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  • TandemJeremy
    Free Member

    I like the TJ wiki facts tag – the thing is those reference I quoted are all respectable scientific publications – peer reviewed and so on I think.

    Free Member

    I read a few of them and thought they were awful. Infantile writing, very uninformative, very little actual editorial for the money. I won’t bother again. They make motorcycle magazines look like literature.


    Free Member

    5th elephant – interesting. I find 30mph on a MTB at least as exciting as 120mph on a motorbike. So much so I have pretty well given up on motorbikes as going fast enough to get that buzz was going to put me in jail eventually.

    Free Member

    I have white fillings including on molars that I far prefer to amalgam ones – I guess there are different white types. Personally I hate amalgum ones – they never “feel right”

    Free Member

    Optics are more like 80% efficient I thought.

    Triple R2 at 1 amp will be around the 500l mark possibly. Certainly the 500l nightrider led is brighter than my triple seoul led at 1 amp which is a claimed 720 l

    Free Member

    the person who stole my name gave it back.

    Though I kept visiting rights :wink:

    Free Member

    I have done some interviewing. Never give a job to anyone wearing white socks or loafers – or grey shoes. Or even brown shoes in town. A suit shows you are trying. I did give a job to a chap in a 70s brown suit – partly because he was showing he was trying ( homeless chap trying to get his life together.

    Free Member


    I have ridden and walked many sections of it over the years in bits – never done the whole thing.

    I know of many much better routes for MTBing where you will not be constantly mixing with walkers, where the scenery is as good if not better and where the riding is more interesting without being to difficult.

    Some sections of it are good – but there is so much more out there if you want to look for it.

    I prefer to be away from the tourist trail – maybe its snobbery but I prefer to make my own routes and adventures rather than following a well used tourist trail. Dull in terms of adventure rather than dull in terms of riding and scenery.

    To me its an easy dull option – go and find some real adventure / exploring.

    I did a 200ish mile loop around the highlands on the tandem with camping gear last may. We used some bits of the WHW but the best days (apart from the ride into kingshouse on telfords parliamentary road which I really liked) were all on other tracks. I am not one for miles of gnarlyness but I do like to get away from hordes of grokles all doing the same thing.

    Free Member

    Bushwhacked – I am a nurse not a doctor.

    In 30 yrs in healthcare I have never had flu, never seen anyone get it and don’t know anyone who has.

    Loads of folk claim to have flu but very few have had it.

    perhaps you did and your constitution allowed you to recover very quickly.

    There is no real diagnostic test anyway for it – its a balance of probabilities after history diagnosis.

    Free Member

    Scardypants – the person who stole my name gave it back. So I am both tandemjeremy and therealtandemjeremy now :-)

    Free Member

    Wisnae me!

    Free Member

    Flu is a viral infection of course. There is only usually one or two prevalent types each year but there are many many variations.

    There are also many “flu like viruses” which would be my guess as to what you had as the symptoms you describe do not seem severe enough to be actual flu.

    Of course everyone reacts differently to illness and diagnosis from internet descriptions is highly inaccurate.

    “my symptoms were similar to bushwacked: completely wiped out for 3 days and could barely get out of bed, then drained of energy for the next 2 weeks.”

    sound s like a severe cold to me – not flu.

    Free Member

    Check very carefully the benefits of the insurance and look at the cost of the premiums. Some don’t pay the first few months, some only pay for a few months, some only pay interest or a % of the mortgage, some use such blanket exemptions that almost no one qualifies for the payout.

    There is no such thing as a poor insurance company.

    It might be worth it but check very carefully

    Free Member

    “hora – Member

    Please explain, hora – how exactly is sending children to private schools, so not burdening the state system with them, stealing from everybody?

    I’m convinced that certain Ministers have been able to offset the cost of such schooling against the tax they pay.. “

    Really? How? School fees are not tax deductible IIRC

    Free Member

    Bushwhacked – you did not have flu. Factamundo. You had manflu / viral infection. Flu is a serious illness that debilitates you for weeks

    I think a huge metastudy by respected scientists is as near to proof as you can get.

    Free Member

    Coffeeking – you cannot. What happens is as you start to check your pulse you think ( subconsciously) “thats a bit fast” and it speeds up or vice versa Biofeedback. You must have a third party to check it ( could be a machine but you must not be able to see the readout until the test is finished)

    Free Member

    I must confess I do not see the attraction in riding the west highland way – there is far better ridding out there. some sections of it are good, some useless on a bike and some just dull.

    Free Member

    You cannot count your own pulse accurately. You get biofeedback effects so its either too slow or too quick. Either someone else needs to count it or you need a monitor that you cannot see until the test is finished

    I can alter my heart rate when on a monitor from 60 – 80 just by thinking about it.

    Free Member

    Jojo – not the way I read it.

    I would say that in occasional extreme circumstances (arctic warfare / polar exploration type stuff / soloing strathpuffer) there may be a slight benefit. for the vast majority of us in the circumstances we find ourselves in it is of no benefit and certainly there is no benefit in taking mega doses – no extra benefit was found with doses over 250mg / day and the evidence for any benefit is slight and contradictory anyway.

    The cochrane review is probably the best as it is a metastudy.

    “”Authors’ conclusions

    The failure of vitamin C supplementation to reduce the incidence of colds in the normal population indicates that routine mega-dose prophylaxis is not rationally justified for community use. But evidence suggests that it could be justified in people exposed to brief periods of severe physical exercise or cold environments.”

    Free Member

    I have a high resting heart rate of around 65 – 70. always have. Its just the way my body works. I am reasonably fit now but I have been very fit in the past I do have low BP tho

    Free Member

    Yup. Take a gramme a day and you pee out most of that. You cannot absorb anything like the 10 gramme dose suggested above.

    Free Member

    I agree with coffeeking. sounds like a head gasket issue

    Free Member

    Bushwhacked – ask him for the evidence – this has been debunked I believe.

    It is another one of those odd “nutritionist” ideas that have become accepted despite all the evidence pointing the other way

    “”It is now fairly clear that for preventing colds, vitamin C has no worthwhile effect,”

    “The many studies done in the last 30 years clearly prove that daily vitamin C supplements, whether 100 mg or 5,000 mg, do not prevent colds and provide, but only for some people, only a slight reduction in duration and severity of colds. “

    “Despite the popular belief that vitamin C can cure the common cold, the scientific evidence for this is conflicting. A few studies have suggested that taking vitamin C supplements when you are exposed to a cold virus or when you first have symptoms can shorten a cold or even prevent one. Other research has shown that vitamin C supplementation has no impact on a cold’s severity or length, but it can significantly reduce how often a person catches a cold.

    Vitamin C may only be useful in case of a cold if you have low levels of this nutrient to begin with. The likelihood of success may be very individual — some people improve, while others do not.”

    “Taking vitamin C every day does not prevent colds for most people. People will not recover from a cold more quickly if they start to take vitamin C when the symptoms of a cold start. Taking vitamin C every day could shorten the amount of time you are sick with colds by a very small amount.”

    “Authors’ conclusions

    The failure of vitamin C supplementation to reduce the incidence of colds in the normal population indicates that routine mega-dose prophylaxis is not rationally justified for community use. But evidence suggests that it could be justified in people exposed to brief periods of severe physical exercise or cold environments.”

    Free Member

    Errm – it will not be 500 lumen. Dont be dissapointed but like most LED folk ( except nightrider) they quote theoretical max not actual output. More likely to be around 300 lumen ish – about the same as a 10 or 15 w halogen

    Free Member

    The vit C thing IIRC has absolutely no proven basis. Woffle – ask your nutritionist for actual evidence this works.

    Free Member

    There is a link between exercising when you have a respiratory infection and cardiac damage / sudden adult death.

    From what I know ( and its only vague) this is when people push themselves too hard with an infection. IME moderate exercise with a cold is good, hard exercise is bad.

    Free Member

    aracer – even in the wet and cold? Its a long time since I have ridden with road calipers but I do remember them not working well in the wet and cold. Perhaps this has been improved greatly.

    To me the main advantage of discs is not wearing rims out.

    Free Member

    To me a top mtb ride needs 3 components, scenery, good company and a bit of excitement. what proportions these 3 are in can vary greatly but without one component it is not a complete ride.

    An all day ride just on estate roads / forestry roads is a bit dull, if you never get the chance to see any scenery its a bit dull and no one to share it with is also a bit dull.

    Free Member

    Correct aracer – but the more expensive kit has a driver where you can alter the drive current to get any output you want – so you can have the 1 amp brightness ( which is noticably brighter but less efficient) or you can have the more efficient but less bright lower settings.

    The few quid more for the better driver seems worth paying to me. You can get the driver from taskled in the states cheaper than getting it from cutter.

    Free Member

    I do not accept the argement that discs are too much for roadbike tyres. You can never have too much brake and if you lock wheels / go over the bars its not the brakes fault but your lack of skill.

    Free Member

    At a quick glance that budget kit the driver is only running at .68 amp – so the LEDs will not be as bright as if they are driven at 1 amp. The more expensive kit has a much better driver with options for changing output levels and is much more sophisticated.

    Free Member

    Did you really have flu of was it just manflu? Real flu is a serious illness that will keep you in bed / off work for a couple of weeks.

    My guess would be that you are not getting more ill but merely are noticing it more. a couple of colds each winter is common.

    Cold weather will not make you more ill. Old wives tale

    Free Member

    It is nothing to do with Thule – its the responsibility of the companies you bought the stuff from.

    If the parts you bought (ie the lightboard kit) do not fit the purpose then you have a right to your money back assuming that the company you bought the light board from said it would fit that rack but does not.

    I very much doubt you have any right to return the rack as there is nothing wrong with it. except perhaps under the distance selling regs that give you an absolute right to a 7 day cooling off period.

    Free Member

    Look at the tubus stuff – they do a variety of different mounting kits for their racks for bikes without rack fittings. If you use a rack there is no need for mudguard mounts – mount the mudguard on the rack – more secure, easier and rattle free.

    Free Member

    I agree with Simon – avoiding tax is theft and immoral if not illegal

    Free Member

    My fave – slightly different type of MTBing to those above:-) Click for hi rez

    Free Member

    Always a suit for interviews. I own a 1950’s demob suit which I use. Its smart, far better made than any suit I could afford and gives a slight individual quirk without upsetting the dress code. Navy blue /black pinstripe Thin lapels, single button no vent. Worn with white shirt and thin neutral tie. Black shoes.

    You don’t have to be a clone to fit in.

    Free Member

    I was briefly TandemJeremy :wink:

    Free Member

    Well said ernie lynch.

    Free Member

    I don’t use tubeless and get a puncture every few months. Its quick and easy to change a tube.

    I like to change tyres fairly often depending on where I am riding. I have seen more trailside delays and repairs to tubeless than tubes – despite most of the folk I ride with using tubes.

    If you ride where there are a lot of thorns it might be worth it but it appears to be so much trouble both in set up and at the trailside that I don’t see the point.

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