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  • Singletrack Goes ASMR & Keeper Of The Peak heads to his Island
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    It’s up to people who run the club to set the rules they want.

    This is true, but it doesn’t mean all their rules are right.

    P.s I’ve ridden on many club rides but never felt the need to actually join one. To many rules 😉

    Free Member

    Did you find any convictions based on a breath test that was under the legal limit as you suggested ?

    Not taking sides in your argument but……….

    One of the regulars in my local fell foul of just that. He was ( he’s dead now) a lorry driver, and partial to a drink. One day he was involved in an accident, it wasn’t his fault and nobody was hurt but he was breathalised. His reading was under the limit but showed alchol. His tachograph showed when he started driving and it was calculated that he would have been over the limit when he started driving. Big court case but he was convicted and banned. Appealed ect, ect but the conviction was upheld.

    Free Member

    Glad you had a good ride with your new club SR 👍.

    Group riding is far riskier than solo riding due to close quarters and you don’t think clubs should insist on helmets.

    Wearing a helmet should always be a matter of personal choice. I choose to wear one for 99% of rides. But it’s not for a club or anyone else to make that decision for me.

    Love to see a mooman-trailrat shootout, bring it on 😉

    Free Member

    You could get a new soft top fitted for under £1000. Not genuine but who’d go there on a 14yr old car.

    Free Member

    the type of person who would go IAM training is more likely to be the type of person who has fewer accidents than average anyway.

    100%. Statistics can be usefull but the rarely include every variable.

    Free Member

     60 people a year killed like this by drink drivers below the limit.

    The thing with statistics like this how do you know the drink was responsible for the accident ? Even if the driver was deemed responsible how is it possible to say the small amount of alchol involved was the deciding  factor.

    I’m very much against people driving “drunk” but I do think a person can get home safely  after drinking 2-3 units. I’d leave the DD limits where they are.

    Free Member

    Got a text from the buyer. He’s happy so all good.

    Just been picked bike up and mechanic apologised said salesman was wrong bike is really good and no problems at all so my lad over the moon , sorry to have Moaned yesterday he just worried me, thanks for all your help very much appreciated Colin , Brian.

    Free Member

    Tell the buyer that you are confident it was working properly and they should just ask the LBS to assemble the bike as asked … then come back to you if they have any issues when riding it.

    This is exactly my position 👍

    Free Member

    You can see where the rollers wearing the backside of the tooth and digging jn

    Not sure I can, but thanks for your input. I posted the pic to get a broad view of opinion. I’ll take them all on board if the buyer wants to take things further.

    Except moomans 😉

    Free Member

    If you work on the assumption that the bike is used regularly and serviced every year then would leaving a worn chain on “because it works” last another twelve months without issue.?

    So if a bike comes into your shop and you estimate that the drive chain won’t work flawlessly for 12 months you’d reccomend changing it ?

    Not having a go just interested in the thinking behind this and how Lbs’s work these days.

    Free Member

    Very good Drac

    I’d imagine Drac has seen more of the consequences of DD than all of us put together 🙁🙁

    Free Member

    You must be a really shit driver Rich if alcohol improves it.

    I think the point being if a person has had one or two drinks they’re aware of this so concentrate more.

    Whether this makes them safer I have no idea. I generally don’t drink and drive at all, on the rare occasions I do its one drink only.

    Free Member

    Bike shop probably stuck a chain checker in and it showed as worn.

    Nope the bike was dropped of partly dismantled. The mechanic will be assembling it tomorrow. Front of shop guy booked it in and started sucking his teeth.

    I see two cogs on the rear cassette showing signs of hooking so it’s seen a  few miles in its time.

    Which ones, its a slx cassette some teeth have that profile

    Free Member

    Most likely only needs a chain and cassette.

    But based on what ? The buyer hasn’t ridden the bike nor has anyone at the lbs. Someone has just looked down at the cassette and says it needs changing, in use the drive train works just fine. I know cassettes can be hard to judge visualy but I can’t see any obvious wear.

    Free Member

     just change the lot regardless, that way there is no way anything will skip.

    If a customer came in and the bike had a problem I’d agree, its what I do. But if there was no problem and a customer had just said “check it over” at what point would you recommend changing working parts ?

    Mooman, with that sorry excuse of a mntbike you have I’d not be casting the first stone 😉

    Free Member

    Unless you sold it as new I’m not sure what the buyer expects from you.

    The bike was very much sold as used.Some parts were new and those were listed. The bike was described as in good working condition which it is.

    The buyer seems a straight guy, but I’d imagine his concern is that the LBS has said these parts are worn out making the bike unusable untill replaced.

    Anyway that opinion was voiced by the guy front of shop, the mechanic is looking at it tomorrow.

    Free Member

    I’ve never tried to straighten an alloy hanger. The ones I’ve damaged have just snapped (3 in 30yrs). What are you doing to repeatedly bend one ??

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t expect anything back. Couldn’t care less if I might be entitled to something I just wouldn’t go for it. Sort out child support and move on.

    Free Member

    I get bearings from kinetics. They come in a set all the ones you need and are decent quality.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t bet on it not coming of. The last time I lost a big toe nail it did all that but still fell of 4 months later !!

    Free Member

     “It’s really quite sad – two tweets cost her her house, job, and now her credit rating. I’m supposed to be jubilant and celebratory but I feel quite mixed up. Having been close to the edge of bankruptcy myself, it’s a hideous situation to be in, but it was completely avoidable… I thought she’d just say sorry.”

    A very generous Monroe. Her’s is the example I’ll try and follow. Lets hope Hopkins sorts her finances out, especially for her three children and this whole buisness teaches her a lesson, and makes her a nicer more humble person…..not holding my breath though.

    Free Member

    My regular barber charges £8.80 so he gets a tenner. Tip or don’t tip thats your choice, but when people like some posters try to justify why they don’t tip………..well there’s only one reason why you don’t, it’s because your cheap. 🙁

    Free Member

    Much rests on individuals of exceptional talent.

    This to a certain extent. I remember Ovett, Coe, Cram and Elliot dominating middle distance running. Maybe the next generation won’t be quite as good. But if you have a well funded and developed programe ( as we do) to constantly bring on new talent you will get results. Back before lottery funding and Brailsford none of this was happening.

    Yes and if you think the Brits are doping, if they are (I don’t think it’s endemic) and no body else is, get a reality check.

    Free Member

    Scotroutes perhaps you could explain how to “…work out how much clamping force is adequate…”. I suspect it is a matter of experience.

    Your right it is a matter of experience. But mostly it’s common sense and a bit of mechanical sympathy. Only clamp a carbon tube lightly. Find the balance point and only apply enough pressure to hold everything in place.

    Personally for things like undoing a stubborn bottom braket the bike comes of the stand ond onto the floor.

    Free Member

     is it just me that thinks it’s odd both Yates have made the squad for the world championship but not Froome or Thomas because they’ve worked too hard this season

    Not odd at all. The article says the decision was mutual. If Froome or Thomas had said we’re fit and up for it, they would have definitely been in the team. As it is neither of them seem fit or fancy it which is a bit of a shame 😕

    Free Member

    I don’t think we neec to talk about Valverde, certainly if it’s all just idle speculation not backed up with any actual evidence of “current” wrongdoing. He’s animating the race and providing much of the entertainment. Just sit back and enjoy, bring out the pitchforks if he actually fails a test or some other credible evidence emrges.

    Free Member

    Sure, i just struggle with where some of the gearing quoted is of actual use.

    For you some of the gearing is probably of no use, for me (32×11-46, 29er). The lowest gear gets me up steep hills with tired legs, the tallest keeps me working on long descents and road sections. My legs just don’t spin up like some people. And on most rides I’ll use the entire cassette top to bottom.

    Free Member

     its just the condescending sweeping tone of “some stw posters”  that grinds my gears.

    Every time alcohol is mentioned on here.

    Free Member

    . Hit 90 degree straight on, with some speed, pedals flat, ass off the saddle and relax and it shouldn’t be an issue.

    If only the dammed roots would cooperate and line up at 90 degree angles to the trail. The ones that get me are all over the place !!!

    Free Member

    Tried a rear set. Had to put both spacers on the disc side so I needed to space out the disc more with washers and redish the wheel. It worked ok with that, but a boost rearbhub went to the top of my shopping list.

    Free Member

    I’m on my fourth set of wheels on my rim braked road bike

    Is that on a bike you ride all year round on dirty steep lanes. I’ve done 8,000 miles (not much compared to some I know) on my summer road bike ans I’m still on the original brake pads.

    I don’t think anyone doubts disc brakes aren’t the best all year round solution. Only whether for many on a summer use only bike their the best option.

    Free Member

    Yikes English law is different to Scottish! They let citizens arrest on suspicion?

    Stay North, stay safe 😁😁

    Free Member

    “The security guard can make a citizens arrest if he/she have reasonable grounds to believe you’ve commited a crime.”


    Which doesn’t sit with this quote from a link on the first page.

    Under s 24A of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, a security guard can make a citizen’s arrest for most indictable offences (including either way offences) if:

    someone is in the act of committing an offence, or who the security guard has reasonable grounds for suspecting them to be in the act of committing an offence; oran offence has been committed and the person the security guard wants to arrest is guilty of that offence or who they have reasonable grounds for suspecting they are guilty of it.

    And after making a citizens arrest a security guard can detain you untill the police arrive. It’s all in the link on page one. I wasn’t aware of these rules, that’s why I took the time to read the link.

    Free Member

    If I was physically detained in any way I’d call the police myself and then use a no-win-no-fee solicitor to claim compensation from the store.


    You know if you did that the police would bollock “you” for wasting their time.

    And it wouldn’t be a false citizens arrest because by not letting them look in your bag and matching the contents to a receipt you’ve given them reasonable grounds.

    Free Member

    Can’t you hire half decent mtbs from the glyncorrwg bike shop?

    This would be my plan 👍

    Free Member

    If the alarm had gone off when I left  my immediate reaction would have been to stop and go back into the shop – but why? I know that I don’t steal and had no high value items with protection on them so what rights would security have had to stop me and search me?

    So to answer your question, based on the links above. The security guard can make a citizens arrest if he/she have reasonable grounds to believe you’ve commited a crime. The alarms going of would create part of that. They don’t have the right to search you, but not allowing him to look in your bag creates even more grounds for suspicion. At that point their perfectly within their rights to detain you untill the police can arrive.

    Free Member

     You might be judgemental and hand out a lecture while you did it,

    If I was lying there he could keep on going. Nothing would be worth that. I’d take my chances on the next passer by 😉

    Free Member

    or came across as a bit of a dick

    Just this really. Your probably an OK guy, it’s just the inappropriate water request and then moaning about the refusal online.

    But at the end of the day like me you had a good ride, that’s what counts, all this is just a bit of banter that if your honest you probably deserve 😉

    Free Member

    Solo Gap ride Saturday. Picture of an abundant water supply in case I needed some 😉

    Free Member

    2. You are either a dick or came across as a bit of a dick (we still help people out when they are dicks, but generally only if they actually need help)

    I’m going with this and the OP’s posting confirms it.

    I must have been 40mins or more ahead of you. The MR rescue were just setting up when I passed and I met the runners coming up the North side. At no point did it occour to me to ask for something I didn’t need.

    I’d guess the MR team at the water station had no real idea how many runners were still to come through or how much water they’d need. I’ve done sportive’s, MTB marathons were the feed stations have run out by the time the back markers have arrived.

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