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  • Issue 145 – Singletrack Kitchen: Gloriumptious Dahl
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    , without any comment on the dangers of walking onto the road when it wasn’t safe to do so.

    And if she’d stepped right in front of a cyclist without there being any chance of avoiding a collision then the only story would be that. But the court accepted that in this case there was time for the cyclists to avoid a collision, if he had two working brakes and or used better judgment.

    Free Member

    on the question “was shouting and hoping to avoid collision a reasonable approach or not”.

    I think this was the cornerstone of his defence. And probably were a judgement by the jury of his character came in, he tried to persuade them that he did everything reasonable to avoid the collision, but they didn’t believe him. I don’t think I do either,my feelings are that obviously he didn’t intend to run her over, but a close pass whilst shouting abuse would be fine.

    Free Member

    You should be able to get it to work, but your not the only person whose had trouble. There’s a set up guide on this thread.

    Free Member

    the Guardian breaking news – “Charlie..convicted of causing bodily harm after mowing down” the woman. Mowing down seems a bit harsh.

    We’ll he did didn’t he, and has been convicted of just that. The poor woman died and his actions immediately afterwards when she was lying on the ground mortally injured, and subsequently on social media mark him as a complete tool.
    So not harsh at all !!

    Free Member

    It would be a bit to much of a compromise off road for me. I’d go for a 29er race xc, with a lock out fork and a spare set of wheels set up with road tyres and a closer range cassette.

    Free Member

    30t with a 42-10 on my 29er. I started if with a 32t but on longer rides I started to spend to much time on the 42t ring
    When I get back into riding a bit more and loose some weight (hopefully) the 32t will go back on. No way I would use a 30t with a 11-42 it would be much to spinny for me on pedally downhills and the road.

    Free Member

    30t with a 42-10 on my 29er. I started if with a 32t but on longer rides I started to spend to much time on the 42t ring
    When I get back into riding a bit more and loose some weight (hopefully) the 32t will go back on. No way I would use a 30t with a 11-42 it would be much to spinny for me on pedally downhills and the road.

    Free Member

    30t with a 42-10 on my 29er. I started if with a 32t but on longer rides I started to spend to much time on the 42t ring
    When I get back into riding a bit more and loose some weight (hopefully) the 32t will go back on. No way I would use a 30t with a 11-42 it would be much to spinny for me on pedally downhills and the road.

    Free Member

    30t with a 42-10 on my 29er. I started if with a 32t but on longer rides I started to spend to much time on the 42t ring 🙁
    When I get back into riding a bit more and loose some weight (hopefully) the 32t will go back on. No way I would use a 30t with a 11-42 it would be much to spinny for me on pedally downhills and the road.

    Free Member

    30t with a 42-10 on my 29er. I started if with a 32t but on longer rides I started to spend to much time on the 42t ring 🙁
    When I get back into riding a bit more and loose some weight (hopefully) the 32t will go back on. No way I would use a 30t with a 11-42 it would be much to spinny for me on pedally downhills and the road.

    Free Member

    30t with a 42-10 on my 29er. I started if with a 32t but on longer rides I started to spend to much time on the 42t ring 🙁
    When I get back into riding a bit more and loose some weight (hopefully) the 32t will go back on. No way I would use a 30t with a 11-42 it would be much to spinny for me on pedally downhills and the road.

    Free Member

    30t with a 42-10 on my 29er. I started if with a 32t but on longer rides I started to spend to much time on the 42t ring 🙁
    When I get back into riding a bit more and loose some weight (hopefully) the 32t will go back on. No way I would use a 30t with a 11-42 it would be much to spinny for me on pedally downhills and the road.

    Free Member

    “Likelihood” gets a not guilty verdict – not beyond reasonable doubt.

    I think your being a bit optimistic regarding a juries view on “reasonable”. They won’t be looking at things from a cyclists perspective, at best it’ll be open minded neutrality. The message being rammed down their throats will be he could have stopped with two brakes on his bike, even if most experienced cyclist’s feel avoidance in these situations might be the better choice. ( Tragically not in this instance)

    Free Member

    These signs will most likely increase the amount of people who tell bikers they shouldn’t be there,

    This will be inevitable 🙁

    Free Member

    Basically NRW trying to cover their backs in case anybody spanners themselves on any of the unofficial tracks

    This is my take on it. The use of the phrase “strongly discourage” rather than you must not or its “illegal” give the game away, not saying official attitudes might change in the future

    Free Member

    Barfoot, under cross-examination by Miss Ascherson, said: “I saw her cross the road on the right and she was comfortable in doing that as she had enough time on that side of the road. ?“I thought she was going to stop in the centre but when I realised she was going to carry on I shouted, blew my horn and braked as hard as I could.

    It seems like he sounded his horn and braked upon realising the woman was moving in front of him. He should have seen this earlier but didn’t. The cyclist at the centre of this thread was riding a bike that didn’t give him the braking option (according to the court). Anyway the case is on going we’ll find out what the court decides soon enough.

    Free Member

    @Horatio.The first link was the one I was thinking about. Got the going to jail bit wrong. I blame my age !!!

    Free Member

    I reckon if his lawyer can show a reasonable possibility of the death not occurring if she hadn’t stopped/changed direction (if that’s indeed what happened), then he’ll probably get off.

    With the emphasis being on his ability to stop I’m not so sure. “Stopped/changed direction” doesn’t trump he should have just braked and pulled up to avoid the collision. Same as when you drive, you sound your horn, brake and swerve if needed. Not braking just assuming a pedestrian on hearing your horn will get out of the way won’t cut it in court.

    Free Member

    It might not be just about whether he could have stopped, it might also be about whether he tried to stop.

    I seem to remember another pedestrian death in a collision with a cyclist, in that case he called out or rang his bell but didn’t make any attempt (or enough) to avoid the pedestrian. He went to prison.

    Free Member

    “I love these totally invented scenarios that serve the belief that cyclists can do no wrong and motorists are always the bad guy” which to be fair, even with a smiley emoji, is an aggressive and narrow minded opening salvo dismissing alternative views to your own.

    Not at all, like every cyclist I’ve been victim of dangerous and inconsiderate driving far to often. But what prompted my comment was the knee jerk reaction on here to paint motorists as the bad guys without knowing all or even any of the facts. And I’ll say it again, I read the op’s post and accepted it at face value. There could have been any number of preceding events which led to the cyclists anger, but I didn’t comment because I didn’t know the facts. You invented a scenario, to which I proposed an alternative. Your scenario could have been exactly right ( similar has happened to me often enough). But why jump straight in with it ?

    Free Member

    whilst being a bit of a tool about it. Psling 1 – Taxi 0 IMO

    Wow, no wonder most people I know don’t post on here. If my putting a perfectly reasonable perspective on something I’m familiar with makes my a tool so be it. But go look in the mirror njee 🙄

    Free Member

    So that would be a totally invented scenario then

    Given the evidence available it’s as likely a scenario as yours. But I didn’t wade in with a biased view just responded to yours.

    Free Member

    That’s what I was thinking, driver only manages half an overtake and barges the roadie out of the way to get back on the correct side of the road.

    I love these totally invented scenarios that serve the belief that cyclists can do no wrong and motorists are always the bad guy. 😀 The thing is the driver probably safely overtook one cyclist pulling into a perfectly reasonable gap, but before he can overtake the next rider the other guy who would have passed the other cyclist closes up. I’ve been the cyclist and motorist in this situation, and just like motorists have to be patient, sometimes so do cyclists.

    Free Member

    Can’t see how they’d get a conviction for anything over this. Rocketman’s version will be the one put forward. Can’t and won’t prove the necessary intent for any kind of assault charge.

    Well I’m assuming the woman feels she’s been assaulted, and I’ve just repeatedly watched a video that seems to confirm the assault. The arrested man will have his say I’m sure. But if I was on a jury he’d need a bloody good reason to explain his actions and avoid a conviction.
    To speculate as to why he pushed the woman, I’d guess pure and simple meanness, maybe just having a bad day and wanted to take it out on someone.

    Free Member

    Amazing, last proper job I had was 8.30-4.30. Hour for lunch in the pub and two 10min tea breaks. Genuinely feel sorry for the modern worker !!

    Free Member

    If the contract is does not say if the break is paid or unpaid then neither of you can rely on this however the start and finish time is and is enforceable- and you have a legal right to breaks. In a shift of that length its a 20 min break. so I would say from your contract you work 8.30 – 5.30 with a 20 min break

    This 100%
    Are there really companies that would even consider requiring workers to work a nine hour shift without a break !!! I’ve been self employed for the last 28yrs and must be out of touch with the modern work place 🙁

    Free Member

    20.20 Well done more than pleased for him 😀

    Free Member

    This site gives some idea of S/H prices. It’s more relivant to the US market but not far out for over here. Has the Pinarello coming in at sub £400.

    Free Member

    No you decided to have a go yourself, at which point you damaged them.

    But as the stem had only just been fitted it’s reasonable to assume the bolt would come out without rounding. It takes a lot of experience to “feel” exactly when a bolt is just about to round out, even then it can happen to professional mechanics. Especially if the hex head has been stretched by over tightening.
    In any case it sounds like the LBS stood up and it’s all sorted.

    Free Member

    As usual the levels of condescension on this thread are disappointing 🙁 . If the bolt that came undone gave of a big crack when it was unloosend it was massively over torqued. The op as as a home mechanic isn’t expected to have torque wrenches or professional level tools. As a freshly tightened bolt should come out with less effort than was used putting it in, it should have come out with any normal quality hex key. Ignore the “dicks” on here Op, go back to the shop, calmly explain the situation and tell them what they can do to sort it out.

    Free Member

    (and will probably have issues as a result, especially if sat stationary, brakes seized, tyres perished, etc)

    It’s only been stood for a few months not years !! None of the above should be a problem.

    Free Member

    Mattsccm is right, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy the car without a test drive. Good look over hear it running straight on a trailer.

    Free Member

    You’ll get a better price with an MOT but you can sell it without and on sorn. Lot’s of car buyers out there who’ll just come along and pick it up on a trailer. All depends how much you want for it.

    Free Member

    You sound like me OP. I’m a practical person and will help anyone out if I can but if you need a whine or a shoulder to cry on there’s others better suited than me.
    This made my eyebrows rise though.

    a woman heard our conversation and came over to tell me that she was the person I had spoken to on the phone. she then went on to tell me that I had sounded very cold and uncaring on the phone, towards my mother.

    This sounds very unprofessional, if she thinks you mother is suffering abuse or neglect fair enough. But to express such an opinion based on a short conversation !! No that’s well out of order 🙁

    Free Member

    You’ve got a contract the bike is yours, no way would I gave been fobbed off . To say I would have been unhappy is an understatement !!! The £20 quid would have been stuck were the sun don’t shine.

    Free Member

    Its seems pretty obvious it would deter some women –

    This is true but people are all different especially relating to their take on humour. If you try to not offended “anyone” make everything inclusive at every level things become dull,dull,dull 🙁 The category names reflect the organiser’s sense of humour and a hope the event will be conducted in that spirit. If you don’t buy into that fair enough,just tick it as another thing to ignore. I do that all the time.

    Free Member

    Trouble is though – this isn’t the sort of debate where anyone* is prepared to change their views based on what anyone else says. Which makes it a pointless merry-go-round of bollocks.

    This is true of most threads that go beyond a few pages though. But the usual suspects seem to have fun on the merry-go-round so no harm done. But this thread really !!!
    This post should have ended the thread 😀

    I entered the event and it’s one of the best days I’ve had on my bike. I couldn’t give a flying duck what the category names were, and nobody was bothered on the day.

    Free Member

    On the plus side, low weight is the most overrated feature on any bike.

    It all depends on its intended purpose. And if like me you enjoy how a light bike feels regardless of how fast it’s riden, then it’s very important

    Free Member

    Well Mrs and Miss taxi found it a bit amusing in a slight smile sort of way, but not the least offended but they are a pretty bawdy pair of women. But they did find some of the comments on this thread absolutely hysterical 😆 I’m not sure they even knew people such as some posters on here even existed !!

    Free Member

    Some might go for £10 depending on condition but there’s 901 on eBay at the moment. This one didn’t attract any bids at £5 with £1 postage.

    Edit: appears to have sold for the £5 at the death.

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