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  • NBD: Flow eBMX, Trek Top Fuel, YT Decoy SN, Kona Process 153 & 134…
  • Tango-Man
    Free Member

    I have had this done, a day apart, the contrast goes into the back of the hand, nice big needle, weird feeling and in it goes, the reason for it is that is gives a better image quality and shows more detail of the blood flows etc

    Painless but a weird feeling

    Free Member

    What is a girl like you doing in a nice place like this………

    Free Member

    Steel4real, Not in Rammy on Saturday, I have other commitments, but I'll have the bike with me and will get in a ride or 2 over the weekend, aiming to keep it going and see if I can shed some lard in the coming months

    I have glasses, crud catcher maybe a good idea though….

    Free Member

    Slow doesn't cut it for me, my ride last night was just over 2 hours, it would have taken me about an hour ten 3 years ago

    I have some work to do..

    Free Member


    We have spoke before, I was Chris68, prior to the forum change, I allowed you to look after my land whilst I was off sick lol

    Free Member

    Even with a CRB check you cannot be left alone with them, there will need to be guardians in place, they cannot turn up and drop the kids off and leave you to look after them

    Free Member

    Calling Binners, Calling Binners ha ha

    Free Member

    Oh dear where are all the cocky mancs now, get in you Redmen

    2 – 0

    Free Member

    Just on my secondplay of the album, house tomyself, Bose speakers pounding out the sounds, It is growing on me

    Pussy is better without the vid………. no,really 😆

    Free Member

    Nicko McBrain Wow
    Roger Taylor
    Cozy Powell

    Free Member

    Mail sent Hora


    Free Member

    I'll be in Manchester as well, beer beforehand, I also have a spare ticket, available at what it cost me

    Free Member

    Merkur Futur

    Merkur for me, had one for about 3 years, shave about 4 times per week, once you get used to it nothing is better, a real razor, nice badger brush and some decent shaving cream will beat any mach (insert ridiculous number here)the quality of the single blades is much higher that the titanium edged multi blade (it they are so **** sharp why the need for multiple blades?)

    Mine has paid for itself over and over, a few tips though, do not think you can use this like a mach bollocks, you can't your head will be severed from your neck and you will die, due to the sharpness of the blades, you will need to learn to shave properly and take your time, once you get use to it they are the best

    Big plus point that no one has mentioned, if your Wife\Missus borrows the Merkur, you will know, as she will probably sever her leg trying to use it, she will only borrow it the once

    Free Member

    Good Luck in whatever you choose to do.

    Free Member

    Debt Collection agency, there are some that will send people around to ask for your money, I used to do it, always business cases… 😈

    Free Member

    I'm compiling a list of names..

    What for, to improve your handwriting? 😆

    Free Member

    Big Caravan – Check
    Volvo XC70 – Check
    60mph on motorways – check
    Having to overtake much slower drivers on motorways – check
    Getting Cut up by complete dickheads who decide to overtake you without judging it, only to find you are also being held up by a tosspot with bikes on a bike rack – check (last Sunday)

    Cost of 2 weeks abroad with family – £2.5k
    Cost of my 5 weeks holiday in the caravan this year covering absolutely everything – £2k

    I have to admit though, If I am on a country lane holding up traffic and I am not being held up then I will try to pull over.

    Free Member

    Remember though – love yourself and people will love you.

    Even better if you do it on webcam ;-0

    I have my coat, I'm gone…………..

    Free Member

    Can I just say this thread is nothing without pictures…..

    Also, have you wee'd in his shoes?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    The Brian May-ness of some of the guitars drives me nuts too, Bellamy's far better than that tbh.

    Brian May, one of the best guitarists this country has produced?? Bellamy is better…… what way

    Free Member

    don't use TV to entertain, and animated cartoons completely banned (watch what happens to the kid when you turn them on)

    Jesus, My kids are brought up on Tom and Jerry and Bugs Bunny, not seen any movement towards alcohol abuse or glue sniffing, I do get the odd comedy ironing board moment and Abbie does try to push my head into milk bottles though!!!

    As for Little Miss Molgrips, she needs floor time, as apparently there is nothing on the market to support her weight, apart from her parents………….

    I'm with Geoff, tough love time(speaking as a father of 2 kids), one just turned 3 and Jamie is 9 months and is in 18 month-2 years baby clothing, he never liked being on the floor, he got used to it pretty quickly though


    Free Member

    Just having a discussion with someone on another forum, who describes Rammstein as making panto, formulaic rock to please their accountants…………. Interesting, I'm sure he has them mixed up with Bon Jovi

    Free Member

    House isn't damp, kids yes, 2 of them, they bring me lots of illnesses, I'm sure they mean no harm 😆

    Job, office based, not to odd, although some of the people are


    Free Member

    I am down to walking and the odd bike ride, not hammering it at all, the bike I may do a 90 minute ride, before the inury it would have taken me about 45 minutes. I am not going hell for leather and being silly, I have had so many false starts trying to ease back into it.

    Nutritionist, seen one, my diet is pretty good (I have to discount the weekend due to 2 kiddies parties and a 60th!)

    Christ, I'm a whining bitch!!

    Free Member

    Bushwacked, I'm hardly doing any riding or exercising, I ride, I get ill, I recover, I exercise, I get ill, I recover, it is a never ending circle, I was told my immune systen would take a while to recover, not to sure how long a while is though

    I take the car to work, work in a in an office but I cannot afford any more time off, at the moment I am sat here, shaking as I feel so cold, wearing a gillet whilst everyone else is in shirts, with a huge coldsore(I get these when I am run down)pee'd off doesn't cover it


    Free Member

    The guy probably thought he was still in his car therefore immune to a cyclist attack

    Well Done if it did happen.

    Free Member

    Sorry, hijacking hubbies logon!

    We have 2 kids, one girl almost 3 and the other, a boy, 8 months.
    Our daughter always has been great at sleeping, has done 7 – 7 most nights from 6 weeks old. Our son has never been great at sleeping but now does 7 – 6 every night. Tips I have picked up are
    1) get into a routine now, more for you than them and eventually it will pay off.
    2) Gina Ford has no children
    3) health visitors will give some good advice but be confident in your own parenting skills, if you think your babies will settle better in their own room at 4 weeks old then move them, you are the parent. Our daughter was in her own room at 6 weeks, our son was moved at 4 weeks!
    4) if they settle when held by you then its a comfort thing. Get a blanket/toy/burp cloth or similar and sleep with it, wear it, keep it close to you for a few days then give it to your baby. It will smell of you and should help sleep better.

    I was told babies don't know the difference between day and night until at least 6 months so don't expect miracles. You could try controlled crying (leave to cry for a minute then go back for a short period, then leave again for a slightly longer period etc etc) but seems a bit harsh with very young babies

    Mrs Tango Man

    Free Member

    Routine, even at this early age, bathtime followed by feed time followed by bed, and keep at it

    Just think, when they are teenagers you can turn the tables

    Free Member

    Kate McCracken, Aerobics Aussie Style person

    Free Member


    Jebus, no idea what to say

    Free Member


    I have also heard this called a gunt, a gut that runs down to a c…. you get my drift………..

    Free Member

    Good Morning Muddy Puddle, hows the head?

    I'd go for the Full English, plenty of tea and some paracetamol

    Free Member

    As well as the ear pulling prepare for them holding onto one ear and slapping you head as though you are a horse, quite funny for the pedestrians in Keswick town centre! 😆

    Free Member

    December 2006, infection in my spinal column, crushed spinal cord followed by paralysis, then had it drained, septacaemia and a huge blood clot in my left leg to just round things off, Compression stockings for the next decade at least and was advised to stop all activities that could result in bruising to my left leg, so all the mountain bike gear went, DH bike and XC bike, learnt to walk again and get my balance back, still have balance issues when walking

    I did stop everything, I'm now 4 stone overweight, the thought of carbon forks on my road bike terrifies me, hence I avoid it!

    But, I did sneak off and find! Ahem (legally!) a mountain bike, I'll *not* be riding later

    I still class myself as a biker

    Free Member

    Linky for Dwain Chambers

    Have a look at the above link, I still believe that Christing Ohuruogu missed tests because of what is stated in the report above

    Free Member

    Eating – Chicken kebab with not so spicy hot sauce
    Drinking – Hobgoblin, way too much of
    Smokes – Romeo Y Julieta No1, fine Cuban Cigar

    Listened to – assorted rock classics

    Awesome thread, needs to be resurrected

    Free Member

    You think I would make it up?

    It is on Sky Sports News

    Free Member

    Paul, A guy near me, Amjad Butt, would definitely reccomend him, used him a few times, based in Bolton about 3 minutes from my house


    Free Member

    Find a good local tobbaconist and ask there, start with something mild and read up, lots of info and some decent forums out there, try to avoid the USA forums as they miss out on the whole Cuban cigar range, ait can get expensive, especially if you get into hunmidors and collecting a few for the future, not to anti social either, I save mine for special occasions

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