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  • Specialized Chisel LTD Elements – Bike or Art?
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    30% WTF !!!

    Free Member

    Nobby nic 2.25 for me. Light fpr their size and pretty quick. Hate heavy draggy tyres.

    Free Member

    “the downhills were very tame you crosscrountry girls”

    Never done a uk enduro with serious technical downhill sections, being so slippery these were hard enough ( more than ) to be fun for most. Got to remember it’s got to be safeish for all 400 riders.

    Free Member

    3rd time for me, and totally agree that its one of the best uk events I’ve done. Boy was it hard though ! fitness was ok but my bike handling after months on the road bike was awfull, and it was so slippery.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    If it’s stopped being fun get some gears. You can always change back if you want to.

    Free Member

    I might be over reacting, but if everyone took the OPs view places like Woburn would now be fenced off and bulldozed land, and not great trails and jumps as it is now.

    I know you ride a lot and care about the sport OG, but I think you and a lot of people are over reacting to this. Its for a month, people will ride as they allways do, but at the end of the month someone gets a box of tea. The bulldozers wont move in, and apart from those in the know nothing will have happened.

    Free Member

    A great deal of this thread goes on about the op’s challenge being possibly illegal. Amore valid point would be wether it does any harm or not. well maybe it might techniclly be not quite legal but when racing bicycles became illegal on B/W nobody would have dreamed of a strava segment type event, it would have ben head to head racing with multiple contestants, maybe not such a good idea. Over a month people turning up at random and doing what they’ve always done, not what the law makers had in mind I’m sure. Maybe not on here but out in the wide world, most people don’t realy give a stuff about breaking some technical aspect of law if they feel no harm is being done by thier actions. I don’t think the op’s event will do that anymore than a lot of other riding. You’d probably be hard pushed to even notice anything was going on. Unlike big ” legal ” events with hundreds of competitors wich can seriously disrupt other peoples ability to enjoy a place as they see fit.

    Free Member

    Phew !! umd and ahdd about whether to go for xtr or xt when ordering pedals yesterday, whent for xt so happy days.

    Free Member

    Yet again the STW self righteous pop up to knock what sounds a pretty fun idea ! let me think going fast downhill on a mtb, can’t be doing that. So what if your timing yourself on strava, thats happening already all over the world and people have been going flat out down bridleways since mtbing began, infact thats how it started if memory serves. Good video by the way cumbrianmonkey, pity your a bit far up or some south wales boys might have come up to show you how its done ( not me by the way to old and knackerd these days ) Maybe it will end in tears but then so can getting out of bed in the morning.

    Free Member

    Only the big ones.

    Free Member

    Optilabs have a varifocal option on thier cycling glasses. I wear vari focals riding my bike sometimes and can’t see a problem.

    Free Member

    17lb 6oz for my 58cm Litespeed tuscany, 21lb 8oz for
    My 853 steel bike thats with full mudguards. Twim bottle cages on both bikes aswell.

    Free Member

    Just renewed mine, did the online thing, forms came in about a week. filled them in sent them off, new passport came five days later !!! pretty chuffed I look more or less the same ten years later. :D

    Free Member

    Don’t listen to the gearing willy wavers, ride what suits. the 32 would tighten things up a bit. If your granny is 36 you could drop it to a 34 to keep the low gear, if it’s already a 34 worst case scenario pushing a slightly higher gear will help with fitness. :D

    Free Member

    The commenters have it right. It is way past time that these interfering busybodies were told to butt out and b****r off!


    Free Member

    If its under a tenner just tell him to take a walk and do his worst. Even if he wins the dispute and you get neg feedback so what, it’s not the end of the world.

    Free Member

    Still looking.

    Free Member

    I could have a look at them for you If you can get to N.Cardiff.
    email in profile.

    Free Member

    Good tip here from Chris Boardman who would get into his kit before deciding whether to call off a training session becuase of bad weather. Much easier to decide not to ride from under the duvet.

    Best bit of advise I’ve heard in ages.

    Free Member

    I spent some time in Petaluma, it might fit the bill. Petalumawheelmen is a local active club. There’s a couple of rides on their web site.

    Free Member

    I’d have found her guilty. I’m not clever but completly understand the definition of coercion as explained in the above responses. Reasonable doubt isn’t hard either. Some of those jury members should be hanging their heads in shame.

    Free Member

    Always comes back to rule #1 in life: people are idiots. Work from that and you’ll never go wrong


    Free Member

    I was always jealous of him. Getting to sleep with Felicity Kendal ! Even though they were only married on a tv show, and as far as I know he never did.


    Free Member

    I don’t bother with a batter. Thickly sliced large spanish onions .
    Flour then into beaten egg, back into some well seasond flour. Deep fry till golden, delicious.

    Free Member

    Can’t believe people on here suggesting you shop your brother in without knowing the details. Talk to him, If its a totting up thing for minor offences, explain to him the likely consequences but let him get on with it. If it was a D/d and he’s still drinking and driving, lots more serious and would need a major family intervention.

    Free Member

    from terms and conditions.

    Although we aim that every picture and description is 100% accurate, mistakes do occur so let us know if you see or read something that isn’t correct. If you’ve purchased something based on a picture or description on the website which turns out to be incorrect we’ll happily replace or refund the product.

    send it back they’ll refund the postage as well. If you can’t get red decals anywhere, order from Wiggle to save the £27. Its what I would do

    Free Member

    If you live on your own it should be much cheaper. But a family, hose pipe use etc can give you a nasty shock.

    Free Member

    I’m not letting anybody in a car pass me on a narrow road,…that is a certain fact.

    You’ll have to get used to letting cars past, that or get used to massive ammounts of abuse and threats of violence.

    Free Member

    Samuri – i’d rather not get involved in this TBH but i think his wife has indicated that she wants me to have a word with him….she’s already confronted him over it and he’s denied it…he even went as far as saying the long brown hairs in the car belonged to his friends…none of his friends have long hair!! he doesnt know that she’s taken pictures of the whatsapp messages though….there’s a family wedding going on this weekend and i think she’s planning on outing him in front of the whole family…
    hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!!

    As said don’t get involved a million times. Been there with my brother three times. But if what you say about ” outing” at a family wedding is true thats teribly sad and wrong. A weddings about the bride and groom not about anyone elses troubles. If it might realy happen something to head that off might be appropriate.

    Free Member

    I live about 100yds from where this happened. The taff trail is very much a multi user path whatever its title. I ride on it a couple of times a week and the default situation is walkers, dogs, kids in fact people all over the place ! In all of this there’s cyclists who for the most part ride it with skill and curtesy. For the most part it’s dogs that cause problems. But anyone with a brain knows the score and ride accordingly. there are a few though who think their commute is the tour de france and ride like total t@?ts :( Not sure how training would help ? those riders wouldn’t go near it with a barge pole.

    Free Member

    Had mine done under general aneth. 5 inch cut in the groin and about a dozen little nicks. No probs, little bit sore for a day or two. Being self employed I was only of work for a couple of days, went back doing shorter hours and built it up. Brilliant not having a bunch of grapes on the inside of my leg.

    Free Member

    Don’t get this star rating ! If it’s unhygenic shut it down, thats all you need to know.

    Free Member

    You’d loose the goods, but would have a claim against cash converters. You’d almost certainly win if it went to court. They’d have to try and get their money back from whoever sold them the goods.

    Free Member

    ^ this.

    Free Member

    Sorry but this whole thread is a load of tosh. What exactly is it trying to achieve ? The only thing I can think of is it’s trying to damage a buisness that employs people, pays mortgages and supports families. Why because someone numpty doesn’t give a groveling enough reply to a cyclists complaint. Nobody got hurt, there was no accident ! If I was looking for some blinds or carprts in Berkshire and ended up here, I’d just think what a load of tools, and my opinion of cyclists would go down a notch.

    Free Member

    Its all part of the fun LS. Its only not fun if you get all worthy about it.

    Free Member

    Itching to have another go at twinshock racing. Last time must have been 1995 ! Just waiting on the right 1979 400 Maico to come along.

    Free Member

    this will sort you out.

    Free Member

    I’m quite sure that some of the girls really dislike having to parade and pose for photographers and assorted PR types. Yes, they may have great figures but it’s quite demeaning too.

    I bet they don’t feel demeaned at all. Its the launch of a new team, of course the’re going to dress in the team kit and and pose with the bikes. Its what all the teams do men and women. what else would they do ????
    Maybe your right and this lot feel demeaned aswell.

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