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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • taxi25
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    We’re both grown up now though and I get on with my sister quite well these days.

    Broke my sister’s nose when we were kids, somethg she continually reminds me of 50 years later 😳😳

    Free Member

     If someone smoked/drank too much or took to many drugs we’d happily tell them and suggest they should stop for their health and for the good of those around them.

    Would you ? Much the same applies with obesity. People often don’t want others telling them how to lead their lives, regardless. Only advise given on this thread that might have a real impact is this.

    If you really want to help her then move back to the UK, buy her a gym membership and offer to babysit her two kids for two hours everyday to let her get to the gym 

    Free Member

    I mean FFS she’s lost her head over a moment’s frustration or jealousy and effectively cut away her only remaining family. 

    Sounds like Mrstaxi, 10yrs and counting 🙁

    Nothing wrong with taking sides against your wife

    I agree, but only if you want a divorce.
    Op don’t go and see the sister without your wife knowing. Talk to your wife, explain how all of this affects you and how it’ll affect both of your futures, try and get a sense if “she” thinks she was unreasonable. If you get that sense you can offer to act as an intermediatry. Long term blowing out her family won’t make your wife happy, but if you want a future together (maybe this is a turning point for you) you’ll have to at least offer her tacit support. Certainly not go behind her back

    Free Member

    or a s/h cotic soul.

    If you know of one for sale and its in good conditin you have your answer.

    Free Member

    How does the bike ride with your current modifications ? If your happy with it leave as is. As others said it’s nearly impossible to replicate modern geometry unless you actually have it. Go to far and the bike gets worse not better, even assuming your riding would benefit from long, low, slack ect.

    Free Member

    If it was second hand it must have had an axle fitted at some point.
    Are you sure your not giving up to early on this ? Get someone else to look at it. Sometimes “you can’t see for looking” fresh eyes might see the problem straight away, we’ve all been there.

    Free Member

    But the magnitude of the gains available just from simple changes was certainly an eye-opener. By far the biggest gain is just from adopting a more aggressive position on the bike, with the saddle further forward and the elbows more bent. That drops the power I’d need to output to maintain 45km/h in the drops from 498W to 448W, a massive 10% saving. 

    From further on in the RCC article. Plenty to be gained from using the drops properly. Nobody’s saying anyone has to like or use drops but to say its just fashion etc is just nonsense.

    Free Member

    So from three pages what I’m getting is basically Dave’s a bit of a cockwomble. That about sum things up?

    Jurys out. If they can afford it and everyone’s looking forward to the trip then no. But……………….

    Free Member

    Your buying a second hand bycycle. I normally just give them a quick visual a pull and prod to make sure everythings tight, check the wheels go round, the gears work and aren’t totally worn. Bounce the suspension up and down to check for horrible noises and thats it. Some of you guys sheeeesh 😉

    Free Member

    Ebay there’s loads on there, this is the very first listing of thousands.

    Free Member

    You could definitely get it done cheaper using non genuine parts, but it can be hit or miss, you often end upnwith a phone that is never quite the same. If it’s only a month old I’d be tempted to bite the bullet and get the genuine repair done.

    Free Member

    Crash replacement is usually say 50% of rrp. As long as the £90 is that it’s not really any of your buisness how much the shop pays for the item. They could get it for free, all your concern is that the terms of the crash replacement warranty are met.

    Free Member

    I spent 10yrs working in the gaming industry. Behaviour as described would instantly trigger a money laundering inquiry. Casinos are legally obliged to watch out for such activities, £10,000 buy in would instantly trigger surveillance. Not purely to look for anything sinister but to monitor your gambling. High rollers are valuable assets they’d want to look after you. Passing large amounts of chips to others, not playing in a proportionate manner relevant to your buy in raises flags. It would all be recorded on cctv and a report sent to the authorities.
    Guidance for Casinos.

    Free Member

    In your price range more or less every hardtail will be 1×11/12 shimano/sram with a rockshox/fox fork. You’ll get parts for those brands for years to come, so no problem there. With something like this its only the OEM wheels and dropper that could be a problem. But but a spare freehub body when you first get the bike, and if the dropper gives up the ghost and you can’t get parts just fit a £100 brand X and your rolling 👍

    Free Member

    It’s all very Golf Club, I’ve always said road cycling is the new golf

    Wearing pro team kit is the new golf. Club kit goes back decades and decades. The rules and rituals surrounding the wearing of it go back before the begining of time !!

    Free Member

    buy one you like the look of. make sure its fully serviced.and make sure you keep it that way.

    Good post martymac, ive been following this adice for years.

    Free Member

    You should get a bike fit.

    Just book a session with Jedi.

    Free Member

    I’ve ridden Di2 Ultegra and its great. But my next groupset is going to be mechanical DA. It’ll be on my summer bike which has canti’s and is not Di2 specific. DA will just look better rather than retro fit the Ultegra DI2 and will be cheaper for the full groupset.
    If I bought a new bike it would be Di2 all the way.

    Free Member

    I ride all year round, but as others have said if it’s raining I’ll give that quick after work spin a miss. Likewise I won’t head off into great unknown in bad weather, been there got the t-shirt. But if I haven’t been out for a few days and the forecast doesn’t look like changing I’ll man up and ride on or off road in more or less anything. In Wales raining for 40 days and forty night’s doesn’t only happen in hhe Bible 💦💦💦

    Free Member

    From Ned’s piece.

     I did the HERO mountain bike marathon in Val Gardena and there wasn’t an e-bike category, but in town all you saw were people on e-bikes. It’s high attitude for them, and the climbing there is so steep that it discourages people from riding mountain bikes. So e-bikes were perfect for that place.

    Just like Swinley forest then 😉

    Free Member

    Just to spice things up and going back to the Op’s and others negative E-mtb experience. Are we seeing exactly the same thing on the trails as cyclists experience on the roads. Some car drivers feel their extra speed gives them preference and dominance over slower moving traffic, mostly cyclists. They get angry and impatient because they feel their being held up.
    Same thing with some e-mtb’rs. My engine makes me superior so get out of my way. The language from som e-mtb fanboys on this thread makes me think there’s some truth in the idea. A couple of you need to reign it in a bit, one person in particular !!

    Free Member

    Without wanting to cast aspersions on this horrible story, I’ve often wondered whether any effort is made to verify the tales of woe on Go Fund Me etc.

    No need for verification, either you believe the story or you don’t.
    If however you did have evidence that the story is completely fictitious then it’s a fraud. You could bring it to the attention of the police or gofundme. Gfm would certainly look into it and pull the fund if need be.
    I reckon this one is true, the injuries don’t seem consistent with an accident, even if they were its an injured animal and the owner can’t afford the treatment (not everyone can afford insurance, and don’t mention the obvious, I know). I’d have sent a fiver if the target hadn’t been reached. If it turned out I’d been scammed then shame on them not on me.

    Free Member

    “I saw 30 fat lazy ebikers today and never said a word but now I’m billy big balls calling everyone out on my iPad”

    It’s called not being rude, we all have opinions about everything and everyone. Do you go up to strangers and voice univited negative opinions ? No you don’t, that’s what forums are for.

    Free Member

    It also says I put in about 25% of the effort and the motor put in 75% which given I was in turbo seems about right. It also says I averaged about 220W human output over both directions, 

    Something’s wrong there. 220w on the flat gives you nearly 22mph. And thats only a quarter of your total output??

    Free Member

    The immediate assumption that Alaphilippe was doping by a fair number of watchers is a sad comment on where the sport is. 

    More a sad indictment of where some people are 🙁. Vigilance is good, there’ll always be some who try to cheat, but the sport has moved on tremendously. The comments about Allaphilippe from the usual suspects were a real low !!

    Free Member

     can I pay in biscuits” customer who knows all the frame bearings, headset and BB are shagged but doesn’t want to pay the labour costs for replacement hours.

    There’s some like that but if your professional they can be delt with. Just tell people it needs XYZ, cost will be whatever and leave it at that. They either agree to pay or they walk away, dont argue with people or get messed about.
    I’d consider a franchise of some sort.

    Free Member

    I think G could be off the podium tomorrow and if Buchmann or Kreijsvijk replace him I would not be sad. 

    Well all this could be true. But why even if your a complete neutral why would you prefer Buchmann or Kreijsvijk to prevail over Thomas ? Are they somehow more worthy ? Surely you’d want the best man to win, decided on the road.

    I’m struggling to understand he anti-G sentiments

    Me to. No reason why anybody has to support any particular rider, but lets here a bit more than petty prejudice.

    Free Member

    I suspect G was going to attack to Bernal on the last climb to really put AP out of contention

    I reckon G will convince himself of that aswell. Wether he could have actually come back to Bernal is another thing.

    Free Member

    Yes they are because their behaviour is impacting negatively on someone else and they don’t give a shit.

    But that all comes down to tolerance. If I smell a bit of weed coming over from next door it doesn’t bother me. Maybe the Op is being hyper sensitive and hysterical to an odd wiff (not saying you are Op, this hypothetical). You can’t live in a bubble and expect the outside world to have no impact what so ever.

    Free Member

    . I have no issue with people doing either so long as they aren’t being dicks.

    But are they ? Their minding their own buisness smoking in their own home. The OP claims the smell isn’t only coming in through windows its coming up through the floor. Apart from giving up all together there isn’t anything thing they can do. Smoke outside the Op can smell it in his garden, go indoors and it comes up through the floor. They can’t win with the Op whatever they do. No idea what the solution is but I can guarantee they won’t be giving up their smoke anytime soon.

    Free Member

    ecommendation is to change / throw away sealent every 3-6 months it seems too wasteful for me.

    Don’t fall for that one, just add a bit every 6 mnths or so.

    Free Member

    Buy it. Ride it and if you like it maybe slightly modernise it.

    This for sure, downtube friction shifters loose their appeal very quickly IMHO.
    I did this for a friend, it was his fathers who died a couple of years ago. We had to spread the frame to accept a modern wheel set, kept it original but put a 10spd centaur groupset on it. Retro but practical 😎.

    forensic osteology jobs

    Free Member

    Everyone gets a set amount and if you go over your allocated budget you can buy more credit (obvs at a cost) or incur much higher costs

    Hows that?

    So rich people get to do whatever they like becausr they can afford to buy as many carbon credits as they want. Sounds about right 🙁

    So as much as it’s a fatalistic thing to say, I wouldn’t worry too much. The planet will call time on us when it needs to that’s certain.

    Mtbing has no measurable affect on the environment. Live your life don’t be a dick and enjoy yourself. Everything will end one day whatever we do !!!

    Free Member

    They’d all be great bikes for your intended purpose. Get which ever one you like the look of most or from the nearest most convenient retailer. Don’t underestimate this if it comes down to getting problems or a warranty claim sorted.

    Free Member

    I’m married, I’ve accepted its right and safer to be wrong even if I’m right.

    Free Member

    In my opinion a good tribute band could be better than the real thing. My favourite band in the 70’s were The Damned,

    Bryn Merrick who played bass with the Damned in the 80’s did the same with the Ramones tribute band The Shamones. They were great, I saw his last gig before his untimely death in 2015. Chatting with him his take on tribute bands was all about respecting the original artist and bringing their music to people who might never have had a chance to see the original act.
    Anybody who completely discards the whole genre is nothing more than an insufferable music snob. We all know a few of those especially on here 🙄🙄.

    Free Member

    It the prospect of being blindsided by a pheasant 

    I love a road downhill, but its the Sheep around here that get me worried 😟😟😟

    Free Member

    Or just leave the leaves where they are. Moving them at all just seems silly. 

    Maybe they need to be moved from paths and pavements so elderly people (or anyone) don’t slip on them when they get wet.
    I find it incomprehensible that you didn’t think of this 😉

    Free Member

    All the really fast people don’t use Strava

    But they do, you think you’ve got a good time and then the Tob comes through 😖😖

    Free Member

    300 quid new? Would you ride a bike that cost that much?

    Depends what you want it for. If your a commited mtb rider then there’d be to many compromises. But for a casual rider who might go of road occasionally, as the links show there’s plenty of bikes at that price point that are up to the job.

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