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  • Fresh Goods Friday 603 – The Cat’s Whiskers Edition
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    Would any of you chaps feel uncomfortable on a course with chapesses?

    God no, it would be great. Women are much more fun than blokes.

    Free Member

    a reaction whose essence is hard to see as anything more than simply feeling hurt by women doing stuff?

    I think most on here myself included think it’s great that women do stuff, feeling hurt WTF ????. But it just feels odd in this day and age that there’s a women only advanced bicycle technicians course.

    Free Member

    I’m at a loss to see why trek are doing this, but if it’s extra training places being created and suitably qualified men aren’t being denied opportunities, I don’t see that it really matters.

    Free Member

    Because a company gives you a discount on “their” policy for having a black box, don’t assume other companies won’t be cheaper without a box. Always look around there’s huge differences between companies.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Swastika graffiti are fairly common in many parts of the US, and have been for years. The white supremacists who daub them might see Trump as a kindred spirit or the could equally be his opponents trying to smear him. I think its very naive to think this couldn’t happen.
    This is an interesting read.

    Free Member

    There’s always the chance the claimant and defendant were happy to just leave it to insurance.

    I’d be surprised if the defendant wasn’t inclined to defend himself robustly. It would be hard enough coming to terms with one of your clients being paralysed. The way I’d deal with this is to convince myself I’d done everything reasonable to prevent an accident.
    Accepting that your responsible for a person ending up in a wheelchair for any right thinking person would be a very heavy load to bare 🙁 . Even though the court found him largely liable I’d be very suprised if the defendant felt the same.

    Free Member

    yet with the full facts at hand the court found 80:20

    Very true, at least that was the only persons opinion that really mattered, the judge.
    But as often happens there is no “absolute” proof one way or the other and it comes down the the courts judgment. Another day in a different court perhaps things might have gone differently.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t bother. It’s a myth that flats give you a better technique. It’s just a different technique

    This is very true IMHO.

    Free Member

    Tried it last year after 20yrs of spd’s. Got fed up of thinking about my feet all the time. After so many years of my feet being exactly in one position even being a couple of mm out felt wrong. I was constantly trying to make little adjustments to my foot position.
    In the end I went back to spd’s and started just riding my bike again.

    Free Member

    I bought one of these for my Canyon, 130mm seems to be in stock.

    Free Member

    I’d bet there’s a video on youtube showing how to do it. Well done for helping out, but if you have my luck it’ll turn into a nightmare and someone else’s problem becomes your’s 🙁

    Free Member

    I’ve got an Exposure Strada. Not cheap but it has a road specific beam and the remote high/low switch acts as a dipped beam feature. Bright enough to ride as fast as you dare on unlit roads. One of the best bits of cycling kit I’ve ever bought.

    Free Member

    It’s pretty universal, authorities in Cardiff do take it seriously. At least the parking on zigzag yellows. They have a camera van that does the rounds but people still do it. I hate, hate picking up people from schools at kicking out time. They’re invariably standing on the zigzag and moan like drains when I drive past and they have to walk a few yards to get in my cab !!

    Free Member

    It was a no from me untill I saw a pic of Nick Craig with some on his bike. I still don’t use them myself but if you fancy the idea give it a go. You can always take them of again.

    Free Member

    Don’t put them in the microwave. I did this with a pair of taxi juniors toddler shoes, they came out newborn size !! I’ve no idea why I thought this was a good idea and 22yrs later Mrs taxi still brings it up 🙁

    Free Member

    Sorry joefm we’ll have to agree to disagree. The defendant’s expert said it was fine, as he would. But in the end I come from a background that doesn’t require anyone to hold my hand. I make my own decisions good or bad. I find it difficult to understand why anyone would need instruction on how to ride a bicycle on a bit of dirt. I also realise others have completely different views to myself about just about everything.
    It’s why I come on here, to find out about other view’s and try and understand them. I must admit that I often think this forum is largely populated by strange thinking aliens as some of the opinions are so removed from mine. 😀

    Free Member

    There is a tendency for courts faced with a person in a wheelchair/life charging injuries to be sympathetic. Judges are human and providing the case allows for a favourable outcome to the plaintiff they tend to drift that way.
    I agree with maxtourque, I can’t see the the instructor doing much more than he did. The guy has a bit if a wobble on the first try, you make some suggestions ( all of which were correct IMHO ). The defendant tries again, because thats how everyone has ever learned, he falls with hugely unlucky and tragic results. It seems to me that the judge has leaped at the defendant’s expert witnesses evidence. Why because it allowed him to arrive at a justifiably favourably verdict for the plaintiff. Without being in the position of having to make a judgment I’d probably gone the other way, but I can understand why the judge arrived at the conclusion he did.

    Free Member

    according to the magazine adverts of old, Dave Hinde builds great wheels.

    He did !! Shame he didn’t stick to wheel building 🙁

    Free Member

    I’ve got one similar to this in my bedroom doorway.

    It’s been there for 25yrs, but now all it does is taunt me 🙁

    Free Member

    The bait that bites back 😯

    Free Member

    But tax doesn’t work like your example. There’s always banding.

    £20,000 paying 20% tax with no allowance pays £4000
    Give a £10000 allowance and his tax bill drops to £2000 or 10%.

    £60000 typically without an allowance pays £8000 on £40000. Then say 40% on £20000 another £8000 so 26.66% of income. Give the higher earner a £10000 allowance and his tax drops by £2000 and is now 23.33% of income.
    In % terms of tax payed the lower earner’s tax position is massively more improved.

    Free Member

    Only one I’ve really fancied. Way out of my price bracket now 🙁

    Free Member

    [/quote]Clearly i am gutted i am not on his xmas card list and that really was the cause of my comments

    FFS this place is increasingly childish 

    Where did all the grown ups go who had opinions and brains and could explain a point as they peppered you with clever insults ?

    now its just shit like that

    God this is one of the most whining posts I’ve ever read on here !! I wouldn’t have voted for Trump but not being a US citizen I couldn’t. But guess what he won end of, it doesn’t matter whether you or anyone thinks he’s fit to be president he’s going to be.
    I sincerely wish him the best of luck and hope he’ll be a good president for the sake of all American’s and by default the rest of us.

    Quote thing doesn’t seem to have worked but you get the jist.

    Free Member

    Well done, I gave up cigarettes 25yrs ago and and it was one of the best things I’ve ever done 😀 Just don’t become one of those boring self righteous evangelical anti smoking ex smokers. Remember live and let live, smokers are human to.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    If you’re a mtb instructor expect a huge hike in your premiums 😯 . I would have thought £3,000,000+ is more than insurer’s have ever taken in premiums since mtb instruction started.

    Free Member

    You’re right, CCTV of your daughter is 10x weirder than a teenager nicking low value items from a parent. You currently have the moral high ground, if I were you I’d hang onto it.

    A £1500 pair of earings is far from low value.
    Some sort of surveillance in your bedroom, if that’s where the items have gone missing from isn’t anything like “spying” on your daughter.
    It probably do it in your circumstances. At least you’d know for sure. You wouldn’t have to confront your daughter with any film. But whatever you decided to do there’d be none of the did she didn’t she uncertainty.

    Free Member

    Always used to pay tolls crossing on a motorbike (old bridge), and your right it was a pain.

    Free Member

    I’ve never understood why the Welsh never got charged.

    Love it when people say this. Obviously us Welsh love England so much we never come back home once we cross the bridge 😀
    Think the idea is great I’m all for it.

    Free Member

    It lost me after they drove up to the top of the gap 🙁

    Free Member

    Five pages of people for the most part saying they’d own up and leave a note. Yet in nearly 40yrs of motoring no one’s ever left a note on my car with their details 🙁 Where do all of you live, I’d love to park my car in your neighbourhood.

    Free Member

    I’d say you have a problem with your knee. Your getting away with it on the Mtb for some reason, you should be able to ride more or less any bike that is close to fitting. But for you the pain appears almost immediately on a different bike ? I’d see a physio or your Gp before anything else.

    Free Member

    To answer the op’s question no I wouldn’t 🙁
    Not because I don’t respected other people’s property, because I do and take great care around other people’s cars.
    But here’s the thing, my care has 8 little dings and dents, three of the corners are scuffed. None of this is down to me ! In all my life no one’s ever left a note on my car. I don’t know anyone who has had a note left on their car that didn’t say Haha. Its obviously happened, maybe some on here have left notes, but most of you are just saying you would to sound good on the internet 😀
    I’ll fix my car, other people can fix their own, in the end it’ll sort of balance out.

    Free Member

    Lol, not trolling, you just sit there and turn the pedals and get to the top. If you’ve got proper gearing its not even any harder than the flat, you just go slower.

    so what gearing would you put on a road bike that would allow you to easily spin up 15-20% climbs ? I’d love to know what I’ve been doing wrong for 50yrs 😀

    Free Member

    People often come on here purely to express a view or opinion, not engage in a never ending argument. And frankly I don’t doubt your views are sincerely held, but they are pretty far from what most people consider mainstream. It makes it difficult to engage with you in manner that doesn’t end in conflict.

    Free Member

    Clod maintains that because the total number of people in unions has risen they are on the up. Thnm agrees but as far more of the new workers don’t join a union ( hence the % drop ) he reckons that unions are in decline.
    I’d say a reasonable person might agree with both positions. So I’ll say your both right, how about you leave it at that 😀

    Free Member

    Perhaps you should also remember David Wilkie as an example of the levels of violence that the strikers were prepared to go to.

    Man in the middle is my friend Jason, he grew up without a father because striking miners threw a concrete block through his taxi’s window. They were convicted of murder but sentence was reduced to manslaughter on appeal. The appeal was based on the judges summing up and is felt by many to be “convienient”. Jason accepts this because at some point the bitterness and hatred that was the miners strike has to end.

    Free Member

    Well I’m going to get one. I’ve got a stack of vinyl at my mothers ( she’s the only person I know who has a record player ). And I bet my beat up old records will sound just fine 😀

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