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  • taxi25
    Free Member

    The only real answer is when it stops hurting enough to ride. As from the examples above this will vary from person to person.

    Free Member

    – are you embarrassed by British atrocities.- or are you going to keep up with the apologism?

    You could go on for ever trawling history for atrocity.  The Mau Mau were far from clean themselves, nobody ever is in a conflict.

    But it’s just not credible to compare British actions with those of the Nazis. Dead is dead I know, being killed by the “right side” is no comfort. But the scale and most importantly the intent of the Nazis puts them on a completely different scale.

    Free Member

    And no one is disputing that, they are simply saying that we were little better than the opposition.

    I find it hard to believe anyone who’s made even the most passing research about the Nazis could come to such a conclusion. Were weren’t little better than them, we were vastly better than them.

    Free Member

    but that doesn’t make everything the allies did above criticism.

    Obviously not, but there’s definitely a sniff of we were as bad as them from some posters. If you look at the actions of individuals or specific policies in isolation you’ll find plenty wrong with every side in every war.

    But from time to time war is the only way to defend yourself from an aggressor. WW2 was definitely one of those times. And terribly it was a war we just couldn’t loose whatever the cost.

    Free Member

    No one has yet explained, even with the benefit of hindsight, what other options we really had apart from total war?

    I’m waiting for someone to answer this. Because in WW2 we really were the good guys, certainly  in our intent. The Nazi’s were an atrocity, I genuinely think if they’d prevailed the nightmare would still be happening.

    Free Member

    I hoped he would weld it himself

    He can’t because…

    He has no time and complains that he is too busy too ride!


    Get it repaired by someone else?

    And move on, 8yrs isn’t bad for ti frame. A bit dissapointing maybe, but far from unusual.

    Free Member

    Mountain biker realises that fat. soft, knobbly tyres roll slowly on tarmac – shock!

    Not just tarmac but any surface that isn’t pointing down. Personal preference I know, but 80%+ of my riding time isn’t gravity assisted. I happily swap a bit of grip for a bike that doesn’t suck the life out of all the not down bits.

    Free Member

    I’d be suprised if a non mtb’ing spouse would understand the concept of “throttling off” as a compromise. Your either riding and perhaps falling off or your not riding. I’d doubt “honestly I won’t do any big jumps or drop offs” is going to resolve the situation.

    Free Member

    If anyone says “change or the relationship is over” then the relationship is over.

    Not always, often above all women want/need is security for their children. If they don’t get it in one relationship they’ll look for it elsewhere. Love and all that can take a second seat.

    I had a serious injury racing MX when my children were small. I decided to knock it on the head myself, but I knew Mrs taxi at that time was really struggling to cope with my riding. Better to make the decision myself than have her force the issue ( if she had that that would have been the right thing to do really ).  But here I am now, with grown up kids and I can do what I like again, including racing MX.

    Free Member

     does your approach include not letting your children experience new things so you can work less

    Each to their own obviously. But this to a certain extent is a valid approach. Given the choice of working longer hours to provide all those extra curricula activities, or actually having some time to spend with my kids I’d choose the later. A walk in the country is largely free and something I’d  enjoy aswell.

    Free Member

    Fit something narrower ? There should be more choice, x/c racing semi slick sort of thing.

    Free Member

    Link account/payment to her, link her to owner of car.

    All that proves is she bought a ticket and she ownes that car. Not that the ticket was bought for that car. It would be good enough for me, but these people don’t care, they just want your money.

    Didn’t someone on here get a ticket because they put one number of the reg in wrong ?

    Free Member

    She should appeal it. If the proof of payment has date, time etc.

    Smart sytem or not how do you prove the ticket relates to a particular car ?

    I would argue they have a flawed system which allowed the printing of an ineligible / non valid parking ticket.

    This, all the machines around by me won’t print out untill you’ve put your reg in. I’d be arguing this point if you chose to appeal.

    Free Member

    Maybe just me, but if I fit new rotors with used pads ( not applicable to you I know) I sometimes end up with brake judder, especially on the front. I’d definitely fit the new discs, keep the old ones as spares in case of damage.

    Free Member

    I’d probably only drink some of a half litre bottle in the weather, so yes get yourself checked.

    Caffeine is a diuretic and stimulates urination, and you can actually get dehydrated by drinking too much tea or coffee

    I don’t think you can, well not drinking normal strength tea anyway. Do your own research but everything comes up with a similar conclusion.

    Free Member

    Nowadays I cannot find a real loaf anywhere near to where I live.  Not  a real british loaf, Italian loaf or french loaf

    Thats a tough one. Luckily there’s some good independent Artisan bakeries near me, but if I fancy a traditional “British” loaf I make my own.

    Free Member

    Enjoying the local bread on your travels, is well one of the joys of travel. How about if we bemoan the lack of proper British bread in France ??

    Free Member

    <i>Specifically, the right-side top cap on some forks may not be adequately torqued which in some cases may lead to the top cap working itself free through riding. </i>

    If that’s all the problem is, all a recall would involve is to ask people to check the top cap is tight or to drop it into a service centre to check it for you. I’d just check it myself if thats all it was. Has anyone had any further info ?

    Free Member

    Here lies the problem of playing the man not the ball. On a forum where most people are strangers it’s impossible to properly know people or their backgrounds.

    Free Member

    The best use for these on club rides is for those who are older/slower/unfit to keep up with those who aren’t.

    Good luck with that, many clubs are pretty conservative. But I’m not sure it would help much, you could use one to keep up on the hills but once your over 15mph, as you’d be a lot of the time the assist shuts of.

    Free Member

     If you don’t like it vote differently next time.

    Who do we vote for to get old fools who cause minor damage, pay for the damage and apologise prosecuted ?

    Free Member

    I go 28-25 but I have no idea if those are the actual pressures, just what it says on my track pump. Experiment a bit and find out what works.

    Free Member

    She probably views it as a well paid diet. I like her aswell ( hopefully nor in a white bikini ) pity I got bored with the show five or six seasons ago 🙁

    Free Member

    Stinks of greedy lawyers trying to make a quick buck now that the ppi well is running dry.

    Definitely this, but it is no win no fee so if you qualify to join the action go ahead. I would.

    Free Member

    I always remember a tearfull Miss Taxi telling me she wasn’t allowed to eat a chocolate bar her Nan had given her. I said unfortunately it was true and she’d best give it to me. I’m still reminded of this today 😁

    Free Member

    You can go lighter and still have strength. The last really light alloy rims I had weren’t up to the job, for me anyway. The carbon one’s I have now are the same weight but much stronger. Light, strong but unfortunately not cheap 🙁

    Free Member

     The high T class would effectively replace our current “male” category. There could be additional lower T categories which would group athletes with similar T levels, regardless of the birth or assumed gender of the athlete.

    But as already said T levels are a poor definition of male or female. The high T level class would be dominated by men, the low T level classes would be dominated by men with low T levels. Its everything about being a man that imparts performance advantage, T levels are just a part of it.

    Free Member

    The last cartridge I bought was one of these.

    Does the job, but don’t ask me to describe the sound I wouldn’t have a clue. It would be like saying 27.5 wheels make the trails come alive Lol.

    But if you’ve got a good ear take up the hifi shops offer and listen to a couple of different ones. Bear in mind things will sound different in the shops listening room to your own home.

    Free Member

    There might not be an availability of parts 🙁

    You could ask a question directly from this link.

    Free Member

    Its horribly difficult to know what’s right in these situations. My feeling is that the mens class should be the default open class. The women’s group should only include women who can be deemed “medically” women, no advantage should be gained as a result of being transgender. Deciding the criteria for who qualifies as a woman is the problem. Political niceties shouldn’t come into it, it should purely be a medical, performance decision.

    Free Member

    On the 4th fracture mine wouldn’t heal. (Piece at the end in picture). There’s just not enough blood supply in the bone anymore. Its been over 2 yrs now and it’s ok. Doesn’t really give me ant pain unless I fall on it then it’s sore for a few weeks. I can still Mtb and ride MX but my shoulder isn’t  as good as it used to. But it’s managable, the consultation said I’m less likely to break it again as there’s float in it now. Not sure if thats good or bad Lol.

    Free Member

    Toni is probably THE most skillful trials rider ever, however I’d love to see how he’d do in a couple of ‘proper’ trials, The SSDT & The Scott!

    He’d win either one or both no problem.

    Like the one I had, a 247 UKR?

    Me to. I was rubbish on mine 😳😳

    Free Member

    Watched episode 2 last night, genuinely moved by some people’s plights. Like him I won’t take a side, but why the f%$# can’t we be nicer to each other ???

    Free Member

    Massive over reaction.

    Explain to him that it’s perfectly Ok not to believe in God and not to pray if he doesn’t want to but that perhaps it’s the right thing to do to bow his head and remain quiet as a gesture of respect towards those people who do want to do it.

    Just print this out and read it from time to time. That and grow up a bit your sounding like a toddler having a tantrum.

    P.s life long atheist, son of a father who was an atheist and his father before him. But was brought up to have a bit of respect for other people’s beliefs especially when it cost me nothing to do so.

    Free Member

    I saw him at the now defunct hop farm festival a few years ago. And yes he’s OK, he wrote a bunch of really good “pop” songs which he still performs well.

    Remember, just because you don’t like something, it doesn’t make it shite 😎

    Free Member

    No, you’re right. It’s quite easy for someone to ring up £50 on a till for removing a tyre, then run the credit card through

    Just a thought, £5 seems about right for the job as described. Easy to accidently type in £50 on the machine. I’m pretty generous in giving the benefit of the doubt in these things as long as it gets sorted.

    Free Member

    A few years ago my LBS lost all of my custom because I’d asked my wife to drop a wheel in them to have a DH tyre removed (I couldn’t do it at home as I’d snapped a couple of tyre levers, and needed it for t he weekend).

    They charged her £50 for the privilege of removing a single tyre.

    I’d love to hear the LBS side of this. You broke levers, they wouldn’t have magic ones !!! But I wouldn’t admit it took me 1 1/2 hours to remove a tyre let alone charge for it Lol. It would have been “no probs 5 minute job”. But made a mental note to lock the door if I ever saw your missus walking towards the shop again.

    Free Member

    Of course he is. The more outrage, the bigger the twitter storm, it’s  how he measures success. There’s even a thread about him on STW 😂

    Free Member

    Arrives in the workshop, Day 1. Oh, not working on that, it’s not got XTR. Slagged off every bike brought to him. Refused to work on anything worth less than £2000 (this was back in the mid/late 90’s so £2000 was serious, top-end bike money then!).

    So day 1 was his last day. Would have been in any shop I ran.

    But being firm, assessing bikes fully before taking them and saying no can help.

    This every time, learn to say no !!

    Free Member

    Good post OP. Many years ago I woeked in a LBS so the working on old bikes rings many a bell. Thinking about it back then we didn’t work on any nice bikes. But in this day and age.

    The service instruction was “make roadworthy, max budget £50”.

    Has got to be “sorry” how can you guarantee to get a pile of rubbish running for £50. It’s just a rod for your own back !!

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