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  • taxi25
    Free Member

    Crosshair. Did I have a chat with you waiting for the traffic to pass just coming back into Brecon ? Finished just ahead of you on the Scott Scale.

    Free Member

    Think the first man home for the short route did about 2.55. There wont be many in front of you alwillis.

    Free Member

    The “Gap” featured in the long route. But going up rather than the traditional descent. Not as much fun but after you’ve pushed or carried your bike to the top, the gap road is pretty good. Have to agree the short route this year was a bit roadie.

    Free Member

    Pretty much back tp the original course. Bit of a step backwards over last year’s IMHO. Still a good event, I’ll be back next year no doubt. 😀

    Free Member

    A tenant in one of my fathers properties was given the same advise 30years ago. Some things never change.
    The tenant in question sounds a decent person, loads would just take the councils advise.

    Free Member

    If your not already, sighn up with Strava. Riding with a club or a group isn’t for everyone. I found Strava a brilliant motivational tool. And as said above you’ll only get back what you put in, you’ve got to push yourself hard for at least part of every ride.

    Free Member

    Seems the Sky machine is fallible after all.

    Free Member

    Does this actually happen or is it just one of those myths ?? Always seems to be said to a friend of a friend.
    I always make way ( when its safe ) for faster riders. But if someone were behind me bellowing it would be a long time before a “safe” place came up.

    Free Member

    Mine are loose aswell, so love an answer to this.

    Free Member

    As its a mate I’d just take the bike back to the shop myself with the rceipt and make a warrenty claim. who’s to know you sold the bike to someone else ??? If you both agree the frame had a problem I don’t see it as being dishonest. Just the easiest quickest way to get it sorted, no need for all the fit for purpose stuff of naming and shaming.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Just get the crown race removed in one piece. Cut through it with a hacksaw push it back on the steererr with your fingers, job done. No more grief nor more hassle, get on with ridding your bike.

    Free Member

    Deff. Flip

    Free Member

    My son goes to uni in Newport. Its a good course that’s why he chose it. Didn’t need much encouragement to stay in Cardiff though, catches the bus or the train if he’s feeling flush.

    Free Member

    Only problem I’ve had with having the crown race seat cut is that a crown race from a different headset might be to loose. But it is the correct way to do it though.
    Loads of lbs don’t have the tools or the staff with the training to use them.

    Free Member

    I’d be very sceptical that it’ll seat itself down. Especially if they couldnt set it right with the correct tool.
    Some crown race fork combinations are a nightmare. If the race is realy tight I just cut it, never had a problem doing this.

    Free Member

    Despite driving for a living I can see the logic in the proposed legislation. I’m just not sure it’ll improve anything on the roads for cyclists in this country. As others said we aren’t the rest of europe our driving culture is completly different.
    Regarding insurance claims, the biggest problem is that nearly everyone lies !! I’ve had two at fault collisions and filled the forms in accurately and truthfully. Everything was sorted asap. Everytime someones run into me they’ve lied. Been to court twice won both times, once my insurers settled 50/50 against my wishes and I’m still paying extra premiums because of it.

    Free Member

    Sorry ton, on forums it’s hard to tell who knows each other, and whats a bit of banter between mates or something else.
    I only mentioned it because once the name calling starts, it seems to escalate with other posters jumping just to get a sly dig. I’m out at that point and an often interesting thread is spoilt IMHO.

    Free Member

    I don’t realy care Ben. But this is a cycling forum where people share ” their” opinions on cyling related topics.
    It seems to me its the pro e bike faction thats getting their lycra in a twist.
    Truth of the matter is if I met someone out on the trails on an e bike I’d be as interested in checking it out as I would any other interesting different bike. Doesn’t alter the fact that their use by able bodied people is a direction that I wish the sport wouldn’t go in.

    Free Member

    I think you can Ben. A bicycle is a self propelled vehicle, e bikes have a motor of sorts.Its that bit in the frame where a water bottle might go 😉

    Free Member

    E bikes arent bicycles as I recognise them. And apart from their uses as personal transport or as an aid for those less able I don’t see how they fit in with the whole ethos of cycling, but he ho each to their own in the rich west we can buy whatever toys we want, that what makes the world go round I suppose.
    Ton ! Whats with your aggressive bully boy posts. Every time you come into a thread of late its with an insult followed up with a threat. Not everyone agrees with every opinion out there, do you talk to people like that in the real world ?

    Free Member

    Can’t make my mind up about the whole concept. Cant see how it’ll improve the respect cyclists get from motorists, the exact opposite I would have thought. Many motorists will see it as cyclists shirking responsibility for their own actions and poor riding. Someone else milking them and their insurance ( they’ll quickly ppint out most cyclists don’t have any).

    Free Member

    From your posts Ton I understand you’ve had health issues and had or have an e mtb. Fair enough it allows you to continue a sport you love. But why would an able bodied person use one ? If you cant be bothered to get fit ( if your able ) and pedal a bike, whats it all about, you aint being a cyclist.

    Free Member

    If you’ve got health issues or getting old fair enough. But it won’t end with that, it’ll be like the lazy chavs in Benidorm racing around on mobility scooters. Just another pointless toy to annoy people with.

    Free Member

    ^^Done this loads, make sure its insured though.

    Free Member

    As far as I know you can only drive an untaxed car to a garage for a pre booked MOT test. Its all a hassle I agree.

    Free Member

    1/641 my best. Got a few over 500 but there mostly a couple of miles from home when I’m emptying my legs. Most people wouldn’t be doing that. There pretty good though, youd have to try hard with the right wind to beat them.

    Free Member

    When people ask the question “am I being precious” the answer normally is YES ! But not in this case, your mate was bang out of order. I wouldn’t dream of messing with the seat post or let my kids clamber over someone elses bike.

    Free Member

    I’ve only missed a couple since it started. Nothing to technical, but the riding is on par with most other marathon type events. Main thing though your riding through one of the most scenic parts of the UK. It’s a genuine classic event, do it once at least before you die.

    Free Member

    They way some of you Dawkin groupie atheists keep banging on about religion,you must be all closet religious fanatics or something !!
    Ive never seen R.I.P as being relgious. Rest is a respectful way of saying dead, and being dead certainly means you’ve left the pain, sorrow and struggle, that life can be for some, behind you. If you have no religion like me, R.I.P is what your going to get. Whever you deserve it or not.

    Free Member

    Have you got a Panda then ??

    Free Member

    Good site. But get painting,love your cycling themed paintings but nothings out there for sale at the moment. 🙁

    Free Member

    Smells fishy to me. £600 to tell you the engines knackered doesn’t seem fair or reasonable to me.
    As said I think their trying to blag your car to sell on. Got to be loads of garages who would source and fit a recon/s/h engine for lots less than £3000.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    It seems to be a catchall phrase ‘get a license,go racing ‘
    But for most people who ride it might as well be a million miles away.As a percentage of those who ride hardley anyone actually races. For good reason, its bloody hard !! Just about everyone I know who races on a regular basis, are way ahead of your normal guy on the street who rides. There’s just no comparison.For most people the commitment and training needed make it a non starter. The best thing about Strava is that it gives the ‘normal’ rider a chance to compare themselves against riders of a similar ability,age and even weight.

    Free Member

    I’d agree with Eggshell blonde most people exaggerate.
    Don’t know about streatly hill crosshair, but 800/1000. I’m in the top 100/2500 up the rhigos and a 20mph ride is very tough solo for me.

    Free Member

    To average over 20mph on an even slightly hilly 30 miler is pretty good going. Probaly well into the top 20% of riders out there ( not regular racers ) maybe better than that. 16-18mph is far more usual.

    Free Member

    Delete or forward to ebay scam department.

    Free Member

    The ride to Formentor is ok, but its just there and back and spme of the road surface is pretty poor.
    Pid’s route is much better, bit of a short classic either way you do it.

    Free Member

    A 7yr old punches a 3yr old girl in the face and then goes to put the boot in !!! I don’t care how tough an estate it is alarm bells should be flashing big time. The op’s son was defending his sister no problem there.

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