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  • taxi25
    Free Member

    Not the words of someone who had was suffering that badly he had to take an excessive amount of (or go right up to the limit on) his asthma drugs..

    Someone clearly doesn’t understand that pro cyclists desperately don’t want to show their competitors any sighn of weakness.

    Free Member

    If a neighbour’s bin fell on my leased BMW and it had plastic grey bumpers then I’d not be too fussed

    If I had to guess, I’d say painted plastic bumbers are responsible for at least 10% on all our insurance premiums 🙁

    Free Member

    I don’t think there’s any dispute over him having asthma.

    I’m not so sure.

    You’re assuming that Froome actually *is* an asthmatic. It’s not mentioned in his autobiography.

    Free Member

    that’s dangerous, that is

    It is, but doing something dangerous and the offence of dangerous driving are very different things.

    Free Member

    He’s not been found not guilty. Everyone knows he did it, that’s not in dispute.

    Yes guilty of death by careless driving. But stepping back and putting personal feelings aside. It does seem a classic case of that. With the way the law is written and applied, I’d have been very very suprised if the dangerous driving verdict had been arrived at.

    Free Member

    Katusha-Alpecin rider Martin, 32, suggested other cyclists would have been suspended immediately.

    Tony Martin might be a great cyclist, but perhaps he should read the rule book !!!!

    Free Member

    Given that this would have stayed private if not for the guardian/le monde, anyone have any feeling for how many other adverse analytical findings there are that get explained and dismissed and nver brough to the publics attention?

    The thing is it should have stayed private untill the investigations had run their course. Le Monde/ Guardian aren’t concerned about the public interest only their own.
    I know it’s fun for all the forum “experts” to debate and criticise, but as an Ashmatic I’d trade all the salbutimol in the world for healthy working lungs, pretty sure Froome would do the same.

    Free Member

    Well thats a mistake I won’t repeat, dammed Narwhals !!@@

    Free Member

    Except information about what BB standard it’s for. 

    Well its a power torque chainset so you’ll need power torque cups. If the buyer doesn’t know this he should have asked.
    In fact their all that needs to make it fit any frame and are cheap enough.

    Free Member

    Your listing is vague !

    Well there isn’t any unnecessary waffle, but contains all the information you might need to buy a Veloce chainset.
    Only thing wrong your photos don’t show the l/h crank, there was one wasn’t there 😯

    Free Member

    My worry with him, is that he is portraying actions and risk that he is not actually taking,

    But for the most part he could actually do what he’s portraying. It’s just inching up a climb for hours on end doesn’t make for good TV.

    Free Member

    Don’t be bullied, persuaded or otherwise into covering someone else’s buyer’s remorse.

    This all the way. The only thing I’d be curious about is why it doesn’t “fit” ?

    Free Member

    Some of the middle of nowhere ones are rideable for everyone.

    Don’t want to do a spoiler, but I’ve had a look at the results and see what you mean.

    Free Member

    He’s obviously not a complete novice on a trials bike either but it puts it into perspective just how hard the Scottish is.

    He’d probably do ok at your local centre trial. But those Scottish sections 😯 I’d have to basically carry the bike through them !! The first one ( normally an easy sighter ) would have sent me home.

    Free Member

    Have you read everything he has been saying of late?

    It’s true I haven’t, I find this thread a bit dispiriting so only dip in occasionally.
    I was reacting to the idea that a person wasn’t fit to do their job, because they believed countries should be free to decide how many refugees they admit. Hardly extreme really. Must admit those other posts that were linked to…………Well the man either likes a drink, or deliberately over the top, knowing they’ll get a reaction 😕

    Free Member

    it’s very alarming that someone with your extreme views is employed in a role where peoples lives can depend on you.

    Wow just wow !! Talk about hysterical reaction. If you think deviants views “extreme” you need to get out more!!

    Free Member

    I think roughly 60% of the posts on this thread have been in jest. The other 40% appears to be people taking things a bit too seriously.

    I’d put those percentages the other way round. Its amazing that a cycling forum that collectively harshly criticises poor driving around cyclists, ( rightly) seems to condone awfull driving, providing the other motorist is in the “wrong” type of vehicle. 😆

    Free Member

    Last car I wrote off was offered back to me for £400. I didn’t take them up on it, the car was scrap I can’t belive it would ever be back on the road.

    Free Member

    I’d say yes, only because I think that would be the sensible thing to happen. But…………..

    Free Member

    The dicks are out on this one 🙁

    I don’t get this “digging trails”. I’ve been riding off-road for 30 years and never done or felt the need to.

    This is me 100%. Trail centres aside, or ground that you have permission to dig on. Just ride whats in front of you FFS.

    Free Member

    That’s what I thought he was asking for..

    Me to 😆

    Free Member

    Predictable answers Lol.
    Misstaxi was at her Nan’s house looking through my record collection ( I left them there as I haven’t had a record player for 30yrs)
    She wanted to listen to some of them so I got one of these

    It sounds ok and is loud enough to fill a normal room. No it’s not Hifi and will never satisfy a Hifi snob but does the job.

    Free Member

    The OP reffering to Poles as Poles is fine. This is how people actually speak. I might go into the pub and say “do you know what, a polish guy tried to sell me a tazer” are the “Poles living down the road are a good bunch of lads” just normal every day language.
    But £80 fines for possessing a stun gun/tazer ???? A quick google ony shows prison sentences or huge fines.

    Free Member

    Problem is there’s so much choice, probably to much !! What did you originally fancy ? Maybe for you that might be the best choice anyway.

    Free Member

    I’m in a similar situation to you ton, doing everything for my mum despite having a brother and sister. But don’t beat up on yourself you are being,
    The bigger/better person.

    Free Member

    You know you are defending someone who said diddums as a response dont you?

    In the context it was used it was a perfectly reasonable response. You picking up on it was just clutching at straws. IMHO.

    Free Member

    mefty, your posts have become increasingly tiresome as is your acting as an apologist for Green.

    They aren’t actually, seems you can’t take the fact that he’s largely right in this respect.

    Igm might well have been right about you but he missed out childish 

    Some one else who can’t stand the idea that mefty is on the right track, so the name calling starts 🙁

    Free Member

    99% of folk in cars are perfectly reasonable and try (as much as they can) to make sure that they don’t harm you, you get the occasional close pass, but those folks are as much dickheads to other drivers as well as us.

    Pretty much agree completely.

    News media are terrible for it. On the radio there are frequently topics of cycling and they have a steady stream of callers with anti bike rants full of the usual garbage.

    I’d put someone who botherd to phone into a radio station and rant about cyclists firmly in the above 1% :(.

    Free Member

    Obviously I’m on the road driving around all day. And yes from time to time bicycles do appear to slow “motorized” traffic up a bit. But if all those cyclists ( myself included when not working ) were driving cars, I’m sure overall journey times would increase. In Cardiff anyway cycle infrastructure mostly consists of completely ignored lines painted on the road 🙁

    Free Member

    Told my son I fought in WW2, maths wasn’t his strong point at 4. 😆

    Free Member

    Can’t go wrong with a bottle of highland park

    Mrs taxi doesn’t like whiskey but will happily have a HP, so there’s your answer.

    Free Member

    I’ll be up for this, it’ll remind me of the old days. Promise we’ll do the Secret Singletrack !!

    Free Member

    People pay them to take their rubbish away to the tip,

    They pay them to take their rubbish. If you belive it’s going to the tip well…………….

    Free Member

    how much? and how does it compare with the cost of keeping them?

    Theres loads of info out there regarding this. At worst there’re at break even. But more provably a financial asset.

    Free Member

    Go for a few pints then wave them off at 10.30. – 11 and retire to your bed

    Honestly this. Don’t be ashamed of doing non alcholic sightseeing during the day either. Nothing heroic about drinking yourself into oblivion at your age, us oldies have been and done that years ago 😆

    Free Member

    What a bunch of clowns.
    Criteria for banning someone under the pubwatch scheme.

    Reprimand, Formal Warning or Charged with offences involving: –
    a) Acts of Violence – An offence under the Offences against the Person Act 1861 and
    Common Assault (Criminal Justice Act 1988).
    b) Causing criminal damage;
    c) An offence under the Public Order Act 1986;
    d) Possession or supply of a controlled substance;
    e) Possession of an offensive weapon.

    Free Member

    Or ask for consumables.. Brake pads, Cassette, rotors, pedals?
    what’s on your list?

    This, I just buy the stuff myself, give it to the present giver to wrap up for me. Sometimes they even give me the money I’ve spent on said items…..but not always 🙁

    Apart from that alcohol and cigars always work for me 😀

    Free Member

    And yet they just had to send a courier and lie their arses off. For perfectly legal? 

    You seem to have a bee in your bonnet about all of this ? Like me you know absolutely “nothing” apart from what is already in the public domain, all you do is keep on regurgitating the boring same old same old as if its some startling revelation. Why are you so desperate to believe the whole Wiggins Sky doping conspiracy ? And even if it was all proved to be true….. So what !!

    Free Member

    Not much of a whistleblower. Blowing the whistle on perfectly legal practises and that “no rules were broken”.

    Free Member

    fitting a smart system to control the heat in our home

    We’ve got one its called me. Problem is when I’m out all the other not so smart controls keep turning it back up 🙁

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