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  • taxi25
    Free Member

    Tories are better at it though.

    Your right as things stand. But under Blair Labour were the spin kings. A lot of different talents are needed to deliver an election victory ( giving you at least the opportunity to enacted your manifesto ). It’s probably Corbyn’s greatest weakness, an inability to sell him self and his policies.

    Free Member

    he’s just posting up the negative spin, to try and put people off. Playing mind games.

    Not picking sides, but politics has always had an element of spin.
    You say what you’d like to do and try and persuade voters that your the person/party to do it. But you’ve also got to try and show that your opponents policies are less sound and they will be less able than yourselves. That’s politics, spin has always been there negative and positive.

    Free Member

    they want centre right economics and centre left social policies in the main – ie the impossible, low tax, great NHS, reduced red tape and better working conditions etc

    ^^^ Nail on head

    Free Member

    The winning party would be giving the country what they want, rather than what it wants.

    And how would the labour party be any different ? They’ve put out their manifesto. If enough voters like it and think the labour party can deliver Corbyn will be in no.10. Ditto all the parties. I still don’t understand how one party winning is better for democracy than another ( in the context of British democracy ).

    Free Member

    Fingers crossed that producing a manifesto of policies people actually want will prompt a rethink. It would be a great day for democracy if that happened.

    Any time the will of the electorate is upheld is a good day for democracy. Which ever party wins.

    Free Member

    .how about they get a job and earn their bikes like the rest of us.

    They do, stealing other people’s bikes 👿

    Free Member

    Llandaff North and Whitchurch are boom areas with really good community vibes and good schools.

    I grew up in Whitchurch and have lived in Llandaff North for 27yrs now. Wouldn’t live anywhere else in Cardiff. Choice of housing might be your only problem.

    Free Member

    Me to.

    Free Member

    Loving the monkey 😀
    We have a winner.

    Free Member

    They have a legal responsibility to get it to him FFS!

    Ok lets accept this is true. How do you get them to live up to their “legal” obligation. Come on Mr internet warrior tell me how ??? How much of your life are you willing to waste over £10. My time that’s exatly 39mins, other people it might be less than 5, sometimes things aren’t fair that’s how it is always has been always will.

    Free Member

    Their delivery agent, is their problem. Not his.

    But it is the Op’s problem, he’s the one who wants the certificate. As far as the courts concerned they’ve sent one out. What exactly do you suggest to resolve the issue ??? Just pay the £10 is what you do.

    Free Member

    I’ve an easy solution. The original is lost god knows where, pay £10 and get a copy it’s exactly the same then move on with your life. After a divorce that’s what I’d be doing, I bet you do as well 😀

    Free Member

    It’s all well and good liking the manifesto. Let’s say it has some appeal to those outside labours core vote. But at the moment its only words on paper, it would have to be delivered along with the 1,000’s of other matters relating to government. How many voters believe Corbyn and his team are capable of all this ? I guess we’ll find out on June 8th

    Free Member

    Salt, pepper and a bit of mustard powder works for me. Also get some char on the burger.

    Free Member

    With the charge being a motoring offence, she as the driver has primary responsibility for driving the vehicle. Perhaps a GBH charge might bring the boyfriends alleged actions more into play, muddying the waters to such an extent a conviction might not have happened. It was GBH though IMHO and I reckon she got lucky 🙁

    Free Member

    Spoken like a true Tory.

    Not really I’m more or less politicaly neutral. I’ve voted for all the major parties plus independents at some time. Whoever I feel will screw up the country the least gets my vote. But I do have an inclination towards less government so slightly more inclined to vote conservative than labour.

    Free Member

    I agree mikey, every government can do better and to highlight those areas is a good thing. But your posting of it and the canaries highlighting it is just left wing political propoganda. That’s fine there’s an election coming up. But be careful what you wish for especially with British voters. Some of the failings in that report will be seen as successes by many !!

    Free Member

    @mikey. I would imagine the UN can and does come up with very similar reports relating to just about any country. Thecanary is a anti Tory, Corbyn supporting vehicle best left on facebook.

    Free Member

    A liar in other words

    A liar is someone who makes a statement knowing at that time it is untrue. If at a latter date due to altered circumstances you change your mind, well everyone does that at some point. Especially ALL politicians.
    How do you know that when TM made the statement that she wouldn’t call an election she didn’t mean it at that point. The ability to change and adapt to changing circumstances is what politics is all about.

    Free Member

    Went to my nephews wedding on Saturday, he had 5 “Groomsmen”. One did the witness thing, 2 did the speech the others just seemed to get pissed. It’s your wedding do whatever works for you.

    Free Member

    Curry on toast is a favourite in my house. Just a way of using up leftovers.

    Free Member

    “Yep, thought their more blatant anti-Brexit stance would reap dividends, but apparently not.”

    There’s also another group of voters, of which I’m one. Remainers who feel the vote should be honoured. I’d never vote for a party that tried to overturn the referendum. When I voted in was in out was out.

    Free Member

    I was with the family at lake garda last year. I was hoping to do a ride with these people.

    Unfortunately with the family there was so much to do I didn’t get the time. Loved the place though and will definitely go back.

    Free Member

    Not sure I like my birthday being hijacked by all this nonsense 😉 But to get into the spirit I’m going to watch “The force awakens” for the first time today. Is it any good or am I going to die !!

    Free Member

    Well what ever it is, it’s not English.

    “Two nations divided by a common languge” G.B.Shaw I think.

    Free Member

    She is making Corbyn look appealing at the moment – which is quite a talent.

    Only to tory hating leftwingers who won’t be voting for The Conservatives anyway. My completely unscientific research (chatting to my customers) Have committed brexiters and most tory voters pretty pleased with her. Both those groups will easily see her back at no.10 with a decent majority.
    Talk the EU wanting 100 billion euro’s is dismissed by saying that gives us all the leverage, because if they don’t come up with a fair deal they’ll get sweet FA.

    Free Member

    During a press conference with State of Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas, Trump praised Palestinian National Authority for its efforts to combat ISIS.

    His comments were related to the above were there is cooperation. Beautiful is stretching things a bit, but you all know that’s how he talks, people should be getting used to it by now.

    Free Member

    As you’re new to MTB’s, largely I’d just buy the one I liked the look of and get out and clock some miles up on it. In a year or so you’ll know more about your personal preferences on an MTB, and either be looking to upgrade, or have decided its not for you and you’re going back to road full time instead…

    The first bit of advise is the best bit of advise IMHO.
    I like the Bianchi, it’s a great deal and for what you want to do it will be just fine. Coming from the road you’ll be more used to the sharper handling and lighter weight. Some MTB’s can feel heavy and sluggish for just riding around, they don’t tend to work properly until your heading downhill and you start hitting stuff at speed.

    Free Member

    Anyone else suffer from this oppression???

    Weirdest thing I’ve ever read on here 😯 But that’s mostly why I come on here, to get an insight Into other peoples lives and ideas.

    Free Member

    Also give your greedy sister a slap and tell her to be respectful! Tell her she can choose between the existing offer, or spend the difference on lawyer fees until she gets nothing because the estate is gone and lawyers own the lot.

    ^^^^^This, sorry nothing to add regarding your legal question.

    Free Member

    I do agree with the principle that people on disability benefits should be assessed. They change, technology changes a move to job seekers status with appropriate support can be beneficial to some claimants and society in general.
    But the assessment process at least untill recently is #$@!&$ !!!
    My company has an account with the tribunals service that deals with appeals. The state on some the people who’ve been declared fit for work is shocking 🙁 they might have been asked “could you lift that box” they said “perhaps once on a good day” now their fit to work in a warehouse, “how do you spend your spare time” say you like to sit in your garden and that means you can “do” your garden and are fit for manual work, answer your phone and you can work in a call centre. This sort of stuff goes on and on. 85% of appeals are successful, that alone tells you the process is broken. A woman I know is some sort of Dr and works doing these assessments, she’s the most arrogant hateful person I know. All the claimants she meets, in her eyes are scroungers and scum, she tells me this whilst I’m driving her to the next cruise holiday she’s going on, off which she has about 5 a year.
    Thing is I’m politicaly neutral and certainly don’t hate the Tories, but this is one policy that needs to be scrapped and replaced with some thing fit for purpose.

    Free Member

    That might all be very true ulysse. I’ve had first hand experience of the assessment process people with disabilities have to go through and it’s sh@t.
    But the idea of ministers being prosecuted for manslaughter is fantasy. Put your energy into campaigning for the changes needed, and actually having a hands on approach to helping people who need it. Perhaps you already are and thats a good thing.

    Free Member

    Presumably they wouldn’t tell you if they wheelied their car into a tree?

    You won’t though, just drive the car accordingly. If your not capable of that then their not for you.

    Free Member

    How much longer can Freud, Duncan Smith, McVey, Patel, Crabb and Green avoid prosecution.

    The answer is they never will be. I can’t see how death of a person refused a particular type of benefit can ever be criminaly linked to the minister in charge the department. Whatever anyone thinks of the rights or wrongs its just not going to happen, so why keep going on about it.

    Free Member

    I’ve used those dave cooper type racks on normal saloon cars for years, never had a problem nor has anyone else I know who’s used them.
    Regarding the cars handling, it does affect it of course but just drive accordingly.

    Free Member

    To be honest every bike on your list would be great especially as its your first F/S. Most people are only going to recommend what they’ve got or what they’re mates have. Go with whatever ever one suits your budget and you like the look of most, it’s how I’ve bought 99% of my bikes.

    Free Member

    The 60,000mls wouldn’t bother me with a good service history, the car should easily see out the 10yrs. In that time you’ll need a cam belt change, brake pads and discs, probably a clutch and dm flywheel, exhaust maybe a dpf, egr replacement, perhaps shocks and the odd joint and bush. Most of that would need doing on a 20,000mle car just a few years later.

    Free Member

    Sharkbait wins.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Weight definitely comes into it for me. Heavy bikes which to me is +28lbs “feel” heavy and sluggish for the kind of riding I enjoy. I don’t care if science says It’s only fractions overall, a light responsive bike adds to my riding enjoyment. Undulating fast swoopy trails on my 22lb carbon f/s are heaven 😀

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