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  • taxi25
    Free Member

    The refund is being sorted. The issue was people’s experience of having bike stolen or destroyed whilst in a shop.

    As a refund is on the way it should include the trade in value agreed plus the balance paid. I.e £500 trade in plus £3,500 balance.

    Free Member

    I’ve no idea if your correct with this bailee thing. I’ll take your word that you are. But what size bike did you request from the dealer ? Was that correctly supplied and in the appropriate condition?
    Distance selling aside are bike shops responsible for people buying bikes that the buyer then feels is the wrong size.

    Free Member

    I have written up a book proposal for a publisher for a work that explains aspects of religious faith generally, and Christianity in particular, on the basis of many of the questions and challenges that have been posed here over the years.

    Stealth ad, knew you were up to something 😉
    Best of luck with the project though.

    Free Member

    Well I read it MG but it didn’t reveal much. We all know the word of god was relayed by people. But how are we to know which people are to be believed and which are not. ( if any )
    Again I’d be interested to hear from SR (as far as his knowlege of christian thinking goes) why some prophets are accepted and others dismissed.

    Free Member

    If you could talk to a religious (specifically Christian) know-it-all, and ask anything at all about faith generally, or Christianity in particular, what sorts of things would you ask?

    I know that issues around how Christians read Scripture have come up here quite a bit, alongside the ubiquitous questions around whether or not God can be said to exist…. Those are the sorts of things – along with anything else that may be on your mind – I would be interested in knowing about.

    The more I think about it SR was looking to see what questions we had. Not that he was going to answer them. I know he could have a stab at some but others are something theologians have been discussing for centuries without reaching an absolute agreement.
    So come on OP whats the purpose of this thread ? If you don’t step up it’ll go the way of all the others that have a religious content 🙁

    Free Member

    I’m genuinely increduluos that people still believe in religions. In my youth I imagined, given the state of our current knowledge, that belief in religion would wither and die.

    Fair enough, but can’t you and others just save it for all the other threads. I suppose its naive to think this thread would be different but I did have hope even though I couldn’t manage faith 😉

    Free Member

    How can you believe such rubbish?

    Stw sinking to the lowest common denominator again 😥 plenty of scope for religious bashing on other threads. Some of us would genuinely like to hear saxonrider’s views on these questions.

    Free Member

    What is the modern Christian view on hell. Is it an actual place or somethig symbolic, perhaps just an existence removed from god ?

    Free Member

    , so not sure why he deserves a mention for doing his job, any more than I do for raising an escalation complaint with BT in my job

    Something to do with being a 4 times TDF winner. And thousands of people being interested in his progress and training.
    Let us know how the complaint escalation goes I’m getting excited to hear all about it 😆

    Free Member

     My average speed is 28mph over the last year.

    13mph for me 😳 my cycling average is above that !!

    Free Member

    Medlow says it all really.
    For me its

     Lighter is better for me as I prefer riding light bikes. I don’t race and my riding is solely for pleasure. Additional pleasure comes from riding a lighter bike.

    It is that simple.

    Free Member

    Get the school’s current offer in writing.

    Why ???? They’ve offered to pay for the damage. Either accept that or sort it out themselves. I’m not really sure what the problem is here. Can’t anybody just make a decision for themselves anymore?

    Free Member

    Yes, but in typical middle class fashion we’re umming and ahhing about taking money from a poverty stricken state school.

    If they’d offered I’d let the school pay, I’m as poverty stricken as any school 😉

    Free Member

    130 gms heavier. No big deal in isolation but a fair bit if you want a light build.

    Free Member

    It’s not disposable income, but the court does take into account assets and liabilities.

    True I’d got disposable bit wrong.
    Handy fine calculator here.

    Free Member

    Most likely 6 points and fine dependent on current outgoings/commitments

    Yes it will be this. It’s 150% of disposable weekly income capped at £2,500. But I suppose if you earn enough to pay the maximum you can afford it more than someone on minimum wage paying £100. Just don’t speed, it’s not big or clever. I found that out the hard way 🙁

    Free Member

    Mines the same, its just how they are. Pretty sure their a sealed unit so nothing much can be done with them.

    Free Member

    I wash/shower/bath if I’m dirty. That could be 2 or 3 times a day or once a week. It all depend’s what I’ve been doing. Growing up in the 60’s Sunday night was bath night, end of.

    Free Member

    Really? So, an armed intruder is threatening my children in my own home, and you think that adrenaline fuelled aggression using one of my bikes or my stamp collection is as dangerous (to everyone) as using my locked and loaded shotgun?

    Of course it’s not the same 🙄 the point I was making was that to some Americans owning guns is perfectly normal and natural. Like us owning bikes and having stamp collections. Not sure how that’s hard to understand ?

    Free Member

    “The average American gun owner owns three guns, according to a 2015 survey conducted by Harvard and Northwestern University. More than a half of them own just one or two, whereas 14% of them–7.7 million or 3% of the US population–own anywhere between eight to 140 guns. This 3% of the population owns half of the civilian guns in the US.”

    I don’t really have much of an opinion about gun ownership in America. They might share a common language with us but are a different country 4,000 miles away with a totally different culture and mind set on very many things. Not sure why we have this preoccupation with things American.
    But owning multiple guns is no different to them than a STW’er owning many different bikes. Different guns for different things, or collectors like we might collect stamps or something, just a hobby.

    Free Member

    £2.5K bronson thinking it came with the kashima 36s and enves in the picture without reading the spec…

    CRC in this case aren’t giving you a chance to read the spec. As far as I could see the build isn’t listed anywhere !!!

    Free Member

    “. I am 65 though so not too far away eh?

    Age is just a number, but ill health can strike at any age. I’ve a friend much younger than me who’s had such a battle with his health I’d buy him an ebike if it could get him back out riding with me 🙁 Mostly I ride on my own, but if I ride with others the pleasure comes from the shared experience. Tough on the climbs fun on the downs. If the able bodied rider puts any effort on their emtb on a climb, they disappear into the distance. If they just cruise along side without breaking a sweat, where’s the shared experience in that ? If I want a friendly chat I go to the pub.

    Free Member

    None of my able bodied riding buddies would ever get one. But if they developed health problems and it was their only way to get out that would be fine. If I could avoid it I wouldn’t ride with an able bodied person riding an ebike on or off road.

    Free Member

    You say “make it more hardcore”. But has your riding changed to “more hardcore” if not the bike might very well still be the best bike for you. It sounds great I’d love to have it 😀
    But wider bars and definitely a dropper might make it more fun.

    Free Member

    The gx cranks are 100 gms lighter than the nx ones. In function they probably work more or less the same.

    Free Member

    Midtown is where most visitors like to stay. But even with a £2000 budget you’ll struggle to find something there, especially the outside space bit.

    Free Member

    If you’re an aggressive up and down trail rider in an area with lots of short, techy, kicky climbs, then all other things being equal, a lighter bike just feels livelier on the ups and the transitions from flat to up in particular.

    Spot on. My local woods to a T, love it when the trails are dry attacking every sharp bank and undulation. My 22 lb xc f/s really does come alive then. I don’t care if it’s only a little bit faster, for me heavier bikes just don’t give that experience for that kind of riding 😀

    Free Member

    I wish when people say “weight doesn’t matter” they actually say “weight doesn’t matter to me”.

    Free Member

    I like light bikes because they just feel better to me. In performance terms the difference is negligible but I am riding my bike for enjoyment and a lighter bike is more enjoyable.

    This for me as well.

    Free Member

    Fake cash.

    Take cash and hand over, baseball bat round your head, bike and cash gone.

    Bike thieves don’t work like this. The assault and theft occours on dark roads or quite lanes/parks. Not at your doorstep after a complicated scam involving fake couriers and counterfeit money.
    It would have rung alarm bells with me !! But after reading the information on some of these posts I’d go along with it, providing the cash was placed in my hand.

    Free Member

    TBH the whole thing sounds like a scam. 

    It might be but how likely would that be. A quick googgle would find out if the collection company is legitimate. It might be a mix up but it’ll need to be sorted.

    Free Member

    In the end, this has happened once. All the cars in it are most likely insured and the building too. It’s not a Grenfell, stuff can be replaced.

    This 100% One burnt out car might be an inconvenience 1,400 is just a statistic.

    Free Member

    Have a huge sausage from a street vendor. They all look freshly cooked, but I save it for the last day just in case.

    Free Member

    In Summer a train sounds great, but in Winter how would you manage with all your muddy gear and bike ? Some trail centres have a bike wash but I’ve never seen locker’s to store clean gear ect. I suppose you could carry it with you in a rucksack.

    Free Member

    There’s a ton of advise out there. Children get cold quicker than adults.

    For parents and carers of children
    Young children and babies are at high risk from extreme cold and can develop hypothermia very quickly as their body size is so small. It is important to cover their head if they are out in cold weather.
    Children can become colder much quicker than adults because they have less muscle mass.
    Limit exposure to prolonged or extreme cold weather.

    Free Member

    I think slowster has it. Everyone’s going sort their own claims out. Any particular negligence will be hard to establish.

    Free Member

    go hire or buy a cheap one. why would you ride off road without one.

    Because you’ve left it at home, don’t want to go back or spend money you don’t need to and still want to ride. Loads of people never wear helmets and most don’t kill themselves.

    Free Member

    “Look we’re getting you castrated because one of your testicles is twice the size of the other and it’s not healthy. Its for your own good so stop looking at us like that.”

    Free Member

    Why take children to pubs in the first place…?

    If it’s a sunny day the beer gardens fine, pub/ restaurant for food fine, charly chalk type thing fine. In the bar of a drinking pub absolutely not fine. Thats a place for adults to get away from kids and enjoy the company of adults. As the Daily mash once said ” A pub with kids in it isn’t a pub its a hell hole “
    Another Mash article that nails it.

    Toddler strangely not into pub

    Free Member

    I’d start with B but drift to A.

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