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  • taxi25
    Free Member

    Tubless or not some tyre tube combos just don’t want to seat. Had some Salsa rims that were a nightmare!!
    Washing up liquid is your friend in these situations.

    Free Member

    What would entail making an unofficial roof terrace official? If that was possible it would be a huge plus.

    Free Member

    . Once we are not acting as if in the EU, drivers will be limited by number, and face new limits as regards deliveries within the EU.

    Thanks for this, it got me reading even more. And your quite right, if agreements aren’t reached post no deal brexit there would be extremely severe consequences for British transport companies.
    Dug this link out which isn’t to long and explains quite a bit.

    Free Member

    Once we are not acting as if in the EU, drivers will be limited by number, and face new limits as regards deliveries within the EU.

    A link to this information would be genuinely appreciated. 👍

    Free Member

    Read more. Or talk to someone in the industry

    I read loads already. But if you want to point me in the direction of something that says British lorry drivers will no longer be able to drive in the EU post brexit I’ll read that as well. In the meantime read monkfingers link which is a worst case no deal brexit.

    Free Member

    You’ve looked into this, yes?


     I mean, a nonEU driver has much the same right to deliver between, and within, EU countries as an EU driver…yeah?

    Again yes. Mrmonkfinger has kindly posted a link.

    Free Member

    No bell here either, I’ve thought about it as I use the Taff trail a lot (389 times according to Strava). But I’ve only had one or two grumps. Smiling and being polite works wonders, couldn’t care less about who’s right or wrong just that I enjoy my ride and de-stress.

    Free Member

    Lorry drivers, people who depend on international movement, voting to remove international movement.

    Driving a lorry across Europe is completely different from FOM within the EU. But you know that don’t you ?

    Free Member

    The risk to pedestrians and other road users from cyclists is miniscule compared to the risk caused by speeding, texting, DWODCA, etc. 

    Very true, but the risk cyclists can pose shouldn’t be completely ignored. But it should be part of an intergenerational policy that includes all road risks.
    Lord Winstons reccomendations would only drive us of the road, perhaps into motorized vehicles making things less safe overall 🙁🙁

    Free Member

    There won’t be any liability issues for you as the landlord. But the address will be publicly associated with the buisness. That means, creditors, customers ect potentially turning up long after your tenants have gone.
    Info here.

    Free Member

    easy and obvious. You set up a commission like the one that developed Holyrood. Staff it cross party, give it parameters to work with and they will come up with a solution that is best for all.

    100% agree that the mechanisms to do so are well established. But that would rely on a commitment to achieve the goal. Most of parliament doesn’t want brexit, there’re just conflicted by a sense of duty to respect the vote. There is no deal that would please parliment as a whole. Hence no commitment to work towards achieving one.

    Free Member

    There has been no attempt to form cross party consensus.

    Thats fine in principle but how in practice would it work ? It’s taken 3 years to get nowhere, cross party meetings on every line of some cobbled together “coalition” deal would have us 30yrs and counting. As far as May’s deal goes, good or bad it’s more or less exactly as I expected, certainly no suprises.

    Free Member

    Tell her ( I’m assuming here) You’ll “do it just now in a minute”. Works every time for me !!

    Free Member

    I voted remain but accepted the leave vote.

    The deal offered is worse than what we already have. Why leave with a worse deal?

    I agree with the first part, but why is May’s deal worse than no deal ? Is it the back stop, it would only be worse if the EU cynically tried to trap us in the backstop to prevent us leaving !!! But that makes no sense at all 🤔. Totally understand Bercows rulling but it could go horribly wrong for those hoping to remain, or those looking for a deal to make the best of a bad job.

    Free Member

    Lol @ DezB. You don’t half make things up, you got that from a couple of seconds clip. More likely something happened, guy chases other guy and kicks him of when he catches him.
    But it’s a shame the term cyclist is used in these things. When I was younger the local thugs used to drive around in stolen cars or estate “pool” cars. Now there on bicycles and are described as cyclists, the same as you or I 🙁🙁

    Free Member

    Gravel bike scene.

    I don’t think any but the strangest mtb’er dislikes gravel bikes, for many riders they’re the best bike for the job. It’s just this whole scene thing 🙄 It’s just riding bikes like many of us always have, but on a basically retro drop handlebared mtb (with better brakes).

    Free Member

    Fair play

    In the same spirit I’ll refrain from commenting on the “leave means leave” march thread.

    Free Member

    Many of his staff will likely be asked to depart the country. There’ll be no swift pint in ‘Spoons if that happens.

    No they won’t.

    EU citizens in the UK and a ‘no-deal’ Brexit

    Free Member

    And you are a Brexiteer. Enthusiastic, not reluctant, and your act hasn’t fooled anybody.

    You can’t help yourself can you, and your so wrong, wrong. What do you do for an encore, expose pediatricions as pedifiles ?

    Free Member

    Do you actually have as much hate for every Brexiteer, 

    I think he does, real or imagined 🙁🙁🙁 sad, sad person.

    Free Member

    WTF are you talking about?

    This ??????????? kryton explain.

    Free Member

    Scotland should have let them score in the corner

    I was shouting at the TV for just this, penalty advatage make them try for a touchline conversion. But what a game one of the best I’ve ever watched as a neutral 😎😎😎🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve had a shit day all day, and on that basis I’m tempted to rush down to the bookies and stick some money on Scotland .


    Free Member

    Yet you are still here, lips a flapping.

    What are the benefits of brexit?

    And it carries on same people with their veiled insults. I voted remain you **** prick, there are no benifits that I can see but we lost get the **** over it !!!!

    Free Member

    This thread is impossible. The only view tolerated is one of hatred for brexit and those who voted for it, real or imagined. Any defence of the result or that the people who voted leave aren’t morons is shouted down by the same posters, posting the same bitter views over and over again. 🙁🙁🙁

    Free Member

    and there is no mandate to “honour” it in the first place.

    Apart from the 14.2 mil mandates.

    Free Member

    British billionaire supports great British success story. New money coming into a sport we/some love. But no lets make it another rich/right wing, brexit bashing story.🤨

    Free Member

    The vote in 2016 does not answer the question currently being asked. It is not an accurate data set for answering the question which is what kind of brexit do you **** want.

    Loving your passive aggression 👍
    But its you thats hard of understanding. People didn’t vote for a deal, or no deal, to advise the government or anything else. They were asked a question, “do you want to leave the EU yes or no” that was it. The reasons why leavers voted the way they did is perhaps only known to themselves but nothing for them has changed !!
    A second referendum is being promoted by those, not perhaps unreasonably hoping to overturn the result. If you think it’s for any other reason the irony of calling leavers stupid is breathtaking.

    Free Member

    And those wanting a second referendum really only want one because they want a different outcome,not because they want more direct democracy.

    They don’t want a different outcome, they want an accurate one rather than working off three year old data.

    At least Mike was honest about it, you persit in denying a most obvious fact 😂

    Free Member

    Uk price to be released. Expected to be £40,000+. Cheaper yes but a long way from affordable for most people.

    Free Member

    Although profits fell sharply, sales at the chain are continuing to rise.

    Wetherspoon’s revenues rose by 7%, and like-for-like sales by more than 6%.

    Doesn’t look like the STW boycott is working, just a pesky costs rising thing.

    Free Member

    Stress guy across said

    Roald Dahl

    Wrong he was Welsh, born in Cardiff. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

    Free Member

    “Excuse me, we have clothing rules on this flight”

    “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realisise, I’ll put a jumper on”

    Wouldn’t life be easy if everyone could be so sensible.

    Free Member

    Offended by it? No

    Think it’s not entirely appropriate for a flight? Yes

    I’ve seen other photos of the girl so kinda agree with this. But it definitely appears that the situation was badly handled.
    But again this thread does show how little empathy some posters have on here for other people. We’re all different and if putting an extra garment on for a couple of hours makes others feel more comfortable then why not.

    Free Member

    It wouldn’t; for a particular subset of people.

    That subset includes excludes anyone who;
    Likes to see the sun and moon rise and set
    Appreciates the passing of the seasons
    Likes to watch the stars at night
    Appreciates the presence of gravity
    Ever needs to navigate anywhere
    and a host of other things.

    Again I think the point is missed. You could do all of that but in the context of the earth being flat.

    But anyway I nearly put a spoiler up about the last 15 mins of the documentary. I resisted, but it’s brilliant, comedy gold 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Free Member

    I really don’t understand the weird shit that happens with flights. Dress codes for travel? Why doesn’t the same apply to buses and trains. 

    Try getting on a bus in Spain like I did without a shirt on 😳

    Free Member

    So Cox has to say he was wrong? I am sure he is going to love that.

    He won’t say he’s wrong. But a much more detailed explanation of how we’d exit the backstop if the EU were to act in bad face woul be welcome. If MP’s see how that could happen it might be enough to swing them over.
    Bare in mind if the Eu doesn’t grant an extension we leave on the 29th without a deal. Parliment have voted to say that wont happen so it’ll be revoke or May’s deal. What do you reckon they’ll choose ?

    Free Member

    You haven’t grasped the meaning behind leeroysilk’s post

    Indeed, which was would it actually change how we in practice live our lives ?

    Free Member

    why do you keep saying this?, polling consistently shows that her deal is the least preferred option

    This is the part I don’t get ?? I constantly hear leave voters saying her deal is s&&t but when I ask them what they want they just say “leave”. May’s deal had us leaving the EU, removal of freedom of movement everything they said they wanted !!! Sure we have to pay for the commitments we already signed up for and a agreement that we wouldn’t send NI back in control of the bombers and gunmen, all be it with a tiny risk for some unfathomable reason the EU might make it difficult to end said agreement. But still May’s deal is rubbish and she’s the worst PM ever. I know some remainers feel that any thing less than a revocation of A50 is failure, but even though a majority of MPs won’t agree a deal (because it’s the wrong deal, but not say what the right achievable one is) neither will a majority come flat out and say Brexit should be scrapped for 17.4mil reasons.
    Personally I think history will be a bit kinder to May, realising that she took on a job beyond her talents, but also that it’s was beyond any of our current crop of politicians abilities.
    Bare in mind her games not over yet, whatever the votes today we’re still set to leave on March 29th without a deal (depend on an extension we might not get), Mv3 or 4 could still see her deal get through.

    Free Member

    If a shop checked and could get them why not buy from that shop?

    Probably because they wpuld be ££££££££ more.

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