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  • Talking Trail Dogs with Bark and Ride
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    Certainly isnt rubbish aracer. The longer you can put power down before you get into a tuck the more speed you will carry through the descent. Maybe not much, but some. With your logic you might aswell stop pedaling at the top of every hill and just tuck in.

    Free Member

    Not sure I agree with the no point spinning out a 53/11 gear. There’s lots of hills around by me that let you do it. I’ll accelerate hard through the gears then get into a tuck, you’ll get a higher speed than if you just let gravity do the work. You can also get on the pedals sooner and keep your speed up for longer once you hit the flat.
    It’s fun for me but different people like different things I suppose.

    Free Member

    Only rule I apply is, if you put it on your plate you’ve got to eat it.
    Nothing worse than those “eye’s bigger than their bellies” types leaving half eaten plates all over the place 👿

    Free Member

    Deff technique. You shouldn’t need to use tyre levers to fit road tyres. Get as much on as you can, then put the wheel between you legs and run your hands around the tyre stretching it and pulling the tyre down into the centre of the rim. You should be able to get the rest of the tyre bead over the rim using you thumbs, or using a overhand grip rolling it on using your palms.
    If your in Cardiff I’ll show you how to do it.

    Free Member

    LBS prices also tend to improve if you actually use them on a regular basis and they get to know you.

    How many £7.50 tubes do you have to buy before you get one for a fiver ?

    Free Member

    A shop will charge whatever it can get away with to make a profit, That’s what business is all about. But £7.50 as a starting point for a road tube is to much. If like the op I coughed up because I was at the till and didn’t want to make a scene, I’d feel ripped of and never go there again. I buy Planet-x tubes at £1.99 they do as good a job of keeping my tyres up as anything else.

    Free Member

    Try these people for a quote. Not cheap but did a superb job on
    a frame of mine.

    Free Member

    : Do you have experience of this place?

    not directly, but people I’ve picked up or dropped of there seem happy enough.

    Free Member

    NG motors portmanmoore road lane are VW specialists. They should be able to sort you out.

    Free Member

    If their all Asian take a photo with your phone and pop into the local Mosque/temple. All the Asian taxi drivers I know are very interested in what their children are up to, likewise the community leaders. If you get no joy there maybe the police if things continue.

    Free Member

    Is the stem mounted with a -ve rise? If so, flip it over. Might also be relevant for the shorter stem.


    But it’s a “racer” don’t give up on a racy riding position just yet, persevere with it for a while, if you want sit up and beg, a hybrid thingy is what you need.

    Free Member

    The only flooring in my house, that isn’t cleat friendly is my teenage daughter bedroom, you couldn’t pay me enough go in there 😯 😯

    Free Member

    People seriously scour the site looking for odd times???

    I don’t but after uploading a ride, and your checking times you do spot them.

    The second place one was a bloke who’d averaged 12mph on a ride, except for a brief stint at over 40mph on this 11% climb. Flagged that too.

    I’ll do the same, its pretty obvious when some one has recorded the drive home.

    Free Member

    Whow ! You took the time to come on a cycling forum to tell us you don’t like a popular musical performer. Aren’t there specialist forums for celebrity haters ?

    Free Member

    Bully’s in Romilley Crescent is pretty good. One thing Cardiff lacks is a couple of exceptional restaurants.

    Free Member

    Starting to look like he won’t be riding. Agree it is a shame, but not sure pr should come into it. Sky putting out the best team is all that matters.

    Free Member

    Had a set of these years ago. The little plastic “dogbone” was the weak link.
    Uk bike store used to have parts. Probably obsolete now 🙁

    Free Member

    I was in the same position as the op last night. My rx’s have never been bled and I was changing the rears for the second time. No chance of getting the pistons in, youd push one side in and the other side would come out.
    Like weeksy said I had to unscrew the bleed screw and let a little bit of fluid out.
    Makes no sense to me, but it worked.

    Free Member

    He then put up links to images of your bike suggesting it was the actual bike for sale. Personally I would not touch with a barge pole.

    he didn’t though the links are to pictures of the medium bike ( presumably his ) not Renton’s.
    Golden rule though only post pictures of what your actually selling.

    Free Member

    The much lauded and bloomin pricey GP4000s’ were a fail for me last year, cut to shreds and punctures, rubbish.

    Love stw tyre threads 😀 Gp4000s for me, grippy, fast rolling thousands of miles on rubbish roads, no cuts and very rarely pucture LOL.

    Free Member

    The top picture is different from the detail photo’s. They clearly show its a medium. He probably forgot to take a full bike picture and just did a search for one of the same bike. It just happened to be Renton’s.
    No different to using a stock photo really, but I can se how it raises an alarm.

    Free Member

    This us a positive experience thread. Got anything positive to say ???

    Free Member

    I recently bought some inner tubes of planet x, none of them had a hole in them 😀 . Dropped my forks into Loco tuning lunchtime for a full service. They were ready by tea time 😀 A spoke snapped on the front wheel of my ksyrium slr’s, it went so out of true I thought it was bin fodder 🙁 . Cyclopedia in Cardiff fixed it like new for a ridiculously small amount of money.
    It’s probably true to say for every dissatisfied customer ( with good reason sometimes ) there’s 100 happy ones.

    Free Member

    Try asking them. If not buy a pair of 25’s abd sell on the unused 23’s.

    Free Member

    WOWW !!! 😯 😯

    Free Member

    Slx owner here so it gets my vote. It’s a very good bike as I’m sure the endurance is. But for me even at 54 every ride is a race ( in my own mind ) so Its spot on 😀 Don’t be put of by the race tag either its as comfortable as my 853 steel bike.

    Free Member

    Thats a good point, if its more than 3yrs since you’ve done a speed awareness course they might offer you one. VV lucky if they do.

    Free Member

    I think the fine reflected the offence and didn’t take into account my other points. It was £60 with £20 v/s and £20 costs, less than what the prosecution asked for. I’d got caught at 35mph by a unmaned temporary camera through some road works in the early hours. No excuses I made a mistake ( a few actually )

    Free Member

    Unlucky but as you”ll have 12pnts within 3yrs even for a few days your looking at a 6mth ban. If your licence is really important you can go to court and make a claim for exceptional hardship. If the court accepts it they might consider another penalty. Fine or a shorter ban maybe. You can go to court and make this plea yourself but I’d recommend an experienced traffic lawyer. I did this myself and was successful, but after the fine court costs and £900 legal fees I didn’t feel I got away with it. Really woke me up realised I’d been coasting mentally.

    Free Member

    The truck did something dangerous/illegal and you blame the cyclists even when you are one

    Not blaming them, just illustrating the unintended consequences of their actions. That’s how things happen, usually its not one thing but a series of things coming together.
    Yes if I’d been in a car it would have been a terrible head on collision.

    Free Member

    Can you imagine if, on a day to day basis, we all said ‘thank you’ to everyone we interacted with who obeyed the law/used their commonsense so they didn’t hurt us… we’d not get anything else done

    Good riders interact with other road users to humanise ourselves. The guy in a white van is less likely to try and kill you if he see’s a smiling, hand waving human being. Rather than some lifeless surly lycra clad alien 🙁

    Free Member

    the closest I ever came to dying on a bike was when I came round a bend going down a 10% hill to find a truck completely on my side of the road overtaking two cyclists riding two abreast. Yes the truck shouldn’t have overtaken in a potentially dangerous place but if the riders had been in single file I would have had plenty of room, as it was I had 3ft to aim for at 45mph. Maybe in some circumstances its safer to ride two abreast but it doesn’t fit with my real life experiences. Some drivers are going to try and overtake come what may, the two abreast cyclist just annoys and frustrates them. when it comes the pass is often more dangerous. That’s real life not how we’d like it to be arguing on the internet, but what actually happens in the real world.

    Free Member

    Its the two abreast thing. A tractor horse whatever can’t make itself slimmer, by singuling up your showing your doing your best not to impede other road users. Acknowledging curtesy is just politness, it makes life a bit more pleasant for everyone. You either get that or you don’t.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a mk4 Mondeo estate, I don’t think the Superb is any higher in the back. No chance with my bike its 77cm from the centre of the b/b to the top of the saddle. It would need to be 66cm max. So small bikes small riders only, unless you take the saddle and seat post out, loads of room then.

    Free Member

    Whenever I ride with someone else we always single out when a car comes up behind us. Right or wrong it causes to much agro around here not to. If I was involved in constant confrontations I’d probably give up road riding all together 🙁

    Free Member

    Cheap digital luggage scales from ebay. I’ve weighed something of a known weight with mine and their suprisingly accurate.

    Free Member

    Chapeau anyway. Unlike most people you put it on the line in front of everyone, can’t fault that at all 😀

    Free Member

    Good luck mgs, but you live near me and looking at some of your rides, I’m predicting a valiant attempt but ultimate failure.

    Free Member

    Don’t know how quick you are trail rat, but to ride at over 32mph for nearly a mile is quick. It would get you the majority of flat kom’s around S.Wales. Its the realm proper racers not the recreational cyclist. Most cyclists can barely get over 30mph in a short sprint let alone hold it.

    Free Member

    Chiefgrooveguru says it all really. 1000 walkers don’t represent a danger to anyone, one storm trooper mountain biker enjoying the gnar is a menace on a crowded path. Observe the voluntary ban or loose Snowden all together, thats the choice.

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