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  • taxi25
    Free Member

    Brecon cyclocross, most people were running this bank but I could ride it. Took Andy a bit by suprise 😁

    Free Member

    I don’t think there’s many that think the message behind the add is not worthwhile. Onyl that it’s been executed poorly by Gillette. If you alienate a good percentage of those that could help with that message then it’s a fail 🤨

    Free Member

    The only ones that need to change are these two groups, the rest of us are just calmly carrying on as normal fully functioning adults.

    “Ignoring there is an issue and something needs to change”.

    Not sure how you and it seems MG miss the point. The poster names the knuckledraggers as a group that need to change, accepting there is a problem but only that “some” need to change. You and the add give the impression that men in general are a problem not just the few.

    Free Member

    Women have it sussed, they’ve made huge advances in their freedoms and life choices by working together. Us men are basically still dragging our knuckles on the ground and speaking in grunts.

    What a totally patronising post. Some women have some haven’t, women are just people, some are great others are dicks,they aren’t something as a group men should look up to and try and emulate. And just because you drag your knuckles on the ground I don’t and nor do many men. The problem with the advert (if there is a problem) is that it gives the impression that apart from a “few” exceptions most men conform to negative stereotypes.

    Free Member

    I have only ever had to do the prime it several times by turning the ign on until the pump stops and repeating it a few times to be safe.

    Doesn’t work with Ford tdci engines, they don’t self prime. If you get air in the fuel lines you need a bleed kit. Baisicly a rubber squeezey hand pump. You can bypass this (sometimes) by trying to towstart the vehicle, drag it fast enough and you can force the fuel through eventually. Or attach it to a jump start device and keep cranking. Best way though is DON’T run out of diesel!!!

    Free Member

    Check it’s genuine first. Pretty unusual for a like new Rolex to be included in a job lot of anything.

    Free Member

    Did you ever thing you could get odds on food rationing in the uk

    You can gets on far more preposterous things than that.

    Free Member

    I think it’ll go ahead. She’ll loose and the whole Brexit thing grinds to a halt and doesn’t happen. It’ll be her opportunity to blame parliment and not the government for failing to deliver Brexit. It’s what I’m kinda hope happens, but I’m usually wrong 🙁

    Free Member

     when they finally came to chuck two out, one of them was someone who’s never been mentioned or shown to be struggling at any stage of the process. How odd was that?

    Its a TV show, they probably come across as boring so don’t make the edits and are moved on ASAP.

    Free Member

    If he doesn’t already have a MX bike and is riding on a regular basis how about a MX try out day. I went on the one linked below as a 50th birthday present. Only problem is it reignited my love of racing MX, 9yrs later and two completely knackered shoulders I’m not sure it was such a good idea 😉

    P.s Half a day is plenty.

    Free Member

    I’ve never returned anything that wasn’t faulty or miss sold. Don’t have a problem with this at all.

    Free Member

    For city dwellers (like me), an EV is fine, but people who live way out in the sticks

    Or on the 20th floor !! In many cities most people live in apartments or housing with no offroad parking.

    Free Member

    A bit late now but rear boost adapters are universal. £8 ebay jobbies work fine.

    I used some, for awhile but they are a bit of a bodge. It worked ok but as the frames a keeper I eventually succumbed and got a boost hub and built up a wheel. I reckon most people do sooner or later.

    Free Member

    Caerphilly mnt coming out of the town centre. Done it loads but it’s always a last hurdle on my way home, and to steep to just spin up with tired legs ☹☹

    Free Member

    Trying to claim the cost of an oldish wheel clearly isn’t getting their attention. Whiplash can take a couple of months to kick in, that stiff neck, nausea and pins and needles in your fingers need sorting.

    Free Member

    Ref the reverb thing. The two I had worked flawlessly for years. I only got rid because they were still on the bikes when sold. No idea why but I never transported or stored the bikes with the reverb compressed, never picked them up by the saddle with the post down, never rode for extended periods sitting down unless the post was up, and generally didn’t sit on the bike like a sack of spuds, but unweighted the saddle over bumps and roots, even on a F/S.

    Free Member

    This stuff, something similar came with my vanquish, just slide it over the outer cable and stuff it in.

    Free Member

    In 2016 we had a public opinion poll. 

    Not in 99.9% of people’s eyes pre vote, including leave and remain voters. The non binding referendum is something the post vote remain lobby has brought out. Anyway I’m going around in circles on this so I’ll leave it for now.

    Free Member

    I’ve never broken into your house and piled all the furniture up in a heap then left a note saying “die fetten jahre sind vorbei!”. My pseudo comes from the Austrian-German film which was released as “the Edukators” in France. The film is about social injustice. The “Edukating” was about making rich people feel uncomfortable and insecure despite their wealth.

    Ok, that explains a lot.

    Free Member

    All this rushing is ridiculous, and triggering A50 without a plan was negligent in the extreme.

    My memory might be failing, but wasn’t it a case of the Eu not being willing to discuss a deal/plan untill A50 was enacted ?

    Free Member

    This makes me think you voted out, Taxi25.

    I did initially think of voting leave but I became “Edukated”, you understand the concept 😉

    Do they? Most MPs were remain, they voted for A50 because their constituents did.

    Sorry MG I was reffering to general politics not specifically Brexit.

    Free Member

     if I believed it was in our best interests then I’d be all for it, if I did not then I would oppose it. 48% / 52% isn’t statistically significant either way and as I said, I couldn’t give a toss what “the people” think they want, 

    Back that brings things back to democracy. Both Conservative and Labour believe their policies are whats best for the country. A vote for the opposition would be damaging, but the loosers suck it up and look to next time. We were given a vote (shouldn’t have) so the result should be respected, adhered, enacted whatever. If you don’t belive that the only person not fit to vote is yourself.

    Or, we keep publishing our opinions, we keep campaigning, we go on marches, we have a public debate, and we make our opinions heard. Why would I stop voicing my opinion? Democracy doesn’t start and end at the ballot box.

    Of course look to the future, try and influence future governments to take us back into Europe if you think thats right. Actively try and undermine a vote thats already happened….. I doing think thats a very healthy position.

    Free Member

    My mum had a phone call from a “heir hunting” company telling her she was eligible for a share of an estate.
    She was and she did 😀

    Free Member

    There’s an interesting word there, “respected.” That’s not the same as “enacted” now, is it. I can readily respect someone’s opinion but disagree with it.

    How would you feel if the 52% was to remain, the government “respected” that then left anyway ?
    I voted leave but we lost, as things stand we’re leaving the EU one way or another. My intention is to make the best of it and get on with my life. My advise to other’s is to do the same, but if you prefer whinning and moaning on the internet about it, carry on for what good it’ll do you.

    Free Member

    BTW I’ll never take a taxi again in the UK. One of the balatantly Brexit sectors I’m boycotting along with Weatherstones, Dyson, anything made in shefield… .

    Funniest thing I’ve read on this thread 😂😂 wait untill your 5mls from home on a cold night in the pouring rain. I’ll drive past you with a cheery wave 👌
    But what makes you think I voted leave, I voted remain !! My point was the vote wasn’t presented as advisory, and that the vote would be respected. I’m fully aware of the legality of it.

    Free Member

    …they would decide that a slim majority in an advisory referendum

    The referendum was never advisory. It was put forward as a straight choice in or out, with parliament overwhelmingly voting to hold it. There might not be a strict legal obligation to abide by the result but there’s a massive political obligation to. Completely disregarding the vote would shake this countries democracy to the core.

    Free Member

    Nobody voted for no deal.

    And nobody voted for any kind of deal either. One just didn’t exist, they voted to leave the EU. How never came into it. At least according to most people I’ve spoken to who voted leave.

    Free Member

    If your insurance doesn’t settle eventually you get taken to court. If you loose and an award is made thats what your insurance will pay out.
    I got a summons once because the insurance employee who was handling my case left and didn’t pass the paper work onto another person. I sent the summons to them and it was sorted with apologies all round.

    Free Member

    None, I’d only choose to spend time with family (those I like) and friends. Celebrities might seem interesting from afar, but could well turn out to be boring jerks in reality !!

    Free Member

    Relationship threads on here are little better in their attitude to women.

    Very true 🙁

    Free Member

    I’m sure it’s about time to suggest the grown ups will be sorting all of this out

    Well whoever sorts things grown up or not, things will be sorted.Its in everyones interest to keep people travelling so after all the political posturing thats what’ll happen.

    First things first. Even if we leave with no deal at all, the EU has already declaredthey’ll keep the skies and the airports open as part of their “no deal” contingency plan for 12 months after Brexit, and continue to recognise aviation safety certificates for nine. So – even in the worst-case event of no deal – we’ll have the whole of 2019 and the first few months of 2020 to fly to Europe as normal while the politicians thrash out a proper long-term deal on flights. Which means booking a holiday this summer doesn’t need to be put off just because the Brexit negotiations are still up in the air. The bit go the negotiation that affects how we fly to Europe this summer is already a done deal.

    From 2021 you will (probably) need a new document, the European Travel Information and Authorisation Scheme (ETIAS), to travel to Europe. But that won’t affect anyone’s plans this year or next.

    And finally, if we leave with no deal, the government advises you to make sure your passport is less than ten years old, and has at least six months left on it, before you travel to Europe.

    That doesn’t seem so hard. Regarding health insurance companies will still want to sell policies, they’ll have appropriate products, just buy one.
    Anyway I’ll bookmark this thread and come April if I’m stuck in rainy Cardiff not enjoying sunny spain I’ll come back on it and eat some humble pie 👍

    Free Member

    3-4 runs just cycle up. Take your time, have a break after a couple of runs no problem. Sod the uplift put your destiny in your own hands 😎😎

    Free Member

    Check the rear triangle isn’t out of alignment. If not riding the bike can cause the rear wheel to shift regardless of how tight the QR is done up.

    Free Member

    I bought a new MTB last November, it’s still in the box 🙁

    How…………..can anyone do that 😮😮😮😮😮 You injured yourself badly between ordering the bike and it arriving. Even then what the….

    Free Member

    Picked a woman up today who hails from Jacksonville. I asked her if it it was like it’s portrait in the good place ? She couldn’t deny it wasn’t, at least in part 😁

    Free Member

    I’ve booked my usual boozy week in Benidorm from April 16th, I’ll let you know if my plans are thwarted.
    They won’t, the world won’t come to an end whatever bollocks happens March 30th 👍👍

    Free Member

    Orange Hope headset and bottom bracket for the Vanquish using the ebay 15% off. Just got to wait for the perfectly good parts already fitted to wear out 🙁🙁

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