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  • TandemJeremy
    Free Member

    Dorset knob
    The point about reasonable fear is true. If a westie comes at me to be in fear of it is not reasonable, but if a great dane comes towards a child or a granny it would be a reasonable fear. I have seen a granny in a wheelchair screaming in fear as a friendly collie ran up to her. That would be breaking the law. Re read the post above from the chap about his children’s fear of dogs.

    As for "under control" – there does not appear to be a good legal definition but the guidance seems to suggest on a lead or come to heel or drop immediately when called. I have a friend with well trained dogs that never go on a lead and have no need to – because he calls "down" and the dog drops immediately to the ground.

    I have no problem with well trained dogs. Its badly trained dogs that bug me.

    I have a pet troll that lives under a bridge. It likes to throw stones at people and sniff pretty girls bottoms. I think this is funny so I have not trained it. Is that reasonable?

    Free Member

    “Dangerous Dogs Act 1991

    Under Section 3 of this Act you are required, as a dog owner, to keep your dog under proper control. This applies to ALL dogs. It is a criminal offence to allow your dog to be dangerously out of control in a public place.

    For the purpose of the Act, a dog is regarded as dangerously out of control on any occasion on which there are grounds for reasonable apprehension that it will injure any person, whether or not it actually does so.”

    Free Member

    daim – children are not that fragile.In other countries people take their young children on bikes all the time without ill effects.

    shaken baby syndrome takes rather more than some road vibrations. Ok going down spooky woods may not be the best of ideas but a gentle pootle round some forestry roads? No problem

    Free Member

    Shall I start another helmet thread?

    Free Member

    Yes it is Mudshark if the person being sniffed does not want the dog to do so.

    Free Member

    taxi25 – Member

    ……………As far as the law requiring a dog owner to be in full control of his dog at all times,yes its true but in practise its only applied if the dog attacks someone or causes an accident.Dogs running around,going up to people sniffing them etc is just dogs doing what dogs do.Its part of everyday life and accepeted as such by the law…………

    Rubbish old chap – find anything to back that up. it simply is not true. If a dog causing a nusience then the owner is breaking the law.

    So can you find anything to back that ridiculous statement up?

    Free Member

    Eat less move more – its the only answer.

    For me cycling to work is the thing that I do that keeps me fit. 20 mins each way a few days a week. Thats your recommended exercise done with added stressbuster elements and no extra time taken

    Free Member

    I am 47

    Free Member


    A couple of examples – because of the fear of stranger danger kids are not allowed to play out any more – giving rise to couch potato kids and young adults with no streetwise. Same with the school run – when I was a kid no one was driven to school – we all walked – now the school run makes life more dangerous for the rest of us. The worst road rage incidents I have had are from school run mums.

    Free Member


    Did you realise that crime is significantly down over the last ten years? It is without a doubt. Murders remain relativly stable in numbers and stranger danger to kids is very rare.

    Its known as a moral panic.

    Free Member

    IIRC last year the 2pure boys had sets for hire on site. Nightrider lights

    Free Member

    Be ready for a dull race. IMO silverstone is a boring track that makes for dull racing.

    Free Member

    Mountain Chub – I will be tehere supporting some riders and will have several different lights (home made) with me for spares / loan. want to borrow some look out for the Mlehworld posse

    Free Member

    Pk ripper – midlands is way down south.

    A friend of mine from Manchester came to a party I held in Edinburgh. He was most put out to be introduced to folk as “my pal from down south”

    Free Member

    angallis – I wasn’t defending the practice and as I said its not a term I now use.

    The “small corner shop open all hours” is something I have never seen run by anyone but folk from the subcontinent. “**** shop” became a common use shorthand for this – certainly in Manchester / Glasgow / Edinburgh where I have lived. I am talking about something that goes back decades – into the 70’s when folk were not as aware of the racist connotations as they are now.

    “Asian Grocers” – to distinguish this type of shop that is actually useful and open all ours and belongs to a subtype of shop usually run by asians?

    Sloppy use of language and I posted it to see others views on it.

    Free Member

    This is the set up my sister used

    Free Member

    Molgrips – she rode a bike with the kiddie in a sling / papoose as soon as she could – say a couple of weeks old. At 3 months he was using a seat that mounts on the bars with a headrest and windscreen. It was her only way of getting around the city and getting the older one to nursery – she had the younger one in the front mounted seat and the older on on a carrier mounted seat.

    The seat was something like this

    Free Member

    I think my local asian grocers are not of Pakistani descent anyway. 3 generations of them work in it and the two younger generations have Edinburgh accents.

    **** shop has been used in my experience as a generic term for “cornershop run by folk from the Indian subcontinent open all hours” for decades.

    Free Member

    An interesting aside on this. For many years I used the term – “**** shop” for the small grocers open all ours that we all know and love. Now I use the term “asian grocers”

    Is “**** shop” offensive? I must ask my local asian grocer

    Free Member

    It all depends on your attitude.

    If the child is in a car type seat are they any more at risk in a bike trailer with a roll bar than in a car in a car seat?

    My sister (in Holland) was taking her kids on a front mounted kiddy seat from about 12 weeks I think. This is the norm in Holland. As for holding their head up I think that really only applies for rear mounted seats not trailers.

    You pays yer money and takes yer choice.

    Free Member

    I have a full set of Sabatier Pro knives – really like them. You need to be careful with Sabatier tho as there are various different ones on the market and some are better than others.

    A friend has Global knives – really nice.

    Free Member

    The beatles were pop but the Stones rocked. Stones every day.

    Maxwells silver hammer anyone?

    Free Member

    I think the point aP makes is a crucial one – the planning enquiry for T5 said that no new runway would be needed – altho it was obvious to most of us that T5 was going to mean pressure for a new runway.

    Free Member

    At a guess – and what others have said here about how variable it all is is true – a couple of weeks to be riding at all and a few more for proper mountainbiking.

    But ask your consultant who did the op – you should be able to speak to him / her on the phone if you don’t have an out patient appointment soon.

    Free Member

    I have not read the whole thread – but I suspect he is a thick idiot.

    Free Member

    Tootall – I am trying to get selfish dog owners to see that they are in the wrong. Educate one a tiny bit and its a victory. Some dog owners – see Horas post above – seem to think its OK for their slobbering mutt to bother people – it is not – morally or in law. Some dog owners take their responsibilities seriously and train their dogs well.

    BTW – I am in the middle of a 50+ hr working week looking after the vulnerable elderly of our society.

    Free Member

    Hora – numpty – but we knew that already. You may think its funny but many of us don’t. Your dog could be put down and you fined because you can’t control it. that will be really funny won’t it.

    Free Member

    DezB – Member

    My dog is young and always approaches people, especially if they have dogs.
    She goes into slinky stalk mode, head down, tail up, shoulders rolling. Looks pretty cool and tough and probably quite scarey.. She’s tall, lean and totally black.

    So I always call out to people (if she get’s into faux-attack mode before I can grab her) “SHE’S FRIENDLY!” and then explain how the stupid thing just wants to say hello and be chased (by the dogs).

    Am I doing the right thing? She hasn’t been kicked yet.

    No you are not doing the right thing. The right thing to do is CONTROL YOUR DOG as you have a legal responsibility to do. I do not want your dog coming up to me in any way. I don’t care if it is freindly I want to go about my business without being bothered by your dog.

    For sure if it ain’t running up to you and barking then it is not as alarming and there will be little need to kick the dog – but I have the right not to be bothered in anyway by your dog and you have a duty to ensure this.

    Free Member

    Re the Ads – why have the extremely irritating flashing ads? If the ads were still they would be much easier to tolerate.

    If the answer is that the flashing ads get more clicks its because of an escalation effect. Remove all flashing / animated ads and then its a level playing field for all.

    Free Member

    The company does not have the right to change your terms and conditions without consultation / negotiation.

    However they can make you redundant. So can give you the choice of accept this or have no job.


    Free Member

    Ro – hydro discs are simpler with less parts than Vs. Self adjusting is nice as well.

    But the main advantage still is not wearing your rims away. I have had a wheel collapse on me from a worn out rim.

    Free Member

    Regreasing bearings is a waste of time IMO. Once they run rough or have got wter into them they are scrap and very cheap to replace. If they get water in its usually because the bearing has failed causing the seal to fail – not the other way round.

    If its just the freehub that is stiff but the wheel runs fine just remove the freehub – it pulls off and clean and regrease inside the ratchet mechanism

    Free Member

    Laggan is good because the laps are short – so you keep meeting your family back at the cafe after each lap – they can do blues and red while you do reds and blacks.

    Glentress blue trails are great – easy to ride for all the family but fun if you get a bit of speed up.

    Free Member

    A 20mm axle will always me much more solid than QR, however there are other factors as well, stanchion diameter and wall thickness, etc.

    Free Member

    Ro – want to try an offroad tandem with Vs? I don’t

    The main advantage with discs is they don’t wear your rims away.

    Does meths not leave a residue? I ain’t sure but I thought it did.

    Free Member

    lokno hands – I agree with you about horses. However I come across horses every few weeks, dogs every few yards.

    Strangely with horse you shouldn’t use a bell ‘cos it spooks them. I usually stop and get well out of the way for horse ‘cos bikes often spook them. Its so rare that I see them that it realy isn’t an issue.

    Free Member

    Depends what you want.

    I only know Glentress, Laggan and Innerleithan.

    Glentress – lots of different trails, lots of people (but rarely traffic jams on the trails)IMO a superb facility with fun for all. Freeride park is great for learning / practicing jumps. A bit like a huge BMX park

    Innerleithan – more rocky, some DH trails, I personally prefer GT but many prefer Innerleithan

    Laggan. Much shorter trails but the Black really merits being ablack run and it has far more of the out in the mountains feel.

    Do yourself a favourt tho – do so non trail centre riding = there is lots.

    IMO Glentress is a must.

    Free Member


    “Does the happy dance”

    Free Member

    5 yds downstream of the sheep the water will be fine – any poison will be diluted

    Free Member

    A spot of grease on the disc? clean the disc.

    Loose caliper mountings?

    Pads hitting the spoked part of the disc?

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