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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    150psi max.

    Free Member

    Call me an old fashioned traditionalists, but isn’t “work” the place you do work ?

    Free Member

    How would you like to be completely domesticated and reliant on an owner for your own existence?

    I’m married, no difference really 😉

    Free Member

    Maybe this is more of an issue in the UK, or at least certain areas of the country, 

    Could be true, but it’s also possible some people take their issues with them wherever they go ?

    Free Member

    grab for the collar

    I’ve never seen a dog owner do this. 

    Loads of dogs on my local trails, I’ll see this a few times every ride, it’s what I do.

    Free Member

    At the end of the video you can see the downtube/BB area and there’s no motor there.

    Looks like the uber eats deliveroo specials popular around here, they zipp along at 25mph+ without pedalling no problem. I’d agree unless there’s evidence he didn’t try to avoid the collision, 25 in a 20 zone isn’t really dangerous driving. That’s accepting the victim did just run in front of him against a red light.
    The vehicle stuff is still there. I didn’t know causing death whilst unlicensed/insured was a particularl offence, live and learn.

    Free Member

    In my experience, that’s complete horseshit. Kids are just instinctively nervous of toothy animals running at them. 

    Again in a thread about people being more civil to each other someone wades straight in with an aggressive tone and language 🙄.
    Yes children can be nervous of large toothy animals running towards them, but that’s different from being “terrified” in general about dogs approaching them.
    My thinking that it’s been instilled is by a parent of the terrified child stating “I’m a dog/dog owner hater”
    And yes geomickb I’m a dog owner so feel free to hate me 👍

    Free Member

    Not sure what the point is about ‘bussing them in’ other than scaremongering? 

    I’m sure I saw an article in which people from Romania were travelling to Britain by a scheduled bus service. At some point this was described as “bus loads” of Romanians heading towards Britain.
    If they’d flown it probably wouldn’t have been commented on.

    Free Member

    First off taxi. Utter utter nonsense. Of course a kid can be scared of a dog. You are clearly a damn idiot.

    Wow !! thread escalation into personal insults 😂. Read what I wrote, children shouldn’t be “terrified” of dogs. If they are it’s generally because the terror has been instilled in them by adults. Dogs are all around us children need to be taught how to safely interact with them (and when not to). Thats sane and sensible, if to suggest that makes me an idiot, well yes I am 👍

    Free Member

     but the sheer amount of them allied to lazy owners is always gonna cause an escalation in issues,

    No it isn’t, many posters are perfectly able to interact quite safely with dogs/dog walkers with out issue or danger of escalation. If you can’t your the problem not the dog.

    Free Member

    “No child should be terrified of a non aggressive dog”


    Yes really. 9.9million dogs in the UK, they’re a fact of life. Children need to be taught how to safely interact with them because they aren’t going away any time soon. But you do what you want, you will anyway regardless of the opinions of strangers on the internet.

    Free Member

    I buy 7yr old Mondeo’s for work. So the best one you can get for your money. This is an example of whats out there.

    Free Member

    In 30 years of mountain biking I’ve never hit a dog or fallen off as a result of a dog encounter. I can only remember being chased a two or three times.

    Your me 😂. But in a thread full of sad attitudes this affected me the most.

     What is even more annoying is when my 4 year old is riding her bike or walking and she is approached/terrified by a dog twice her size.

    No child should be terrified of a non aggressive dog 🙁.

    I’m a dog/dog owner hater.

    No need to wonder why !!

    Free Member

    All other things being equal, I wonder what possible difference there could be between them to result in such a treatment?

    The scum press likes hero’s and villains, it sells papers and creates clicks. When they don’t exist they create them.

    Free Member

    He’s just a bad parent. 

    A bit earlier I dropped my Mp Anna McMorrin of at the Station. She had her dog with and was going to try and smuggle her into parliment, does that make her a bad dog owner 🐶🐶 ?
    Anna’s ok as an MP but Cadi’s lovely 😍

    Free Member

    Ah, that 3% is a comparison to the imports, I think…

    Reading the article back your probably correct.

    Free Member

    Where did you get that figure from? Seems “a tad” inflated…

    Guardian article.

    The data also shows there isn’t a thriving export market for British fruit. According to the Produce Marketing Association, Britain imports more than 476,000 tonnes of apples, but only export 14,800 tonnes (3%) of our own. Over the past two decades, the UK has become increasingly reliant on imports, with a self-sufficiency rate of just 11% in fruit.

    If 3% of harvest is 14,800 tonnes full harvest is 493,333 tonnes.

    Free Member

    One hundred tonnes of fruit has gone unpicked in Britain already this season, 

    Uk apple harvest is about 500,000 tonnes so 100t isn’t significant . If you pay workers a decent wage they’ll come.

    Free Member

    There isn’t a lot of choice, I’ve got a Transition Vanquish that’ll do what you want. I’m running 130mm pikes but light wheels, so not sure about the rock garden smashing or heavy landing bit.

    Free Member

    The Supreme Court has already stuck that label on him.

    The supreme court said his prolonging of parliament was unlawful. But that wasn’t established untill after the fact. No law was ever broken.

    Free Member

    Does anyone believe that Brexiteers could muster a peaceful demonstration in the hundreds or even tens of thousands?

    Again what would they protest about ? The referendum delivered a leave result. The process of leaving is still on going.

    Free Member

    Led by a prime minister who disregards the law,

    Has he in this case ? The courts will decide whether he has or not.
    All the criticism of BJ on here forgets that he was given the PM job with the single caveat of delivering brexit. He’s going to at least try to do that one way or another.

    He’s caved in and sent the letter, he’s just a serial bullshitter.

    What else could he do, break the law ???

    Free Member

    There’s a bridleway that crosses a narrow part of the land at the furthest point from the house, but there’s also a gravel lane that goes through the land for access to another property further up the hill. What should we be careful of,

    Don’t obstruct the bridleway, if the gravel lane is legal access don’t obstruct that either. That aside it’s your land you can do what you want with it for your own personal use. If you want to build structure (of certain sizes) or develop a commercial use you’ll need planning permission.

    Free Member

    even if we do ban fossil fuels what’s stopping supervolcano’s from erupting and wiping us all out anyway.

    It’s only a matter of time whatever we do.

    Free Member

    But far too many just think that partnering up and popping out kids is just sort of what you do with your life…

    If there is a single meaning of life, propagation of the species would be it.

    Free Member

    He comes across as a moaner

    And nobody does that ever on here 😂😂😂

    Free Member

    I change Mtb’s on a regular basis, they change and there’s so much difference between them it’s fun to try different ones. My road bike is 6yrs old and is much more a tool for the job. Something else wouldn’t ride much differentially so it’s staying. Propably for another 6yrs 👍

    Free Member

    I always fancy pint or two at the airport 🍻 But unlike Flashy I’m always Ryanair/Easyjet cattle class. The trollys make getting to the toilets for my post pint visit a nightmare. I rarely bother because of this and fly in a state of moderate dehydration ☹

    Free Member

    . I don’t think it’s reasonable that she should have expected a branch or other solid object to be within 1ft of a moving train on the nearside. 

    This is the bottom line, the signage was adequate IMHO, but if the window opens people will put their head out of it. I obviously naively thought trees ect were cut back at least 3/4ft, possibly more and kept that way. And yes I used to stick my head out of train windows, kids almost always did. Tunnel chicken was quite popular, it doesn’t take much imagination to guess the rules.

    Free Member

    Millions of things a great, the trick is to not look at the news 👍

    Free Member

    Seen it all before. Whenever someone rich and famous does something like this, people start screaming hypocrite. I mean, how dare they rebel and try to help change the system that created their wealth. It’s the same for wealthy music stars and poverty.

    But Hamilton isn’t rebelling apart from going vegan and opening a vegan restaurant, that and a few words. He hasn’t despite his 100’s of millions given up his occupation or seriously altered his life style. He could easily retire, live a simple ultra green life, anywhere in the world he wanted to. Make a simple statement that motor sport has run it’s course and is no longer appropriate in this day and age, and quit. But he hasn’t so everything he’s got to say on the matter is humbug. His wealth (which I in no way begrudge, its well earned) gives him the opportunity to make choices most of us can’t. Make a couple of those hard choices and I’ll listen, untill then……..
    To him not the message in general.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Got to admit I’m with SS on this after 2.5 yrs they wouldn’t have got a pair of rims of Stans or the cost of building them up. What are they supposed to do ? Sell a set of wheels and prove warrenty cover themselves for life !!

    Free Member

    Should we ban traveling for sports and entertainment

    I would.

    So you never do, no holidays, never go further than what you can walk or cycle ? How many people would want to live in a world where such freedoms were taken from us, basically slaves.

    Free Member

    Taxi jnr kills bags for fun. This is his latest one and is still alive so it gets a recommendation.–black/107655-1041.html?cgid=sales_sales#pages=2&start=1&cgid=sales_sales

    Free Member

    He has gone vegan though 👍👍

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Hmm, OK, so only the rim can be re-used, not the spokes and nipples?

    You can if you do it yourself and the hub is a like for like swap, I do. Professional wheelbuilers aren’t keen on reusing old spokes, it makes the job harder and you can’t really guarantee the quality of the build.

    Free Member

    but aged 42 I attracted the eye of a stunning 25 year old lass..

    Says millionaire hodgynd 😉

    Free Member

    Had a bit of a party and invited all my friends, cake, pop, musical chairs etc pretty epic iirc I was 10 though.

    Probably the last time I had a party as well 😁. 60 nxt year and I’ll be doing something epic, but it won’t be a party 👌

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