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  • Mental Mondays #14 – Let there be love
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    We get more hacked off with waiting ages for staff to take an order, even for a pre-dinner drink, fairly likely to walk out if the service is that bad to start with.

    ^^ If it’s just Mrs Taxi and myself I’ll walk out if there’s no drink within about 5mins or so. If they can’t do that what else can’t they do.

    Free Member

    Hardly ever send stuff back, normally I’m eating with other people and I much prefer to eat together. Provided it’s edible i just get on with it. But I do remember and bare it in mind if I’m booking somewhere next time. Last thing I sent back was some liver that was raw and cold in the middle 🤢

    Free Member

    – the EU will get to set the regulations used in part of the UK, indefinitely

    – the EU can divide the UK into two customs areas

    – the EU can kick the rUK out of the customs area

    – the EU can keep the rUK in the customs area

    – the EU can set the tariffs for the customs area

    The thing is, by some such conclusions are being presented as what will happen. Not what theoreticaly might happen in some worst case scenario. It’s not in anybody’s interest for the backstop to be implemented in the first place, certainly not for it to continue indefinitely. Above all I’m sure all parties are very aware of the peace process, and nobody wants to go down in history as the person who broke it. Hence the caution in the process of negotiating the Ireland/N.Ireland border.

    Saying that I’ve not heard of anything like a workable solution to date. Other than not leaving, which should have been the vote in the first place.

    Free Member

    Is anyone else thinking of cancelling their licence fee?

    You mean get rid of your tv. Thats the only way of cancelling 🤨

    Free Member

    Fuel prices rises in France have been put back for 6 months I’ve just heard….

    At the cost of 3 dead. Must be a win 🙁

    Free Member

    Come on you’re getting desperate now there’s not really even any haters on here arguing with you!

    Nah… The argument was won ages ago. Chief just likes every “detail” covered.

    Do you honestly think anybody wins an argument on the internet 😁. Someone, mostly you geex (e-mtb stuff) goes on and on and on, untill people with an oppossing view get totally bored and move on. Just like me now 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️😂😂😂😂

    Free Member

    Supper can mean a light meal before bed. But in some parts of the country it’s interchangeable with Dinner (or even tea) which is an evening meal.

    Free Member

    The problem is the frequency at which eMTBs can do loops.

    Apart from the it not being the weight thing, but the number of loops, don’t agree with that.

    Obviously more loops cause more erosion. I can’t see how anyone could disagree with that (I’m sure someone will try). Whether people think it’s a problem is a personal decision.

    Free Member

    There’s always one silly old fart every year that does this isn’t there?

    I’d bet there’s more, but most would be to embarrassed about their stupidity to go to the press 😳😳

    Free Member

    Correct. And because we’re leaving we won’t see the benefits of our investment. Doh!

    Ongoing projects will still recive funding untill their completed. So some of the divorce bill will come back to us.

    Free Member

    Jesus **** christ P-Jay.

    +100. Whatever rubbish life throws at me in the future I’ll think of you and things will instantly seem better. Just hang in there, it’s  got to get better, same for you OP.

    Free Member

    I am a 50% shareholder in ‘her business’….

    But i really don’t want to be mean or an arse, and use that against her in any way. Just stating a fact.

    It’ll have to come up when you negotiate the divorce settlement. Nothing mean about that, just a fact of life.

    Free Member

     I’ve no idea how we’ll get on, but last night they tidied their room on their own without being asked.

    My eldest is 26 and we have never achieved this. Give yourself and the Mrs a pat on the back MG you must be doing something right 👍

    Free Member

     this weeks technology time (1hr a day, Thurs-Sun which includes Telly)

    Totally your call and I fully respect that. But how do people arive at what seems a totally arbitrary figure. How is 1 hour good 2 hours bad. And at what age do you start passing elements of control over to children and let them start making their own decisions about such things ?

    Free Member

    Playstation (gaming), Screen time, Phone, Internet, Going to bed, turning up for meals, homework, getting up in the morning, going to school, household chores.

    Take away the technology all the other issues have been there since teenagers were invented. But what exactly is the issue with his gaming and phone use ? Your wife says he self regulates so why not give that a try. At least you’ll be on the same page.

    Free Member

    There’s going to be a debate 😀

    But Corbyn wants it to be on ITV, because…

    Mr Corbyn claimed he preferred ITV’s bid out of “respect” for viewers who wanted to watch the I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! final on ITV the same evening – 9 December.

    You couldn’t make it up 😂😂

    Free Member

    Amazing OP. I read it all and no I wouldn’t have gone to anything like that amount of trouble over someone else’s toy, but genuinely good on you.         But this is the best story I’ve heard today. Maybe not new to some but it was to me.

    Free Member

    Thats all very true hopeforthebest. But what would you do with someone who’s pushed the criminal justice system to the end of the line ??????  Ultimately it’s a prison sentence, which might very well be pointless. But the alternative is just nothing. A fine that isn’t paid, community service that isn’t attended ect,ect,ect. If you’ve got an answer share it.

    Free Member

    The judge was told that McDonagh had a series of previous convictions, including a number for theft or criminal damage.

    The crisp damage in question took place nearly two years ago, on 27 December 2016, at the Mahon Point shopping centre in Cork, near McDonagh’s home in Inchera Close.

    In court, police said McDonagh had been banned from the store and was known to its staff when she took the tin of Pringles and headed to the self-checkout area.

    Security staff approached her to order her to leave the store when she popped the Pringles top and opened the foil seal.

    An inspector told the court that she said: “I opened it so you have to leave me pay for it”.

    The crisp damage seems to be the legal basis the court needed to deal with the woman’s obviously repeated criminal behaviour.  The value isn’t of it’s self important.

    Free Member

    Met Mrs Taxi 35 years ago in a pub. The Poets Corner, City road Cardiff. It wasn’t a chance meeting though, all arranged by her sister who was going out with a friend of mine.

    Free Member

    Is that because ebikers are actually SO lazy they can’t even be arsed to ride ebikes ?!

    Depends on the type of person buying one. If your already a mtb’er and you fancy one as a N+1 then no. But if your someone who struggles with motivation then very possibly.  Sometimes actually getting out of the house in the first place is the toughest part of a ride, even for me !

    Free Member

    All of them. If I had the space I wouldn’t sell anything.

    Free Member

     It’s back on the market because the previous buyers searches noted that there is a small patch of land at the back of the garden (on a very steep, terraced slope) that is not indicated on the deeds, which has scared them off.

    Seems a bit odd ? Unless the land was so unstable actually owning it would be a liability.  Normally disputes are about people wanting land not the opposite.

    Free Member

    Really? I’d have been straight on the blower to them myself.

    Only if you weren’t fibbing and knew you hadn’t knowingly  taken anything.

    Free Member

    Great thread 😁

    As a LBS manager, it’s probabky an hours workshop time.

    Possibly, booking in, doing the job, creating an invoice, booking out. So..

    OP,  no more than £50 seems fair.

    But in reality 90% of the time it’s only 15-30 minutes of a mechanics time. All the possible problems could happen, but in all probably their just whativery.

    I’d be honest it’s one of the worst features of this forum is hammering people who dare to pay for a bike shop,

    Yes there’s a bit of that, but mostly it’s just advise saying, your an intelligent human being. Spend £50 on a few tools, your capable of riding  the bike so your capable of learning to do basic jobs on it.

    Surely that’s what’s the forums for ? Advice, passing on  knowledge, and when required general pisstaking 😉

    Free Member

    Squats ect, might help. But its worth trying standing up whilst pedalling when you go out for a ride. Say 2 or 3 times for 5mins at a time. Your working the right muscles and riding, win win. It’s a popular choice for jockeys ( they’d often just take the saddle if a bike).

    Free Member

    Stick a list up here OP. Loads of that stuff is right up my street not to metion Misstaxi who’s into old vynil more than I am. I’m sure plenty of others on here would like a look as well.

    Free Member

    Nice bloke, quite reserved, a view shared by most people who bump into him. However, I know two people who live in the same area as him, and can’t stand him because they say he has a reputation for getting into fights. They claim that his brother is worse.

    Ditto. The trouble in question appeared to have been started by his brother Dean. The Williams party could have been prosecuted as easily as the Doormen, but this is Wales after all and Rugby legends tend to get the benefit of any doubt. Not saying the bouncers weren’t at fault. They made the stupid mistake of staying involved once things had moved outside.

    Free Member

    They let you take trailers to the tip !!!!!! Not around here they don’t.

    Free Member

    I use a traditional chip pan. Microwave the chips for 2-3 mins and pat dry before frying in hot oil. 😋😋

    Free Member

    What is the reason for writing “apply” it’s not a given.

    In the same way as I’m entitled to a passport, but still have to apply for one.

    Anyway I know this is the Brexit moan thread. I hope it helps for some to let of a bit of steam about the whole mess. But that only works up to a point, the level of bile, negativity and actual hatred on this thread is borderline  poisonous. For your own well being I’d recommend some of you reign it in a bit. Me I’ll duck out of this thread for now untill things are a bit clearer.

    Free Member

    I’d like to remind all that I voted remain, and am married to an immigrant.

    If they don’t have a UK passport best read up some more….

    Here’s the relevant information, I don’t see anything of concern for ugarizza’s wife. Point to the bit where she or anyone else already living here will get kicked out ?

    Free Member

    I wake up every day thinking about Breshit, and go to sleep thinking about Breshit. As the day goes on, it makes me feel angrier and angrier. Now my wife has just said maybe we should think about stocking up on a few things, and my 15 yr old daughter is genuinely scarred by it all.

    This is one of the saddest posts I’ve read on here for a while 🙁🙁 Don’t you think its your somewhat over the top Brexit paranoia thats scaring your daughter ?

    Whatever the future holds, bright, educated young people will do just fine. It’s old uneducated people like myself, without the skills to be mobile who are stuck with this mess. And still I force myself to be optimistic, because there’s F all else I can do.

    Free Member

    Well I apologise for calling you a name tj At least the massive bit 😉

    But the angry isn’t about Strava, i don’t get angry about that, I flag E-mtb rides that come on to the leaderboards , not because I’m angry about them, just because it’s more fun for everyone (who cares) to have honest leader boards. I got miffed about why someone would enjoy seeing someone elses fun spoiled. I don’t like football, but have nothing but support for those who do. I’d get equally cross if someone tried to spoil their fun, its just the way I am.

    Free Member

    It amuses me that someone takes it so seriously that a ebike rider not declaring as an ebike upsets them.  Really?  Taking strava that seriously?  Does it matter in any way?

    It’s nor a case of taking strava “that seriously,” simply that many people enjoy the leaderboards, and you take pleasure in seeing their enjoyment spoiled. Who are you to judge what other people do or don’t enjoy ?? There’s only one reason I can think of is that your a massive prick. There I said it, somebody had to, and if it gets me a ban so what.

    “Fragile ego” I don’t really have one, there’s no way I can go faster than a bicycle with an engine, the same as no e-mtb is faster than my MX bikes.

    Free Member

    I have to say it really amuses me that someone gets so upset that e bike riders are stealing their strava placings.  * points and laughs*

    Why does it amuse you ???? Genuinely interested.  E-bikes have their own section, would it amuse you to log your rides in the running section ??

    Free Member

    Sounds just like LSD

    I used to use this method as a runner, and yes it works.

    Free Member

    Unless he stands up and publicly says this is the best that can be done it means nothing…

    Once the dust settles a great deal more MP’s might come to the realization that it’s  actually that. The NI Ireland border is the huge Elephant in the room, and to date I haven’t heard a better solution than whats on offer (kicking it down the road and hoping for an epiphany). If TM stays as PM, were leaving with her deal or no deal. Given that choice it might just get voted through.

    Free Member

    Luke Rowe’s Dad? I race him all the time in his sons cast offs!

    Courtney’s not as quick as he used to be. Even slower on a Mtb 😉

    Free Member

    I would like to know how people can tell someone’s fitness levels just by glancing at them…

    Its not hard, I kind of know all the quick riders on my local trails. E-mtb rides tend to have a very average average speed, but somehow manage climbs at 500w. Also there’s a few exceptions (not many near me) but their times on downhill/technical segments are completely out of step with their ability up hill. Fast guys/girls are fast everywhere 👍

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