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  • Benji’s Turbo Mega Birthday Deal Thing.
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    Diamond/square same thing depending how you look at it. The one Matt linked to will fit just fine.
    I’m in Cardiff, if you get one I’d be happy to fit it for you.

    Free Member

    How old is the bike ? newer ones seem to come with sram x5 cranks.
    This should fit if that’s the case. Not cheap though !!!
    Get some pictures up and I’m sure someone on here will sort you out.*Version*=1&*entries*=0

    Free Member

    Someone should research into gene and cancer trigger points.

    Maybe someone should research the link between smoking and cancer eh?
    As everyone knows there’s been loads, and yes it can. But none it seems that answers the op’s question. Is smoking my pipe once or twice a week bad for my health ?
    I’m guessing the answers is, probably but only by a little bit.

    Free Member

    Stick a broom handle into the steerer underneath the crown. Measure from the front of the B/H to a line through the middle of the dropouts. That’ll be the offset.

    Free Member

    Not a pipe but I do smoke a couple of cigars a week. An article here that tries to explain what the statistics actually mean.

    Cigar Warnings Go Up In Smoke

    Free Member

    Agree with the above, pull the bike out clean it spray some wd40 and oil at it. Then see what’s not working, and get those parts fixed.

    Free Member

    You are assumming his fork even had disk mounts


    Free Member

    Ok so I’m pushing, but it was hot and I’m old and a bit fat 🙁

    Free Member

    Well 4 punctures between me and my mate so no chance of a good time, but a great day out non the less 😀 loved the instructions for no racing on the final lap of the Velodrome………… yeah right lol.

    Free Member

    I still don’t get the pork pie obsession either…

    a snack pork pie warmed and softened by 3hrs in your back pocket is food of the gods 8)

    Free Member

    Your screwed then 🙁

    Free Member

    If it’s insured as a camper van adding you as a named driver might not be “that” expensive. Talk to the company who already insure it for your mum. Generally campervan insurance is a fair bit cheaper than it would be for an equivalent van.

    Free Member

    I’ll be there, supposed to start at 10.30 but I’ll join my mate in the 9.44 wave.

    Free Member

    could have saved £80 flying with Ryanair on flights I’ve just booked. But I didn’t f@?%k him !!

    Free Member

    Also you might consider staying somewhere else, as the two pubs in Talybont left a lot to be desired. One of them (the star inn) was minging and we couldn’t tell where the toilets ended and the bar started, looks like it hadn’t been done up since the 60s. & the only lager they could offer on draught was Carling or green Carlsberg *upchuck*

    Lol, star inns one of my favourite pubs, real ale, real people and a real pub. But then it would be a bit sad if we all liked the same thing.

    ** CAMRA’s Brecknockshire Pub of the Year for an amazing seven years in a row (2009-2015)! **

    Free Member

    It would be a new bike for me 😀 But as above getting a test ride on a modern bike is excellent advise.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    If I use my medication properly and my Ashma is controlled I feel fine. As far as I can tell I’m not at any real disadvantage. It’s probably much the same for the pro’s. But if you gave me a choice of being Ashma free and being able to bin my inhalers I’d bite your hand off !!! I’d imagine Yates, Froome ect would feel the same.

    Free Member

    As this article explains Ashma amongst athletes is real not imagined. I developed exercise induced ashma when I gave up smoking, and started running and cycling properly. But it only startd when I returned from a warm climate to live back in the UK.

    Free Member

    Some people might be more clued up than I am. But if it was left to your children specifically then you will have to release it to them when they become 18.

    Free Member

    dies ride on the…road…which is full of…cars and buses and other motorised vehicles? Faced with that, I would want the finest brakes known to humanity.

    the threads about pro riders racing on closed roads in a peloton !!

    Free Member

    Can’t see any point buying a + bike and not riding it as such ?? If + is a “leap to far” just get something else.

    Free Member

    As above.

    Free Member

    If he’d said to a male cyclist ” look it’s over your not quite good enough. Time to get on with your life maybe marry that girl your with, start a family” would that be sexist, would we be having this debate, I very much doubt it.

    Free Member

    It’s not ideal but can happen. Get the builder to true them, if it keeps happening then I’d be unhappy.

    Free Member

    I thought the Cotic appeal was its steel construction ? You start sticking bits of carbon in there and you might as well go the whole hog !!!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Have to agree with fasthaggis 😉
    Come out this saturday morning with Ant and myself we’ll sort you out 😀 But really, looking at your strava your doing ok.

    Free Member

    Wiltshire chilli farm have a nice range of sauces. The Reaper habanero is my favourite.


    Free Member

    iving outfits…..

    Stuck up bunch of precious @rses with no sense of humour IMHO.

    I bet they aren’t, my guess would be that their impassioned commited cyclists, who genuinly feel that two cyclists on fat bikes wanting to start early is inappropriate to the event and the memory of Fred Whitton. Its their event their call.

    Free Member

    The wordings not really the same, just the bit about a bike fit and it rides like a dream.
    Also ones collection only and the other he’ll post. Saying that who knows, ❓

    Free Member

    Poor cycling, especially on footpaths and pavements does cause alarm. Especially to elderly people whose balance is poor and aren’t so aware of what is happening around them. They feel vulnerable and bicycles which to them suddenly appear out of nowhere genuinely cause them distress.
    Bells do actually help, but can’t change a dick by giving him a free bell, they are what they are on bikes, in a car or walking the dog 🙁

    Free Member

    I’ve never really noticed them before. But what must be a relatively small one was the backdrop to a scramble I was riding in Sunday.
    Can’t say it was an eyesore, it was just what it was. The countryside isn’t a chocolate box, its a working environment. A few minutes on you stopped noticing it.

    Free Member

    “if you were going to crash in a pile of bikes at 30 mph would you happily flip a coin as to whether you landed in the pile that had discs or the pile without, or would you choose the pile without?”

    without and so would any sane person. I don’t know how much more of a danger discs are in the pro peloton. But the guys who are actually doing the job don’t seem to like them. How would people on here think if something that they viewed as a health and safety risk was imposed upon them in their workplace ?????

    Free Member

    Cracking dog, the rabbits seen better days though 😯

    Free Member

    I don’t give a crap about strava KOM’s

    Fair enough, but why do you think other people who get a bit of enjoyment from Strava leaderboards don’t have a life ??? Come on tell me I’d love to know 😀

    Free Member

    [/quote]Everything now recorded as eBike so no-one else is affected.

    Good man 😀

    Leave it, no one with a life will give a shit

    Simple equation. The more a person says this, the less of a life “THEY” actually have.

    Free Member

    Mrs taxi has her own car and I’m not even on the insurance, so I’ve never put petrol in it 😀 . Oil, water, air in tyres thats a different matter 🙁

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