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  • taxi25
    Free Member

    The Strava aspect is not slightly concerning to me. In fact, it would not upset me at all if ebike ‘pollution’ of Strava leaderboards

    Fair enough your not interested in strava leaderboards. But why would you be happy in pissing on other people’s chips ??? Loads of people enjoy the leaderboards and work hard to move up them. Thats their fun, it doesn’t harm you in any way.  E-bikes have their own, leaderboards, if you can’t log an E-bike ride as such your more than a bit of a tool.

    Yes I do, ( flag every E-bike ride that comes up on the regular boards on my local trails)

    Free Member

    Sort of a delayed resignation speech. Getting the deal before parliment will see (in her eyes) as job done. Whatever happens then is out of her hands. If its rejected, I’m not sure how she could continue.

    Free Member

    The quality of a democratic result is only as good as the understanding of the electorate.  Or, as Churchill put it, the best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter.

    Which might be true, but the option is to remove universal suffrage. And who decides who’s clever enough to vote ?

    Free Member

    I think the original statement reflected trying to deliver on the democratic right of the electorate rather than the democratic powers of the elected .. however shite that may be

    I was going to post something similar, but that sums it up.

    Free Member

    Loathsome is not resigning so i guess she wants out

    I don’t think so, she just wants to implement the result of the referendum because she believes that to be the right thing to do. You know democracy, it might not be fashionable but some people believe in it.

    Free Member

    To try and give you a sensible answer try here

    But the most sensible answer is if there’s the slightest doubt don’t drive 👍

    Free Member

    Plenty of examples of unsolved murders of UK nationals abroad if you google it.

    Yes, but how many unsolved stranger abductions of small children. Some types of cases are always going to be more high profile than others.

    Free Member

    At least the whole country can unite in hating her.

    I don’t, not over this anyway. As a remainer who feels the referendum should be honoured she’s in a terrible position. With the details revealed so far I’m not sure what more she could do. Nothing will please remainers and as said there’s 17 million different brexit opinions. My self despite believeing the referendum should be respected, a second referendum on the deal, when we have the full details might be a way out of this mess.

    Free Member

     at the expense of a whole bunch of other equally worthy cases.

    Which are ? Thankfully these kind of cases are very rare.

    Free Member

    without a shadow of a doubt another missing person case could use that money more effectively,

    I’m not sure on that. There’s not many children of her age go missing, presumed abducted to meet an as yet unknown fate. But if there’s no new lines of inquiry I’m not sure how any amount of money would help. 🙁

    Free Member

     I just doubt she’ll be quite so quick to share again in class.

    I know it’s a real pity. A friends son had a similar thing, sadly the lesson he learnt was “never stick your hand up” 🙁

    Free Member

    I’m normally in the shrug your shoulders, life lesson learned, get on with things camp. But the OP’s daughter came up with a cracking fact, one that had missed me by as well. It’s a shame her teacher couldn’t give her credit for it. But for most the Japanese involvement in WW1 would be a bit of a mystery.

    I wouldn’t make a big fuss, but if you had an email address a friendly message and a joke pointing out the error would be fine.

    A good teacher on reflection might already have done a bit of research on their own by now.

    Free Member

    At the end of the day  for whatever reason SR slid headfirst into a wall. Once you’ve arrived at that point, as far as I’m concerned only an idiot would say a helmet doesn’t afford at least some protection. That doesn’t mean you should wear one, that always has to be personal choice.

    I for one am glad SR was wearing one, considering the helmet damage and his injuries which were sustained by forces originating from a blow to his head, it’s very likely that his consultant is correct.

    Chin up SR you’ve been given another bite of the cherry, I know you’ll make the most of it.

    Free Member

    A bit of gaffer tape and a polish and that helmet will be as good as new 😎

    Free Member

    Youve completely missed the point of the “don’t move out” advice.

    You’ve completely missed the point of what’s best for the children advice. But i’ve voiced my experience, everyone’s got their own.

    Free Member

    A friend of mine created this with a Garden rake at Barry.

    Free Member

    Queen Victoria’s grandchildren had a family spat. Result: twenty million dead.

    Wind it in Woppit, war had been brewing for years. Some conflict was inevitable. Have a read.

    Free Member

    Can’t really agree with the “don’t move out” advise. My experience’s are if someone doesn’t you’ll drive each other mad. If both partners try to stick it out it’s the kids that will suffer. It was a massive relief for me and my brother and sister when my father left. He wasn’t a monster or anything but the arguments and tension in the house was awful.

    I suppose the person who stays is the one most geared up and suitable to provide everyday child care. More often than not (exceptions obviously) it’s the woman.

    Best if luck OP, things will get better.

    Free Member

    Nobody cares about recreational drugs in sport. In competition obviously you cant be high but out of competition nobody gives a bollocks.

    This seems to be true.

    Similar to states like Colorado and California, WADA has been loosening its cannabis restrictions in recent years. In 2013, the committee upped the allowable limit of marijuana to 150 nanograms of THC per milliliter of blood. This translates to “smoke all you want, just not during competition.”

    If anybody smokes enough to get an in completion ping, then there just plain stupid !!

    Free Member

    can I identify as post-retirement age and start collecting pension?

    I’m in, 8yrs older please 👍 And thats being conservative, most days it’s more like 20yrs !!

    Free Member

    As it is, 2 or 3 minutes over 1 hr 20 doesn’t seem a lot.

    I’m 45 sec or so slower For same power up a 5% 1.3 mile hill

    Faster, slower it doesn’t really matter if your out for a ride on your own, what does it matter ? If Strava’s your bag you’ll only be trying on the fast bike anyway. But riding wirh others 2-3 mins per hour or 45 secs on a climb is a lot of energy you need to find to keep up. If I’ve got a choice I normally pick the fastest bike for a particular job, for me antway thats where the fun is.

    Free Member

    It won’t work with your current short cage mech – you’d need the longer mech.

    Shimano do say that, but real world experiences say different. Have a google OP, certainly a 32t should be fine with a B screw adjustment.

    Free Member

    Both would be fine 👍I think you can go to 34 with that mech.

    Free Member

    I suppose they don’t look any more divvy than a normal pair of clear shades.

    Oh but they do, they do. 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve had this, I put it down to the tube sticking slightly to the inside of the tube and a small puncture self sealing. Break the seal by changing the tyre and the puncture comes into play.

    Free Member

    What it indicates is that this isn’t just a joke made in bad taste that was shared amongst friends. Like some of you are saying. There is more to the story that we appear not to be privvy to.

    This is a huge assumptions !!! What info do you have to support it ? The fact that it was reported  by someone who’s black ????

    Free Member

    In which case prosecute the BBC who bought this to a massive audience.

    Errrrrr! Ok.

    Makes as much sense as the current farce.

    Free Member

    What are you currently paying Op ?  I’ve got a friend who might have a lovely flat coming up in Llandaff North. Message me if you don’t want to say it publicly. His current tenant is in Hospital and it’s not looking that good 🙁

    Free Member

    In the same way these new laws are intended to apply off-road, even in trail centres. So if you hit the dog walker heading up Launchpad…

    For what it’s worth I ticked the box that stated I believed the new laws should apply to roads, not all public places. I used Mnt bike centres as an example of why in the comments box.

    Free Member

    I filled it in. Personally I don’t have a problem with a change in the law. I understand  how the laws we have work, but making things clearer should help.

    I don’t get some of the comments on here however.

    From now on pedestrians will be able to step out in front of you with no regard for their own safety and you will end up in court.

    I’m not sure were you think presumed liability will come into it. Have I missed something ?

    The proposed laws will have the same burden of proof as applies to motorists. Ride your bike in a careful sensible manner, free from drink or drugs and you won’t have a problem with our current or proposed laws.

    Free Member

    If you take out other vehicles riding on the road should be as safe an activity as you choose to make it. Even with traffic it’s still safer than most other active sports/pastimes.

    Basically I’m saying take it easy on road descents.  Especially steep country lanes and especially when it’s wet.  Do that and you’ll remove almost all the risk.

    MG hits the nail on the head. Learn from this (some lessons are hard) and there’s no real reason not to carry on cycling, providing of course you still want to. I’ll look forward to getting out with you again. You can have the pleasure of kicking my arse up the hills. I’ll take beating you down, because I’m an idiot and haven’t learnt my lesson, unlike hopefully you have 😉

    Free Member

    You have to be pretty naive to believe he was clean.

    No, just taking on board available evidence. None of which goes anywhere close to proving Wiggins illegally took PED’s.

    Of course feel free to post up your new evidence, or just recycle the same old same old.

    Free Member

    Most clubs are along the lines of “does anyone want my job?”  “No? Then I guess I’ll stay on until someone puts their hand up. ”  It may be that or fold.

    Every club I’ve been a member of has been this. If the Op’s club is affiliated to BC there has to be an AGM. If they don’t a complaint to BC could see their affiliation cancelled.

    But as ever be careful what you wish for. If your not prepared to do the work yourself it’s better to just leave.

    Free Member

    Agreed absence for an appointment not a job interview.

    But if you’ve got the afternoon off, you’ve had your appointment,( providing it wasn’t agreed that you went back to work), what you do with the rest of the time is your buisness. How about if you stopped of in a cafe for a cup of tea ? Did a bit if shopping, watched homes under the hammer.

    Free Member

    Northwind has it. I always ride light tyres and they all look like this after a couple of months 😎

    Free Member

    This whole thread OP FFS !!! If your going to have a moan tell the whole story or just STFU.

    Free Member

    Op. When you bought the frame what was your understanding of the warranty ? Genuinely interested as there doesn’t seem to be any info regarding it.

    Free Member

    If that’s the case he should state it on his warranty terms

    Does he actually offer a specific warranty. I’ve not been able to find any info. In the OP’s words.

    . He answers that he can’t do anything about it, there is no warranty

    Maybe its all on a case by case basis, maybe he’ll help maybe he won’t. Not saying thats good but he doesn’t seem short of buisness.

    Free Member

    You never do anything in halfs do you SR !!! Just get well soon 👍👍

    Free Member

    I’m no Jones expert but I understand he’s a low volume, if not quite a one man band only has a few employees. So he makes 200 frames a year. As time goes by there’s now 2,000 of his frames out there. Some will break, some will be damaged, at what point does he stop making new frames because all his time is taken up with repairing all the frames already in existence ? Maybe 8yrs is the cut of point where he feels your on your own, purely as a practical reality.

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