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  • taxi25
    Free Member

    The safety of May, Johnson, Hammond etc,. ? What is it that makes you think they are safer?

    Come on. I thought this was a poll thread with maybe a sentence about why you might be voting a particular way.
    It’s starting to turn into another left wing Tory bashing fest, with demands of justification for any Conservative voters who stick their head above the parepet. Aren’t there enough threads for this already ?

    Free Member

    Quick tally – haven’t counted the unknowns but i may have missed some so forgive me, 4 hours sleep in 2 days.

    Labour 40 55%
    Lib D 17 23%
    SNP 9 12%
    Green 4 5%
    Cons 3 4%
    UKIP 0 0%
    73 100%

    I seem to remember saxonrider’s anonymous poll being somewhat different 😀
    Conservative this time for me.
    Genuinely don’t think Corbyn and his team could run the country successfully ( I have some doubts about May and her crew) 🙁

    Free Member

    chrismac – Member

    Its only strava. I quite like the idea of all the KOM/QOM being turned into total nonsense by ebikes. 

    love to find some thing you enjoy, then come round and spoil it.

    Free Member


    yes, but doesn’t mean that someone is not going to bury them

    Their remains will be disposed of certainly. But funeral rites are often down to custom and culture, the Imans refusal to say prayers for them is symbolic. It would only require muslims somewhere pray for them. There will be no shortage of their supporters world wide doing that :(. In any case it’s Allah’s who decides who goes to heaven, people can’t change his will (as they believe )

    Free Member

    Interesting news report that doesn’t seem to have been, er, reported anywhere:

    Whilst the content of cougars link is to be applauded, it doesn’t really amount to much 🙁 Islam doesn’t have a recognised hierarchy such as a Pope or archbishops. The worthy scholars who issued the fatwa speak only for themselves. Others views exist and arguments could be made to invoke fatwas on the fatwa issuers.

    Free Member

    His insurers will tell yours then yours will want to know why you haven’t told them. I think you’re obliged to tell them in 24 hours on most policies.

    My insurers reduce my excess by 50% if I report an accident within 24hrs, I’m not obliged to do so. I’ve heard of people reporting an accident months later. As long as your insurance was valid at the time they will still act on it.
    The 24hr limit is to report an accident to the police if you didn’t exchange details with the other party at the scene.

    Free Member

    The way alot of people act when it comes to Strava, it looks like anything but fun.

    loads of people do stuff I don’t get. Watching football for instance ❓ but whatever they enjoy it so all power to them.

    Free Member

    Get a quote and ask if he’ll give you cash or a cheque. If he’s ok with that accept and get your car fixed when convenient. I’d much prefer this than involving insurance companies. IMHO your premium goes up fault or no fault.

    Free Member

    Turned out to be a Fox with mange 🙁

    Free Member

    If in doubt flag it. The flagged rider has the opportunity to confirm if the ride was genuine or not. Most ebike riders will just accept this.
    To the strava knockers, why ???? Loads of people enjoy the fun of kom’s and get real satisfaction from improving their positions on the leader boards. The only people who need to look at themselves are those who have an opinion of how others should enjoy their harmless fun 😀

    Free Member

    😆 Come on Op what did you expect !! But as it’s been said you need to be 14 to ride one.

    Free Member

    Threads like this make it very obvious why this forum has a ‘reputation’

    Funny this should come up. More than once I’ve had chats with people I’ve met out on the trails.
    I’ll ask if they ever go on STW ?
    “Nope to many idiots” (not the actual word used) is the most common response 😆

    Free Member

    Some people live in a odd world. There’s some top trolling in this post 

    Only thing I don’t reckon some are trolling, they mean every word they’ve written 🙁

    Free Member

    In the year 5555
    Your arms hangin’ limp at your sides
    Your legs got nothin’ to do
    Some machine’s doin’ that for you.

     Zager And Evans – In The Year 2525

    Free Member

    A temporary restriction because of some building works? It doesn’t sound like too big a deal to me.

    your 100% right of course. But this is STW Lol.

    Free Member

    Next episode Tuesday 6th 🙁

    Free Member

    The only thing people should be concerned about are the intentions of the parties and base their decision on that. So what if they don’t achieve all of the things in a manifesto, the key is what is the manifesto aiming for.

    This is all very well, but voters have to decide if the politicians are capable of fulfilling those intentions. That’s what all these interviews are all about.

    Free Member

    Just don’t be a cock, you’ve got to work for / with them and why purposefully bash their potential ego’s?

    Just treat it as a ride and crack on at what ever pace everyone is comfortable with.

    This 100%. If this is a job your happy with and would like to progress in it this is a great opportunity. Some of our less socially aware posters don’t seem to realise the importance social contact can have in career development. Be friendly and confident but not cocky. Let them know your fitness but now isn’t the time for alpha male nonsense, not from you anyway. With a bit of luck they’ll enjoy your company and ask you out again, that’ll be win win for you. 😀

    Free Member

    I was kind of hoping that the anonymous nature of the poll would mitigate this problem.

    You’ve got many admirable qualities SR, your optimism especially 😆

    Free Member

    Well if people have tried to fiddle saxonrider’s poll that’s weirdly pathetic 8O. But if it is accurate and this being a cycling forum it’s not good news for labour. It also confirms my belief that people with a more left wing perspective like to argue their case far more passionetly. The noise they make is out of proportion to the actual support there is for their views. I suppose the Tories on here just can’t be arsed with the arguing so remain silent.

    Free Member

    £ per life the money would probably be better spent on improving road safety (more than 22 people die on UK roads every week) than on putting troops on the streets……………

    I was wondering when this would come up. I did hope it wouldn’t sadly my hope was in vain 🙁

    Free Member

    I feel I speak for everyone I know and would consider us all vehemently anti conservative in our viewpoint

    But most people naturally gravitate towards others of a similar mind set. And so all you get is reinforcement of your own opinions. Step outside your own peer group and its a whole different world.

    Free Member

    Oooh it’s like tennis as taxi returns the compliment using right wing self righteous generalisation and arrogance!!!

    A little bit perhaps. But the point I’m trying to make is when someone says.
    “Torys mostly make money at others expense.
    Because they supposedly do the left has moral high ground.
    People vote Conservative out of ignorance.”
    The reaction of many people who aren’t already committed to the left is, WTF where’s this guy coming from and switch of, the message however good it might be gets lost.

    Free Member

    A significant portion of right wing policy has the ultimate aim of making the rich richer. Unless there’s a magic money tree somewhere, that means they aim to do so at the expense of others, which is pretty morally reprehensible.

    If that’s not cause for quite correctly claiming some form of moral high ground, then I don’t know what is.

    Given the number of studies highlighting that those of a right wing disposition are on average educated to a lower level, I might also accept ignorance rather than a lack of empathy for defending Tories.

    Chapeau zokes 😀 with your self righteous arrogance, you single handedly demonstrate why so many people don’t want to engage with more left wing politics or those who peddle it.

    Free Member

    The police have also indicated that the offence of not surrendering to the court probably doesn’t justify 24hr surveillance of the embassy.

    Free Member

    this is all discussed with my family and if I need to give up work to do this I will – but I will be paying myself a salary out of their money.

    I’ve been doing something similar, but on a part time basis. But mentally I’m not capable of making the step to being a full time carer 🙁 best of luck if you choose this route yourself.

    Free Member

    You think that will happen? There’s massive pressure on care home places (hence why they’re so bloody expensive) and in-home care is now the preferred option. There are going to be legions of people out there who are cash poor and property rich who are going to lose out big time.

    In a few cases perhaps, but the care local authorities can offer you in your own home is pretty limited. Certainty not 24hr attendance or the means to deal with more advanced dementia. I like millions of other families realise that unless we can become full time carer’s our parents have to go into homes, whatever the cost. I know your only banging on about this because it’s a Tory proposal so fair enough. In the mean time I’ve got to go and look at a nursing home later this evening 🙁

    Free Member

    It’ll solve the housing crisis, this surfeit of mansion houses that will have to be sold on the death of the owners.

    No. If a family can afford the fee’s any home can be kept. It only has to be sold if payments have been deffered and payment is due. Many families might choose to sell a property to make real time payments. But that their choice, thats how it’s now and will be in the future.
    My mother will be going into a home shortly. If my siblings and myself think keeping mums home makes financial sense we’ll do that and pay her fee’s ourselves. As long as they get a cheque every month that’s all the care home cares about.

    Free Member

    Yes, that’s correct, but whereas previously you could have free care from the comfort of your country manor house, now you will be slowly devaluing your manor house to a similar level to a garage.

    Not really, your country manor types would be over the £24,000ish threshold and be paying anyway. The people who will loose are those who have under £24,000 in cash and now will have their homes value taken into account. Even then some might come back if they go into a care home and they get to keep £100,000.

    Free Member

    I’m sure many ageing middle class people sitting on >500k properties will realise, this could cost them and their kids hundreds of thousands.

    Maybe I’ve not understood the proposal. How would people loose £100,000’s ? Isn’t it just that the value of your assets plus your home up to £100,000 will be taken into consideration when you “home care” needs are calculated, i.e care you receive when you are still in your own home. When you move into a care/ nursing home your family will be better of because they can keep £100,000. Here in Wales that’ll be £ 24,000.

    Free Member

    “I haven’t worked my entire life and paid taxes only for the government to take my kid’s inheritance away from them”.

    someone else who can’t read or understand what they read 🙄
    At least his kids will have £100,000. Here in Wales it’s £24,000 and not likely to change. Only real difference in Wales the value of your home isn’t taken into account when calculating home care. Thats capped at a reasonable £60pw even if your a millionaire.

    Free Member

    She’s either trying to lose it or just being as crap as possible for some sort of dare.

    only if viewed from a more left wing perspective. How it looks to Tory and possible Tory voters is what matters. We’ll find that out by June 9th.

    Free Member

    Obvious answer is to fit some suspension forks, I wouldn’t dream of doing long rides FR these days.
    But trying different grips would be the easiest thing. ESI chunky would be a good place to start.

    Free Member

    No cycling in general, anyone who trusts it to be clean is more trusting than me.

    Then why watch it ? There’s no evidence whatever that G is a doper, other than he’s a great cyclist. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible that he is, but if you can’t watch and enjoy pro cycling for what it is there’s plenty of other things out there to amuse you.

    Free Member

    For Republic of Ireland, you Insure the car on its VIN plate number, then take it to an MOT station in UK. Once you have that certificate you take all the documents you have for the car to a DVLA office. There is a registration fee and you pay for the TAX then they send you the new REGISTRATION document and TAX DISC with the UK reg plate they have given you.

    Perhaps not one for your dad, but I wouldn’t discount it for a clued up local buyer.

    Free Member

    ^^I’ve used the above. But as said not made a claim, but they are local to me so I could camp out in their office and make a scene if i needed to 😆

    Free Member

    Just because a dogs bitten once DOES NOT MEAN IT WILL BITE AGAIN.

    Perhaps not “will” but surely more likely to. The dog’s trust and RSPCA have huge experience of dogs and wouldn’t take the dog because of the biting. Are they completely wrong about this ??
    Very sad all round 🙁 and highlights the importance of getting the right dog if one at all.

    Free Member

    on – Member

    What does ‘big’ crowds really mean. Let’s face it even in constituencies where Labour will get hammered they’ll still get a good few thousand plus voters, so a few hundred turning up to see Corbyn means little.

    This for sure. Corbyn has a very strong core vote. Several hundred thousand disenfranchised more left wing socialists who see him as a hope for if not all but a good part of their ideals. They’ll turn out for rallies and meetings, join the labour party because he’s their best shot. As a group their probably the most active and passionate political movement in the country. But is it enough ? Probably not most voters aren’t party members, wouldn’t be seen dead at a political rally and see Corbyn as a bit of a dinosaur. Regardless of whether they view his policies as good, the feeling is he and his team don’t have the abilities needed to lead the country. Especially with all the challenges faced by brexit. I don’t think the vote will be as one sided as people think but a Tory government is still going to still be in place on June 9th. All IMHO of course.

    Free Member

    If we replaced the current culture of sick care with health care, we’d start to see reductions in NHS costs.

    Aneurin Bevan believed that the cost of the NHS would decline for this very reason. It didn’t happen 🙁 It’s just not the nature of things.

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