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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • Tango-Man
    Free Member

    I’ll nominate Big Country, they were truly immense once upon a time.(r.i.p. S.A).


    Free Member

    Jupiter and the ISS from last night, over Bolton.

    I use this site Meteor Watch

    Free Member

    He is a pillock

    Free Member

    ^^ That is nice, don’t go and scratch it

    Free Member

    Mark Yates[/url]

    That there bloke from Terrorvision, not no him, the guitarist

    Free Member

    The effects of dredging, a nice easy video.

    Free Member

    Nicked this from another forum…

    Obviously dredging works to alleviate local flooding, it just sends the problem downstream to someone else. The problem for the Somerset Levels (which I lived on the edge of for 44 years) is that they are at the downstream end of the line, there is nowhere downstream to send the problem to.

    When all the land is less than 6 foot above sea level and the flood banks are up to 12 foot above the land your are fecked once the flood banks overtop. You can’t pump the water off the land back into the river channels until it stops raining.

    Dredging to drop the bed level will be of no help when the river beds are already at, below or only just above sea level. It would take a huge dredging effort to even double the volume of the river/drain channels but this would make almost no difference because the volume of water flowing down is thousands of times the channel volume.

    The problems for the levels are miles upstream in the ever expanding towns and villages which speed up run off. All the agricultural land drainage, maize growing and hedge ripping out doesn’t help either. I can’t recall the exact figures but I think it is something like every 1 acre of the levels receives the water from 6 acres of hills. The only real hope is to slow the runoff from the upstream areas.

    Free Member

    If gait analysis is a con then why do Salford University do it, I would have thought that a University would not be involved with anything dodgy or unproven.

    I had my gait analysed, found out my left leg was 8mm shorter than my right leg from the knee down and got insoles to help prevent the constant hip issues I was having, it fixed it as well, must have been a fluke

    Free Member

    Yep, I found that out just over a year ago when I started doing triathlons, running knocks lumps out of me, although doing a marathon as the final leg of an Ironman was quite pleasant 😈

    Free Member

    I thought you’d gone mad for a minute, till I realised you weren’t just packing to walk up Winter Hill.

    Winter Hill is the reason Bolton Mountain rescue exists, I have overloaded and over compensated for the weather when walking up there in winter on numerous occasions and had to bail idiots out in trainers and jumpers. And as you state, it is only a hill!

    Free Member

    Similar to a mate of mine, Lung cancer, never ever smoked, same symptoms as you Chris, he had 1/3 of a lung removed, had the treatment,and he fought it and is still playing ice hockey and in great health, kick it hard as it’s been said above and healing vibes.

    PS, I don’t recommend owning it with Bombers though

    Free Member

    A chap I played rugby with years ago broke his jaw quite badly(6′ 2″, 17 stone beast), walked off the field, I drove him to hospital, he walked in explained, went for treatment into the cubicle, holding his jaw, gets examined poked and prodded, nurse comes in to administer something for the pain, he looks at the needle and T I M B E RRRRRRR, went down like a sack of crap.


    Free Member

    I use this one

    Very painful after a long run but very good

    Free Member

    Android batteries seem to get canned and don’t even go near samsung galaxy crap as they are all doomed handsets with batteries dying soon and loads of glitches.

    Ha ha ha. Galaxy note 2 runs for 3 days from fully charged…nothing wrong with any of the Android Galaxy crap I have ever owned

    Free Member

    @nealglover, the complex they stayed in was a 10 minute walk to the town centre, the town centre is where they went on a number of occasion to have a drink(Kellys Bar) minus their kids, and for the odd meal, but this hasn’t been mentioned yet because everyone has swallowed the crap that they stayed in their apartment complex all the time and were only 50 metres away, sorry but if this was a couple from a council estate they would be in jail for neglect

    Free Member

    As someone that was in Praia Da Luz around that time it may have helped if they had hired a baby sitter,or even better not locked the kids in the apartment and pissed off into town 10 minutes away for a night on the beer, and on not just one occasion either, however they must be suffering as no one should lose a child.

    Free Member

    He will get found out, as other people will go through the results and cotton onto this, there are a number of threads on the triathlon forums outing people, maybe an idea to have a word


    Free Member

    Caravan set up for Download festival, takes me 90 minutes at the most from arriving at site, to level, set up add water and awning etc, even the full size awning and to have a cold beer in my hand

    Free Member

    The Best Sausage Shop…in the World[/url]

    And yes, they deliver, luckily for me they are only 40 minutes away

    Free Member

    If I could answer as to why I picked the phone up I would be happy, looked to the centre console, no phone, looked into door pocket, saw phone and moved it across


    Free Member

    I definitely was not using the phone, so what happens if I had been moving my wallet?

    Free Member

    3 minutes in and I have a couple of issues, the Paleo diet is not all lots of red meat as she states nor is it mainly a meat based diet, again as she says, the protein comes from meat and fish sources, usually lean white meat and oily fish, so I agree with reluctantlondoner

    Free Member

    These are the Scalpels, and, the arm is supposed to be fixed in place, so will have to see what they say in the morning when I phone them.

    Free Member

    Been there, done all of the above, the cat(s) had to go in the end, did hepa filters, spray, kept the cats downstairs etc, nothing worked, my health got worse, I was treated like an asthma patient and struggled to do anything.

    Cats went, after 6 months breathing returned to normal, still have an allergic reaction to cats but at least they are not living with me

    Free Member

    Ah the lovely memories, met in theatre by 4 females, yes I believe they all turned up to see the worlds smallest shrunken penis, I opted for local anaesthetic, as my mate said he had this and was out running 3 days later, in went then needle, in walks the Doc, “let me know if you feel anything?” erm Doc, I can feel the first cut, at least let the drugs work first! Cue lifting and dropping off balls to check they are numb!!

    So, I feel the tugging and hacking, and get stitched up, sent on my way, a few days later balls like melons, into my GP, infection, more drugs, a week later normal size balls, a few days later, warm itchy balls, yep, another infection, more drugs, these worked very quickly, so the 3 weeks off work was good, although not being able to move and having huge balls due to infections was not pleasant.

    Then off to give sample, guess what , they “think” that my super sperm has re-tunnelled and found a way through, great, so another sample a week later…still unsure of this one, I then get called into the Docs by the receptionist “we need another sample, come and collect a jar”, I walk in, cocky young cute receptionist hands me a jar and states loudly that I need to fill it!!! and bring it back in the morning, I thanked her and told her that I was grateful she had arranged my evenings entertainment for me, lots of blushing…..that’ll learn her for showing off in front of her mates.

    So, advice, yep, get it done if you must, do not however be the last person in theatre on a sodding Friday night, as all they want to do is finish work and go home….

    Free Member

    No he didn’t, you need to watch the full interview and not read the Daily Reich

    Free Member

    So you thought you’d log on the the World Wide Web and in particular STW?

    *Quickly logs off*

    Are you for real?? 🙄

    My computer is infected, was the opening line from the Indian call centre, telling me my PC was infected, so whilst they asked me to do various tasks I actually sat twiddling my thumbs throwing errors and stuff back at them, without actually touching my PC, although with me being Microsoft certified and Cisco certified I could have some fun with them and kept them on for 50 minutes whilst they achieved nothing, they never had access to my PC

    I knew someone from here had kept them going for over an hour, well done Ski

    Free Member

    Do you just have to go to some funny website and then they raid your computer for a while?

    Yep, all depends if you actually go to the websites or if you keep feeding them error messages, the more error messages you feed them the more they get annoyed and confused 😆

    Free Member

    50 minutes then I got bored 😆 they paid for the call, lovely

    Free Member

    No idea, I have them on hold at the moment, 45 minutes

    Free Member

    30 minutes, he has gone for help 😀

    Free Member

    25 minutes

    Free Member

    Just told them I have a big black box….although they did ask if I had a laptop or a desktop, I described a big black box

    Free Member

    this is fun, they really are knobs

    Free Member

    I think it is worse going in the other direction

    Free Member

    leave it on, she’ll get the hang of it. The coaster is a really good brake for the little hands

    This, took my little girl a while to get used to it but she mastered it and it is a great idea

    Free Member

    As long as you can remember who you had the loans with and the credit cards then all you do is fill on the forms from Here and download the consumer questionnaire, fill it in and sent it to the relevant companies, I did that and got my money back.

    As for it being mis-sold, I tried to cancel my PPI for the 18 months I had the credit card and for 18 months they lied to me and didn’t remove it

    Free Member

    Tonight in Manchester was awesome, Tomorrow, I will be in Nottingham for more of the same, best live band on the planet, absolutely

    Free Member

    double post

    Free Member

    In a way you could say you could see it coming

    Let me think, he went from full time employment and being able to see, happily married with a great family life, to separated after losing his job and his sight and his family.

    Living on his own with more and more despondent tweets, yes, you could see it coming, as brutal as it sounds, doesn’t alter the fact that he needed more support than he got in the final few weeks

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