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  • taxi25
    Free Member

    Keep up @taxi25, the blame does not live with those cheated of their vote.

    They still had time to register, in fact thousands did.

    Free Member

    his morning as the French, German and Polish girls i spoke to were all refused a vote at the polling stations, despite having been resident here for a long time.

    Your colleagues were perfectly entitled to vote, but……

    As an EU citizen resident in the UK (except those with British, Irish, Maltese or Cypriot citizenship) wishing to vote in the European elections in the UK you obviously need to register to vote, as explained above.

    But once you have done that you also need to fill in an additional form called the European Parliament voter registration form. 

    They obviously didn’t fill in the required registration form. It’s a shame but no ones fault but their own 🙁

    Free Member

    For a given rider that needs a certain seat height, the op’s longer post over the original shorter post is favourable Shirley? 

    I agree with this, in your case switching to a longet post should have made it less likely to crack than using the original. But its out of warranty anyway so unless you get a “good will” gesture you’ll have to suck it up.

    Free Member

    Just got back from the pub, friend of mine is a presiding officer and he reckoned it was a huge turnout for a euro election. He sort of indicated that the brexit party was responsible for bringing in the voters 🙁. I’m normally a conservative voter, but not this time. I’ve come to the realization that brexit might very well never happen so voted for the candidate that I felt was most committed to doing the actual job of a MEP.

    Free Member

    Absolute black have 46/30 rings.
    The listing says compatable with 6800.

    Free Member

    Rocket Ron on the front Ralph on the back for me in Summer.

    Free Member

    Good explanation slackboy. I guess the op didn’t realise he’d be liable for the employer’s NI contribution. But if he’d been told he wouldn’t he’s got a reasonable claim. Proving the claim is another thing.
    But this whole umbrella stuff is massively wrong, vunerable workers having to pay employee and employers NI should be called out for the racket it is and made illegal.

    Free Member

    The Umbrella took the £11, deducted employers tax, employers NI, my tax, my NI, pension and holidays, ended up equivalent to£9 gross

    This seems broadly reasonably, nothing out of the ordinary here at all.

    Apart from this isn’t what was agreed (at least in ths op’s assesment) The OP was promised £10.50 gross in his pay packet. Obviously he’d have NI and tax to pay. But what he got was £9 gross and had NI and tax to pay on that. Perhaps it was all a genuine misunderstanding, but I certainly understand the OP’s claim. Whether or not it’s winnable at tribunal or even worth trying I have no idea.

    Free Member

    Cheers again Northwind. Page 3 and at last some background. Probably agree the fence jump into a private carpark with a history of improper use probably wasn’t totally cool.
    But as mentioned on page 2 a couple of words explaining the situation would work wonders. Much better than pitchforks at dawn.

    Free Member

    @Northwind, cheers for some background. I take it the carpark is public but used by the golf club. If it were private but being used under “access” laws I can understand the sensitivity. Regarding the trails if their established as mtb trails there’s definitely a wiff of “local trails for local people” about the whole thing. Not saying thats a Scottish thing it happens everwhere. At least local to me there isn’t a big brother is watching/judging you thing going on 🙁
    The don’t be a dick thing should apply everywhere, but who gets to decide the dick factor is the problem.

    Free Member

    So is the problem where the video was filmed or the manner of the riding ? I wouldn’t judge the riding as irresponsible, not for expert riders taking part in a promotional video. So is it the venue, a little explanation from some locals about whats specifically going on there would give some perspective.
    I’ve always been a bit ashamed of the fact that I’ve never been to Scotland 😳😳. But is it really the case that the much vaunted access laws leave your every action open to the judgment of the least tolerant.

    Free Member

    @Brucewee. Yet again what are they doing wrong in this specific video, don’t say they jumped over a fence and into water. But what exactly about how and where their ridng is wrong. Yeah and the angry scotsman thing, it’s not a good look 😉

    Free Member

    But within the context of a commercial shoot how were they acting irresponsibily, the fence and water thing don’t go over that line to any reasonable person.
    You don’t define reasonable as perceived by 0.5% of people but by the majority view. The majority seeing the Bird antics might ask “whats going here” but when told its filming for a promotional video would be fine with it, probably be interested enough hang around and watch for a bit.

    Free Member

    Bikes not to mention motor vehicles are riden/driven through water every minute of every day. There’s no environmental impact in this particular instance. And jumping over without in any way damaging a fence as part of a commercial shoot isn’t being a dick. Come on what’s the real problem ?

    Free Member

    Tails – its more to to with understanding scots access laws. don’t be a dick is the main principle and these guys have broken it.

    I’m still none the wiser, whats wrong with the video ?? Were they riding somewhere they shouldn’t. They seemed to be sticking to well used trails 🤔🤔

    Free Member

    As I’m not a local a bit of an explanation would be good ????

    Free Member

    I’d be worried, stinks to hi heaven !! Get in touch with ebay and paypal.

    Free Member

    Rob Barker was on the final descent amongst others, but not on the World Cup. Probably my favourite ever mtb event pic, so thumbs up to Rob 👍

    Free Member

    I used to think it did and religiously ran 175mm cranks. My three bikes now have 170,172.5 and 175mm cranks and I can’t tell the difference between them after a few hundred yards.

    Free Member

    No. what exactly about it angers them?
    It doesn’t even make sense to become angered by it. Nevermind passionately.
    I guess you can’t actually even explain. Can you?

    I’ll have a stab, MG touched on it but what makes drivers angry when the see RLJ cyclists ect is fear. Discount the odd lunatic but people in general just want to go about their buisness and get home safely. The last thing they want to do is get involved in an accident that causes themselves or others harm. A cyclist running lights whealing bla,bla, bla is in their minds unpredictable and that makes them alarming and frightening mistly because they think they might knock them off.
    People’s second reaction to being frightened is to get angry as part of the flight or fight response.
    Try it, go up behind someone and startle them, first they jump then they want to punch you.

    Free Member

     The more often you smile and acknowledge complete strangers and have fun the happier a place that world becomes.

    I agree with you 100% on this and it’s something I do aswell.
    But people are conditioned to respond to a smile with a smile, probably an evolutionary thing. But after the smile which is a good thing, their still thinking “another t××t cyclist”. 😁😁

    Free Member

    I genuinely believe the way I ride on the roads ie. wheelying, manualling, hopping kerbs, playing around and most important of all smiling and making eye contact with, thanking and greeting pedestrians and drivers when passing raises my image out of the “cyclist” group stereotype and humanises me more to onlookers.
    It definitely gets me compliments and smiles back.

    Honestly geex your brilliant 😁😁 I’d love to live in your fantastic world, but honestly it’s one purely of your own invention or delusion, but either way it’s brilliant 😎😎

    Free Member

    Was he not just on about wheeling the kid out for the cameras like a performing chimp?

    Very likely he was, but then…………and if you don’t understand what happened next what do you understand ?? He’s paid the price for his moronic misjudgment, probably time to move on now.

    Free Member

    I just found out it’s best to drive off rather than report a minor bump or admit liability!

    I do to, but I don’t like the direction this whole thing is going. Especially with the age of the Op’s daighter.
    Report it to the insurance company and under no circumstances let your daughter engage with the 3rd party.

    Free Member

    Its not whether or not he knew Meghan of Meghan Markles heritage (which he may or may not have done), it is a question of whether it entered his brain when posting the picture. 

    I kind of agree with this, but he was in such a hurry to be MR Clever he didn’t engage his brain. Once posted though the damage was done and real world the BBC had no option but to fire him. Hopefully he can keep a low profile and find a role for is talents sometime in the future.
    For what its worth I think posting a picture of a Chimpanzee as a representation of “anybody’s” new born beloved baby is a crass and disrespectfull thing to do.

    Free Member

    I’m genuinely surprised at the number of people on here that don’t seem to either watch the news or read newspapers, even occasionally. 

    Me to, but also suprised that after opening this thread cliking the OP’s link some people didn’t feel the need to research the whole Harry/Megan thing before commenting.
    Bit like the endemic trend on facebook of commenting on or liking articles without even reading them.

    Free Member

    Claim: “98% of cyclists run red lights.”
    Actual figure: 5.9% of cyclists run red lights (with motorists at 5.6%).

    Realllllllllyyyýy !!
    I know the danger cyclists represent when they do the “carefull look both ways before” they jump the lights is minimal. But that 5.9% is absolutely a load of rubbish. Come to Cardiff its almost 100% amongst the just riding a bike rather than the commited cyclist group. I couldn’t care less if cyclists safely go through red lights (I do on occasion) but to say only a tiny percentage do is 😂😂😂😂😂

    Around here anyway, other places might differ.

    Free Member

    This thread has totally flabbered my gast. So often I come on here and raise my eybrows at what I see as a hysterical preoccupation with “isms”. And yet here there’s people defending Bakers actions as a “bit of a mistake”, does your hatred of everything Royal trump everything else ? Even if Danny Bakers intentions weren’t racist, it’s glaringly obvious to anyone other than a complete moron that it could be interpreted as such, almost instantly by the vast majority. It’s a huge misjudgment on his behalf and impossible to think he could have kept his job.
    Personally I don’t think he’s a bad person but over this just a stupid fool.

    Free Member

    Warranties are purely a marketing tool. Bike manufacturers obviously feel transferable warranties don’t sell more bikes, or at least enough of them to justify the cost. So they don’t provide them, simples.

    Free Member

    Owain Glyndwr.
    A heroic freedom fighter to many in Wales. Or a petulant looser who started a rebellion for his own ends, costing thousands of lives, totally ruining Anglo Welsh relationships and ushering in years of punative anti Welsh laws.

    Free Member

    Cheers JJ
    33, 7th v50 of the lost the will to climb 56k wimps. Feel a bit of remorse not doing the last 4k but had totally had enough by then 🙁🙁

    Free Member

    I was a geek and took the online excel doc and brought it into Excel proper, then arranged the info by finish time to get the order

    If you could post that up it would help us non geeks 👍👍

    Free Member

    Guys at the finish said Nick Craig was first man home. No idea about the 1.54 guy.

    Free Member

    Rotor cuff injury to my right shoulder over a year ago. Had physio and still doing excercise’s every day. It’s not 100%, maybe it never will be, but it’s managble now. These things take time especially as you get older 🙁

    Free Member

    Hope Mum and baby are well. I am not a big Royalist but I like Harry and wish them joy.


    Free Member

    Here’s a guide to getting from the airport. We always use public transport, quick and cheap.

    Afternoon to kill, try the furnicula railway up to the Petrin tower. Great view then walk back down tbrough the park. Maybe have just the one beer at Beer garden Petrin 🍺

    Free Member

    You’re welcome to do whatever you want 

    I will thanks 👍

    Free Member

    Pretty much standard marathon styles riding, which is what the Dyfi is. It’s called Enduro for endurance riding, 

    Not critising the course, just that it wasn’t my kind of route. I’ve done dozens of other “marathon” events and none have been quite like the Dyfi. Probably that’s why some people love it so much. It was my first time so it’s a box ticked, but I’ll stick to the more big loop open vista X/C type events im the future.

    Free Member

    To those bitching about the jet wash – 100’s of bikes needing to be jet washed, just how do you handle that without causing a back up ? 

    By having more than 2 jet washers???
    I appreciate they’d planned more but it didn’t happen. The situation became unreasonable quite quickly, something the organisers readily acknowledge.
    I certainly didn’t moan or bitch about it, just made an assessment and decided to put my bike straight in the van and clean it properly myself.

    Free Member

     there were people moaning about the queue for the bike wash. Think it was about 45 mins for us, and free. No pleasing some people.

    Which stretched to 1hr20mins, after 5hrs on the bike and the prospect of a 3hr drive home. Unless you had it washed they withheld your finishing mug. I certainly didn’t moan, my bike and gear went straight in the van where it got a proper wash when I got home. I’ve got plenty of mugs.
    That aside it was a good event, great atmosphere in the campsite and town, great support on the road, loved ZZ top and the gorilla 😁.
    Probably won’t do it again though, the course wasn’t really my cup of tea, some good bits (especially the final descent) but the fire roads killed it for me. To much like an uplift day without the uplift, constant winch and plummet. Great if thats your thing but I prefer the “big day out” type rides.

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