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  • UCI Confirms 2025 MTB World Series Changes
  • TandemJeremy
    Free Member

    No need to out him as a tory – its so obvious his right wing bias. The amusing thing is that his insistence of right wing dogma as apolitical and the norm / accepted wisdom on any vaguely political thread. I think this says a lot about the circles he lives in.

    Free Member

    julian – I suspect THM is embarrassed about what he does hence he will not tell us.

    Its certainly very interesting on this forum to see who is reasonably open about who they are and what they do and who hides their identity.

    Its also very clear that THM will go to any lengths to try to sustain an obviously unsustainable position such as this one including claiming agreement with people who make points diametrically opposite to his.

    So THM – how can you train in an equestrian sport without a horse?

    Free Member

    justatheory – Member

    Does this nonsense still receive NHS funding?

    yes – and interestingly its cost effective in that if someone has something that cannot be cured or even diagnosed by conventional medicine – giving them homeopathy saves more in doctors time and prescriptions of medicine etc than the the homeopathy costs

    Free Member

    When you are in a hole stop digging.
    It is clear that neither you or Cameron have any clue about what happens in the real world away from your protected little enclaves of privilege.

    Rhetorical question but how you can participate in say showjumping or shooting without equipment and facilities which money provides?

    private schools get huge government subsidy in the form of completely unjustifiable tax breaks, state schools have ever shrinking budgets and reductions in facilities as tories happily sell off the playing feilds

    To suggest as you and Cameron attempt to do that the fact that private schools produce more participants in the sort of sports that require expensive equipment and facilities is nothing to do with money shows a depth of self delusion that is quite breathtaking.

    same as you attempting to declare you are apolitical whilst spouting right wing dogma.

    You really are farcical. do you even believe this guff yourself? Yo do realise that those that are not irritated by your nasty hectoring manner are laughing at the absurdity of your position?

    Free Member

    Edit – changed my mind about posting

    Free Member

    Free Member

    In your ropey photoshopped image the cyclist is still far too close to the parked cars – 2 effects. One – a door opening will hit him, two if the car cuts in on him he has nowhere to go.

    No wonder you think segregating cyclists is a good thing – you think riding in a dangerous manner is acceptable.

    Please – get some training. Try to learn and understand why certain road positioning is always safer.

    On some roads that passing distance will means you have to cross the line, on others (like the OPs) it is wide enough that you can potentially stay in the same lane.

    Nope – if the cyclist is a safe distance away from the parked car and the overtaking car a safe distance from the cyclist they will have to go over the white line significantly. Half a meter from the parked car is not safe, one meter between the car and the bike is not safe

    Free Member

    Graham – sorry but you are wrong on this. Its another basic defensive measure – always go wider than a metre from a parked car. See yesterdays thread about making cycling safer – being doored by someone in a parked car is a common injury.

    I look in every car – every one – as well – a metre is barely enough if somone opens a door. You cannot always tell for sure with headrests, tinted windows etc if a car is empty.

    By riding in this way you do not hold up cars at all in any way they will be in the same place in the next jam.

    If you go into the door zone you are foolish and putting yourself in unnecessary danger.

    You may consider my attitude hardline – I consider yours very dangerous. You are removing your safe margins and allowing cars to squeeze past in a dangerous manner.

    Edit – you also need the space to give you somewhere to go if a car does try to squeeze past – same as if you are riding along a stretch with barriers – you ride wider as you cannot escape off the road

    Free Member

    Scamper – Member

    Why would the employer almost certainly muck things up TJ?

    Cos IMO / IME HR are almost always incompetent and make a mess of redundancies leaving them open to claims of unfair dismissal. Its especially complex to make a pregnant woman redundant fairly. Not difficult if you are competent mind you.

    I have dealt with a fair few as has MrsTJ. Personally I got 7 months wages and £7000 when actually entitled to £400 and a months wages as the incompetent HR made such a mess of the situation. Seen a good few others like this as well

    MF = there is a lot more than simply basing the decision on the pregnancy that would make it unfair. Did they have equal access to information? to alternative posts? ect etc

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I met Chris Hoys aunt once

    Free Member

    to answer the OP not having read all the predictable arguments – I would not use the bike lane if there were parked cars – you need to be more than a metre away from parked cars at all times to avoid being doored. basic defensive cycling. thus I would be in the middle of the lane and you would only be able to overtake if there was no car coming the other way and thus two abreast does not alter this situation

    I would get out of the way as soon as safe fore me to do so. I would not ever go into that metre of safety between me and a parked car

    Free Member

    Tricky one.

    Personally I would tell them. It might offer some protection and will almost certainly mean that if they do make her redundant they will muck up the process making it an unfair dismissal and giving you ammunition to negotiate a compromise agreement ie money to shut up and go away.

    Free Member

    with it being bught from Germany Sale of goods act does not apply IMO. You have little legal recourse and no right to a refund as a result.

    Scream and shout all you like – but you are relying on goodwill

    Free Member

    Or fountainhall?

    Free Member

    If anyone wants / needs is real name and email I think I still have them. Only for those ripped off by him.

    Free Member

    MF – You mean you don’t like to have a cup off coffee and relax in a comfy seat while reading the paper? Free wi fi, quiet. relaxing. i even snooze some of the time.

    Far more pleasant than driving in either the cities or the motorway

    Free Member

    No project – it is not the same at all due to the involvement of the passenger transport execs and the fact that the councils still own the busses. As well as the trains not being a fragmented service. Thus the councils are able to run a sensible integrated service

    By taking this path we have avoided the worst nonsense of the privatised railways and buses

    Free Member

    Thats right – they are not privatised services in the same way as in England – and the edinburgh buses still belong to the council in effect as do some of the trains

    Free Member

    edhornby – thats assumed liability and is only for civil cases not criminal – and all it does is mean the car driver has to show why his collision with the cyclist is not his fault – it also applies to bike / pedestrian collisions – the bike rider is assumed to be at fault unless evidence to suggest otherwise.

    It does however help set an attitude

    Free Member

    You need to look at real comparisons using the real cost of driving remember thats around double the cost of petrol – public transport is almost always significantly cheaper per mile for one person as well as being faster and more pleasant.

    Edinburgh £1.40 for any distance. Thats less that the return cost of driving into town let alone parking.

    Edinburgh / Glasgow return by train £12 return for a 90 mile return journey. Hard to drive that for £12 in petrol let alone other costs including parking

    Of course we do have the advnatage of not having priovatised services in the same way as in England but even so

    Free Member

    Cycling is safe – as safe as walking with the odds of a fatal accident to an experienced adult in the millions to one region

    Free Member

    There is plenty of reasearch done on this and its the same result in every country that has had helmet comuplsion. participation in cycling falls dramatically, no reduction in head injuries and the reduction in exercise done leds to an increase in early deaths. In the UK its estimated 200 a year extra deaths across the population evey year if helmets were made compulsory.

    Using the World Health Organisation’s HEAT (Health Economic Assessment Tool) methodology40,
    CTC estimates that a UK-wide law would result in 263 extra deaths annually due to increased
    physical inactivity, and that the net public health cost would be £304-415m, even based on the UK
    Department for Transport study’s estimate of helmet effectiveness (n.b. CTC does not accept this

    All data published in peer reviewed journals. summaries here.

    Free Member

    In Australia after helmet compulsion rates of riding decreased dramatically, rates of head injuries did not fall per cyclist per mile in any significant way. the best estimate is 50+ extra deaths due to increased diseases of inactivity. Helmet compulsion costs lives.

    The answer is a change of attitude – mainly amongst law enforcement and a move to the assumed liabilty that is commonplace across europe

    Free Member

    Sorry but a bit of rain meaning that the course is unridable in large parts for many folk does not make for a good cycle race. I have been to the strathpuffer and to sits in the rain – I would never go back to sits and know many other folk who will not for this reason.

    Having soloed strathpuffer in deep snow then I know what tough is. SIts is just crap riding. A combination of dull when dry and unridable when wet is no good at all.

    And if you have the right kit strathpuffer does not eat a set of brake pads per lap.

    Free Member

    Nobody want to take the piss? I am surprised.

    Free Member

    I can hit 30+ mph on the MTB down hill on a top gear of 36 / 11 but have been told on here repentantly that that is impossible so put 25 to avoid arguments. FAIL! :-)

    Free Member

    reakon GW? On 26 inch wheels? – thats one heck of a cadence and well faster than I can spin I top out around 30 mph on 36 / 11 . In that case what speed is that chap above pedalling on his 44 / 11 top gear he needs?

    Free Member

    CFH – bullshit.

    Free Member

    And once more CFH cannot resist a personal insult.

    you really have lost it CFH. you used to be funny. Now – an offensive obsessive sanctimonious twerp

    I have reported you. I got banned for a week for less. lets see if the mods are even handed.

    Free Member

    Hold the front page!

    Man in car breaks speed limit, another man in a different car gets all huffy about it.

    Free Member

    so you were all across a two way bit of track and blocked someone causing them to get annoyed?

    Free Member

    yep. that’s why I have a 46×11 as a top gear.

    35 mph and you are still pedalling? 25 mph is enough for me.

    Free Member

    maybe they stopped making them. Mountain tandems were called MT something – ours is MT 800.

    Free Member

    My opinion – that needs pro advice soon. Call NHS 24

    Free Member

    Anyone mentioned Dark Star yet – truely brilliant.

    Free Member

    Having been riding round the highlands towing a trailer full of two folks camping kit I certainly have a need for a 22 granny ring – I spent an hour or so in that on one climb alone.

    22 / 34 granny is slightly quicker adn easier than walking for me. 36 / 11 top gear gives me 25+ mph – fast enough for me to pedal to offroad.

    I like to ride up hills and am happy to freewheel when i spin out

    Free Member

    continuity no – you miss the point which is its yor responsibility to ride as if there is an elephant around every corner – ie to be able to control your speed so as not to be a danger to others. If you hit someone standing in the middle of the trail it is always your fault

    Free Member

    You should look at the Ben alder path – thats got some great big water bars as has Jocks Road. Yes they probably are needed – no one builds paths / water bars for fun. it was getting badly eroded away

    Free Member

    cannondale? Check JD tandems for a specialist tandem shop
    or ( in the USA )

    Cheap and offroad really does not go together. Off road tandems puts a lot of strain on components.

    Try before you buy – if you are local to us you can try ours and spend as much as you can afford if you are going to enjoy riding one.

    Wwe run a cannondale mt 800 with uprated components – hope 6 pots, zi fork , big un hubs etc etc

    tandem fence[/url] by TandemJeremy[/url], on Flickr

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