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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • taxi25
    Free Member

    Enjoy whatever riding your doing SR thats all that matters. But regarding your injuries it’s still early days don’t think for a moment that at some point you won’t be able to ride a MTB again. The trails will still be out there if and when you fancy riding them.
    As for the sport moving on, well it has for some but I’m still doing what I’ve always done, just riding my bike in the same way on the same trails I have been doing for the last 30yrs.

    Free Member

    With your caveats I cant advise on things to do unfortunately 😉. Perhaps park close to the central station ? I’ve only ever walked around the place, if your only there for a day you’ll find plenty of things to do without needing transport.

    Free Member

    Pretty sure more than 30secs on google and I could find “middle aged Danish drinking epidemic” stories.
    Somepeople just love to knock their own country, now that is a very British thing.
    I’m off now to not stick anything up my nose or in my arm for another year, unless of course I really feel like it 😂

    Free Member

    Well the Danes drink as much as we do.

    yes but they can handle it. It’s not the alcohol that’s the problem, it’s the fact that too many Brits seem to turn into complete **** when they’ve had a few.

    Booze is booze they handle it the same as everyone else.

    Free Member

    Having lived abroad for a few months I think the brits have a pretty toxic relationship with alcohol. You can really see it as soon as you’re in the airport – Edinburgh airport has extensive bar areas and wetherspoons can be completely packed with people smashing the beers at 7am. Copenhagen airport, the bars are fewer and largely empty it seems, and in general the way people use booze here is just different, hard to explain but it’s like a celebratory thing to do, or a treat, like it’s a nice day let’s have a nice beer in the sun. None of this smashing six cans on a one hour train journey or in the park and moan about the country or having a fight type thing.

    Well the Danes drink as much as we do. I’m sure as many abuse alchol as us boozy Brits. As always it’s the few that get all the attention, and the rest of us who just enjoy a well behaved drink get painted with the same brush. Also don’t get this “other countries are so superior” attitude from some posters.
    List of alcohol drunk per country.

    Free Member

    ebay, 99p start, be willing to post.

    Yes and no. You’ll get the market price sort of, but only whatever it is for a 10 day period. You miss loads of potential buyers and could very well end up giving it away. For large items I prefer fixed price listing with the option to accept offers.

    Free Member

    I think you are in Scotland, but in England cases where a tenant has been served eviction notice for pet ownership have been thrown out of court. The judge said its the human right of tenants to own pets irrespective of the contract.

    This made me wonder, and there’s some truth to it. You have the right to ask permission to keep a pet, and a refusal has to be reasonable. Small attic flat keeping a goldfish perfectly reasonable, large dog not so much.

    Tenant penalties for breaching tenancy rules – pets

    Free Member

    When I rented a property I actively looked for a dog owner as they care for their animal and have limited access to rental accommodation so therefore my twisted logic is that they actually look after it.

    This could be true, but your agreement with tenants specifically allowed dogs. If the tenants are breaking the rules as TJ’s neighbours are, they’ll almost certainly start breaking plenty of others.

    Free Member

     Cyclists: Scourge of the Streets?

    With the ? It could easily be a rebuttal of the “scourge of the streets” premise. Who knows I’ve not seen it 🙄

    Free Member

    If it was something like this ridden two up its not on really. The eletric motor doesn’t make any difference they shouldn’t be in the park. I could drive my car in a park in a safe and curteous manner, wouldn’t make it right.

    [/url]regions bank locations in usa

    P.s their on ebay for £1495. Quite fancy one myself.

    Free Member

    Flip them around anyway, see if that works. Simple things first 👍

    Free Member

    There is a bit of a difference between using a mechanism to inflate a repair bill ie. Europecar and totally inventing a repair. In fact a pretty big difference. One you get to pay some money back, the other could lesd to criminal charges. Even so itbwould be stupid to say it’s never happened 🙁

    Free Member

    The final cost will be more than the tyre as they’ll bill for the time the car wasn’t available to hire as well. That could be several days hire charge on top of the tire.

    I don’t think this is true, your liable for the repair not some presumed mythical future earnings.
    Once the repairs are done you are entitled to fully itemized bill. Which no doubt will include an admin fee 🙄

    Free Member

    Gutted for Cav and myself 🙁 I had hopes if not expectations of a last hurrah. Wishing him all the best for the future but probably this is it at the top end of the sport.
    Took this picture on Caerphilly mnt,during the TOB they had to go up twice. Cav fancied the sprint so gave it full beans on the first ascent, he didn’t look so good second time around 😂.

    Free Member

    Eye watering soft drink prices aren’t a problem for me.


    Free Member

    It’s patently unreasonable when a tubeless repair is about £30. 

    I think its unreasonable that they won’t have a proper repair done aswell. But I’d imagine for a compact type car the tyres going to cost £100 give or take, so the lady’s going to get £400+ refunded.

    Free Member

    No idea but I remember having mudguards like those, what was the point😀

    When I worked in a lbs late 70’s we’d tell people it was to keep the brakes clean 😁

    Free Member

    Id suggest a bit of practice before you fly out. A few shots of the airport terminal and runways would be ideal 👌👌

    Free Member

    Where does the bit about the shot being a ricochet come from taxi25? 

    Washington post.

    “Ebony was afraid for her life and reached in her purse for the gun,” her mother said, adding that her daughter had a license to carry the weapon. “She tried to fire a warning shot to get away from her.”

    But the shot — which Jemison’s mother says was aimed at the ground — ricocheted into Jones. Earka Jemison told The Post that her daughter received threats after the indictment.”

    I’d imagine balistic evidence supports this, but I don’t know.

    Free Member

    It’s a ridiculous case for a number of reasons, particularly as they haven’t even managed to indict the person who blasted her with a gun. I suppose pulling your gun during a scuffle and blasting* an unarmed, pregnant woman is a perfectly defensible act in the modern US.

    Love how your so certain of the circumstances surrounding the event, were you there ? No you weren’t, so how can you pre judge anything except to fall back on your own prejudices.
    It’s by no means certain the woman will be charged, just that all eventualities are being looked into.
    I’m not particularly clever but can understand the principles surrounding this case.

    Free Member

    It’s a complex and difficult legal conundrum.
    Basically the pregnant woman attacked another woman. The other woman fearing for her life, legally as it’s been deemed pulled out a legally liscensed handgun and fired it into the ground as a warning. The bullet ricocheted and struck the pregnant woman wounding her and killing the baby. There’s a position that the pregnant womans criminal actions were responsible for her babies death. I don’t know, but there’s an argument for it. The courts will decide, thats what their there for.

    Free Member

    This is my collar bone and 4ribs that I broke last November. 5th time for this side (4 the other). It’s a total PIA but you’ll heal eventually. I’m assuming as your employed you’ll get sick pay, I’m self employed so get sweet FA, so no sympathy from me just recommend you stop whinning and take a big dose of rule 5 😉

    Free Member

    Is there anything more tragic than middle class white girls singing and dancing to Stormzy?!

    Why ? Stormzy was great, I didn’t know some social economic groups were excluded from enjoying his performance. I’m sure he’s perfectly happy for his art to be appreciated by everyone.

    Free Member

    Is it a thing though, do friends actually comment about each others weight ? I’ve got friends in all shapes and sizes, tall, short, skinny and fat. Most of them aren’t cyclists and it’s never occurred to me to mention thier body shape to them in any meaningful way. Certainly not to their faces. A little bit of teasing perhaps amongst riding buddies, but most of that is self depreciation.
    Commenting directly to someone about their weight isn’t an intervention it’s just rude. We all know if we’re fat or not, nobody’s in denial, and if they are it’s there buisness not any body elses.

    Free Member

    If it’s a burly frame the rides always going to feel ” solid”. But lighter tyres and wheels will make the biggest difference to how it feels. Definitely go tubless if you haven’t done so already.

    Free Member

    Suprised if that’ll be a warranty job, who did the pdi ? If the shop did it and the rear mech was adjusted properly then its been knocked and the hanger/mech bent.
    I’ve used these guys, after painting the repair was invisible.

    Free Member

    So vape user’s move back to cigarettes then sue the City for their cancers ? I’ve no idea of the long term effects of vaping but it’s got to be better than cigarettes surely. At least every medical opinion I’ve heard of thinks so.

    Free Member

    My mate has the details of the guy who cut me up – sounded German so may have holiday insurance – worth looking into?

    Your actually thinking of suing some guy you reckon had you off in a sportive !! Ignore my previous advise, cancel the holiday and give up cycling it’s not for you 🙁

    Free Member

    Try moving the saddle back a bit. Or maybe spend £200+ on a bike fit. I know what I’d try first 👍

    Free Member

    Probably best to cancel, and rebook in the future when you’re fully fit and far more likely to enjoy your week of riding

    At your age you might be dead before some imagined future. Go on your holiday, do what you can ride or not and enjoy yourself as best you can. I’d definitely regret cancelling but never regret making the trip even if all I could so was stick my feet up and enjoy a drink in a bar 🍺

    Free Member

    the middles classes are rife with functioning alcoholics. Granted, a few pence on their chablis may not put all of them off, but we’ve pretty much tried everything else.

    Why try anything, how about letting adults decide how much they want to drink. Tax alchol for sure we need the revenue, but that aside let the market decide the price.

    Free Member

    I’d go. If I couldn’t ride much (or not at all) there will still be other things to do.

    Me to, have a contingency plan, road bike maybe ?

    Free Member

    Here’s the UE site, you can sign up at no cost or obligation, go along and have chat, thats the best way to see how they operate in your area and if it might be something your interested in.

    Free Member

    media reports tell us that payments are being squeezed, and the bar is continually being set higher in terms of performance and standards for the same or less money- are you having to work longer/harder for the same or less money?

    Media reports are sometimes just that. But since Uber,lyft, Ola ect arrived competion has increased amongst taxi companies and pricing is certainly one of the things that gets squeezed.
    I can’t comment about AL their a London based private hire firm. I work in Cardiff and use the Uber and Ola app. You don’t get hassled on hours, I do a school run with a mini bus so work with my own P/H cab between 8.45am and 2.15pm Mon to Fri so only 22.5hrs split between two companies. Their totally fine with that, the hours I do are my buisness not there’s. Performance has three aspects customer rating out of 5 mine’s 4.97, pretty good but but over 4.9 isn’t hard to achieve unless your a real twunt. Uber don’t normally raise eybrows unless it goes down to 4.6 which is really, really, really low. There’s a % measure of how many jobs you are offered that you accept. But if your working the idea is to accept as many jobs as possible I’m on 96%. If your consistently under say 70% they’ll talk to you about it, basically to find out what the problem is. Lastly again as a % there’s the number rides you as a driver cancel after accepting. This is a bit sensitive because drivers cancelling can cause problems for customers. Often I run 100% on this, occasionally I’ll have to cancel a job but normally only if I cant contact my customer.
    Bear in mind taxi drivers are genetically programmed to complain, they moan about everything and it’s always someone else’s fault, you’ll seldom get a balanced view talking to taxi drivers. Have a look at an Uber drivers forum for a bit of insight into this.
    The bottom line is working with the Uber’s earns me more per hour than conventional companies, on sign up day they said on average you’ll earn X which I do or more, I’d like to earn extra but nobody lied about what I’d get. You do your job and they give you no hassle whatsoever. The app is great, keep your documents up to date by uploading them to Uber and your ready to go whenever you want. I’m at home now just about to go for a ride. I can go out the door on my bike and not come back for 3mths but still go to work as soon as I sit in my car. I wouldn’t have a house, wife, kids, dog or money by then but I’d still have Uber. 👍

    Free Member

    My heart hopes Cav will come back to some kind of form but my heads saying “no chance”. Love to be wrong though.

    Free Member

    Fair enough tj my modern day experience is with Uber/UE, they just let the computer sort it all out. However as binners mentions, back in the day 😦😦😦

    Free Member

    Thinking exploitation some of the posts on here regarding people’s workplace experiences are truly jaw dropping, to me anyway . I’ve been in the so called “gig” economy for 30yrs and had no idea how badly people could be treated in proper jobs.

    Free Member

    Taxi – according to multiple reports it is true. there is control on the app as to who gets what job.

    Sorry it’s just not true, multiple reports of who ?? I’ve worked with Uber for 3 years and not experienced anything like you describe. But as I said there’s conspiracy theroists and discontents by the dozen.
    Control if you’d like to call it that is by giving incentives to work when it’s busy “boost or surge” payments. Ive never seen credible evidence other than hearsay often from those with an “agenda” that UE or Uber pick and choose who gets what jobs.

    Free Member

     if you don’t work this shit shift you won’t get given any work on good shifts”

    Thats simply not true, uber eats is just an app on your phone, you want work you turn it on you turn it off when you want to finnish. Jobs are allocated strictly according to who’s the closest and it’s all done by a computer program. There’s nobody deciding he/she gets a job and someone else doesn’t .
    I drive with Uber and you get the same conspiracy theories from some drivers, about who gets what job and who doesn’t. In the end all UE and Uber care about is that the job gets done and they get their cut.

    Free Member

    The money is rubbish by all reports, no employee rights, its exploitive.

    Average out £10-12 ph. But thats lunch time evening, there’s not much work outside those hours, but it’s flexible work “FOR THOSE THAT CHOOSE” to do it, exploitation suggests there is no choice.

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