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  • Taylorplayer
    Free Member

    Strange that, because it seems what you said after your

    by trotting out the deed not breed bullshit you are missing the point of breed specific traits.

    seems to me to be in agreement with what I was saying – i.e. deed not breed.

    I seem to recall that in the past you’ve spoken against rank reduction/dominance theory and in support of positive reinforcement(or am I thinking of someone else?). In which case you may well recognise the name of Ian Dunbar – a leading proponent of positive reinforcement.

    Ian Dunbar claimed that if he was to take a dog onto kids ward (as means of cheering them up), he’d choose an American Pitbullas they’re one of the most stable of breeds.

    My point being that I disagree with you claiming “deed not breed is bullshit”.

    Free Member

    by trotting out the deed not breed bullshit you are missing the point of breed specific traits. My lurcher for example wil chase anything small and furry, collies will round things up including children, springers will run around like crazy following scents and bull breeds will not run from a fight. These things need to be considered when owning a dog.

    Not at all.

    A responsible owner of a lurcher would take steps to ensure that the dog is exercised in a suitable environment without being a danger to himself or others. Collies (ignoring the split in showbred/isds lines for now) require sufficient mental and physical stimulation -not a 20 min on-lead walk twice a day.

    Socialisation and training is important in all cases, but arguably even more so in the case bull breeds and “guarding” types.

    So yes, the points you raise need to be considered when owning a dog. But if they are not, then that’s down to the idiot at the other end of the lead, not the dog.

    I think it’s ashame that people consider the “deed not breed” mantra to be bullshit, as it gives an excuse for perfectly well behaved dogs to seized and destroyed based on nothing other than the way they look (see earlier “one show” link by way of example).

    Free Member

    More tyre belts:

    Edit: No I don’t make them.

    Free Member

    It’s not the breed that’s the problem – it’s the idiots to be found at the other end of the lead (obviously not all the time!) and the ridiculous legislation we have in this country.

    Free Member

    I have absolutely no issues whatsoever with SBT’s or American Bulldogs, and I’m against breed specific legislation. However, given the arbitrary nature of what is considered to be a dog of pitbull “type” in this country, in my opinion it is just plain irresponsible to cross these two breeds.

    Hopefully you’ll never experience anything as ridiculous as this: but personally, I wouldn’t take the chance.

    Free Member

    And to think that dog would be PTS in the UK due to it’s breed.

    Free Member

    Neil Young.

    … is the artist, song is Cortez the killer.

    Free Member

    I joined the Signals 2 weeks after my 16th birthday (Army Apprentice College Harrogate as it was then) and left at 42. If I knew then what I do now, and was 16 again, I’d join again. Had a great time.

    Free Member

    Not really a Celtic guitarist, but I love Nen Nicol’s Scottish Tune (I.H.)

    I suppose Tony McManus would be the place to start for Celtic guitar.

    Free Member

    Just on the off chance you’re up this way:


    Meet Our Staffies

    Free Member

    Try The Dogpages:

    You can either search for rescues that are local(ish) to you, or if you know which breed you’d prefer, search by breed.

    Also take a look at dogsblog:

    Free Member

    Vintage Guitars have two models which get good reviews:

    Paul Brett Signature model

    And the Gordon Giltrap model (tested by Paul Brett)

    They’re both around the £500 mark.

    Both guitars are equipped with a pick up, and there’s also a 6 string version of each.

    Free Member

    I really enjoyed Discovery Road.

    This is a good trip report on “Crazy Guy on a Bike” – he’s also written good reports from Iceland and Scotland.

    (can’t recommend any books I’m afraid).

    Free Member

    Came to be fostered having been given up at 13 weeks of age,but he never left us.

    Free Member

    The mention of “Wish You Were Here” and “a few chords” has me thinking that maybe you’re playing an acoustic. Have a look at Homespun Tapes, see if there’s anything in the beginner section that takes your fancy. The basic theory type lessons will show how (and why) the chords fit together.

    Direct download is convenient – I’ve not had any issues using it.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    What a fantastic thread.

    A little reminder of BODMAS.

    wait before you do the calculation

    Free Member

    I’m liking the look of Buster…

    Me too.

    Buster doing a tailwag when he saw me.

    Serious question – wehre in Fife ? My mum wants a new dog and Sparky could be ‘the one’

    White Hill Kennels
    KY4 8EX

    Tel 01383 860126

    The pound charges £60 for a dog, they can’t afford to neuter/vax at that rate. I may be able to help with transport if required.

    Does the pound have a website that can take donations?

    They don’t have a website, but you could contact them as above – the council pays for 14 nights at the kennels, they’re then expected to “move the dogs on”. Some of the dogs have been with them 3 or 4 months. I’m sure they’d appreciate any support you can offer.

    Free Member

    Sparky was lovely – very friendly and absolutely full of life.

    Free Member

    I’ve been offered funding by the local pet shop to have ONE dog neutered & vaxed if I take him/her on as foster. She’d be hoping to recoup this as far as possible upon rehoming – but if anyone’s interested, it could be arranged that a neutered & vaxed dog was available(for a donation to go towards the next one…)

    Transport can be (and has been for 1) arranged from up here to down south as far as Surrey.

    Free Member

    I’d also like to do a science course, probably Physics related…

    S207 is a good course without the maths being too heavy, though maybe not the ideal first course depending on your background.

    Are you ready ? quiz HERE

    Free Member

    Lovely. Absolutely brilliant.

    What’s his name?

    Our old boy was almost 10 when we got him – he’s just so loyal, loving, and a true gent.

    We’ll always have room for an oldie here.


    Free Member

    What’s the difference?

    Hexamstu has posted a link too what he refers to as a “spaz lead”.

    A long line is just that – a length of line (webbing strap/lightweight rope) about 10m long that clips to the collar/harness and trails behind the dog.

    Imagine a dog walks on a loose lead for 10/20/30 meters, 10/20/30 seconds or whatever and then starts to tug, then get the dog to walk nicely on the lead for less than his limit, then reward him.

    This reward might be to allow him to have sniff in the bushes/play with a toy, whatever motivates the dog. Chances are, if the dog isn’t walking on a loose lead the he doesn’t have a reliable recall – this is where the line comes in. Walk on the lead, release the dog with the line running free behind – his reward is then extended freedom.

    As Dezb previously said, you can apply similar thinking to the barking problem by reinforcing his good behaviour.

    Free Member

    Taylor player, your way sounds crap. Those long leads are for utter morons. I feel sick when I see someone with one of those long leads. It just screams “My dog does not respect me as an authority figure because I am to moronic to train him. So I’ll just use this stupid lead to take him for walks.

    That’s what our dog trainer said – but in a more polite form of words

    I didn’t say anything about a long lead. I suggested letting the dog run loose using a long line. There is a difference.

    Free Member

    Interesting, it seems different people gain the correct response through different methods, I guess my problem is as the alpha male I’m just not there for him, one of my kids adores him & will do anything for him, the alpha female has no time for him, makes me wonder…

    You’re not the Alpha male, and your wife is not the Alpha female. Your dog has no grand plan to rule your life – e.g if you go for a walk and your dog is pulling on the lead, it’s not because he wants to be your leader and be in front so that you must follow – it’s because he’s excited and wants to go faster than you.

    You can be a benevolent leader, and teach him that acceptable behaviours are more rewarding than unacceptable behaviours, e.g. if he walks nicely besides you, he then gets to run free. It takes time and patience, and initially it may only be a few steps before being let loose on a long line, but the idea is to build up both the behaviour and the reward.

    Free Member

    or its got another tumor and when you next pop out it could turn on your children and tear them to shreds, still I’m sure it’s nice to have him around.

    Could you ever forgive yourself? I think you know the answer, the old dog has had its day.

    Why would anyone leave a three year old and a five year old unsupervised with a dog ? It’s irresponsible.

    Even if it turns out that there is nothing wrong with the dog, this situation could still be managed to the benefit of all.

    Free Member

    I’ve got an older dog who sometimes gets grumpy if the others get too close. He’ll bark and air-snap if they stumble over him – the reason is that he’s got arthritis in his back end. We keep him comfortable with medication, but he doesn’t need to be banged about or have paws prodding all over his hips.

    As a first step, have the dog checked out at the vets. Then try to explain to the kids that he’s getting on a bit and is getting a bit delicate. Maybe see if you can improve upon the supervision of your kids around the dog.

    How about getting a dog crate – not so much to keep the dog in, but the kids out. Put his bed in, a few toys/treats, it would become his place of refuge. It doesn’t have to be a metal cage, maybe a soft crate similar to this:

    Free Member

    Sophie is still with us and looking for her new home.

    She has come on well in the week she has been with us. She is clean in in the house, has gained in confidence, is very calm and spends most of her time sleeping in her new surroundings – so much for the hyperactive tail chewing dog !

    She is very calm around other dogs, one or two have shown some signs of aggression and she simply ignores them. She’s an absolute dream, asleep at my feet as I type this.

    Amazing what a little bit of excercise can do 8)

    Free Member

    Me too.

    A colleague of my wife decided she wanted to get rid of her Springer.
    Sophie was kept outside, was not walked (because she pulls on the lead), and was pretty much left to amuse herself.

    She asked my wife for help in rehoming Sophie, but unfortunately gave Sophie to the first person who agreed to take her last Sat. On Sun morning, less than 24 hrs later, we got a call from the “new owners” saying they couldn’t cope – she was hyperactive and was chewing her tail. Asked if they’d taken her for a walk, the answer was no…

    The outcome is that we’ve taken her in untill her forever home is found.

    She’ll make someone a wonderfull pet. But would not be suitable for a first time owner due to high energy and lack of training. She is very calm and gentle about the house.

    If there are any takers, or you know of anyone looking for a dog let me know, as this became her third home within a 24 hr period, a homecheck will be required.


    1) Age of dog? 2 years old.

    2) Gender of dog? Female

    3) Is the dog neutered? No

    4) Are the dogs vaccinations up to date? Yes

    5) When did the dog last go to the vets? Unknown

    6) Has the dog any special health needs or receiving veterinary treatment for particular conditions? No

    7) What food is the dog being fed? James Wellbeloved (Since 6/3/11, previously Bakers !)

    8 What is the dog like with other dogs? No problem.

    9) What is the dog like with children? Unknown

    10) What is the dog like with cats and other animals? Unknown

    11) What training has the dog received? Does it pull on the lead? Does it sit on command? Does it come back when called? etc etc.


    12) Is the dog housetrained? She is clean in the house, but needs to be let out in time -doesn’t indicate.

    13) Where does the dog sleep? eg is it a kennel dog or has it lived in the house


    14) Has the dog shown any aggression towards people?


    Sophie is near Perth. if you want to discuss her.

    Free Member

    be bloody carefull with a dog that bites,it mite just rip some kids face off! best thing to do is punch(not very hard more of a hard tap than a puch!!!) it on the nose if it does it to you, it WILL NEVER do it again, that dog is a pack animal not a human, it wont hold it against you..its better than putting the poor thing down any how!

    He doesn’t need to be punched, kicked, put in his place, or anything else along those lines.

    Have a look at the the dog’s body language in the pics – clearly a happy relaxed dog. Look at what Graeme wrote in his post after the pics: wee bugger is currently spark out at MIL’s feet. A previously unheard of state of play. It’s just a case of the wrong dog in the wrong home, and Graeme is looking to do the best thing for the dog.

    He’s a lovely little dog and will make someone extremely happy.

    Free Member

    I met Max this morning and introduced him to my three.

    No signs of aggression , absolutely no sign of any rage. A happy, well behaved, lovely young dog – did really well around my three considering he hasn’t mixed with other dogs. Seemed rather biddable and responded well to being lured into a sit/down. I’m sure a that a little bit of attention on the training front would result in a very well trained dog.

    Mas has mixed with children aged 9-11 without any problems.

    Would make an excellent pet/trail dog in the right home.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    1) Have you had the relevant health tests done ? if not, there’s a possibility you could breed a litter that develops hereditary health problems.

    2) If something goes wrong during the birth, you’ll need to have a small fortune in reserve to be prepared for the vet bill.

    3) There a just too many dogs in this country (of all breeds) and not enough responsible homes – having bred the litter, would you be prepared to take back any of the dogs should the owners decide they don’t want to/can not keep them anymore? What if they had health problems – would be willing/able to take back and look after these too?

    Free Member


    A bit necky I know, but I’ve sent you an e-mail.

    Free Member

    Well emmyLou is good but what about iris dement? Especially Our Town

    Good call.

    From the same album “No time to cry”.

    I recently heard “Wasteland of the free” for the first time – lyrics are absolutely fantastic.

    Love her.


    Quite a few on here like her – I’ve never actually met anyone who’s even heard of her.

    Free Member

    I know the type of dog I’m after and just can’t get anyone in rescue centres to make an effort.

    Send me an e-mail, I might be able to help – can’t promise, but I’ll try, and let you know if I can’t help.

    Some rescues “close down” about now – the Christmas Puppy thing.

    Need to know:

    Breed, male/female, what age dog you’d be willing to accept, how far you’d be willing to travel to meet/collect the right dog.

    You’d most likely need to have homecheck done, I’ve got a homecheck form somewhere,I’ll mail it to you.

    Free Member

    eviljoe – Member
    I once played an 1870's Martin a cool £6,000 worth. My fingers were trembling let me tell you… I mean, what do you play??

    Stairway to heaven.

    Free Member

    Not that I have any direct experience of them, but I'll mention the Busker Canon. They import the Michael Messer resonators and seem to be getting good reviews.

    Free Member

    Weld, one of the best live albums 'ever'

    Good stuff – but there again ARC is unlistenable, I thought it was live version of Weld or something – not sure how to describe it!

    Free Member

    Maybe not the solution you're after, but if you want to continue using the walk, you might want to try a can of pet corrector spray. I've used it to stop fights/scuffles between Rottweilers, GSD's and a rather large Malamute.

    If nothing else, it will keep the other dog away from you.

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