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  • The New Alloy Ibis Ripley – The Ripley AF
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    There were also fears the children’s birth parents knew or might be able to find out where the foster parents lived. Though both the birth mother and father claim to continue to have supervised contact with some of their other children, it is believed social workers do not want the parents to know exactly where the children are living because of safety concerns.

    Why didn’t social sevices just use this as their primary reason to remove the children, don’t mention UKIP at all. It would be perfectly reasonable, no fuss no scandal no nothing.

    Free Member

    I’m with bigjohn, get the bike sorted and ride it. Going down the legal route might make a sorry situation worse. As said you’ll still have an awsome bike.

    Free Member

    Just watched it now. Seemed a good match both pretty inexperienced but well up for it. Well done Freddy seen worse fights and worse boxers. :D

    Free Member

    Can’t see it making much difference bit I’d ride and climb once a week. If you could sneak out for a hard 40 min run once a week as well it would help a lot.

    Free Member

    You read the instructions when fitting new bits?

    I never did ( know it all ), untill last night. fitted a new campag mech to my cross bike. Two hours of insanity followed because I couldn’t get the gears to index. Finally the instructions came out, seems I’d clamped the gear cable slightly wrong !!!!! 30 secs later all sorted. Going to read them all from now on !

    Free Member

    I’ve got some of the bracciano’s. Had them for about 2yrs and not had to touch them ! Would buy another pair no probs.

    Free Member

    It is expensive for a weeks holiday, as most people rekcon things. Doesn’t mean it’s not good value though.Expensive and value do go together sometimes. Wouldn’t be my kind of thing though, even if I could afford it. But if you can, and like a very organised, everything done for you holiday, can’t see a problem with it.

    Free Member

    how much do you find ? seriously, I’d just pick it up and put it in the bin, like every other piece of rubbish that finds it’s way into my garden.
    Lifes way to short to worry about stuff like this.

    Free Member

    Just ordered a Nexus 7 for mrs Taxi for xmas. I don’t know anything about them but was recommended one by a friend.
    Only thing, I forsee a problem you might have.
    “So I have decided to get a tablet for myself and my gf to share.”
    That is never going to happen ! just give it to her as soon as you get it and start saving for your own.

    Free Member

    A bunch of us are going over for a few days in April.

    Flight with easy jet from Bristol are still under £120 for the flights we’ve booked under £100 when we booked .
    Stayin here;label=bookings-naam-3jHr6EsDyn1Uq9ttdGmKKwS6899529981%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2230%2C000%3Aac%3Aap1t1%3Aneg;sid=39f95a411931ce3aaa43b719a275a8b7;dcid=1;origin=disamb;srhash=3684745332;srpos=1

    £150 for four night three to an apartment so £50 each.

    Rather than take bikes were renting them from here.

    £71 for a carbon bike.

    Just transfers then about £40 each

    About £260 all in.

    Just noticed more or less what geoffj said.

    Free Member

    Andys Uncle is a real gentleman and kindly build me one as well, its now getting admiring looks all around S.Wales.

    Free Member

    The etiqute is pretty simple with this sort of thing. You know the guy’s a liability but still you ride with him ? So you can’t expect him to pay for damages ! Never ever have I heard of that in relation to club/group ride crashes. Really this chap should be asked to move on, if senior members can’t or wont act I’d be moving on myself.

    Free Member

    I’ve always assumed people who volunteer for things, enjoy what their volunteering for. If not why do it ? I sure as hell wouldn’t spend years of my life doing something that did my head in.
    Guiding is a good thing but if the hassle starts to outweigh the positive, got to be time to move on.

    Free Member

    I was thinking more about Dave Hinds famous customer service barbarian.
    If you’ve got a few minutes ( days ) give him a google.

    Free Member

    I’d say £300 tops as well. Like to see someone claim on the lifetime guarantee wheels though LOL. But to be fair going back a few years he did build a good wheel.

    Free Member

    When my son was four he’s standing with Mrs Taxi in the queue at the local co-op. The get to the front and Chris looks up at his mum and asks ” when is it humans mating season ?” Mrs Taxi is caught unawares and blusters a bit, but without missing a beat the woman behind the till pipes up ” saturday night love, just after match of the day ”

    Free Member

    My 15 year old daughter is in New York on a school trip. I’m not keen on these long haul supposedly educational jollies, but got bullied by her into letting her go.
    Bet she wishes she was back in sunny Cardiff. I know I do ! !

    Free Member

    £1300? Get something cheaper to see if you enjoy it first IMO.

    Tough call if your already a cyclist. I know so many people who end up wanting to upgrade straight away, and feel they’ve wasted their money buying a cheapie first. £1300 might be what the op considers entry level anyway.

    Free Member

    They should all stand, but put an astrix agains them, mentioning the lack of efective testing for epo ec.

    Free Member

    In Cardiff our licensing authority operate a points system. Like toting up if you get to 12 points you could have your badge suspended. Things that get you points could be, abussing members of the public, abusing other taxi drivers, assaults, unfit vehicle etc. Its a fair proccess up to a point. You making a complaint after witnessing the incedent, doesn’t carry nearly as much weight as the woman making the complain. You don’t even know what was said for instance. If asked about it the driver might just say ” what woman “.
    Your complaint will be noted though, and if this driver already has history it’ll have some bearing, but the council isn’t going to remove a mans livelihood on the basis of a secondhand unverified complaint.

    Free Member

    With my vehicles I’m allowed 25% capital allowance a year. Say my car is worth £10,000 I deduct £2,500 less 5% personal use £125 , so my allowance is £2,375. The next year my car is valued ar £7,500 and the 25% etc is applied to that. Aftet x numbet of years my car might have a value of say £3,000 . But realy its worthless so I scrap it and get £300 for it. I can deduct £2700 from tax bill for that year.
    If I buy a tool to do a specific job maybe £20 I just put it down as an expense. But I have a feeling if you filled a van up with stuff, it probably would be a capital expense and youd be allowed a percentage of the value every year.
    As said though an accountant especially for your first year is a good idea. Once your clued up a bit you could always file you tax returns yourself.

    Free Member

    I have lasting power of attorney over my father. His situation incredibly mirrors your fathers exactly. My brother whilst not estranged, has had nothing to do with my father for a while and only gives a passing impresion of giving a damm.
    To tell you the truth if he turned up making comments about how I dealt with my fathers affairs, wealth managment, my life style etc, he’d get the biggest get lost pill you could imagine. I’m sure you wouldn’t deserve such a reaction and only have your fathers best interests at heart, but fairly or unfairly your sisters response might be similar to mine.
    Oh yes, if you want to challenge the LPOA if its already been filed it would be time to see a lawyer

    Free Member

    First round of the welsh series for me at Llantarnam.
    90 riders on an amazingly dry course. The leaders weren’t troubled by my presense eirher.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Yes. Got that bouncy style on the pedals.

    Free Member

    Been loads of times and normally just go to czech bars and pubs rather than Irish, etc, etc. This is a good guide, all the czech bars beer halls listed are worth a look.

    Free Member

    In the end though he was jailed for a breach of the peace. Right or wrong I can think of loads if people who wouldn’t want him walking past their kids naked. The police know this aswell, they also know someone might have more than a quite word with him. It seems they bent over backwards to prevent a BOTP but he refused to cooperate. Prison seems stupid, but how stupid would the authorites be if they had to lock someone up for assaulting him.

    Free Member

    Did the long one aswell.
    Must be the 7th time I’ve done this event. Enjoyed the new route, not as much road as some years. Only problem, was doing the long route you got fed back into the less experience riders at the back of the short route a couple of times. A little bit frustrating trying to get past the same people over and over.
    They might feel the same, having people coming passed all the time.

    Free Member

    Bought my last bike from them with the 36mth option.
    No complaints from me. Great service over a warrenty claim aswell, so thumbs up from me.

    Free Member

    The chap who owns craig yr alt is a good bloke and was cool about mtb’s untill the above mentioned issue. Doesn’t sound like him with that dog sheep think, maybe he was joking his sense of humor is very dry.
    When my daughter went to his riding school, he had a couple of piglets and sold the kids bags of food to feed them. When they asked what their names were he’d say ” that one is called christmas the other one is easter, second name dinner ”

    Free Member

    alex222 +1 no make that +100.
    Another thread turned into the same people banging on about drugs. We all know about the problems , but if you can’t enjoy whats infront of you just walk away.

    Free Member

    I know your trying to use stuff you have to hand, but its a faff :( thing tend to work just ok but a bit of a pain. For £52 if you’ve got it I’d just stick one of these 48/34s on. You’d get bored spinning a 44 ring out anyway.

    Free Member

    I Know its a cliche to recommend an on-one but with 100mm forks I’d fancy one of these.

    Had one years ago and always regretted selling it :(

    Free Member

    Hi Richard ,
    Both my children have Aspergers and went to mainstream school. For one, with many ups and downs it worked out fine. ( he’s of to uni in september ) for my daughter though ! not so good. We often wonder if it was a mistake to send her to mainstream.
    Drop me an email if you like, I can give you a much more detailed account of our experience.

    Free Member

    USADA’s ban is working well then, Armstrong came 2nd in a mountain bike race today and donations are up by 20% on Lance’s website….brilliant

    Sorry to selectivly quote you, but whatever you think of LA an increase in funds to a cancer charity wich has helped thousands is brilliant.

    Free Member

    reminds me of a time people reckond they’d seen a kangaroo in a Cardiff suburb. Turned out to be a fox with mange.
    That pic gets very fuzzy blown up, but I’m not seeing a lion.

    Free Member

    Wow ! More action there than almost all the TDF. Welcome back Bertie, same butcher by the look of things LOL

    Free Member

    A couple of the boys on the taxies went for them as they seemed a bargain. It generaly ended in tears.

    Free Member

    In terms of global popularity football rules ! It’s truly the worlds national sport. Why, honestly it doesn’t matter. If you don’t like football do or watch whatever, me I ride my bike.

    Free Member

    The race was in Oct.2007 If you go on youtube and search ” Penarth mtb downhill race ” there’s a couple of vids.

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