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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    Halliwell is an anti advert for plastic surgery. She looks like she would melt like the wicked witch if you left her too close to a fire. Another one who no longer looks human!

    Odd thing to say, certainly a bit extreme. She’s a 47 yr old woman with a high public profile so she’s probably had a bit of work, but she looks ok to me.


    Now if she looked like this I’d agree.


    Free Member

    My student daughter has a friend in a low paid zero hours job. She rents her house and struggles to pay to keep the car she needs to get to work on the road. 

    Does the friend see this as a permanent situation ? People often see the Conservatives as being the best party to meet their asperations. Labour might raise the minimum wage but people are hoping for much more that that. Whether they get it or not is another matter.

    Free Member

    I notice 1.5kg, might not actually be any faster, but the lighter bike feels faster and more exciting, 

    Same for me, even though I have a nice winter bike I’ll ride my summer bike during winter provided it’s dry and I don’t need the mudguards.

    Free Member

     but I’d imagine that most ‘average’ riders can properly sustain 350W on a climb for only 5 minutes or so….

    I think your underestimating the gulf between average and elite. On a 6min road climb near me 350w would get you top 15 out of 3,700, according to Strava anyway . I know thats Strava power estimates but it’s not far out when averaged out accross a large sample.

    Free Member

    No one seems to have actually answered this yet, but anyway. Rule 192 in the Highway Code states you, should leave a crossing clear in queuing traffic. So whilst Mr Taxi man was being a nob , there are no legal requirement 

    I was, if you drive in traffic enough you’ll end up over a crossing sooner or later. But you know STW it’s completely black and white for some posters 😂. Driver was a Knob though, I just sit there looking embarrassed 😳😳

    Free Member

    Well I think it was rude. I was taught to look your enemies straight in the eye, smile take their hand and start to squeeeeeeeeeeze. But I doubt Grants fopish handshakes would have any affect on a man with a stance like Javid has 💪💪

    Free Member

    Rant as much as you like, but e-bikes are a thing & they are here to stay.

    E-bikes yes but when the laws were created they had these in mind.


    But these weren’t even considered.


    I think at some point there’ll be a relook at e-mtb’s and thier use on bridleways and shared off road paths.

    Free Member

    I was going to post on this thread but as this is the tone.

    And whilst I’m at it, Pink Floyd were **** as well.

    I’ll just leave the massive music snobs crack on, enjoy 😉

    Free Member

    steadfastly refuse to revise their opinion when it’s later demonstrated that it was, in fact, “wrongly,” then they’re probably heading in that direction.

    But if their friends it wouldn’t matter, you just shrug your shoulders and agree to disagree. Thats how most people get through the day. Intense political discussions that lead to fractured relationships aren’t all that common, in my experience anyway. It’s probably on here that I experience the most strident of opinions, and that’s largly due to the anonymity offered by the internet.

    Free Member

    Traffic speeding away from the roadworks might discourage traffic from slowing down for them. No idea if this is true but it seems possible.

    Free Member

    If someone is of the opinion that “all the **** should **** off back where they came from” or “all the faggots should die of AIDS,” are these opinions that should be respected and we should simply just agree to disagree?

    How often do you actually meet people with views like that ? I kow hundreds of people and even if some thought that they’d never exprese those opinions publicly. Your just using extreme examples to try and illustrate your point. The topic is friendship and politics, I can’t belive anyone on here would be friends in the first place with someone who though “all faggots should die of aids” How about someone who voted leave because the believed rightly or wrongly their kids couldn’t get into the local primary because it was over subscribed due to imigrants from the EU ? Are they scum as well.

    Free Member

    Why waste your time with people you despise? Seems like an awful waste of time IMO.

    I’d not waste time with people I despise, you’d be crazy to do so out of choice. But if you despise someone purely because of their opinions over Brexit and politics…….. man you’ve lost your way badly somewhere.

    Free Member

    people keep voting tactically rather than voting how they actually want.

    Got any evidence for that? I would think most people do not vote tactically at all.

    Wiki seems to think a lot can, I was very suprised by this number 🤔

    In the 2017 general election it is estimated that 6.5 million people (more than 20% of voters) voted tactically either as a way of preventing a “hard Brexit” or preventing another Conservative government led by the Tactical2017 campaign. › wiki

    Tactical voting – Wikipedia

    Free Member

    , knows the bar staff by name – not sad? 

    100% not sad, knowing someone’s name is normal human interaction. You can’t help but know my landlords name, if a stranger walks through the door he holds his hand out for a shake and says ” my names Martin what can I get you”

    Free Member

    Good video YGH, I love a fresh pint of PU in Prague. It would be hysterical to see the landlord at my local put a milk pour in front of one of the regulars and tell him it’s for the connoisseurs 😂😂

    Free Member

     you can’t brexit and put the national interest first.
    Two diametrically opposed statements in the same sentence.

    It makes sense if you accept the referendum result and brexit as a given. You then negotiate to give the country the best possible outcome within those parameters.
    But Kelvin is right, this is drifting away from the election thread into the brexit thread.

    Free Member

    Only one party produced that leaflet, and they’ve long since got rid of those that produced it

    Yes a Conservative government which we still have, and one that has never considered the referendum an opinion poll. Neither has the Labour party. This is the only point I’m trying to make on this.

    Negotiating Brexit

    Labour accepts the referendum result and a Labour government will put the national interest first.

    2017 labour manifesto.

    Free Member

    IMHO referendums mean nothing, it’s an opinion poll.

    I’m sure this has been covered many times but it really isn’t, not when it’s presented as a clear choice with the main parties agreeing to implement the result.

    Free Member

    Has it? Have the Tories delivered all their election promises already? The “winning” party is the means, not the end.

    Does any party ever ? Manifestos are statements of intent nothing more.

    Free Member

    Seemed to cover well farrowed ground ,Antartica has very limited wildlife. When you sea a tiger seal eat a penguin once thats enough. Looking forward to the other programs, hopefully there’ll be something original in more diverse landscapes.

    Free Member

    The people voted in 2017. Why do we need a second general election? I say anyone who wants to re-run the will of the people in 2017 is anti-democratic

    The result of the 2017 election has been implemented, the referendum result has been………………

    Free Member

     I’ve certainly experienced a sweet spot when drunk when I’ve passed rationality and still have the physical faculties to behave irrationaly. 

    Mines 2-3 pints, I’m glad I don’t walk past a steeple on my way home from the pub 😈😈

    Free Member

    I am merely suggesting that if going out & getting so drunk you end up killing yourself (or someone else) becomes less socially acceptable, then less people will do it.

    I don’t think getting drunk and killing yourself or others has ever been socially acceptable. But I don’t think it was necessarily massively excessive drinking that killed this man (he did manage to climb nearly 100m up a ladder) but his impulsive risk taking personality. How does society alter that ?

    Free Member

    why couldn’t rescuers climb up and if not get him down at least give him some support and a coat?

    Got to assume an assessment considered this was unsafe. If the ladder was robust maybe possible but the commander has to consider the safety of his officers.

    Free Member

    Unless we as a society have a radical rethink re. our attitude towards alcohol this won’t change. 

    What like bring in prohibition, that works well doesn’t it. A man did something stupid and sadly payed the ultimate price for that stupidity. It happens and always will some people are just wired that way.

    Free Member

    He confessed to me he’d drafted a Dutch motorhome almost all the way.. 

    That needs flagging, no motor pacing 😤😤

    Free Member

    Stock is getting really low and Transition are not making any more, which is a huge shame!

    The initial pricing put it out of reach for most potential buyers. Even discounted it’s still pricey, but it’ll be one of those bikes that gets appreciate when it’s to late to get one.

    Free Member

    You were fastest up the hill on a non electric bicycle. You win.

    This, but also it’s only Strava so nobody really GAS anyway.

    Apart from a good chunk of the 42 million strava users who enjoy the competition they get from the leaderboards.

    Which segment is it?*

    *digs out the Rocket Rons for the XC bike

    Molgrips made that mistake and I pinched a KOM he was targeting 😁
    He’s got it back now with a time thats beyond me, but I did enjoy it at the time.

    Free Member

    So why do the lib dems do everything in their power to prevent a labour govt? 

    Their doing everything they can to increase their vote share. Going into an election on the premise of supporting labour in a coalition just makes voters think, why vote LD I might as well just vote labour.
    They know the same as us that they’ll never form a majority goverment but they have to at least state that as an aim.

    Free Member

    There is a system where if you want to use the air and water but the space is in use then you park in the space next to it. Then when it becomes free you move your car into it. Simple as that.

    I got that in your original post, but as your wife didn’t move as soon as the place became clear the driver just looked to pull in and use the airline, there’s every chance he was unaware of the unofficial qeuing system. You standing there without a car becomes irrelevant, he’s there with his car first.
    David Attenborough didn’t need to go to S.Georgia to film Elephant seals, the same behaviour could be observed at his local petrol station 😂😂

    Free Member

    Poll today – 57% regret the Brexit vote, but the Conservatives have a 16 point lead over Labour – confused? So are the public.

    Some confusion yes, but many who regret the vote feel as it took place the result should go ahead, for good or bad. It’s the Conservatives pushing on with brexit, a good part of the electorate want it done now and the polls reflect that.

    Free Member

    No whining here, they are simply not motorbikes. You seem to be the only person here who thinks they are so that should be telling for you.

    Their bicycles with a motor that assists pedalling. Plenty of people would view them as being a type of motorbike even if their aren’t legally classified as a “motorbike”. They just can’t be bothered joining in the inevitable circular argument.

    Free Member

    Ride what you like as long as you enjoy it.

    What else is to be said?

    I think there is a debate to be had about e-mtb’s and how they work on mixed use trails and in the countryside in general.
    Bur that’ll never happen on here. It’s pick a side and slag the opposition off. This thread is going to form already.

    Free Member

    – 65-66 unsagged headangle at 130mm or at least no integrated headset so it will take an angleset to get there. 

    I’ve got a 140mm airshaft for the pikes in the house. I’ll fit it along with and try a -2 slackset on my Vanquish in the near future. For my riding I’m pretty happy with how it is at the moment, but it’s fun to mix things up a bit.

    Free Member

    Brilliant episode tonight, massively thought provoking. Yes America has problems, like many places but SR intentionally looks for the difficult cases, not the typical.
    The woman living in the bridge was just……….

    Free Member

    You know EMBN stands for ‘Electric Global Mountainbike Network’ don’t you?

    Wouldn’t be a very good channel if they released videos saying ebikes are shit, don’t bother buying one… 

    So true, definitely not an e-mtb fan so to avoid exposure I never log on to EMBN or other sites like it. They can take over the world and I’ll be happily oblivious 😎😎

    Free Member

    Just remember to be careful about what you wear whilst filling up.

    Free Member

    Despite theoretical possibilities a mobile phone won’t ignite petrol fumes in the open air environment of a petrol station forecourt, it just won’t, so kerp your opinions to yourself on that one. Secondly why did you get out of the car to mess with the air machine before your wife drove into the space ??? A gap was created so someone drove into it. I’m not sure about anger issues but stop being a @#$%&.

    Free Member

    Why should it be?

    The whole thread albeit tongue in cheek suggests why it shouldn’t 😉

    Free Member

    Surely there has to come a time for listening to the actual electorate instead of preaching to them?

    If that were true we’d be out of the EU now so be careful what you wish for.

    Disregard Brexit and have a think about what you just posted.

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