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  • FGF 525: Dizzy with excitement, or just befuddled?
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    Mooman with new riding buddy. As you can see Saxon the intellectual standard of our riding in South Wales hasn’t gone up at all 8O

    Free Member

    Hi Saxon The rider formally “known as” might well be out. The sunday morning rides sort of fell by the wayside. We do a fair bit of road riding now, and I tend to have saturday of instead of Sundays. If there’s any interest however I’ll post one up from time to time :D

    Free Member

    No never, unless I had evidence he was part of a large orginized benefits fraud. let him get on with his sad life, snitching on your neighbours is pretty low.

    Free Member

    Youtube will probably take down your vid. At least thats what they did to one of my sons videos that used copyrighted material.

    Free Member

    I’ve always found riding a s/s doesn’t help my fitness, in fact it has an overall negative effect. :( It does help with that out of the saddle honk. But there’s far to much down time coasting or spinning like a hamster, but not getting anywhere. Use your gears to go faster not just slower and strength and fitness will come. :-)

    Free Member

    I used a 44/32/22 mtb chainset on my 9spd campag equiped cross bike. The standard front mech handled the smaller rings well enough.

    Free Member

    Had mine for years and had to change the rear bearings once. My lbs charged me £8 to fit the bearings I supplied. I won’t be buying the tool anytime soon.

    Free Member

    Wether you agree with horse racing or not, thourgh bred horses would not exsist if it wasn’t for racing. Its the only chance they have of life. No racing, no horses. If I was a horse it would be a no brainer. “were’s my jockey”

    Free Member

    There’s no law that prohibits on a national basis, but local authorities may bylaws that make it illegal.
    This site covers it in some detail.

    Free Member

    I agree, a sub 40mins with the track as it is seems way quick. To put Ant O’boyle into perspective. I can just squeak under an hour, but if I’m in a cyclox race with A O’b it takes him about 5 laps to lap me. Not the 2 and a bit a sub 40 mins around Cwmcarn would suggest. :!:

    Free Member

    Under an hour for normal people is very good :D You could ride around all day doing 1h04m’s like snaps and hardley anyone would pass you. Most fitish riders seem to take 1.15/30m to get round.

    Free Member

    Just turn up and introduce yourself. They are a very friendly bunch :D There does tend to be frequent stops for liquid refreshment though :P This may or may not be your thing.

    Free Member

    5 out of 5 for me. Going out now, just can’t make my mind up what to ride. :cry:

    Free Member

    the only thing that matters to the coalition is libya’s oil – its nothing to do with people’s welfare, otherwise gadaffodil would be enjoying the same freedom as mugabe still is after putting oil-less Zim and it’s people though the grinder.

    Thats the part I don’t understand. Two months ago we wee all over Gadaffi like a rash !! All The oil we wanted, trade aggrements you name it. What have we got to gain supporting rebels who might just give us a big f@%4k of pill when its all done and dusted. ( assuming they win )

    Free Member

    You got it with the cage not being long enough to carry the extra lenggth of chain to cover the range needed with a 32t cassette.
    A 28t with you compact chain set should give you a pretty low gear. Honestly unless your carrying loads of gear it should be low enough to get you around, especially as your getting some training in.

    Free Member

    Probably the same reason I were My cycling shorts over my tights. It avoids the dreaded baggy gusset :cry:

    Free Member

    | would have thought having a built up insole fitted in his shoe might be a better bet. Look in yellow pages for a sports podiatrist.

    Free Member

    I’d only ride that as a “try to get myself home” last mesure.
    If you want to use the same spokes the new rim will have to be close to the same “depth” as your old one. A couple of mm either way should be ok.

    Free Member

    “I was riding along a narrow bridleway and this guy with red socks was walking right in the middle. He knew I was behind him, but despite there being numerous places for him to move over a bit and let me past he didn’t.. What a t@%t.”
    Before I started looking at cycling forums, I used to wonder why some motorists had a problem with cyclists. Reading some of your replies to the OP all is explained. :cry:

    Free Member

    One of these is the best way to get them out.—Press-fit-bottom-bracket-bearing-remover-tool.html?pse=coa

    You could also use a drift and tap them out, not a screwdriver though or you’ll just break them up.

    Free Member

    He’s having a laugh. :lol:

    Free Member

    No different than welding steel or ally or stainless. Find a good quality fabrication company in your area that use tig welding systems. They will need to order ti welding rods and will need to know what type of ti you have to be welded.

    Maybe up your neck of the woods. But down here you’ve got no chance. Even if they have the skills now comany I know in S.Wales is prepared to order up rods etc to weld up a bycicle frame. :(

    Free Member

    My mate kept some. Deff. the escapologists of the chicken world. He reckoned his could fly a bit, coming home he’d find them in trees over the next door neighbours anywhere apart from where they should be. A fox killed them all in the end and he didn’t bother replacing them. :(

    Free Member

    Get some hand grip excercisers. Works wonders for those long bumby downhills.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Cool but sunny 8)

    Free Member

    Have sent loads of packages to Spain with no issues; it normally adds £1.00 over the cost of a UK 2nd recorded to 1Kg, but if I was looking at an auction with that postage, would walk away, due to it being excessive.

    Why would you do that ?? Just cost the postage into your maximum bid. Youd pay £50 for the shifters so bid £44.50. If the postage was £2.50 you could bid to £47.50. What difference to the buyer does P&P make ???

    Free Member

    tk46hal is dead right. I’d never send hundreds of pounds to someone I don’t know for a major purchase of the classifieds. Having a rough location speeds things up a bit, If a frame or bike is miles away I just wont be interested. Just edited my profile to that effect.

    Free Member

    Moving a sofa with the wife, she pushed and it caught my big toe nail ripping it off !!!!!! I’ve had countless injuries but that was the only time I went into shock :!:

    Free Member

    Needless to say, he jacknifed and ended up in the hedge – not without tumbling into my brake, pulling the piston rod out of the master cylinder, pissing oil onto the floor and completely trashing my KCNC X7 brakes.

    Was that you and the guy in the R.A.f kit ? if so that was right in front of me !!! The guy deff had the red mist, he was all over the road just before said incedent. Two minutes earlier a guy tried to squeeze btwn me and another bloke, his bars hooked mine, fortunatly it was him who came of worse and went down. Done loads of enduro’s and never seen anything like it 8O 8O

    Free Member

    Don’t see the point in FS at all really Not unless you are a DH racer.

    Come on7hz your trolling now surely :lol:

    Free Member

    I found it very hard. Understood why when I checked the garmin data .. My resting heart rate is 52bpm. Today though, av bpm 161 for 4hrs!! maxed at 186bpm!!
    Heres me thinking I was fit!!

    That will be down to being 40 tomorrow, wait untill your 50 :?
    Realy enjoyed the event one of my favourite enduros ever. Have to agree some of the sighns were a bit confusing. I only went wrong once but only for about 100yds before some one called me back. Realy, realy lucky with the weather though, I can’t imagine how tough it would have been in heavy rain.

    Free Member

    I’ll be there. Hopefully it will ride well with the dry weather. 8) :D

    Free Member

    Don’t worry NED. I’m on your side, its how I feel as well after trying the hard rocky stuff on my cyclox bike.

    Free Member

    South wales is full of slag heaps, ie. rubbish. Has been for years. However I’m not saying you should add to the problem. I find it a real shame.

    Thats a bit harsh flatfish !! Slag heaps were a by product of coal mining. They wern’t ever rubish tips, just the waste that came up with the coal. There’s not much coal mined in S.Wales anymore and most slag heaps have been landscaped. The rubbish at trail centres is just an unfortunate consequence of mtb’s increased popularity among some of the more chavy elements out there.

    Free Member

    Col when you did it, we had huricane winds blowing us almost off the top … I got the pic of you (and Leon ) looking a little nervous of the gales if you want me to post it?

    Hurricane doesn’t even begin to describe it !! If you’d have jumped of that ledge you would have just been blown back . 8O

    Free Member

    The sanitized part is only a very small part of the total ride, the most technical bit for sure, but the gap ride is as much about being out in a great place as a technical riding experience. I’ve done Moomans route ( with him ) and its a worthwhile ride, but it is a cheeky route, and not perhaps to everyones taste.
    Ciderinsport. If I were you I’d still do the planned ride, out in the Brecon Beacons for the day ! you can’t go far wrong.

    Free Member

    Been here with my daughter, She’s totally paranoid about green veg. No amount of coaxing or cajoling helps, attempts at bullying will deff. make things worse. As far as our Gp is concerned as long as she’s getting enough calories it isn’t a problem. She’s 14 now and probably hasn’t eaten anything green for about 8yrs still healthy and the right wait so don’t worry.

    Free Member

    I’ve entered and its been very wet here in S.Wales. Anything apart from a total bog will be a bonus. Hopefully next week will be a bit drier.

    Free Member

    About 4yrs ago I bought a s/h campag record square taper b/b of here. 20,000+ road miles ( for me ) and its still going strong. The only prob you can get with sq/taper btm brackets is rounding out your cranks, if they get a tiny bit loose and you like drops, jumps etc.

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