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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • TandemJeremy
    Free Member

    Of of the hidden advantages is the reduced need for traffic lights. At 30 mph its hard to negotiate crowded junctions without lights, at 20 mph its much easier. Traffic flows are hardly changed as jams decrease and you get less concertina effect.

    It would also make it much safer for cyclists a much less incentive for cars to overtake and much less damage done if you are hit at the lower speeds – for cyclists and pedestrians

    Free Member

    its singlespeed chunky – doubt I will ever get it up a big enough hill :-)

    Free Member

    IMO 20 mph limits done properly is a great way of reclaiming our cities away from the cars.

    You also need a effort on urban main roads to take them to 40 mph where you can separate off pedestrians and cyclists and you need to make the 20 mph default with thus no signage needed. Parking in 20 mph zones needs to be designated spaces only.

    A half hearted attempt like we have in edinburgh will discredit the ide.

    Free Member

    Who said anything about using the road as a race track. Just making effective progress and overtaking slower vehicles

    Free Member

    It is so amusing to see the ” nothing an be done” from so many people. Of course something can be done – and is being done by many countries and is being urged to be done by huge sectors of our society and establishment – when the institute of directors and the TUC agree on a position then there must be something in it.

    Under labour we were weathering the storm, under the tories we are sinking.

    The austerity measures have lead to a worsening of the position not improvement as tax receipts fall and benefits bill rise – meaning despite the savage cuts in services no reduction is made in the deficit.

    As for – ” you cannot spend your way out of a recession” – the lesson from previous recessions is that you can – and indeed carefully targeted spending is the best way to do so. This is why in the UK its getting worse while in most of the rest of comparable countries it is getting better

    Free Member

    DD – have you not noticed I usually do not reply to Zulu?

    Blaming a specific political party in the UK for a problem of global proportions is just silly. Like voting Labour in would make a blind bit of difference!

    Indeed – however specific policies can ameliorate or worsen problems with global origins.

    Free Member


    You even quoted me

    most of the eurozone continues to grow

    as it does – and even by the numbers you give we are doing much worse than the eu average let alone the eu without greece

    Free Member

    Did some nice riding in Limousin

    I call this style of riding ambient jeycore lite BTW

    Limousin2[/url] by TandemJeremy[/url], on Flickr

    Limousan1[/url] by TandemJeremy[/url], on Flickr

    I could probably work out some of the routes we did – but there is plenty of stuff. Lots of unsurfaced roads basically.

    One route we were given on here was in a nice wee town called st mathieu du lac. there is a noticeboard in the town centre with route maps.

    E mail me if I can be of further help

    Free Member

    uponthedowns –

    I think you will find the major philosophical / tactical differences would have made a significant difference.

    Cameron and Osbourne – showing their inexperience talked down the UK economy and talked up the cuts which has a huge knock on effect in consumer confidence.

    Also that spending plan from Darling was only because the labour party in their cowardice allowed themselves to be pushed into a position of saying they would cut significantly as well under presure from the tory press. Its not what they had been doing and doing successfully in keeping the UK out of recession.

    You have to look at the comparison with other European countries to understand the difference the election made. The UK economy was running along under the stimulous okish and well in comparison to the rest of teh EU. The UK is now worse than a year ago other comparable countries are not.

    When even the institute of directors are calling for more spending and saying that Osbourne has got it wrong then you know the game is up. History will not treat him kindly.

    Free Member

    IanMunro – Member

    Have you thought of going outside for a bike ride?

    Not long back ta muchly

    Free Member

    jam bo – Member

    what makes you think it would have been any better under labour?

    the fact that the polices followed by labour brought us out of recession – the tories took us back into recession.

    Thats what cutting like they have done does – causes recession- and it doesn’t even do what they want it to do – reduce the deficit because of increased benefits bills and decreased tax take

    Free Member

    The British Chambers of Commerce and the Institute of Directors both called on the government to show “leadership”, urging Osborne to take advantage of low interest rates to borrow for public investment.


    hardly the usual rhetoric from these people is it – slagging off a tory chancellor.

    Free Member

    Ho hum
    It’s a pretty city, but I wouldn’t want to live in it. Did my city living when I was at university in Glasgow.
    There are some good places to live around Edinburgh. Ignore what the snobs say.

    Do you commute in? Having seen the size of the traffic jams on the main routes in and out of the city at rush hour I would be very hesitant to do that – along with the shortage of parking

    Its not snobbery to point this out

    One of the things I love about the city is that I can cycle anywhere in the city in a short time and its quicker by bike than car

    Free Member

    Organic are softer and wear faster but give more breaking. However they can wear quickly. They also transmit less heat into the rest of the system but do not cope with overheating well themselves

    Sintered are longer lasting, can be less powerful, wear the discs more, transmit more heat into the rest of the system but cope will with better themselves.

    Chose which characteristics e best for you.

    Free Member

    commuting into edinburgh from the west or south can be a slow business depending where you are going / coming from

    It is however a great place to live

    Free Member

    most back pain of the type you have will get better in a couple of weeks anyway

    Free Member

    I was quoting a previous post.

    Free Member

    No – If they “floor it” they will be doing 180 mph not 80 mph

    Free Member

    nick1962 – Member

    Every biker who has overtaken me in the Highlands has been breaking the speed limit. Most have also overtaken several cars at once,several appear to have overtaken blind judging by the way they have had to cut back in into gaps that aren’t really there and braked.

    Hang on a mo – we get slagged for overtaking more than one car at once and for cutting in between cars…………. I guess we arenotallowed to overtake any more at all?


    I would estimate that several were in excess of 90mph and certainly some well over 100mph.

    slow riders then? :roll:

    If overtaking it is best to get the manoeuvre over and done with as quick as possible. give any bike a handful in the middle gears and its gone from 50 – 90 in a few yards thus the overtake is done safely and well.

    Free Member

    If you are an employer and people cycle during the course of the work then you are right to consider, risk assess and set policy. following the council policy as above seems reasonable

    Evidence about helmet wearing and accident and injury rates is rubbish – even the best is easy to pick full of holes

    If you are interested in the arguements ether side email me.

    CTCV position is a good start point as well.

    Free Member

    They are not taking away your safe braking distance as has been explained – they will be setting up to use the centre of the road as an escape route in emergancy leaving you with the same amount of space between you and the car in front.

    I can see that it can be frustrating that bikes do this when you cannot get past. However it is not having any significant adverse effect on you in the real world

    Free Member


    sorry but look at the post a few above with your national association trying to silence a man who pointed out the flawed claims chiropractors were making.

    That is not what the kings fund found.

    Free Member

    Only if it actually was in any significant degree – it isn’t.

    Free Member

    Im’ not sure why you think that’s any different?

    The difference in performance and vision. Thats the bit you do not understand.

    Free Member

    Its not endangering you at all. :roll:

    Free Member

    if I’m at a safe braking distance from a vehicle I’m going to overtake I’ve more than enough vision to see to overtake.

    Being further back allows you to see farther and thus plan overtakes further ahead. A basic technique of what the police call “making effective progress” :-)

    Free Member

    When I did the manoeuvre you describe, I didn’t pull fully in. Back on to the correct side of the road but still to the right of the car in front. I did this as if it suddenly stopped dead then I’d go passed, not into the back, and also it has no effect on the car behind. That said, a two bite overtake would still be over with very quickly, any inconvenience would only be a matter of seconds. We should all really just relax and get along.

    this as well – you leave yourself an escape line up the middle of the road

    Free Member

    Coffeeking – when moving up a line of traffic like that I always look for the car that is attempting to overtake and let them go first in the next gap – overtaking them after they have completed their manoeuvre.

    If you are not attempting to overtake then you should have more than the minimum braking distance so would not need to brake to let a bike in. Even when attempting to overtake hanging back a bit gives you better sightlines.

    Free Member

    Westboro baptists are the extreme end of a spectrum. Many Christians consider homosexuality to be wrong hence the furore over gay priests

    Free Member

    So you have to ease off the throttle for a second. You are still behind the same car after the motorbike has pissed off into the distance, it has not slowed your journey at all.

    You are just irked because they can overtake when you cannot.

    would you refuse a faster car behind you space to overtake and drop in between you and the car in front?

    Free Member

    coffeeking -the second of those has no impact upon your journey time at all and does not cause you to brake if done properly

    Free Member

    Bus drivers need to be properly trained to interact with bikes smoothly. Edinburgh ones have been and the difference over the years is noticeable.

    Free Member

    ten min appointments? treatment curses of hundreds of pounds? They sound like a money making machine.

    Free Member

    The “benefits” of being self employed are in tax avoidance in a large part. Those of you that are self emplyed will not pay as much tax as those of us that are on PAYE even for a similar income after (real) costs are taken into account.

    Free Member

    Personally I would ride up to the buzzards and spend an hour or so around there on various loops – blue velvet / berm baby berm / zoom and bust / essentials – then head on up to spooky woods maybe a couple of loops of the pie run on the way back down.

    Free Member

    Some real horrors here.

    Mine – a bit different but the most miserable I have been on a bike was this spring – sunny ride into work for a night shift, dressed for sunshine. Time to go home in the morning its downhill into driving icy rain. I was soaked cold and miserable within seconds. Only 20 mins or so home but it was a most unpleasant experience. Just miserable

    Free Member

    Solar panel for additional charging?

    Free Member

    Try an osteo next time DrP. Less fake science more hippy dippy :-) IME generally more effective / credible.

    Free Member

    Zulu – – cowardice – fear of the right wing press in the main part

    Free Member

    marp – Member


    I would say there are appropriate western ways to treat acute NSLBP that appear to work reasonably well (there is still room for improvement). There isn’t really an appreciable difference in outcome if you use manips or exercise, however the evidence base is pretty ropey on both sides. Combining the two appears the most sensible approach and is common in osteo / physio.

    fair enough

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