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  • taxi25
    Free Member

    I wouldn’t go, I find football a bit boring and 4hrs on a bus is my idea of hell !!! But loads love it, so if your not fancying it pass the ticket on to someone else.

    Free Member

    A fair assessment, Varnish was faster than anyone they have now in the squad 

    But she failed to qualify for Rio in the only event that she was in contention for. Obviously they didn’t like her attitude, and she was far from happy with there’s !!! Letting her go and trying to bring someone else on for 2020 is pretty logical.
    Can you imagine most any sportsperson carrying on in a team after criticising their coaches like she did.

    Free Member

    Starting MX again at 57, I’m soooooo slow and have been on of injured all year. Loving it though and can’t wait for next years season !!!

    Free Member

    Smallish Taxi companies will never be developing their own apps so not something they could ever do.
    However, an app could be created by a company and offered for use to any taxi company. Something that works in a similar way to Uber but is used by Taxi companies (at a charge) rather than individuals.

    Lol autocab do just this. They lease a whole package to taxi companies big or small. I’ve used their system, it’s ok but Uber’s is so much better both for riders and drivers. Uber might have problems with their management style but the service they offer is first rate, especially for drivers, at least here in the UK. Some other taxi firms ive worked with…… 😯

    Free Member

    Interestingly confirms that the allegation was that it was triamcinolone… oops!

    But not one shread of evidence that it was !
    I’ve no idea what the truth of the matter is but without proper legally verifiable evidence its all just blah blah.

    Free Member

    Here’s an old bikeradar thread with a good looking solution. Providing you can find someone to do the work at an affordable price.

    Free Member

    To actually answer your question I got this quote from Indespension. Exactly as you described for a mk4 mondeo hatchback.

    £294.00 INC VAT
    PCT Fixed Flange Ball
    Universal 7 Pin Electrics

    They phoned me a week later saying they’d do it for £270.

    Free Member

    They had similar Police teams here in S.Wales using Honda Xr250’s. They actually tried chasing people, it got dropped in the end when the police injury list got to long.

    Free Member

     if sports are publicly funded then they have a duty of care to the athletes and other staff to ensure that bullying cultures don’t take hold.

    But if we’re going to have a publicly funded elite sports programme it has to be results based. Unfortunately you aren’t going to get that by being nice all the time.The general public want medals for their money, not a happy bunch of hard trying losers !! You put driven people like Brailsford and Sutton in charge and say win you get what we got. INMHO we got one of the best team of athletes the world has ever known. Something to be proud of not something pick holes in because winning hard isn’t quite the British way 🙁

    Free Member

    Seeing as im not the most confident descender

    I wouldn’t be so quick to ditch the dropper then. My trek superfly 100sl has one fitted and it’s not going anywhere. Sure you can save 300gms but it makes the bike so much more fun and confidence inspiring.

    Free Member

    , your house your rules.

    This made me laugh, we’re talking about a woman with a nicotine addiction 😆

    Free Member

    I realise that people are totally feral and may be throwing pints of piss, but that is even worse.

    I remember being at a 80’s Monster’s of rock at Donnington. The drink of choice was plastic gallon jugs of cider. Once drunk they were “refilled” and hurled at the stage 😯 😯

    Free Member

    I always answer the door, my mind boggles that an able bodied adult wouldn’t !! But if I didn’t the caller could just walk in anyway, I don’t lock the door untill about 10pm ish or when I go to bed. I dislike the feeling of locking myself in more than a vague worry that someone might come in and do me harm.
    I live in a terraced house with the front door opening directly onto the pavement.

    Free Member

    Tree’s !!! Where I ride 800mm bars would terrify me 😯

    Free Member

    Sorry bikebouy your only looking at things from your own perspective. To many cycling is far more than just transport and/or fitness. Ebikes and them being considered bicycles is probably the biggest change in cycling since its invention. Your perfectly entitled to your views but at least try and understand how others might feel about this subject.

    Free Member

    Honestly, what are your problems with eBikes ?

    Some people genuinely buy into the concept that the value in cycling is that it’s a wholly human powered activity. Also that there are values and traditions relating to cycling that have been passed down through generations, and are something to be treasured and preserved. In this day and age other opinions exist, so its good to discuss them, perhaps on a cycling forum maybe ?

    Free Member

    What’s a ‘proper’ rider then?

    In this context someone who’s done a couple of cat4 crit’s, somehow not been blown out the back and now consider themselves racing gods, far above lowly sportive prolls 😉

    Free Member

    f you want to race, go and race.

    If you want to pretend a sportive is a race then that’s ok too.
    We all have fantasies.

    Races come in all shapes and sizes, not sure why thats so hard to understand ?

    Free Member

    So can we just confirm, are sportives races then?

    Not in this country for the most part. But lots of people ride them in a competitive manner and good luck to them. I’d say something like the Velethon is a type of race, closed circuit, timed, riders are listed in the results in order of their finishing time. Certainly ticks the boxes of some sort of race.

    Free Member

    legal e bikes won’t be a huge help in sportives unless its very hilly given they cut out at 15 mph giving you just a heavy bike above this speed

    This is true, but I suppose for some it would just help them get round the course. For others they just don’t like being told they can’t, so it becomes absolutely the most important thing they should be doing. 🙁

    Free Member

    , I can’t understand why a perfectly able-bodied person would want to take part in something that’s about a physical challenge if they’re not physically challenging themselves?

    Me neither but thats the world we live in.

    in what is essentially supposed to be a social ride and not a race

    No their not “supposed” to be purely social rides. You can make them what you want them to be. A good proportion of riders treat them in a very competitive manner. Times are published, and they enjoy comparing their efforts to other like minded riders. A bit like strava leader boards. I wish people would stop sneering at this, if it’s not you just do your own thing.

    Free Member

    Well considering there was no evidence of anything illegal in the jiffy bag. And no real evidence that Wiggins has ever “illegally” taken PED’s, it’s no suprise no chargers have been brought. Wiggo being lived, well he’ll get over it.

    Free Member

    So plan will now be Wall and Penhydd. I don’t really mind which is morning and which is afternoon. 

    Wall is longer with the tougher climb, so might be the better first option with fresher legs.
    Pennhyd also has the blue scar bailout if the legs are really struggling 🙁
    Might join you, but I’m a bit of a weather dependant pansy these days 😆

    Free Member

    Oh please don’t say that I’ve just wasted some cash buying light weight non aero wheels

    Nope, your bike will feel light and responsive and be a joy to ride. I’d choose that over a couple of seconds a mile anyday.

    Free Member

    .. there’s been compelling arguments for both sides.

    Honestly there hasn’t 😆

    Free Member

    What about the bloke* who drives the ‘ambulances’ that ferry old folks with no other means to and from hospital?

    Talking to ambulance dri…. sorry paramedics, it seems most start in the service doing such work and obviously receive an amount of first aid training. They have an option, if they choose to move on to full paramedic training. Some metioned that quite a few never do, the relatively small increase in pay doesn’t make up for the huge increase in responsibility and stress.

    Free Member

    Oh I get it ambulance drivers have to be called Paramedics or EMTs 😀

    I’ll leave you and this thread with a quote from an ambulance driver 😉

    “The assumption by many paramedics and EMTs is that being called an ambulance driver demeans the skill and training that we have. Perhaps my paramedic skills take a back seat when I’m referred to as a driver, but I can’t deny that aspect of my job.”

    Edit: I see you’ve added a bit more info to your original post. But I’d be hugely suprised if any but a small minority if paramedics are so precious that their offended by the general public sometimes reffering to them as ambulance drivers.

    Free Member

    No such thing.

    Well it comes from a document headed

    London ambulalance service NHS
    nhs trust

    So I imagine it’s directed at ambulance drivers who drive ambulances in London.
    Is there some point to your post ?

    Free Member

    10.4 Parking within areas controlled by double white or yellow lines
    10.4.1 Trust vehicles are permitted to park within the controlled area and on the crossing
    subject to the vehicle not remaining longer than is necessary, and/or it could not
    be parked effectively elsewhere. This exemption is to allow ambulance personnel
    to deal with the incident when no alternative parking is available. Drivers are
    reminded that there is no exemption for dangerous parking.
    10.5 Parking on a footway, verge or central reservation (non fast roads)
    10.5.1 Drivers should not park on footpaths unless directed to do so. Where parking
    needs to occur, care should be given to ensure pedestrians and wheelchair
    users can pass. Care should be taken when moving onto soft ground so as to
    not to get the vehicle stuck or to cause damage to it.

    The above is guidance given to london ambulance drivers. It seems to be very much common sense, but also that they should give some consideration about how and where they park.

    Free Member

    How much room do you think an ambulance would need to park and load a patient from the back?

    A fair bit I would imagine, but as no one of here could see how the ambulance was parked we don’t know if it could have been parked better.
    Perhaps it couldn’t have been and the letter writer was been a tool. But maybe it had been poorly parked. I’m sure most ambulance drivers try to avoid causing obstructions if they reasonably can.

    Free Member

    I got a screen for my wife’s Iphone 5 of ebay for £13.Its a bit fiddly to fit but if you take your time most people should be able to manage the job. Mrstaxi’s phone works as good as new and I got loads of brownie points. 😀

    Free Member

    Personally wouldn’t care less if an ambulance parked on top of my car if they were saving someone’s life…

    Nor would most people if that was required to best attend a patient. But if I had to guess I would imagine as part of their training ambulance drivers are told not to cause obstructions if reasonably possible.

    Free Member

    Thing is no one on here can see how the ambulance is actually parked. HB could be right and perhaps it could have been parked just as easily, and at no risk to any patients without causing an obstruction.
    And yes I’ve seen dangerously driven ambulances and met rude arrogant drivers. None of this distracts from the admiration I have for the ambulance service or the men and women doing the job. Just they aren’t perfect and like the rest of us they’re people and perfectly capable of being dicks occasionally.

    Free Member

    sn’t the statistic that something like 30% of people in the Middle East and North Africa believe 9/11 was a joint operation by the Israeli and American secret service in order to make “Muslims look bad and give them an excuse to bomb/invade”

    There is a significant number of people who believe this. The number varies wildly from country to contry. Doesn’t make them right though.
    Stuff here with charts and everything.

    Free Member

    I couldn’t think of anything to say off the cuff that would make a difference and I didn’t see how telling tales would help him.

    You could have just told him to put the bacon back.
    I’ve said this to people I’ve seen shoplifting. They always do but I’ve no doubt they carry on stealing once the coast is clear 🙁

    Free Member

    Well just to reiterate, I mentioned his intellect merely to make the point that conspiracy theorists are not necessarily stupid people.

    Intelligence has absolutely nothing to do with being stupid. The two are in no way related.

    Free Member

    When you watch the footage, his accelerations don’t look natural at all, like he’s having trouble staying on the top of the pedals,” American rider Gaimon wrote in his autobiography ‘Draft Animals’.

    Not exactly new evidence, just opinion 🙄

    Free Member

    Had a lapierre swinging arm break. None existed, it was 5 mnths before some were made on a new production run.
    Luckily the Lbs had a S/h one to lend me. It was the wrong colour but it kept me riding.

    Free Member

    Make sure you get a financial agreement in place as well. Even if you’re all fine now, you could be impacted by future changes in circumstances.

    Not sure the Op needs this. Grown up children no shared assets, both gone their seperate ways for the last 8yrs. What could change ?

    Free Member

    Spacey is having all his scenes replaced and reshot in his latest movie… Christopher Plummer is his replacement.

    Pity he would have been a great Jean Paul Getty.

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