vickery?? I know Murray is out but I agree with everyone else. Surely A Jones would have been a better option?

    As a proud Scot I am very disappointed no Scots in the 22. However I think Murray is the only one that deserved to be there on merit. Blair maybe on bench as above.

    Full Member

    God they were poor last night. Breakdown was shocking

    Feel really sorry for Murray. Cannot believe Vickery is likely to start.

    Gutted Hook is out. Fantastic Fly Half in the old Welsh mould

    Full Member

    If Vickery is ahead of Murray then Geech needs a serious look at himself??
    Only logic for that would be expecting to have the scrum negated through dodgy refereeing!

    Interesting that Hines is playing 6 tomorrow. Reckon that looks like a bench spot for him to cover the back 5.

    Still not convinced about Croft and Williams in the same back row. Both deserve a place though so a tough call.

    Really hope thay have Hook on the bench and bring him on

    Full Member

    I really do not think Williams (Shane) should play. He is not playing well. It is hard to argue otherwise. He may still play as he definitely has the ability to turn a game. Personally Kearney would be on the wing for me.

    Shandy – POC is world class. Certainly would not question that. I personally think he has not played well (I have not read the Times BTW). I reckon he is aware that his place is relatively safe and as such I expect a big step up from him in the tests

    Full Member

    I think TJ has it close

    AA – Agree on the prop question. Vickery on the bench due to cover. Murray to get the nod over Jones though. Murray’s scrummaging is scary! S.H. refs may not allow that to be used to full potential so that may influence selection?

    Lock too tight to call. POC only in as he is captain Shaw/Hines/O’Callahan all playing better

    Jones ahead of ROG with Hook on the bench as a game changer?

    Kearney will be very unlucky not to play. He has been immense. However Byrne is truly world class and is (just) ahead. Maybe he will be on the other wing as Bowe must be a certainty.

    Back Row will be about balance. Heaslip is surely the no.8. Then I think Croft / Wallace. However will be a travesty if Williams is not playing. Unlilkey to be him and Croft together though. Nice issue for Geech to figure out

    Full Member

    I am definitely in the ‘not a fan’ camp of Phillips.

    Personally I would love to see some really fast service out to a player like Hook. With the back line we have the opportunities are mouth watering. Curreently though he is our best choice at 9 and I am sure he will be test 9.

    Bankhander – you really think Mears has his position nailed? He missed his man several times in the lineout but luckily most times the ball was secured. He also missed a strike in the scrum. I would love to see Ford in there and our boys giving their front row a total working over.

    Think Mears is in the hot seat but one big game from Ford (who frankly has not had that this year) may change that.

    Full Member

    Hugo – You are right about Phillips. Perfectly summarised.

    Would not disagree about POC either. He will not be dropped though.

    Full Member

    Gethin was awesome tonight.

    POC is a worry. He needs to up his game. Seriously doubt he will be dropped though

    Phillips has way too slow service but still think he is in the box seat for test selection. Really wish Blair would up his game to what he is capable of.

    Mears I think did himself harm tonight. Missed a strike and several dodgy throws. Ford back in the running I think

    BOD is awesome and the reason Roberts is shining is BOD makes the space for him (as well as the fact he is an awesome player in his own right and can take advantage of that space!!)

    Full Member

    Just replaced mine. You get as a unit – steerer / crown / stanchions.

    Do not have the exact number to hand but approx. £180

    Full Member

    Time Laps are great.

    My mates were in a pair. The first 1 broke his saddle on the first lap but did complete the lap. The other broke his hanger in the first section. So abandoned. Both went home in the huff but somehow registered 3 laps 😀

    I did a 34 minute lap followed by a 45 minute lap (technicals) and got 2 ~ 40 min laps.

    In fairness pretty much everything else across our 6 teams / pairs seemed pretty darn close.

    I love the event though. Always been a good w/e.

    Full Member

    As an ex prop I mind it staggering that you can be thinking of Vickery / Murray as a close call? Not in the same league IMO. Murray is up there as the best in the world at tight head.

    Think Mears is in the hot seat for hooker but I do still think if Ford finds his ‘A’ game he would be the man.

    You’re right about Sheridan’s scrummaging. It really is not that great. Just wish they would use him as a ball carrier more. Personally Jenkins every time

    I hope Croft gets the nod. Stunning against the Golden Lions

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