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  • Women Send Fear Packing at Red Bull Hardline Camp
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    If I’m running and someone doesn’t dip their lights they get the full 2000 lumens pointed into their car. Seems to work.

    Not ideal but you could just look away, maybe stop running, instead you risk causing an accident that could injure or kill someone, including yourself, epic cool bro 😎😎😎

    Free Member

    I’d probably ride with the stiches still in. I’m sure someone sensible will be along shortly 👍

    Free Member

    @convert. Thanks for that, the inside of my car was about to turn into a scene from pulp fiction !!

    Free Member

    Lol at a STW driving thread. Posts alternate between full on pistonhead and walking infront of cars with a red flag !!
    But in this case it’s simple, using full beams might or might not be appropriate in an unlight village, but deliberately shinning a light into the eyes of a driver in a moving vehicle is wrong and criminal. If it’s become a habit for this guy a word with the police is needed.

    Free Member

    Broke mine (again) 6 wks ago, not plated. It’s still sore but I’m just getting on with stuff now. If something hurts I just stop doing it. Each week I can do a bit more than the last and eventually it’ll be pain free.
    Hope that helps 👍👍

    Free Member

    I got an erbaur on the recommendation of a couple of builder friends. Not the
    ultimate professional choice but perfectly adequate for the home user. Mine works great all the drill I’ll ever need.

    Free Member

    whether that part actually needed replaced when it went in is another matter.

    Last time I had a spilt ball joint cover with no play in the ball joint it was an advisory not a fail. I had it changed anyway because it was going to give up the ghost sooner or later. I know mot’s have changed but did they give you a choice to not change it ?

    Free Member

    FM, the STW fun bunch are out tonight 😂 Mrs taxi and myself will be at our local in fancy dress, drinking loads, being rubbish on karaoke, having a great time with a bunch of friends. Happy new year to all of you 😁😁😁😁

    Free Member

    Living in N.Cardiff mostly straight out of the door. Maybe 35mls to Afan a couple of times a year, or 25mls to Merthyr for BPW and the Beacons, but again thats only occasionally.

    Free Member

    But hang on everyone knew who they were and that they existed before that? How come not one of these people on here reported them?

    I know a fair few anti semetics, along with a good smatering of racists, sexists ect,ect. But untill they express themselves in a manner that can be construed as criminal whats to report ? An assumption based on an accumulation of minor actions might be true, but hopefully isn’t something the police should be interested in……yet.

    Free Member

    I made this one yesterday. Very nice to, mking the spice mix yourself adds to it but you can get it ready made if you look around.

    Free Member

    In the UK, around 1 in 4 (25.9%) people in routine and manual occupations smoked, compared with just 1 in 10 people (10.2%) in managerial and professional occupations

    Explains this.

    Does anyone know anyone who actually smokes fags any more? Me and all my mates used too. Now not one of them does.

    Stw seems to be full of professional , managerial types. Go to a working class area, preferably into a local pub and its about 60-70% smokers. Their not hard to find !!

    Free Member

    I used this for a log cabin. Make sure you get the ground level and it does a great job.

    Free Member

     They seem to be saying that by pulling up you’re likely to be less focused on the other foot pushing down which is MUCH more important.

    This is true, but only if your unpractised in.

    you pull up with one leg and push down with the other one at the same time . By aiding the foot pushing down you can spin it more easily /faster surely ?

    Dr Broker seems to miss the point that you don’t try to use equal power pulling up, just a bit extra to maintain the circle at the top and bottom of the stroke.

    Free Member

    Naming this couple untill charged totally stinks !!!! Every time I look at social media all I see is thier pictures and name’s.Untill proven guilty nobody deserves that level of negative exposure 🤨

    Free Member

    Obviously @onepeloton don’t own exclusive rights to the word peloton, but clearly have registered it’s use relating to certain buisness activities. It looks to me a complete layman, that Shane Miller’s use of the word in his buisness could be in conflict. Definitely one for the lawyers to decide.

    Free Member

    They come up cheaper than that on ebay.All about condition I suppose.

    How much is a service ? If it’s £200, £1,100 might be ok.

    Free Member

    Not saying it wasn’t drones, but what exactly was seen and by who?

    My thoughts, seema all a bit.

    Free Member

    Does 2 drinks count as a round ?

    Free Member

    To need national emergency commitee meetings for something we are about to do of the governments own choosing is ridicolous!

    No deal isn’t the governments choice. It’s something that parliament might impose if May’s deal isn’t voted through. In reality the goverment would love to remain. Only thing is, all those pesky voters voting to leave.

    Free Member

    The logical thing would be to have the discussion first! 

    Absolutely, and if the host was adamant that they’d sort something, thats what would happen. But I’d definitely let them know I’d be happy to bring my own.

    Free Member

    If I’d been invited to Xmas dinner and knew it was traditional fare, and was a GF veggie and vegetables weren’t enough. I’d just bring my own meat substitute, gravy and GF desert. It would be a total no brainer for me, I’d never expect the host to do something special just for me.

    Free Member

    However, sounds like there is some pretty damming evidence involved, i.e. a document so similar to an Irish licence …

    As we don’t know what document it was. Or if it actually was passed of by Guy as a driving liscense I’ll wait and see how the court case go’s.
    But even if he’s guilty I’ll not be to outraged, in fact it barely registers on my outrage meter at all.

    Free Member

    You don’t mention your sons age or how long he’s had a diagnosis ?
    But in any case at 85 you probably won’t change your FIL’s mind about anything. And really does it matter what one person thinks !!

    You just grin and bear it.

    That’s how families work.

    This as well.

    Free Member

    I suppose I’m lucky, I very much enjoy a drink and my local aside from cycling and MX is the hub of my social life. But even though I drink on a regular basis I can’t get anything like “of my face”. My body just says stop and I can’t force another drink down even if I wanted to. At this point I’m a bit wobbly but can walk and talk, get myself home safely, never have any memory loss and just a bit wooly headed in the morning.
    The thing with alchol is, if you think there’s a problem there is, at least for you anyway, so good luck OP.

    Free Member

    Throwing sharp objects at a target in a bar, it’ll never catch on !!!

    Free Member

    Was it not obvious from the pics?

    Soft case only picture was from above. So no perspective of depth. I’ll try the returns process, see if a label comes up.

    Free Member

    Always to late, but how about leaving mine up for those who wouldn’t be seen dead on the chat forum 😉

    Free Member

    With the back ground info I’m amazed he was cleared of attempted GBH. He quite deliberately drove at the bouncer !! With the speed involved it would be hard to prove attempted murder, but he clearly ment to hurt the bloke seriously.

    Free Member

     and when it comes down to it if we can’t get an extension and can’t agree on any deal then the only option left is to revoke A50 which we can do unilaterally. That is what will happen.

    Which as a remainer could be TM’s plan all along. She might not feal she can go directly against the referendum vote, but if parliament won’t agree a deal it gives her the option of revoking article 50. “With huge regret, but in the national interest” ect, ect.

    Free Member

     or even Arlo Guthrie for the length of Alice’s Restaurant

    “One large pile of garbage is better than two small piles” has been a life long maxim for me 😎

    Free Member

    Maybe they already have jobs? Maybe they have all the nicer jobs 

    Uk unemployment is currently 4.1% so probably true to some extent. And plenty of those 4.1% just wouldn’t be up to site work physically or mentally, it’s bloody hard. The country isn’t full of workshy layabouts. There’s some but statistically very few.

    Free Member

    Obviously helmet-cams fault for distracting hem

    In this case probably true 🤔

    Free Member

    The problem with Lance is that he really IS a psychopath.

    He certainly shows some charastics of being a psychopath, but so do many driven high achieving people. But that’s a long way from a clinical diagnosis. I would have thought some of the medical professional people on here would be aware of the pointlessness of internet diagnosis 🤔

    Free Member

    I’ve been working down in england for the last 2 months. Farnborough to be precise. I’ve been staggered at how hard it is to find anyone that supports Brexit 

    Just because you couldn’t find many doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Real life isn’t a forum most people aren’t interested in confrontation. If they meet someone asking how they voted they’ll most likely go along with what they think you want to hear. Locally to me I’d say 2/3 of people voted to leave and thats staying firm, they just want it done and sorted. But they aren’t going around fretting about it, their day to day lives are still whats important.
    I’m a taxi driver and as far as I can remember I’ve had one person who’s asked me straight out how I voted. As always I said politics and religion are never up for discussion in my cab.

    Free Member

    . Well that and having a referendum in the first place when they should have known it’s far too big of an issue for that.

    Probably true, but the Tories and to some extent labour were hemorrhaging votes to UKIP. The whole EU thing was tearing the Conservative party apart. The referendum which was supposed to result in a remain vote was intended to heal all that. Politically it was a massive mistake. But labour should shoulder some of the blame, huge areas of Wales with massive labour support voted for Brexit. Labour just didn’t do anything like enough to get the remain message across.

    Free Member

    Wasn’t just the Tories the vote was 498 to 114.

    Free Member

    The tories are in complete meltdown. They have literally no govt, no plan, no clue. And they all voted for this 21 months ago,

    The Tories didn’t vote for Brexit, individual conservative MP’s certainly did but it wasn’t government policy. It was the British public who did the voting.

    Free Member

    Its all different for me. See if it works, but why change it ?

     why is there a “tradition” of riding shitty bikes over the winter period?

    Yeah works but again why change.

    Free Member

    My good bike is still mechanical with canti brakes and £1100 wheels, and no room for mudgaurds. This is my winter bike after a short wet ride. The grunge is a mixture of brake blocks and wheel alloy, it would break my heart to do that to my good bike 😥

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