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  • Glentress Forest – Editors’ Choice Awards 2021
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    Not sure I heard any whinning, just people saying the pedaly bits made it tough. Just a statement of fact not a complaint. Looked great to me, I’m thinking of doing a couple of enduro’s next year and the more pedaling the better for me.

    Free Member

    I’ve done it on my Rebas, pretty simple with basic tools.
    Guide here it’s for pikes but more or less the same.

    Free Member

    I don’t recall anyone saying its a bad idea to use lights TAXI MAN

    so your making a pointless argument just for the sake of arguing then. I suppose that’s what some people use the internet for. Just carry on if your having fun 😀

    Free Member

    Sorry aracer its only about rear light now I didn’t realise. 🙄 But hey a dark road with parked cars some drizzle, oncoming traffic, if I’m on my bike I’ll sure as hell have as bright a rear light as I can find, regardless of whether some nut job on the internet thinks every car driver in every circumstance should see me regardless. Just grow up a bit mate you and a couple of other are just coming across like idiots.

    Free Member

    Crazy thread, imagine going on a motor bike or car forum and suggesting it should be ok to go around after dark without lights. You’d be a laughing stock. But here we are cyclists, amongst the most vulnerable road users saying just that ( well some anyway ). If you think it’s a problem to use lights and that everyone else should just look out for you, do us a favour and just get of the road after dark, please !!

    Free Member

    I hope my names on it Rorschach, because if your the type of buyer who examines something for 30 mins, decides its all good, but later change your mind and want your money back !!!
    Well I don’t want you within a 100 miles of anything I might be selling.

    Free Member

    Is all thats wrong with the bike a stuck seat post and a poorly described headset ?

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t give him his money back in a million years. 30 minutes inspecting a bike, and now he finds a dent 😯 😯 . Sorry I’d just tell him to jog on but not so politely. Don’t listen to the bleeding hearts. Just tell the buyer to ride and enjoy “his” bike. If you wanted to buy it back you wouldn’t have sold it in the first place.

    Free Member

    Why would you even bother doing this? Forget the number plate issue (if it was my car I would find it annoying)

    Genuine question, why would you find it annoying ?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I remember when off licences were really off sales. A pub would have a window that for the most part dispensed flagons of beer for consumption away from the premises. Complete shops as off licences were very few and far between.

    Free Member

    In proper bike shops, they’re never on the shelf because there’s no shelf. You approach the counter where a man in an apron is wiping his hands with an oily rag, explain your requirements, and he finds the part you need* from one of the boxes behind him or under the counter.

    That was me 35 yrs ago, absolutely nothing out front, the local toe rags would just nick everything. we must have had 100+ boxes with stuff in them. It probably took newbies a year or two to learn where everything was.

    Free Member

    The qualifier woodwork drop on Vicious Valley at BPW has had many OTB on it. Seen people do that myself as they just roll off the end. I’ve heard talk of it being filled in because of that.

    It has been to some extent. I was up there Saturday, the drop in is 18″ max now.

    Free Member

    Any wiser Op Lol. Just go into a bike shop, pick any one you like the look of. Get the staff to help you get the right size and away you go. As it’s your first road bike anything mainstream will be just fine for what you want.

    Free Member

    It might not be legal tender, but it is legal “currency” and if your ever in Cardiff, and get in my cab you can certainly pay me with it. I see loads whenever Ireland are over for the rugby.

    Free Member

    Whats up with the Reba solo airs??? I’ve had so much trouble with mine. Keeping the air where it should be (2014) that if the latest fix doesn’t work their going in the bin. That or a spring conversion, if it can be done 🙁

    Free Member

    Cafell is my favourite S. Wales trail centre loop. Climbs are as much a part of mtb’ing as the downs IMHO, good job there’s a choice so whatever rocks your boat.

    Free Member

    Posters quoting 3 hours for W2 and 1.5 for Wall, is that ‘real time’ or Strava time with auto-pause? 15kph average speed is very quick for that sort of terrain and there’s a Wife’s mood at stake here!

    Those times are doable, but would be more or less in the top 10% strava times. Add 30 mins to the Wall and 1 hour for W2. that’s not hanging around either.

    Free Member

    I’m no expert on consumer law, some others on here seem to be though. But if your frame breaks in 3 months with normal use surely you should be able to get a refund from the shop you bought it from ? The manufacturer wouldn’t have to come into it.

    Free Member

    Mods. Can we end this thread, there’s no fun watching someone with a mental illness implode 🙁

    Free Member

    the 20kg covers one bag up to that weight, you can’t carry the weight over onto an additional item. You can carry two items on board but one of them is for duty free stuff bought at the airport. Or at least that’s my understanding of it.

    Free Member

    squoglybob. You’ve lost it mate, even for on here, the rubbish your talking is off the scale 😯

    Free Member

    Squbob, your trolling shirly ? They were paying customers who asked for some water to go on their way with. The giving of water is a corner stone of any humane society, what’s not to get ?????????

    Free Member

    Free tap water for all at my local.It even has has dishes so your dog can have some. If Mrs Taxi is working you don’t even have to ask, if she thinks your dogs thirsty she’ll just put some water in front of it.
    But then some people will always treat cyclists worse than dogs 🙁

    Free Member

    I’m using American classic 225’s at the moment, definitely worth a look as well.

    Free Member

    It was tricky Mg, I didn’t even clean it, spun the rear wheel on the last steep rocky bit before the mud, ran it up a few yards so I didn’t loose much time. As you say lot’s of good riding in those woods, always some new bits to discover.
    Fill your boots with my kom’s they’re there to be shot down………..if you can 😀

    Free Member

    Just checked, I am now 3rd on my local climb, some git’s posted up a 4.45.. I thought 5.05 was going to be tough to beat, my time’s 5.37.

    Sorry MG 🙁 but the first rule of Strava, is if your targeting a Kom don’t give out to much information Lol.
    Nice little climb, v.tough though, probably why not many people do it.

    Free Member

    I know this might sound stupid, but why not just get a bag that isn’t to big !!! It’s not rocket science and you get rid of all that will they won’t they check it stress.

    Free Member

    Tosser, but that doesn’t mean I think he’s a bad person.

    Free Member

    Everything looks good Op. Don’t over think things, there’s dozens of self styled “experts” on here. Just try rotating the bars up a bit, maybe move the shifters a little bit and see how it feels. But don’t think it’ll be the same as a mtb, it’s a road bike it’s ment to be diffferent.

    Free Member

    The saddle to bar hight looks spot on, size wise I’d say its pretty good. But as others have said your levers look miles away !! Move them up the bars a bit then rotate the bars a touch. Try that for a few rides before spending money on compact bars.

    Free Member

    All I carry is one of these and some tyre levers
    That and a emergency credit card. All you need is enough to get you home 99.9% of the time thats tyres and the chain.

    Free Member

    I suppose it’s a nice thing, and if the op’s son enjoyed the pasty thats all good 😀 But do people normally stand around bike shops eating pasties ? Even if I was hungry, I’d feel a right dork standing there dropping crumbs and sticking food in my face !! Just fix my shock please :D.

    Free Member

    A bigger pompino, shorter stem flat/riser bars and away you go. 😀

    Free Member

    Did Blade Sunday it was all open. The wet bit was wet but then it always is.

    Free Member

    I can totally exhaust myself in a couple of miles if I go to fast 🙁 just keep at it things will get better :D.

    Free Member

    I’d certainly check them, but if they were true and all the spokes were nice and tight I’d leave them alone.

    Free Member

    Onzadog. I can’t comment on the peak district, I don’t live there, don’t ride there, probably never will. If you and others see problem’s and feel you have to do something, carry on. But never assume you or any group speak for every person who rides a Mtb. Locally I can ride pretty much where I want, when I want with just basic common sense exceptions. I don’t need people fighting for me to ride places I or more or less no one else wants to ride.
    I don’t want to pay a levy for some quango to dish out money to people to dig up the countryside, or print out flyers campaigning for rights to access no that no one (with very few exceptions ) give a stuff about.
    Just remember never presume that what concerns you is a problem for others, and that your voice is for anyone other than youself.

    Free Member

    Like lots of worthy idea’s in principle it sounds fine. But in practice its a lousy idea 🙁 you’d need a mechanism to collect the money, then a mechanism to disperse the money. Bids would have to be put in,judgements made 😯 honestly can’t people just ride their bikes without all that bollocks !!! I do without being a member of any committee or focus group or anything. But heyho as long as its voluntary carry on, just complicate the most simple thing in the world… Riding your bike.

    Free Member

    You’ve done far more than most would do in similar circumstances. If the police aren’t interested I’d just ride the bike, use it as it was intended to be used. I wouldn’t sell it on though, you never know maybe the true owner will show up one day. Strange things do happen.

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