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  • Move Over Chris Akrigg, Hello Leo Smith
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    UCI president David Lappartient said: “I have always said we would make known the general position of the UCI before the Tour and that will be the case.

    “It begins next Saturday so we shall explain our position during the coming week.”

    It’ll be interesting to hear what their “general position” actually is.

    Free Member

     If it’s one rule for froome and another for everyone else, and he is subsequently cleared, then he has every right to sue them Imo.

    Very much this. I’d bet on him riding though. I can’t see independent arbitration seeing his exclusion as anything but an injustice.

    Better he rides and is stripped of the title, than not being allowed to ride and then found innocent.

    Free Member

    You were lucky, but it shouldn’t have happened. I’d definitely take it further than jyst an insurance claim.

    Free Member

    I used to go on mtb-wales. People would post links to STW tagging them with things like “OMG look what the idiots are kicking off about over there” Lol.

    Free Member

    No, I break way before anything on my bike does !!!

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t say my bike “bails” me out as such. I ride to my skills however limited they might be. Faster on a bike suited to the terrain, slower on something not so suited.

    My riding has always been some what performances related, I hardly ever bimble. If I’m on a good bike riding easy terrain I’ll just go faster, it doesn’t always end well !!

    Free Member

    I was going to suggest Sefton’s Specialized that’s been doing the rounds in the classifieds – that’s what I’d look at if it were the right size (and you’re not buying it on the Bike to Work scheme of similar).

    This 100%. I’ve never bought a new bike at the £1000 price point, not when you can get so much more S/H. Something new at that price and I’d be wanting to change everything.

    Free Member

    Some turn up just to claim expenses then sit drinking GnTs in the Bar then catch the 1530 out of Waterloo back to some home county or other.

    This is very true. But it doesn’t really fit with Sir Christopher.

    So, however worthy the cause, he insists on proper, extensive scrutiny, and he has spent most Commons Fridays for the last 20 years doing just that.

    Free Member

    No, his motivation was based on not bothering to put a 30 second google of effort into what he was scheduled to debate and then sinking a ‘flags for orphans’ type bill on the grounds he didn’t know it was.

    How do you know all that ?

    Genuine question.

    Free Member

    Sir Christopher is a leading member of a group of backbench Conservatives who make a practice of ensuring that what they see as well-meaning but flabby legislation is not lazily plopped on to the statue book by a few MPs on a poorly attended Friday sitting.

    And after all this is a bill to create a new criminal offence, for which people can go to jail.

    So, however worthy the cause, he insists on proper, extensive scrutiny, and he has spent most Commons Fridays for the last 20 years doing just that.

    His motivation isn’t as simple as just being a Tory asshat. But carry on as you were.

    Free Member

    Thing I noticed is that both the e-bike runs were at  20mph plus average. So certainly not UK legal bikes. I’m pretty sure not many UK e-bikers ride over 15mph on the flat. E-bikes arrall about making a ride easier, wether climbing of road or making a journey without getting tired and sweaty.

    Free Member


    Amazing, even works for me.

    Free Member

    remove personal feelings from the situation, it’s a business transaction.

    I don’t agree with this, buisness like life should be conducted im an honourable fashion. I’d go with the accepted offer. But make sure the buyer knows of the interest in the property.

    Free Member

    or we don’t give a shit and just laughed at the vid

    I laughed too. Then felt like a bad person after reading the comments.

    There’s your mistake. I laughed but would never dream of reading YouTube  comments !!!!

    Free Member

    Bardet & Dumoulin pitch in. Unsurprisingly they say Froome shouldn’t ride:

    Not calling them hypocrites. But they’ve not been put in the same position. I’d bet if something similar happened to them, and they believed they’d done no wrong, they’d do the same as Froome and Sky.

    As would more or less every other professional rider.

    If Froome did withdraw it would be trebles all round in any team with GC contender.

    Free Member

    But what about the rights of the dog to roam free? Shirley you can’t deny the laws of nature?

    I’m cool with dogs roaming in a rural area. Providing they behave and don’t cause a nuisance.  But this one wasn’t behaving, a gentle stab with you foot should sort it.

    Free Member

    OK, for the pedantic, there’s been no public explanation. The point is that no one knows if he has a plausible excuse or not.

    And we don’t need to no either. Providing he can explain the adverse results to the relevant authorities we should never have known anything. The general publics involvemnt should only happen if he can’t and recieves a ban/sanction.

    Free Member

    You’re very obviously doing lots and lots of things wrongly.

    Your certainly full on geex 😨 I’d imagine most people asking for some advise, just want to ride their bike a couple of times a week and have a bit of fun. Your recomondations would suck the life out of mtbing for me 😯

    Free Member

    (hands up if you knew what ‘M.A.R.’ stood for)

    Mick Andrews replica. Not to be confused with the MRR Montesa (Malcom Rathmell replica) which I owned.

    I got it what do I win ?

    Free Member

    You don’t mention mileage? But I agree it sounds just like mine did and that was the clutch release bearing. Mine went at 110,000 but if I’d had the car from new I’d probably have got more. Everything apart from the RB looked ok but wouldn’t dream of puttin the old clutch an DM back in.

    I’d not put a solid flywheel im either. Not heard anything good about them and I’ll have finished with the car before it needs another clutch. My garage will do it for £640 6spd Mondeo. If your near Cardiff if can give you a number. Real back street boys mind.

    Free Member

    If your the original owner get in touch with wherever you bought it from.

    Free Member

    First of if the money was legally obtained it belongs to the old couple. The fact that it’s cash doesn’t alter that. Banks are used to old people coming in with carrier bags of money and will certainly let them open an account and deposit it. Yes a few money laundering questions might be asked, but so what if there’s no evidence of wrong doing all will be fine.

    Likewise if they give it to your friend. Tell him not to make up any stories, just tell the truth and it will be fine. No income tax for your friend to pay if it’s a “gift”. But it will remain as part if the old couples estate for inheritance tax purposes for seven years.

    Free Member

    I’m in the middle of selling my mothers house, she didn’t have certificates for anything. The buyer has had a survey, gas and electric check done themselves. They did throw up a few issues so we negotiated a bit of money of. Not sure if it’s the sellers responsibility to have all of these things in place.

    Free Member

    Good to see you back JHJ.

    But as ever there is no conspiracies, Melanie Shaw and Tommy Robinson were jailed for contempt of court/ wilfully breaking court orders. There comes a point when jail is the only solution for such actions if the law is to be upheld.

    Last year Robinson was given a suspended sentence for committing contempt during a rape trial in Canterbury, after he attempted to film the defendants. He had been told that he would go to prison if he broke the law again.

    Melanie Shaw is a bit different, but if you continually make accusations that can’t be backed up. Accusations that can cause great harm, and keep on doing it after a court tells you to stop you will go to prison.  The courts realise that some people will go to prison in the hope that the publicity will help their cause. It’s because of this that the courts impose injunctions ect.

    Free Member

    Love the build one yourself comments. Perhaps the OP is like me totally useless at DIY projects LOL.

    Free Member

    Go in for sure, if the bike was all in one piece and no one could give me a proper time frame or price I’d take it home with me. Nothing you describe as needing doing sounds “to” urgent. Perhaps a new BB, shocks don’t really need servicing every year and the pivot bearings either have play or they don’t.

    Get riding and perhaps find another LBS. Better still learn how to do as many jobs as you can yourself.

    Free Member

    It sounds a bit more than finding a different saddle…?

    I’d agree TJ touched on a few things, but I’d be thinking medical rather than just bike fit.

    Free Member

    Brains beer, specifically SA, is what non-Welsh people think that Welsh people like

    The beer snobbery is strong on this one lol. Brains beers are hugely popular around the Cardiff area. A well kept SA or  bitter are very much my drink of choice. Some of the “home brews” mentioned are OK, but loads prefer a more finished taste.

    Free Member

    He has failed a test and his excuse is sheer nonsense.

    Why are you still on this thread TJ ? You’ve voiced your obnoxious opinion over and over, why do you feel the need to keep repeating yourself ?

    Free Member

    Hard to watch Pinot at the moment ☹☹ God this is a tough sport !@@

    Free Member

    Not really. It’s akin to an employee being suspended pending the outcome of an investigation.

    But if you were suspended from work, couldn’t complete a major project, lost any chance of bonuses and it had a huge effect on your future career. Then the investigation showed you’d done nothing wrong, would that be right ??

    Free Member

    Ok we get it tj. You believe anyone who produces an AAR should be immediately suspended and branded a doper. Fair enough thats your take on it, i reckon it’s a rubbish view but your entitled to it. But cycling doesn’t share your view and that’s all that matters. Why can’t you just have your say and leave it at that ??

    Free Member

    Then you’re having a diuretic that’ll dehydrate you more, of course you feel rough!

    Not strictly true. Unless your drinking an extremely strong beer, there’s enough water in your pint to counteract the diuretic effects of the alchol. Normal beers will rehydrate you just a bit slower. Hence the need for more than just the one LOL.

    Free Member

      We figure you may as well drink 4/5 pints rather than just have 1.

    Exactly my coping strategy after a hot ride. Can’t imagine feeling I’ll after a nice cooling pint. It must be horrible !!@

    Free Member

    so I take better care when purchasing a future bike.

    Hiw will you take better care ? Good luck buying a bike that no one has ever broken !!

    Free Member

    So you will all be voiding your warranties then, when riding at BPW I assume?

    Well Cotic honoured their warranty. They even gave you your money back when they didn’t have to. Some manufacturers might do the same but I’m sure some wouldn’t.  Time to leave it now OP, the thread will die of natural causes if you stop stoking it.

    Free Member

    Perforated eardrum would be my guess. I’ve had one and it fits your symptoms.  Go see a Dr.

    Free Member

    Pretty sure my next bike will be a Cotic because of this thread.


    I’m certainly not a Cotic fanboy. But as illustrated on this thread they do stand by their products, and I’d say go beyond what they have to customer service wise.

    And yes OP you were telling half truths. There was a definite implication on your posts that the second frame at least broke as a result of just riding a red trail.

    As soon as 50/01 came up it was obvious to everyone how the frame became damaged.

    Free Member

    Is not racism just the most extreme form of open tribalism. It seems to me that some of the most racist people I have socialised with are/have been the rank and file military, ie. those who may be called on to sacrifice themselves for the “tribe” they claim to defend.

    Something I’ve noticed as well. Racism might well have many of it’s roots, from a time when people had good reason to be wary of and have a need to defend themselves from those different from themselves.

    Free Member

    Shirly just a case of people thinking they know what is best for other people and needing to shut the hell up…

    If everyone followed this excellent advise this forum would close overnight !!

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